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Last active September 18, 2024 06:38
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Pre-launch Website Checklist. Add this as a final issue to the Github repository.

Pre-launch Website Checklist

The following checklist should be actioned after all major development work has been completed.

Browser Testing

Check the website:

  1. Responds to different devices and screen sizes appropriately.
  2. The design of the site is displayed as expected.
  3. Nothing appears to be broken.
  4. All functionality works as expected for all browsers and devices, and to the best of the browser's compatibility at its time.


  • Chrome(mium)
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge 15
  • Microsoft Edge 16
  • Microsoft Edge 17
  • Microsoft Edge 18
  • Microsoft Edge Latest (Chromium version Windows/Mac)
  • IE11 (if requested)


For iOS, use Apple's device simulator with various devices (of different screen sizes).

  • Android Chrome
  • iOS Safari 9 (if requested)
  • iOS Safari 10 (if requested)
  • iOS Safari 11 (if requested)
  • iOS Safari 12
  • iOS Safari 13
  • iOS Safari Latest


  • Large desktop (1551 - 1880)
  • Medium desktop (1281 - 1550)
  • Desktop (1025 - 1280)
  • Tablet (801 - 1024)
  • Large mobile (401 - 1024)
  • Mobile (0 - 400)

General Functionality


  • Links on all pages direct the user correctly
  • Functional links (e.g. mailto) work correctly
  • Links styled as buttons are styled anchor tags


  • Validation works correctly (if applicable)
  • Submitted data is the format and type
  • Submit to the correct endpoint
  • Forms are consistently styled across the site (where applicable)
  • All fields have labels (with the for attribute)
  • Tooltips (if applicable)


  • All images are optimised, or sent through a CDN
  • All images have an alt attribute
  • All images are the correct size / dimension (test with varying browser widths / heights)


  • Elements that involve navigating from one place to another should always be an anchor element
  • Browser history behaves as desired e.g. when a user uses the browsers forward/backward buttons


  • CSS/JS minified
  • Remove any console.logs used during development
  • All code is commented where necessary
  • Ensure all scripts are production versions
  • Check all scripts link from a valid and reputable CDN, e.g. Google APIs, Cloudflare
  • All third-party services and endpoint use the production API keys


  • Meta tags have been added (i.e. description, lang, etc)
  • Sitemap created and linked to
  • Page titles are correctly listed
  • Breadcrumb displays accurate page navigation/path
  • Schema tags added for breadcrumbs, products, articles, etc (i.e. ld+json snippets)
  • Google analytics code has been added



  • Set the store email address to Client's address
  • Updated the store address to that of the Client


  • Main site search returns products only
  • Search form uses GET and not POST method
  • Article search returns only articles
  • Link to terms and conditions exists
  • Link to privacy policy and/or cookie policy exists
  • Cookie consent popup (
  • Menus do not include a link to # unless they are parent dropdown options
  • Blank templates created and assigned where necessary


  • Collections list template (list-collections.liquid) has been styled or redirected
  • Collections template has had styles applied or redirected

Product Page

  • Variant options work as expected
  • Product adds to cart successfully
  • Out of stock/unavailable variants are clearly marked with appropriate messaging


  • Cart displays the correct prices quantities, subtotals and totals
  • Line item quantities update
  • Cart sends correct product details through to the checkout
  • Checkout is styled up to match the brand colours
  • Checkout labels (language file) have been adjusted if necessary
  • Submitted a few test orders


  • Page templates have styling applied
  • Blog articles are linked via an index
  • Article template has been styled
  • Social media share options have been added to the blog article template
  • 404 page template created and styled
  • Contact form added to contact us page

Store Transfer

  • Initiate and complete store transfer
  • Final invoice sent for the project

Github Repository

  • All unused templates/files/scripts have been removed to keep the project clean
  • has been well documented with CSS style guides, instructions, etc
  • Wiki has been documented for projects with complex content management/data requirements (if necessary)
  • All issues for this release have been closed (except for this one!)
  • Release has been tagged and created
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