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Created June 6, 2019 17:25
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Parsing JSON to an AST with line/col/offset info with Nearley + moo
# Initially based on [],
# and then reworked to resemble JSON parse from []
# JSON []
# Tested with nearleyc v2.16.0
# interface Pos {
# line: number;
# column: number;
# offset: number;
# }
# interface Loc {
# start: Pos;
# end: Pos;
# }
# interface Node {
# type: string;
# loc: Loc;
# }
# interface PrimitiveLiteral extends Node {
# type: "Literal";
# value: any;
# raw: string;
# }
# interface Identifier extends Node {
# type: "Identifier";
# value: any;
# raw: string;
# }
# interface Object extends Node {
# children: Property[];
# }
# interface Array extends Node {
# children: Value[];
# }
# type Value = PrimitiveLiteral | Object | Array;
# interface Property extends Node {
# type: "Property";
# key: Identifier;
# value: Value;
# }
@lexer lexer
json -> _ value _ {% ([,val,]) => val %}
object ->
"{" _ "}" {% compound_empty("Object") %}
| "{" _ property (_ "," _ property):* _ "}" {% compound_children("Object") %}
array ->
"[" _ "]" {% compound_empty("Array") %}
| "[" _ value (_ "," _ value):* _ "]" {% compound_children("Array") %}
value ->
object {% id %}
| array {% id %}
| %true {% primitive_literal() %}
| %false {% primitive_literal() %}
| %null {% primitive_literal() %}
| %number {% primitive_literal() %}
| %string {% primitive_literal() %}
property -> key _ ":" _ value {% property %}
key -> %string {% primitive_literal("Identifier") %}
_ -> null | %space {% d => null %}
const moo = require("moo");
const lexer = moo.compile({
// id: require("./JSIdentifier"),
space: { match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true },
number: /-?(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b/,
string: /"(?:\\["bfnrt\/\\]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|[^"\\])*"/,
"{": "{",
"}": "}",
"[": "[",
"]": "]",
",": ",",
":": ":",
true: "true",
false: "false",
null: "null"
function compound_empty(type) {
return function ([open,,close]) {
return {
children: [],
loc: { start: pos(open), end: pos(close, 1) }
function compound_children(type) {
return function ([open,,first,rest,,close]) {
return {
children: [
first,[,,,property]) => property)
loc: { start: pos(open), end: pos(close, 1) }
function primitive_literal(type = "Literal") {
return function ([token]) {
return {
value: JSON.parse(token.value),
raw: token.text,
loc: {
start: pos(token),
end: pos(token, token.text.length)
function property ([key,,,,value]) {
return {
type: "Property",
loc: {
start: key.loc.start,
end: value.loc.end
function pos({ line, col, offset }, add = 0) {
return {
column: col + add,
offset: offset + add
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