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Last active January 15, 2018 10:20
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Welcome to Kenneth Teh's Github Map!

This is a map of my Github. You can skip to the repos here (GitHub Page) or read on for an overview of my projects.


My side projects
  • Guest Tracking System (Rails) - this simple app solved an annoying problem for us in church. Basically, we were using a group chat for our host team to keep track of new guests in church, but the issue was that we didn't have a common list that could be added to or edited. Instead, we were manually copying and pasting previous lists, then adding to/editing them. Blog post here.
  • Birthday/Event Reminder App (Google Apps Script) - wrote a few lines of code to make my initial 'app' accessible to non-coders. This app sends reminder messages to a chat group through the Telegram bot API.
  • Twitter Clone - Class project. This was quite interesting because I managed to try out quite a few methods of implementing the Twitter hashtag functionality. Version 1: has_many association, Version 2: Nested forms, Version 3: inline hashtagging and mark.js for link highlighting.
  • Twitter Clone Redo - Did this when the project was over to solidify my understanding of self-referential associations. Deployed here. Also wrote a guide for my fellow students (and anyone else who's struggling with this!)
  • Online Store - Built an online store using Rails, sessions and Redis (pair project).
  • Online Store Redo - Redid this after the project so I could have clean code and so I could write a guide on how to build an e-commerce store with Rails.
  • Note Taking App Version 1.0 - I had to learn React.js on my own, because as part of Alpha Camp, we had to work on an external project with Zalora, and their preferred front-end library was React.js. Did this as part of our Alumni Meetup (where we were coincidentally discussing React).
  • Note Taking App Version 1.1 - I wasn't satisfied with the first app, because it seemed like I wasn't following the spirit of React, or even coding in general (the code was a mess), so I redid it here. Deployed here. You can read my blog post on Medium.
  • URL Shortener - As part of our Alumni Meetup series, we were self-learning Elixir and Phoenix to share. This was the project I built to learn about routing and redirecting in Phoenix. Also wrote about it on Medium. You can try out the app on Heroku
  • Tic Tac Toe - Wrote this after my first few days working with Ruby (pair project). The code was not as polished as I'd hoped, but it was exciting to see the game work. The game has two levels: human v. human and human v. computer. This is a random-move computer, though, so I might revisit this to implement a smart AI that cannot be beaten!


Ruby HTML CSS JS Rails React Elixir Phoenix

About Me.

Full-Stack Web Developer

Kenneth Teh is a full-stack web developer who graduated from Alpha Camp, a 12-week full-time web development bootcamp.


  • Framework: Ruby on Rails
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript (jQuery)
  • Testing: RSpec
  • Continuous integration and deployment: CircleCI and Heroku


  • Twitter clone, to-do list, e-commerce store
  • 2-week external project (stay tuned for updates, pending NDA permission!) -- Library: React.JS -- Language: Javascript (ES6)

Before this, he was an Investment Associate at Fast-Track Singapore. Most recently, he spent some time working on a few startup and app ideas: TagToPrint, a social media hashtag printing service; Store of Article, a web content/press release outsourcing site; and Foosh, an app that lets you schedule hangouts with your friends instantly. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in Business Economics.

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