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Created August 4, 2023 10:47
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Effectful code with different orders of effects in effectful code
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i runghc -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.effectful p.effectful-th])"
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Function
import Effectful
import Effectful.Dispatch.Dynamic (interpret)
import Effectful.Reader.Static
import Effectful.TH
data EnvState = EnvState
{field1 :: Int}
data Foo a :: Effect where
DoFoo :: Show a => a -> Foo a m ()
data Bar a :: Effect where
DoBar :: (Num a, Show a) => a -> Bar a m a
makeEffect ''Foo
makeEffect ''Bar
-- Interpreters
runFooIO :: IOE :> es => Eff (Foo a ': es) b -> Eff es b
runFooIO = interpret $ const \case
DoFoo a -> liftIO $ print a
runBarIO :: IOE :> es => Eff (Bar a ': es) b -> Eff es b
runBarIO = interpret $ const \case
DoBar a -> do
let a' = a + 1
liftIO $ print a'
pure a'
-- Effectful code
fun1 :: (Reader EnvState :> es, Bar Int :> es, Foo Bool :> es) => Eff es Int
fun1 = do
EnvState{field1} <- ask
doFoo False
doBar field1
fun2 :: (Foo Bool :> es, Bar Int :> es, Reader EnvState :> es) => Eff es Int
fun2 = do
EnvState{field1} <- ask
doFoo True
doBar $ field1 * 2
-- Interpreter stack
runAll :: Eff '[Foo Bool, Bar Int, Reader EnvState, IOE] a -> IO a
runAll m = runEff $ runReader (EnvState 1) $ runBarIO $ runFooIO m
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- runAll fun1
y <- runAll fun2
print $ x + y
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