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import smartpy as sp
TezosOracle = sp.import_script_from_url("")
# Data type that represents a signed update to the Oracle.
SignedOracleDataType = sp.TPair(sp.TSignature, TezosOracle.oracleDataType)
# An Oracle contract accepts signed updates for a list of assets.
# Oracles are configured with a list of assets whose updates they
# track and a public key which will verify signatures on the asset
# data.
# Anyone may update the Oracle with properly signed data. Signatures
# for the oracle are provided by signing the packed bytes of the
# following Michelson data:
# 'pair <asset code | string> (pair <start | timestamp> (pair <end | timestamp> (pair <nat | open> (pair <nat | high> (pair <nat low> (pair <close | nat> <volume | nat>))))))'
# Anyone can request the Oracle push its data to another contract. Pushed
# data should generally be pushed to a Normalizer contract rather than
# consumed directly.
# Oracles can be revoked by calling the revoke entry point with the
# signature for bytes representing an Option(Key) Michelson type with
# value none. After revocation, the Oracle will refuse to process
# further updates.
# Updates to the Oracle must be monotonically increasing in start time.
# Values in the Oracle are represented as a natural numbers with six
# digits of precision. For instance $123.45 USD would be represented
# as 123_450_000.
class OracleContract(sp.Contract):
# Initialze a new oracle.
# Parameters:
# publicKey(sp.TKey): The public key used to verify Oracle updates.
# initialData(sp.TBigMap(sp.TString, TezosOracle.oracleDataType)): A map of initial values for the Oracle.
def __init__(
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": (sp.timestamp(0), (sp.timestamp(0), (0, (0, (0, (0, 0))))))
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
publicKey = publicKey,
oracleData = initialData
# Update the Oracle.
# The parameter is a map of asset codes to a pair of signatures and oracle data.
# The signature specification is described in the header of this file.
# Updates must be monotonically increasing in start time.
# An example parameter looks like:
# { elt <asset code | string> (pair <signature | signature> (pair <start | timestamp> (pair <end | timestamp> (pair <nat | open> (pair <nat | high> (pair <nat low> (pair <close | nat> <volume | nat>)))))))'
def update(self, params):
# Iterate over assets in the input map.
keyValueList = params.items()
sp.for assetData in keyValueList:
# Extract asset names, signatures, and the new data.
assetName = assetData.key
signature = sp.fst(assetData.value)
newData = sp.snd(assetData.value)
# Verify Oracle is tracking this asset.
"Oracle does not track asset"
# Verify signature.
bytes = sp.pack(newData)
sp.check_signature(, signature, bytes),
"Bad signature"
# Verify start timestamp is newer than the last update.
oldData =[assetName]
oldStartTime = sp.fst(oldData)
newStartTime = sp.fst(newData)
sp.verify(newStartTime > oldStartTime, "Update in past")
# Replace the data.[assetName] = newData
# Revoke the Oracle.
# This entrypoint is destructive and non-reversible.
# The parameter format is a signature of the Michelson type Option(Key) with
# value None signed by the secret key of this Oracle's public key.
# A successful call to this entrypoint will effectively freeze the Oracles value
# by removing the Oracle's public key, preventing future updates from arriving.
def revoke(self, param):
# Recreate the message which should have been signed.
message = sp.set_type_expr(sp.none, sp.TOption(sp.TKey))
bytes = sp.pack(message)
# Verify that the message is signed correctly.
publicKey =
sp.verify(sp.check_signature(publicKey, param, bytes))
# Revoke the Oracle's public Key. = sp.none
# Push the data for the Oracle to another contract.
# Parameters is a Pair, where the first element is a string representing the
# asset code to push, and the second is a reference to a Contract where the data
# is pushed.
# TODO(keefertaylor): Fix this documentation.
# TODO(keefertaylor): Consider if we should push all data or just a subset.
def push(self, contract):
sp.transfer(, sp.mutez(0), contract)
# Oracle Tests
# Import Normalizer for E2E testing.
Normalizer = sp.import_script_from_url("")
@sp.add_test(name = "Update Once With Valid Data")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Update Once With Valid Data")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("AND an update")
start = sp.timestamp(1)
end = sp.timestamp(2)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated")
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter)
scenario.h2("THEN the oracle contains the data points")
assetData =["XTZ-USD"]
endPair = sp.snd(assetData)
openPair = sp.snd(endPair)
highPair = sp.snd(openPair)
lowPair = sp.snd(highPair)
closeAndVolumePair = sp.snd(lowPair)
expectedStart = sp.fst(assetData)
expectedEnd = sp.fst(endPair)
expectedOpen = sp.fst(openPair)
expectedHigh = sp.fst(highPair)
expecteLow = sp.fst(lowPair)
expectedClose = sp.fst(closeAndVolumePair)
expectedVolume = sp.snd(closeAndVolumePair)
scenario.verify(start == expectedStart)
scenario.verify(end == expectedEnd)
scenario.verify(open == expectedOpen)
scenario.verify(high == expectedHigh)
scenario.verify(low == expecteLow)
scenario.verify(close == expectedClose)
scenario.verify(volume == expectedVolume)
@sp.add_test(name = "Update Once With Coinbase Data")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Update Once With Valid Data")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract and data extracted from the Coinbase Oracle")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = sp.some(sp.key("sppk7bkCcE4TZwnqqR7JAKJBybJ2XTCbKZu11ESTvvZQYtv3HGiiffN"))
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("AND an update")
start = sp.timestamp(1595707200)
end = sp.timestamp(1595707260)
open = 3076200
high = 3080400
low = 3076200
close = 3079200
volume = 1923470000
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
signature = sp.signature("spsig1f8mcfVYrjqzaFfa6hT63dbzomCAPac61utM5iv7bE6fpVXKLpaeLkZXNWqPvtRV8z2GW8gBPzsU9jV2CJiEA8sXkD4qht")
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated")
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter)
scenario.h2("THEN the oracle contains the data points")
assetData =["XTZ-USD"]
endPair = sp.snd(assetData)
openPair = sp.snd(endPair)
highPair = sp.snd(openPair)
lowPair = sp.snd(highPair)
closeAndVolumePair = sp.snd(lowPair)
expectedStart = sp.fst(assetData)
expectedEnd = sp.fst(endPair)
expectedOpen = sp.fst(openPair)
expectedHigh = sp.fst(highPair)
expecteLow = sp.fst(lowPair)
expectedClose = sp.fst(closeAndVolumePair)
expectedVolume = sp.snd(closeAndVolumePair)
scenario.verify(start == expectedStart)
scenario.verify(end == expectedEnd)
scenario.verify(open == expectedOpen)
scenario.verify(high == expectedHigh)
scenario.verify(low == expecteLow)
scenario.verify(close == expectedClose)
scenario.verify(volume == expectedVolume)
@sp.add_test(name = "Second Update Overwrites First Update")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Second Update Overwrites First Update")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("AND two updates")
start1 = sp.timestamp(1)
end1 = sp.timestamp(2)
open1 = 3
high1 = 4
low1 = 5
close1 = 6
volume1 = 7
updateData1 = (
(close1, volume1))))))
message1 = sp.pack(updateData1)
signature1 = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
start2 = sp.timestamp(8)
end2 = sp.timestamp(9)
open2 = 10
high2 = 11
low2 = 12
close2 = 13
volume2 = 14
updateData2 = (
(close2, volume2))))))
message2 = sp.pack(updateData2)
signature2 = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated")
update1 = sp.pair(signature1, updateData1)
update2 = sp.pair(signature2, updateData2)
parameter1 =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update1
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
parameter2 =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update2
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter1)
scenario += contract.update(parameter2)
scenario.h2("THEN the oracle contains the data points of the latter update")
assetData =["XTZ-USD"]
endPair = sp.snd(assetData)
openPair = sp.snd(endPair)
highPair = sp.snd(openPair)
lowPair = sp.snd(highPair)
closeAndVolumePair = sp.snd(lowPair)
# TODO(keefer): You've reversed the conditions here. Rename expected / actual.
expectedStart = sp.fst(assetData)
expectedEnd = sp.fst(endPair)
expectedOpen = sp.fst(openPair)
expectedHigh = sp.fst(highPair)
expecteLow = sp.fst(lowPair)
expectedClose = sp.fst(closeAndVolumePair)
expectedVolume = sp.snd(closeAndVolumePair)
scenario.verify(start2 == expectedStart)
scenario.verify(end2 == expectedEnd)
scenario.verify(open2 == expectedOpen)
scenario.verify(high2 == expectedHigh)
scenario.verify(low2 == expecteLow)
scenario.verify(close2 == expectedClose)
scenario.verify(volume2 == expectedVolume)
@sp.add_test(name = "Update Fails With Data From The Same Timestamp")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Update Fails With Data From The Same Timestamp")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("AND an update")
start = sp.timestamp(1)
end = sp.timestamp(2)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated twice")
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter)
scenario.h2("THEN the second update fails")
scenario += contract.update(parameter).run(valid = False)
@sp.add_test(name = "Update Fails With Data From The Past")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Update Fails With Data From The Past")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract with some initial data.")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
start = sp.timestamp(2)
end = sp.timestamp(3)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter)
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated with a time in the past")
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario.h2("THEN the update in the past fails")
scenario += contract.update(parameter).run(valid = False)
@sp.add_test(name = "Update Fails With Untracked Asset")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Update Fails With Untracked Asset")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
start = sp.timestamp(2)
end = sp.timestamp(3)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated with an untracked asset")
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"BTC-USD": update # Not XTZ-USD
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario.h2("THEN the update fails.")
scenario += contract.update(parameter).run(valid = False)
@sp.add_test(name = "Update Fails With Bad Signature")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1( "Update Fails With Bad Signature")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract")
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("AND an update signed by an alternative key")
alternativeAccount = sp.test_account("AlternativeAccount")
alternativeSecretKey = alternativeAccount.secret_key
start = sp.timestamp(1)
end = sp.timestamp(2)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
scenario.h2("WHEN the oracle is updated")
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario.h2("THEN the update fails")
scenario += contract.update(parameter).run(valid = False)
@sp.add_test(name = "Revokes An Oracle")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Revokes An Oracle")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an oracle contract and a correctly signed revoke message.")
message = sp.pack(sp.none)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("WHEN revoke is called.")
scenario += contract.revoke(signature)
scenario.h2("THEN the oracle is revoked")
scenario.h2("AND future updates fail.")
start = sp.timestamp(1)
end = sp.timestamp(2)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter).run(valid = False)
@sp.add_test(name = "Incorrect Revoke Fails to Revoke An Oracle")
def test():
scenario = sp.test_scenario()
scenario.h1("Incorrect Revoke Fails to Revoke An Oracle")
scenario.h2("GIVEN an oracle contract and a revoke message signed by another account.")
testAccount = sp.test_account("Incorrect_Account")
message = sp.pack(sp.none)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
contract = OracleContract(
publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
initialData = sp.big_map(
l = {
"XTZ-USD": initialOracleData
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
scenario += contract
scenario.h2("WHEN revoke is called")
scenario.h2("THEN the call fails")
scenario += contract.revoke(signature).run(valid = False)
scenario.h2("AND future updates succeed")
start = sp.timestamp(1)
end = sp.timestamp(2)
open = 3
high = 4
low = 5
close = 6
volume = 7
updateData = (
(close, volume))))))
message = sp.pack(updateData)
signature = sp.make_signature(
message_format = 'Raw'
update = sp.pair(signature, updateData)
parameter =
l = {
"XTZ-USD": update
tkey = sp.TString,
tvalue = SignedOracleDataType
scenario += contract.update(parameter)
# TODO(keefertaylor): Re-enable.
# @sp.add_test(name = "E2E Push Test")
# def test():
# scenario = sp.test_scenario()
# scenario.h1("E2E Push Test")
# scenario.h2("GIVEN an Oracle contract")
# start = 1
# end = 2
# open = 3
# high = 4
# low = 5
# close = 6
# volume = 7
# initialData = (
# sp.timestamp(start),
# (
# sp.timestamp(end),
# (
# open,
# (
# high,
# (
# low,
# (
# close,
# volume
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# oracle = OracleContract(
# publicKey = testAccountPublicKey,
# initialData = sp.big_map(
# l = {
# "XTZ-USD": initialData
# },
# tkey = sp.TString,
# tvalue = TezosOracle.oracleDataType
# )
# )
# scenario += oracle
# scenario.h2("AND a normalizer contract.")
# normalizer = Normalizer.NormalizerContract(
# oracleContractAddress = oracle.address
# )
# scenario += normalizer
# scenario.h2("WHEN an update is pushed from the oracle to the normalizer")
# contractHandle = sp.contract(
# sp.TBigMap(sp.TString, TezosOracle.oracleDataType),
# sp.to_address(sp.self),
# entry_point = "update"
# ).open_some()
# scenario += oracle.push(contractHandle)
# scenario.h2("THEN the normalizer contains the VWAP.")
# expectedVWAP = TezosOracle.computeVWAP(high, low, close, volume) // volume
# scenario.verify( == expectedVWAP)
# Test Helpers
# Default Oracle Contract Keys
testAccount = sp.test_account("Test1")
testAccountPublicKey = sp.some(testAccount.public_key)
testAccountSecretKey = testAccount.secret_key
# Initial data for the oracle
initialOracleData = (
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