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Created June 18, 2024 05:05
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// Name: EpicShop Update
// Description: Update the EpicShop workshop app in all the epic web workshop repos
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
import {globby} from 'globby'
import {execa} from 'execa'
const workshopDirs = [
// Volume 1
// Epic React
].map(dir => home('code', 'epicweb-dev', dir))
const version = (
await execaCommand('npm show @epic-web/workshop-app version')
for (const workshopDir of workshopDirs) {
const workshopDirName = path.basename(workshopDir)
const pkgs = await globby(`**/package.json`, {
cwd: workshopDir,
gitignore: true,
let changed = false
console.log(`🔍 ${workshopDirName} - updating version`)
const hasChanges =
await execa('git', ['status', '--porcelain'], {env: {}, cwd: workshopDir})
).stdout.trim() !== ''
if (hasChanges) {
try {
await execa('git', ['stash'], {env: {}, cwd: workshopDir, all: true})
} catch (error) {
throw `❌ ${workshopDirName} failed to stash properly`
for (const pkg of pkgs) {
const pkgPath = path.join(workshopDir, pkg)
const contents = await readFile(pkgPath, 'utf8')
const newContents = contents
.replace(/(@epic-web\/workshop-app":\s*")([^"]+)"/, `$1^${version}"`)
.replace(/(@epic-web\/workshop-utils":\s*")([^"]+)"/, `$1^${version}"`)
.replace(/(@epic-web\/workshop-presence":\s*")([^"]+)"/, `$1^${version}"`)
if (contents === newContents) continue
await writeFile(pkgPath, newContents)
changed = true
if (changed) {
try {
await execa('npm', ['install'], {env: {}, cwd: workshopDir, all: true})
const pkgLocks = await globby('**/package-lock.json', {
cwd: workshopDir,
gitignore: true,
await execa('git', ['add', ...pkgLocks, ...pkgs], {
env: {},
cwd: workshopDir,
all: true,
await execa(
['commit', '-m', 'chore: update @epic-web/workshop-app'],
{env: {}, cwd: workshopDir, all: true},
await execa('git', ['pull'], {env: {}, cwd: workshopDir, all: true})
await execa('git', ['push'], {env: {}, cwd: workshopDir, all: true})
if (hasChanges) {
await execa('git', ['stash', 'pop'], {
env: {},
cwd: workshopDir,
all: true,
console.log(`✅ ${workshopDirName} finished`)
} catch (updateErrorResult) {
throw `❌ ${workshopDirName} failed`
} else {
console.log(`🟢 ${workshopDirName} already up to date`)
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