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Last active June 26, 2020 13:28
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Generated by XState Viz:
const opentokMachine = Machine({
id: 'meeting',
initial: 'entry',
context: {
sessionId: null,
name: null,
token: null,
session: null,
publisher: null,
streams: null
states: {
entry: {
on: {
target: 'initialize',
actions: assign({
name: (ctx, e) =>
initialize: {
initial: 'pending',
states: {
pending: {
invoke: {
id: 'createToken',
src: 'invokeCreateToken',
onDone: {
actions: 'assignToken'
on: {
'': [
{ actions: 'initPublisher', cond: (ctx) => !ctx.publisher },
{ actions: 'initSession', cond: (ctx) => !ctx.session }
target: '#meeting.connect',
actions: (ctx) => console.log("PULBISHER")
connect: {
on: {
'' : {target: ''}
actions: {
assignToken: assign({ token: (ctx, e) => }),
initPublisher: assign({
publisher: ctx => {
let publisher = initPublisher({ insertDefaultUI: false, name: });
publisher.on('videoElementCreated', e => {
publisherVideo: "123"
return publisher;
initSession: assign({
session: (ctx, e) => {
let session = initSession(REACT_APP_OPENTOK_APIKEY, ctx.sessionId);
session.on('streamCreated', e => {
// assign({ streams: ctx => ctx.push(session.subscribe( });
return session;
activities: {},
services: {
invokeCreateToken: async (ctx) => await createToken(ctx.sessionId)
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