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Created August 20, 2024 16:00
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A python script which sends bulk transaction to a list of addresses in Pactus network
import random
import grpc
import json
from pactus.crypto import CryptoConfig
from pactus.crypto.address import Address
from pactus.crypto.bls.private_key import PrivateKey
from pactus.transaction.transaction import Transaction
from pactus.types.amount import Amount
from pactus.rpc.transaction_pb2_grpc import TransactionStub
from pactus.rpc.blockchain_pb2_grpc import BlockchainStub
from pactus.rpc.blockchain_pb2 import (
from pactus.rpc.transaction_pb2 import BroadcastTransactionRequest
# Get last block height from network
def height(stub: BlockchainStub):
res: GetBlockchainInfoResponse = stub.GetBlockchainInfo(GetBlockchainInfoRequest())
return res.last_block_height
def main() -> None:
# Initialize crypto config and gRPC connections
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(
) # Replace with your preferred address
t_stub = TransactionStub(channel)
b_stub = BlockchainStub(channel)
# Addresses and transactions list
transaction_ids = []
addresses = []
with open("address.json", "r") as file:
addresses = json.load(file)
# Fixed memo and fee
memo = "This is a test transaction"
fee = Amount.from_string("0.01")
# Sender address info
sender = Address.from_string("Your address here")
sec = PrivateKey.from_string(
"Your private key here"
# Last blockchain height
lbh = height(b_stub)
# Loop over all address
for addr in addresses:
# Generate random amounts
random_float = random.uniform(0, 1.5) # Replace with your preferred numbers
amount = Amount.from_nano_pac(random_float)
# Drive receiver address from string
receiver = Address.from_string(addr)
# Creating and signing transaction
tx = Transaction.create_transfer_tx(lbh, sender, receiver, amount, fee, memo)
signed_tx = tx.sign(sec)
# Broadcasting transaction
req = BroadcastTransactionRequest(signed_raw_transaction=signed_tx)
tx_id = t_stub.BroadcastTransaction(req)
# Adding transaction ID to list
# Printing transaction ID
print(f"Transaction sent: {tx_id}")
# Save sent transaction IDs into a file
with open("transactions.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(transaction_ids, file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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