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jeffgeiger /
Created February 12, 2016 19:29
Useless Yet Fun Shell Functions
#Silliness abounds
nocolor() { echo -en "\033[0;39m"; }
dots() { clear; while :; do let "first = $RANDOM % 2"; let "second = $RANDOM % 6 +1"; let "PAUSE = $RANDOM % 9 +1"; echo -en "\033[${first};3${second}m⬤ "; sleep .${second}; if [[ $RANDOM -gt 22000 ]]; then echo -en "\b\b\b\b \b\b\b\b"; fi; done; }
arrows() { clear; ARROWS=(⬅ ⬆ ⬇); while :; do let "arrval = $RANDOM % 3"; let "first = $RANDOM % 2"; let "second = $RANDOM % 6 +1"; let "PAUSE = $RANDOM % 9 +1"; echo -en "\033[${first};3${second}m${ARROWS[$arrval]} "; sleep .${second}; if [[ $RANDOM -gt 22000 ]]; then echo -en "\b\b\b\b \b\b\b\b"; fi; done; }
dcode /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Install Laikaboss on CentOS 7.1
# Installing Laikaboss on CentOS 7.1
# Enable EPEL repo
sudo yum install -y epel-release
# Install dcode/cyberdev repo
curl -s | sudo bash
grigorescu /
Last active December 22, 2015 15:59
Bro Intelligence Framework tutorial - part 3

It’s very possible that hits on intelligence could be something that you want turned into a notice even though the basic intel framework does not provide that functionality. This is an example of data driven notice creation with the do_notice.bro script that is included with Bro.

We need to create a new intelligence file. Create intel-2.dat.


The only difference from the previous intelligence file is the do_notice column.

grigorescu /
Last active May 17, 2019 16:20
Bro Intelligence Framework tutorial - part 1

First we are going to do an extremely simple case of loading some data and matching it. First we will create an intelligence file in Bro’s intelligence format. Create a file named “intel1.dat” with the following content. Keep in mind that all field separation is with literal tabs! Double check that you don’t have spaces as separators.


The next step will obviously be to load this data into Bro which is done as a configuration option. Put the following script into the same directory as your “intel1.dat” file and call it “intel-1.bro”.