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Last active September 11, 2017 00:49
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Firebase Authenticate AccessToken Verification Script
import re
import jwt
import traceback
from urllib.request import urlopen
def verify_token(userid, token):
"""Firebase 개발자 문서에 제시된 토큰 검증 과정에 userid 검증 과정을 추가하여 토큰검증함수 설계
:param userid: firebase auth userid value
:param token: firebase auth accesstoken value
:return: verify result in boolean
token_header = bytes(token.split(".")[0], 'utf-8')
token_header_information = re.findall(r'"alg" *: *"(.*?)","kid" *: *"(.*?)"', decode_base64(token_header))
google_publickey_set = urlopen(
token_publickey = \
re.findall(r'"{0}" *: *"(.*?)"'.format(token_header_information[0][1]), str(google_publickey_set))[
0].replace("\\n", "\n").replace("\\", "")
obj_token_publickey = load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(token_publickey, 'utf-8'), default_backend()).public_key()
token_payload_information = jwt.decode(jwt=token, key=obj_token_publickey,
algorithms=[token_header_information[0][0]], audience='instagram-8ebdd')
token_uid = re.findall(r"'user_id' *: *'(.*?)'", str(token_payload_information))
return True if userid == token_uid[0] else False
return False
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