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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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  • Save keima/9ddd93d454ac40ecb26a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save keima/9ddd93d454ac40ecb26a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
google/material_design_icons choose helper script

How to use

$ goapp run main.go -path ~/git/material-design-icons/ -name=ic_attach_file_black_18dp -cat editor
path:      /Users/keima/git/material-design-icons/
category:  editor
name:      ic_attach_file_black_18dp
Start: copy sequence
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-hdpi/ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-mdpi/ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-xhdpi/ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-xxhdpi/ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
Finish: copy sequence

$ goapp run main.go -path ~/git/material-design-icons/ -name=ic_merge_type_file_black_18dp -cat editor
path:      /Users/keima/git/material-design-icons/
category:  editor
name:      ic_merge_type_file_black_18dp
file is not found
exit status 1

$ goapp run main.go -path ~/git/material-design-icons/ -name=ic_merge_type_black_18dp -cat editor
path:      /Users/keima/git/material-design-icons/
category:  editor
name:      ic_merge_type_black_18dp
Start: copy sequence
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-hdpi/ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-mdpi/ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-xhdpi/ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-xxhdpi/ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
> Copy Success: ./output//drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
Finish: copy sequence

$ tree output/
├── drawable-hdpi
│   ├── ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
│   └── ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
├── drawable-mdpi
│   ├── ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
│   └── ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
├── drawable-xhdpi
│   ├── ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
│   └── ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
├── drawable-xxhdpi
│   ├── ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
│   └── ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png
└── drawable-xxxhdpi
    ├── ic_attach_file_black_18dp.png
    └── ic_merge_type_black_18dp.png

5 directories, 10 files

package main
import (
var (
CATEGORY = []string{
VARIATION = []string{
// Currently, available only Android
// "1x_ios",
// "1x_web",
// "2x_ios",
// "2x_web",
// "3x_ios",
// "svg",
func main() {
path := flag.String("path", "", "google/material-design-icons path")
category := flag.String("cat", "", "category name (e.g.: content )")
name := flag.String("name", "", "icon name (e.g.: ic_send_white_24dp )")
fmt.Println("path: ", *path)
fmt.Println("category: ", *category)
fmt.Println("name: ", *name)
if *path == "" {
fmt.Println("Path is not found!")
if *category == "" {
fmt.Println("Category is not found!")
if *name == "" {
fmt.Println("Name is not found!")
if err := existFile(*name, *category, *path); err != nil {
copyFiles(*name, *category, *path, "./output/")
func existFile(fileName string, category string, dir string) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil {
return errors.New("dir is not found")
for index, cat := range CATEGORY {
if category == cat {
if index == len(CATEGORY)-1 {
return errors.New("category name is invalid")
// とりあえずてきとーに
fileFullPath := dir + "/" + category + "/" + VARIATION[0] + "/" + fileName + ".png"
if _, err := os.Stat(fileFullPath); err != nil {
return errors.New("file is not found")
return nil
func copyFiles(fileName string, category string, srcDir string, dstDir string) {
fmt.Println("Start: copy sequence")
fileNameExt := fileName + ".png"
for _, variation := range VARIATION {
srcDirFullPath := srcDir + "/" + category + "/" + variation + "/"
dstDirFullPath := dstDir + "/" + variation + "/"
srcFullPath := srcDirFullPath + fileNameExt
dstFullPath := dstDirFullPath + fileNameExt
// fmt.Println("src: ", srcFullPath)
// fmt.Println("dst: ", dstFullPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dstDirFullPath, 0777); err != nil {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(srcFullPath)
if err != nil {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(dstFullPath, b, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("> Copy Success: " + dstFullPath)
fmt.Println("Finish: copy sequence")
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