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Last active July 25, 2024 12:25
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intro to document stores in postgreSQL

Document stores in PostgreSQL

Notes for software engineering meeting presentation


  • mid to late 2000s: appearance of Document stores / NoSQL databases such as Mongo, Couch
  • Relational DBs now have support for document data: JSON in MySQL, JSON and JSONB in PostgreSQL
  • Focus on JSONB in Postgres (most full featured)


  • Implemented as a data type - i.e. a column in a regular table
  • Adding document store functionality to your relational database (not choosing one or the other)

Adding JSONB data

create table:


get some json data:

jsondata = '{
	"firstname": "Glen",
	"lastname": "Newton",
	"tags": "['manager ', 'vegetarian ', 'orange_pants ']"

insert (checks for valid JSON):

INSERT into people (data) VALUES (jsondata);


There are special operators and functions for querying JSONB data. See postgres docs for details.

  • get by key (-> operator):

    SELECT data->'firstname' FROM people;

  • search for key/value (@> operator):

    SELECT id FROM people WHERE data @> '{"tag":["orange_pants"]}';

  • get as text (->> operator):

    SELECT id FROM people WHERE data->>('lastname') ilike ('%New%');

  • get all of the keys:

    SELECT jsonb_object_keys(data) FROM people;

  • get value:

    SELECT jsonb_extract_path(data,'firstname') FROM people;

  • get json in a pretty way:



You can index your JSONB column to efficiently search key / value pairs using the GIN operator. To index all top-level keys and key/value pairs:

CREATE INDEX idxgin ON people USING GIN (data);

The less well-structured your json, the bigger the index! Create index on a specific column if that search is going to be common:

CREATE INDEX idxgintags ON people USING GIN ((data -> 'tags'));


When should you use JSONB in your relational database?

Example project:

  • opentreeoflife phylogeny index otindex
    • already have data in json format (in separate github repo)
    • database functions as an index only not the canonical data store
    • some aspect of json very standardized and complete - these parts we extract and put into specific columns
    • json also contains sparse data (many values missing for many keys)
    • want to easily pick up new keys
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