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Created December 10, 2019 17:43
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A modified bend deformer that only modifies vertices within a defined bounding box
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using static Unity.Mathematics.math;
using Beans.Unity.Mathematics;
namespace Deform
[Deformer (Name = "Bounded Bend (WIP)", Description = "Bends a mesh within a bounding box", Type = typeof (BoundedBendDeformer))]
public class BoundedBendDeformer : Deformer, IFactor
public float Angle
get => angle;
set => angle = value;
public float Factor
get => factor;
set => factor = value;
public BoundsMode Mode
get => mode;
set => mode = value;
public Bounds Bounds
get => bounds;
set => bounds = value;
public Transform Axis
if (axis == null)
axis = transform;
return axis;
set { axis = value; }
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] private float angle;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] private float factor = 1f;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] private BoundsMode mode = BoundsMode.Limited;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] Bounds bounds;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] private Transform axis;
public override DataFlags DataFlags => DataFlags.Vertices;
public override JobHandle Process (MeshData data, JobHandle dependency = default (JobHandle))
var totalAngle = Angle * Factor;
if (Mathf.Approximately (totalAngle, 0f) || Mathf.Approximately (Bounds.size.y, 0f))
return dependency;
var meshToAxis = DeformerUtils.GetMeshToAxisSpace (Axis, data.Target.GetTransform ());
switch (mode)
case BoundsMode.Unlimited:
return new UnlimitedBendJob
angle = totalAngle,
bounds = Bounds,
meshToAxis = meshToAxis,
axisToMesh = meshToAxis.inverse,
vertices = data.DynamicNative.VertexBuffer
}.Schedule (data.Length, DEFAULT_BATCH_COUNT, dependency);
case BoundsMode.Limited:
return new LimitedBendJob
angle = totalAngle,
bounds = Bounds,
meshToAxis = meshToAxis,
axisToMesh = meshToAxis.inverse,
vertices = data.DynamicNative.VertexBuffer
}.Schedule (data.Length, DEFAULT_BATCH_COUNT, dependency);
[BurstCompile (CompileSynchronously = COMPILE_SYNCHRONOUSLY)]
public struct UnlimitedBendJob : IJobParallelFor
public float angle;
public bounds bounds;
public float4x4 meshToAxis;
public float4x4 axisToMesh;
public NativeArray<float3> vertices;
public void Execute (int index)
var point = mul (meshToAxis, float4 (vertices[index], 1f));
var angleRadians = radians (angle) * (1f / (bounds.max.y - bounds.min.y));
var scale = 1f / angleRadians;
var rotation = point.y * angleRadians;
var c = cos ((float)PI - rotation);
var s = sin ((float)PI - rotation);
point.xy = float2
(scale * c) + scale - (point.x * c),
(scale * s) - (point.x * s)
vertices[index] = mul (axisToMesh, point).xyz;
[BurstCompile (CompileSynchronously = COMPILE_SYNCHRONOUSLY)]
public struct LimitedBendJob : IJobParallelFor
public float angle;
public bounds bounds;
public float4x4 meshToAxis;
public float4x4 axisToMesh;
public NativeArray<float3> vertices;
public void Execute (int index)
var point = mul (meshToAxis, float4 (vertices[index], 1f));
if (point.x > bounds.max.x || point.x < bounds.min.x || point.z > bounds.max.z || point.z < bounds.min.z || point.y < bounds.min.y)
var unbentPoint = point;
var top = bounds.max.y;
var bottom = bounds.min.y;
var angleRadians = radians (angle);
var scale = 1f / (angleRadians * (1f / (top - bottom)));
var rotation = (clamp (point.y, bottom, top) - bottom) / (top - bottom) * angleRadians;
var c = cos ((float)PI - rotation);
var s = sin ((float)PI - rotation);
point.xy = float2
(scale * c) + scale - (point.x * c),
(scale * s) - (point.x * s)
if (unbentPoint.y > top)
point.y += -c * (unbentPoint.y - top);
point.x += s * (unbentPoint.y - top);
else if (unbentPoint.y < bottom)
point.y += -c * (unbentPoint.y - bottom);
point.x += s * (unbentPoint.y - bottom);
point.y += bottom;
vertices[index] = mul (axisToMesh, point).xyz;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using Beans.Unity.Editor;
using Deform;
namespace DeformEditor
[CustomEditor (typeof (BoundedBendDeformer)), CanEditMultipleObjects]
public class BoundedBendDeformerEditor : DeformerEditor
private static class Content
public static readonly GUIContent Angle = new GUIContent (text: "Angle", tooltip: "How many degrees the mesh should be bent by the time it reaches the top bounds.");
public static readonly GUIContent Factor = DeformEditorGUIUtility.DefaultContent.Factor;
public static readonly GUIContent Mode = new GUIContent (text: "Mode", tooltip: "Unlimited: Entire mesh is bent.\nLimited: Mesh is only bent between bounds.");
public static readonly GUIContent Bounds = new GUIContent (text: "Bounds", tooltip: "Any vertices outside this will be fully unbent.");
public static readonly GUIContent Axis = DeformEditorGUIUtility.DefaultContent.Axis;
private class Properties
public SerializedProperty Angle;
public SerializedProperty Factor;
public SerializedProperty Mode;
public SerializedProperty Bounds;
public SerializedProperty Axis;
public Properties (SerializedObject obj)
Angle = obj.FindProperty ("angle");
Factor = obj.FindProperty ("factor");
Mode = obj.FindProperty ("mode");
Bounds = obj.FindProperty ("bounds");
Axis = obj.FindProperty ("axis");
private Properties properties;
private ArcHandle angleHandle = new ArcHandle ();
//private readonly VerticalBoundsHandle boundsHandle = new VerticalBoundsHandle ();
private BoxBoundsHandle boxHandle = new BoxBoundsHandle();
protected override void OnEnable ()
base.OnEnable ();
properties = new Properties (serializedObject);
public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
base.OnInspectorGUI ();
serializedObject.UpdateIfRequiredOrScript ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (properties.Angle, Content.Angle);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (properties.Factor, Content.Factor);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (properties.Mode, Content.Mode);
using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope ())
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(properties.Bounds, Content.Bounds);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (properties.Axis, Content.Axis);
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
public override void OnSceneGUI ()
base.OnSceneGUI ();
var bend = target as BoundedBendDeformer;
DrawAngleHandle (bend);
boxHandle.handleColor = DeformEditorSettings.SolidHandleColor;
boxHandle.wireframeColor = DeformEditorSettings.LightHandleColor; =;
boxHandle.size = bend.Bounds.size;
using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Matrix4x4.TRS(bend.Axis.position, bend.Axis.rotation, bend.Axis.lossyScale)))
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())
if (check.changed)
Undo.RecordObject(bend, "Changed Bounds");
bend.Bounds = new Bounds(, boxHandle.size);
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
private void DrawAngleHandle (BoundedBendDeformer bend)
var handleRotation = bend.Axis.rotation * Quaternion.Euler (-90, 0f, 0f);
// There's some weird issue where if you pass the normal lossyScale, the handle's scale on the y axis is changed when the transform's z axis is changed.
// My simple solution is to swap the y and z.
var handleScale = new Vector3
x: bend.Axis.lossyScale.x,
y: bend.Axis.lossyScale.z,
z: bend.Axis.lossyScale.y
var matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (bend.Axis.position + bend.Axis.up * bend.Bounds.min.y * bend.Axis.lossyScale.y, handleRotation, handleScale);
var radiusDistanceOffset = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize (bend.Axis.position + bend.Axis.up * bend.Bounds.max.y) * DeformEditorSettings.ScreenspaceSliderHandleCapSize * 2f;
angleHandle.angle = bend.Angle;
angleHandle.radius = (bend.Bounds.max.y - bend.Bounds.min.y) + radiusDistanceOffset;
angleHandle.fillColor = Color.clear;
using (new Handles.DrawingScope (DeformEditorSettings.SolidHandleColor, matrix))
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope ())
angleHandle.DrawHandle ();
if (check.changed)
Undo.RecordObject (bend, "Changed Angle");
bend.Angle = angleHandle.angle;
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