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Created December 2, 2017 09:34
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どう書くE20の解答例 問題:
module Lib where
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List
solve :: String -> String
solve = show . solve'
solve' :: String -> Int
solve' [start,goal] = walk [start] [] 0
walk s r n | goal `elem` s = n
walk s r n = walk (next s r) (r++s) (n+1)
next s r = [b| (a,b) <- maze, a `elem` s, b `notElem` r]
solve' _ = error "unexpected input"
maze, field, walls :: [(Char,Char)]
maze = t ++ revt
revt = map (\(a,b) -> (b,a)) t
t = field \\ walls
field = hol ++ ver
list = chunksOf 6 $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
hol = concatMap (\l -> zip l (tail l)) list
ver = concatMap (\(x,y) -> zip x y) $ zip list (tail list)
walls = map (\[a,b] -> (a,b)) $ chunksOf 2 "12284A67AB7D8EAGBHDEEFGHDJFLIJMNKQLROPRSOUQWTZWXXY"
-- 以下説明用
walk :: [Char] -> Int
walk [start,goal] = length $ walk' start goal
walk _ = error "walk"
walk' :: Char -> Char -> [([Char], Int, [Char])]
walk' start goal = takeWhile (\(starts,_,_) -> goal `notElem` starts) $ iterate step ([start],0,[])
step :: ([Char], Int, [Char]) -> ([Char], Int, [Char])
step (starts,n,walked) = (next,(n+1),(starts++walked))
where next = [to| (from,to) <- maze, from `elem` starts, to `notElem` walked]
printList :: (Show a2, Show a1, Show a, Foldable t) => t (a, a1, a2) -> IO ()
printList xs = mapM_ (\(starts,steps,walked) -> putStrLn $ "starts: " ++ show starts ++ "\tsteps: " ++ show steps ++ "\twalked: " ++ show walked) xs
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