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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Create Evernote notes from selected task in OmniFocus2.
Create Evernote note from selected task in OmniFocus2.
Also creates cross reference (links) to the task note and Evernote note.
on main()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell content of first document window of front document
--Get selection
set validSelectedItemsList to value of (selected trees where class of its value is not item and class of its value is not folder)
set totalItems to count of validSelectedItemsList
if totalItems is 0 then
my notify("No valid task(s) selected")
end if
repeat with thisItem in validSelectedItemsList
my createEnNoteWithItem(thisItem)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end main
Edit following to map OmniFocus projects to Evernote notebooks
on notebookNameFromProject(taskProject)
if taskProject is missing value then
return missing value
end if
set projectName to name of taskProject
if projectName is equal to "Finance" then
return "Finance"
else if projectName is equal to "Home" then
return "Home"
return missing value
end if
end notebookNameFromProject
on createEnNoteWithItem(selectedItem)
set taskTitle to name of selectedItem
set taskUrl to "omnifocus:///task/" & id of selectedItem
set taskLink to "<a href=\"" & taskUrl & "\">OmniFocus Task</a>"
set taskNote to note of selectedItem
set noteContent to taskLink & "<br>" & taskNote
set taskProject to containing project of selectedItem
set notebook to my notebookNameFromProject(taskProject)
set noteLink to my createEnNote(taskTitle, noteContent, notebook)
set newTaskNote to noteLink & "\n" & taskNote
set note of selectedItem to newTaskNote
my notify("created note!")
end createEnNoteWithItem
on createEnNote(taskTitle, noteContent, notebookTitle)
tell application "Evernote"
set noteLink to missing value
-- assure sync is not running
repeat until isSynchronizing is false
end repeat
if notebook is missing value then
set newNote to create note title taskTitle with html noteContent
set newNote to create note title taskTitle notebook notebookTitle with html noteContent
end if
-- synchronize and get note link
repeat while noteLink is missing value
set noteLink to (note link of newNote)
end repeat
return noteLink
end tell
end createEnNote
on notify(alertText)
tell application "OmniFocus" to display dialog alertText with icon 1 buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
end notify
cp *.scpt "$HOME/Library/Application Scripts/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2.MacAppStore/"
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