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Created August 6, 2018 11:41
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Auto deploy blog generated by jekyll with jekyll-archives

Auto-Deploying Blogs to GitHub Pages with Travis CI

GitHub Pages doesn't support jekyll-archives now PR. We can use Travis CI to build it and push to gh-pages branch.

There is already some gists talks about this topic using bash. However, Travis now support deploy in .travis.yml , which is super easy to set up. (Deploying to GitHub Pages is experimental now [2018.07.25])

Create .travis.yml File

Here is an example.

language: ruby
cache: bundler
sudo: false
rvm: 2.5

  - gem install bundler
  - bundle install

  - bundle exec jekyll build

  - touch ./_site/.nojekyll

  provider: pages
  skip-cleanup: true
  keep-history: true
    branch: master
  github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  local-dir: _site
  committer-from-gh: true

For the details about deploy , check Travis docs .

For now, you have already done most of the work.

Set GitHub Token

To push files to your repo@gh-pages , Travis needs your authority. This means you need to offer a personal GitHub token.

You can choose to set this in as an environment variable or pass it to .travis.yml as an encrypted variable.

Create GitHub Tokens

Open and click Generate new token . Just select repo is enough. You can get details from GitHub Help .

Travis Environment Variable

This can be set in your repo's travis page, More options -> settings , or just add /settings to the URL.

The variable name should be the same with github-token in .travis.yml .

Encrypted Variables

Details can be found in Travis Docs .


Deploying is triggered depending on your repo's travis settings.

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