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Created March 29, 2024 16:24
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Azdo conditional check for changes to IaC files
#determines if changes were made to the IaC files since the last commit
- stage: verify_changes
displayName: "Determine updated files"
- job: determine_changes_infra
displayName: Determine if infrastructure code has been updated.
- powershell: |
$changedFiles = git diff HEAD HEAD~ --name-only
git diff HEAD HEAD~ --name-only
$matchesIaC = Select-String -InputObject $changedFiles -Pattern "templates/IaC" -AllMatches
$updatedIaC = $matchesIaC.Matches.Count -gt 0
write-host "Infra files updated: $updatedIaC"
Write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=updatedIaC;isOutput=true;]$updatedIaC"
name: infra_changed
#stage gets the updatedIaC value and uses it to evaluate if the Iac Jobs should run
- stage: deploy_${{ environmentObject.environmentName }}_stage
- verify_changes
condition: and(eq(variables.shouldExecuteJob, 'True'),succeeded())
- name: shouldExecuteJob
value: $[ stageDependencies.verify_changes.determine_changes_infra.outputs['infra_changed.updatedIaC'] ]
# conditional check on the deployment job
- deployment: infra_deploy_${{ environmentObject.environmentName }}
continueOnError: false
environment: ${{ environmentObject.environmentName }}
timeoutInMinutes: 120
condition: eq(variables.shouldExecuteJob, 'True')
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