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Last active January 21, 2019 12:56
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  • Save kazdegroot/a8cadbdacda4461d76f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kazdegroot/a8cadbdacda4461d76f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Report on Budget vs Spend (Hybrid)
// Created by: Remko van der Zwaag & PDDS
// &
// More info:
// 12-06-2014: Combined two separate scripts into one Hybrid version (for MCC and accounts)
// 12-02-2015: Added column Spend yesterday and empty columns with days
// 18-06-2015: Added logic to only check campaigns with a specific label
// 03-02-2016: Will check for labelled adgroups in ignored campaigns
// 08-02-2016: Added label functionality to shopping campaigns
// 24-02-2016: Added extra fields and fixed up table layout
// 24-02-2016: Added option to switch label selection form OR to AND
// 04-04-2017: Changes converted clicks to conversions due to sunset
var spreadsheetId = 'replace with id';// Google Spreadsheet with account info
var prefillSpreadsheet = false; // When set to true, gets all accounts from the MCC account
// and automagically adds their name and id to the spreadsheet
// Use once, doesn't check for existing records
// switch back to false after use
var emailAddr = ""; // Where you want the report sent, only works when
var emailSubject = "Adwords spend report"; // What the email should be titled
var onlyReportProblems = false; // Email will only contain accounts with errors
var ignoreNoBudgetCampaigns = true; // Never show campaigns with a 0 budget
var alwaysReport = true; // Send an email even if no accounts need to be reported on
// For use in combination with the previous options
var addWeekCols = false; // Add extra columns for the days of the week
var features = {
conversions: true,
averageCpc: true,
ctr: true,
costPerConversion: true,
yesterday: {
cost: true,
conversions: true,
averageCpc: true,
ctr: true,
costPerConversion: true
//I wanted to see if we can add Converted Clicks, average cost per click, ckick through rate, and cost per converted click into this?
// Report colors
var overspendColor = '#ffc7c1';
var underspendColor = '#fffec1';
// These are default values. Values found in the spreadsheet for the account will supercede these.
var defaultCombination = 'OR';
var defaultBudget = 0; // Budget for the month in the AdWords account default currency
var defaultOver = 0.1; // The amount the current tally can go over the running target budget (incl. today) before a warning is sent
var defaultUnder = 0.1; // The amount the current tally can be under the running target budget. Set to 0 to ignore
// both are decimals representing percent: 0.1 = 10%, 1 = 100%, etc
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Map spreadsheet info to fields we need
// Here you can ajust what column translates to a property
// 0 = A, 1 = B, etc.
// We only work with the first sheet,
// and only look at the first 26 columns (A-Z)
// CREATED BY THE prefillSpreadsheet OPTION!
function mapRowToInfo(row) {
return {
custId: row[1].trim(),
cust: row[0],
budget: row[2],
labels: row[5].split(','),
andOr: row[6],
over: row[3],
under: row[4]
var skipLabel = ''; // Fallback to retain backwards compatibility
function main() {
try {
// Uses parallel execution. Is limited to 50 accounts by Google.
if (prefillSpreadsheet) {
} else {
.executeInParallel("processAccount", "processReports");
} catch (e) {
// Get account name and id
function getSSAccountInfo() {
var result = {
custId: AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(),
cust: AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName()
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Save account info to the spreadsheet
function saveSSAccountInfo(response) {
var ss;
try {
ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId);
} catch (e) {
ss = ss.getSheets()[0];
ss.appendRow(["Account Name", "Account ID", "Budget", "Overspend Ratio", "Underspend Ratio", "Campaign labels", "Label AND/OR"]);
for (var i in response) {
if(!response[i].getReturnValue()) { continue; }
var rep = JSON.parse(response[i].getReturnValue());
ss.appendRow([rep.cust, rep.custId]);
//I wanted to see if we can add Converted Clicks, average cost per click, ckick through rate, and cost per converted click into this?
function costsForIterator(iterator, stats) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var item =;
stats.skipList[item.getId()] = true;
// We only look for costs made in the current month
var iStats = item.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH");
stats.cost += iStats.getCost();
stats.clicks += iStats.getClicks();
stats.impressions += iStats.getImpressions();
stats.conversions += iStats.getConversions();
var iStatsYesterday = item.getStatsFor("YESTERDAY");
stats.yesterday.cost += iStatsYesterday.getCost();
stats.yesterday.clicks += iStatsYesterday.getClicks();
stats.yesterday.impressions += iStatsYesterday.getImpressions();
stats.yesterday.conversions += iStatsYesterday.getConversions();
return stats;
function costsForAdgroupsIterator(iterator, labels, operator, stats, skipList) {
if (!operator) {
operator = 'CONTAINS_ANY';
if (iterator) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var campaign =;
if (skipList[campaign.getId()]) {
var adGroups = campaign.adGroups();
if (labels.length !== 0) {
adGroups = adGroups.withCondition("LabelNames " + operator + " [" + labels.join(', ') + "]");
stats = costsForIterator(adGroups.get(), stats);
return stats;
function processAccount() {
var multiAccountInfo = getAccountInfo(),
currency = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCurrencyCode(),
results = [];
for (var i in multiAccountInfo) {
var accountInfo = multiAccountInfo[i],
accountId = accountInfo.custId,
budget = accountInfo.budget,
over = accountInfo.over,
under = accountInfo.under,
account = accountInfo.cust,
labels = accountInfo.labels,
andOr = accountInfo.andOr;
var stats = {
skipList: {},
cost: 0,
conversions: 0,
clicks: 0,
impressions: 0,
yesterday: {
cost: 0,
conversions: 0,
clicks: 0,
impressions: 0
date = new Date();
// There is no good way to use the account's timezone
// We use UTC, because it's close enough for use in Europe
// The standard timezone is most likely PST
// We adjust the current date so the amount of the day that
// has past is taken into account when setting a target
// Otherwise, running early in the day gives up to a day of
// extra budget, even though there has been no opportunity to spend it.
var today = date.getUTCDate() - (1 - date.getUTCHours()/23),
days = 32 - new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 32).getUTCDate();
// This is a pretty naive way to plot this information
// But unless your spending is significantly weighted within a month
// it should be a decent predictor
var partOfMonth = today/days, // How far we are in the month
maxInclTodayNoOver = partOfMonth * budget, // The part of the budget allotted to the part of the month that has passed
maxInclToday = maxInclTodayNoOver * (1 + over), // The amount of money that has to be spent to warrant a warning mail
minInclToday = maxInclTodayNoOver * (1 - under);
// Get the campaigns for your account
// You can add some conditions here, to limit the accounts counted etc.
var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns();
var shoppingCampaignIterator = AdWordsApp.shoppingCampaigns();
var operator = (andOr === 'AND') ? 'CONTAINS_ALL' : 'CONTAINS_ANY';
var doAdgroups = false;
if (labels.length === 1 && labels[0] == '') {
labels = [];
if (labels.length !== 0) {
for (var j in labels) {
labels[j] = '\'' + labels[j].trim() + '\''
campaignIterator = campaignIterator.withCondition("LabelNames " + operator + " [" + labels.join(', ') + "]");
shoppingCampaignIterator = shoppingCampaignIterator.withCondition("LabelNames " + operator + " [" + labels.join(', ') + "]");
doAdgroups = true;
} else if (hasLabel(skipLabel)) {
campaignIterator = campaignIterator.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ['" + skipLabel + "']");
shoppingCampaignIterator = shoppingCampaignIterator.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ['" + skipLabel + "']");
campaignIterator = campaignIterator.get();
shoppingCampaignIterator = shoppingCampaignIterator.get();
stats = costsForIterator(campaignIterator, stats);
if (doAdgroups) {
stats = costsForAdgroupsIterator(AdWordsApp.campaigns().get(), labels, operator, stats, stats.skipList);
stats.skipList = {};
stats = costsForIterator(shoppingCampaignIterator, stats);
if (doAdgroups) {
stats = costsForAdgroupsIterator(AdWordsApp.shoppingCampaigns().get(), labels, operator, stats, stats.skipList);
stats.skipList = {};
var cost = stats.cost;
var diff = 0;
if (cost > maxInclToday) diff = 1;
if (cost < minInclToday && under !== 0) diff = -1;
var diffLabel = {
'-1': 'Underspend',
'0': 'Within margins',
'1': 'Overspend'
var remainingBudget = budget - maxInclTodayNoOver,
delta = cost - maxInclTodayNoOver,
daysLeft = days - today;
// Format results as an object. processReports decides what to do
var result = {
reportable: (diff !== 0),
cust: account,
custId: accountId,
budget: fMoney(currency, budget),
budgetInt: budget,
diff: diff,
status: diffLabel[diff],
target: fMoney(currency, maxInclTodayNoOver),
actual: fMoney(currency, cost),
delta: fMoney(currency, delta) + ' (' + twoDecPerc(delta/maxInclTodayNoOver) + ')',
recommend: fMoney(currency, ((budget - cost) / daysLeft)),
var cpcc;
if (features.conversions) {
result.conversions = stats.conversions;
if (features.averageCpc) {
result.averageCpc = fMoney(currency, stats.cost / stats.clicks);
if (features.ctr) {
result.ctr = twoDecPerc(stats.clicks / stats.impressions);
if (features.costPerConversion) {
cpcc = stats.conversions == 0 ? 'N/A'
: twoDec(stats.cost / stats.conversions);
result.costPerConversion = cpcc;
if (features.yesterday.cost) {
result.yesterday_cost = fMoney(currency, stats.yesterday.cost);
if (features.yesterday.conversions) {
result.yesterday_conversions = stats.yesterday.conversions;
if (features.yesterday.averageCpc) {
result.yesterday_averageCpc = fMoney(currency, stats.yesterday.cost / stats.yesterday.clicks);
if (features.yesterday.ctr) {
result.yesterday_ctr = twoDecPerc(stats.yesterday.clicks / stats.yesterday.impressions);
if (features.yesterday.costPerConversion) {
cpcc = stats.yesterday.conversions == 0 ? 'N/A'
: twoDec(stats.yesterday.cost / stats.yesterday.conversions);
result.yesterday_costPerConversion = cpcc;
if (addWeekCols) {
result.wd_ma = ' ';
result.wd_di = ' ';
result.wd_wo = ' ';
result.wd_do = ' ';
result.wd_vr = ' ';
return JSON.stringify(results);
function hasLabel(label) {
return AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '" + label + "'").
// Process the results of a single
// Creates table, exports as html and sends to set emailaddress
function processReport(report) {
// Define table(headers)
var table = buildTable();
rep = JSON.parse(report);
for (var j in rep) {
// Skip campaign if budget is 0 and ignoreNoBudgetCampaigns is on
if (ignoreNoBudgetCampaigns && rep[j].budgetInt === 0) { continue; }
// Only show records that have over/underspend if onlyReportProblems is true
if (onlyReportProblems === false || rep[j].reportable === true) {
var attrs = {};
if (rep[j].diff === -1) { = 'background-color: ' + underspendColor; }
else if (rep[j].diff === 1) { = 'background-color: ' + overspendColor; }
add_row(table, rep[j], attrs);
// Process the results of all the accounts
// Creates table, exports as html and sends to set emailaddress
function processReports(reports) {
// Define table(headers)
var table = buildTable();
for (var i in reports) {
if(!reports[i].getReturnValue()) { continue; }
var rep = JSON.parse(reports[i].getReturnValue());
for (var j in rep) {
// Skip campaign if budget is 0 and ignoreNoBudgetCampaigns is on
if (ignoreNoBudgetCampaigns && rep[j].budgetInt === 0) { continue; }
// Only show records that have over/underspend if onlyReportProblems is true
if (onlyReportProblems === false || rep[j].reportable === true) {
var attrs = {style: 'padding: 2px 4px;'};
if (rep[j].diff === -1) { += 'background-color: ' + underspendColor; }
else if (rep[j].diff === 1) { += 'background-color: ' + overspendColor; }
add_row(table, rep[j], attrs);
function sendEmail(table) {
// Only send if there is something to report, or alwaysReport is set.
if (alwaysReport || table.rows.length > 0) {
var htmlBody = '<' + 'h1>' + emailSubject + '<' + '/h1>' + render_table(table, {border: 1, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, width: "95%", style: "border-collapse:collapse;"});
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddr, emailSubject, emailSubject, { htmlBody: htmlBody });
function buildTable() {
var tableCols = {
cust: 'Customer',
custId: 'Customer-ID',
budget: 'Budget',
status: 'Status',
target: 'Target spend',
actual: 'Actual spend',
delta: 'Delta',
recommend: 'Recommended daily spend',
if (features.conversions) {
tableCols.conversions = 'Conversions';
if (features.averageCpc) {
tableCols.averageCpc = 'Avg CPC';
if (features.ctr) {
tableCols.ctr = 'Avg CTR';
if (features.costPerConversion) {
tableCols.costPerConversion = 'Cost per conv';
if (features.yesterday.cost) {
tableCols.yesterday_cost = 'Spend (y)';
if (features.yesterday.conversions) {
tableCols.yesterday_conversions = 'Conversions (y)';
if (features.yesterday.averageCpc) {
tableCols.yesterday_averageCpc = 'Avg CPC (y)';
if (features.yesterday.ctr) {
tableCols.yesterday_ctr = 'Avg CTR (y)';
if (features.yesterday.costPerConversion) {
tableCols.yesterday_costPerConversion = 'Cost per conv (y)';
if (addWeekCols) {
tableCols.wd_ma = 'Mo';
tableCols.wd_di = 'Tu';
tableCols.wd_wo = 'We';
tableCols.wd_do = 'Th';
tableCols.wd_vr = 'Fr';
return create_table(tableCols);
// Few formatting functions
function twoDec(i) {
return parseFloat(i).toFixed(2);
function twoDecPerc(p) {
return twoDec(p * 100) + '%';
function fMoney(currency, amount) {
if (currency == 'EUR') {
currency = '€';
} else if (currency == 'USD') {
currency = '$';
return currency + '&nbsp;' + twoDec(amount);
function getSpreadsheetIds() {
var ids = [],
reAWId = /^([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{4})$/;
try {
ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId);
} catch (e) {
return ids;
ss = ss.getSheets()[0];
var rows = parseInt(ss.getLastRow());
var range = ss.getRange("A1:Z" + rows).getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
var account = mapRowToInfo(range[i]);
if (!reAWId.test(account.custId)) {
return ids;
// Fetch info for current account from the spreadsheet
// MCC scripts don't seem to support shared state between
// Parallel executions, so we need to do this fresh for every account
// Uses default info from 'defaults' set in script, and replaces with
// values from spreadsheet where possible
function getAccountInfo() {
var ss;
var reAWId = /^([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{4})$/;
var protoAccount = {
custId: AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(),
cust: AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(),
budget: defaultBudget,
labels: [],
over: defaultOver,
under: defaultUnder,
andOr: defaultCombination
try {
ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId);
} catch (e) {
return [protoAccount];
ss = ss.getSheets()[0];
var rows = parseInt(ss.getLastRow());
var range = ss.getRange("A1:Z" + rows).getValues();
var accounts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
var account = mapRowToInfo(range[i]);
if (!reAWId.test(account.custId) || account.custId !== protoAccount.custId) {
for(var key in account) {
if (account[key] === '') {
account[key] = protoAccount[key];
if (accounts.length === 0) {
return [protoAccount];
} else {
return accounts;
// Instantiate a table object with given column names
// Either as array or object/hash
function create_table(cols) {
var table = { head: [], rows: [], row_attrs: [], row_names: undefined};
if (cols instanceof Array) {
table.head = cols;
} else if (cols instanceof Object) {
var i = 0;
table.row_names = {};
for (var key in cols) {
table.row_names[key] = i;
return table;
// Add a row to the table object
// Either an clean array or an object
// with correct parameter names
function add_row(table, row, attrs) {
if (row instanceof Array) {
if (table.row_names === undefined) {
var new_row = [];
for (var key in row) {
if (table.row_names[key] === undefined) {
new_row[table.row_names[key]] = row[key];
// Log the contents of the table object in a semi readable format
function log_table(table) {
Logger.log(table.head.join(' | '));
for (var i in table.rows) {
Logger.log(table.rows[i].join(' | '));
// Turn the table object into an HTML table
// Add attributes to the table tag with the attrs param
// Takes an object/hash
function render_table(table, attrs) {
function render_tag(content, tag_name, attrs) {
var attrs_str = '';
if (attrs instanceof Object) {
for (var attr in attrs) {
attrs_str += [' ',attr,'="', attrs[attr], '"'].join('');
var tag = ['<' + tag_name + attrs_str + '>'];
tag.push('<!--' + tag_name + '-->');
return tag.join('');
function render_row(row, field, row_attrs) {
if (field === undefined) {
field = 'td';
var row_ar = new Array(table.head.length);
for (var col in row) {
row_ar.push(render_tag(row[col], field, row_attrs));
return render_tag(row_ar.join(''), 'tr');
var table_ar = [];
table_ar.push(render_row(table.head, 'th', {style:'background-color: #333333; color: #fefefe; padding: 2px 4px'}));
for (var row in table.rows) {
table_ar.push(render_row(table.rows[row], 'td', table.row_attrs[row]));
return render_tag(table_ar.join(''), 'table', attrs);
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Hi there, I'm an adwords account manager, not a developer, and I'm having a little trouble getting this script to work. The error I'm getting is "Range not found (line 379). Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'm far out of my depth on this one.

Thanks in advance.

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