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private func validateInputs() -> Bool {
let nonEmpty = {
(data:String!) -> Bool in
return count(data) != 0
func inRange (min: Int!, max:Int!) -> (String!) -> Bool {
return { (data:String!) -> Bool in
let dataAsInt = data.toInt()
return (dataAsInt! >= min && dataAsInt! <= max)
var inputs : [UITextField: (String, [String! -> Bool] )] = [
cpfField!: ("Ops, enter your id", [nonEmpty]),
pwdField!: ("enter your password", [nonEmpty]),
dobDayField!: ("invalid day", [nonEmpty, inRange(1, 31)]),
dobMonthField!: ("Invalid month", [nonEmpty, inRange(1, 12)]),
dobYearField!: ("Invalid year", [nonEmpty, inRange(1900, 2010)]),
func applyValidationRules(inputs:[UITextField: (String, [String! -> Bool] )]) -> Bool {
for entry in inputs {
let input = entry.0
let (errorMessage, rules) = entry.1
for rule in rules {
if (!rule(input.text)) {
return false
return true
return applyValidationRules(inputs)
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