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Created July 2, 2018 12:31
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Artefact Evalution for "Bounding Data Races in Space and Time"

This document contains instructions for the artefact evaluation. The draft paper is available at

Access to benchmarking machines

The main evaluation in the paper is the overhead of compiling our proposed memory model to relaxed architectures such as ARM and POWER (Fig 7 on page 10). To this end, we have set up an ARM (aarch64) and POWER (ppc64) machine and have provided the ssh keys (pldi-aec-rsa) to access the machine.

Copy the key file to your machine and change its permission to

chmod 600 pldi-aec-rsa

Then you can log into the aarch64 machine as:

ssh -i pldi-aec-rsa

and the ppc64 machine as:

ssh -i pldi-aec-rsa 

Content and Organization

This section describes the content and organisation of the benchmarks. You may skip this section and move to the next. In the rest of this section, I will assume that you are logged into the aarch64 machine. This instructions for benchmarking on ppc64, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

In the home directory, you should have 2 directories:

$ ls
logs  ocamlbench-scripts

We will use ocamlbench-scripts/ to run the benchmarks. The benchmark results are stored in the logs directory.

The compiler variants we will test can be listed with the opam switch command as follows:

$ opam switch
# switch                                      compiler                                               description
4.07.0+trunk+bench                            ocaml-variants.4.07.0+trunk                            4.07.0+trunk+bench
4.07.0+trunk+branch-after-load-aarch64+bench  ocaml-variants.4.07.0+trunk+branch-after-load-aarch64  4.07.0+trunk+branch-after-load-aarch64+bench
4.07.0+trunk+dmb-before-store-aarch64+bench   ocaml-variants.4.07.0+trunk+dmb-before-store-aarch64   4.07.0+trunk+dmb-before-store-aarch64+bench
4.07.0+trunk+profile-reads-and-writes+bench   ocaml-variants.4.07.0+trunk+profile-reads-and-writes   4.07.0+trunk+profile-reads-and-writes+bench
4.07.0+trunk+sra-aarch64+bench                ocaml-variants.4.07.0+trunk+sra                        4.07.0+trunk+sra-aarch64+bench
default                                       ocaml-system.4.02.3                                    default
operf                                         ocaml-system.4.02.3                                    operf

Of these, the compiler switch 4.07.0+trunk+profile-reads-and-writes+bench is used to generate the benchmark characteristics graph in Fig 7(a). The other switches starting with 4.07.0+ are the variants evaluated in the graph in Fig 7(b).

Where are the compiler and benchmark sources?

All the information about the compiler variants and benchmarks are found from a special opam remote named benches:

$ opam repo -v
[NOTE] Use '--all' to see all configured repositories independently of what is selected in the current switch

=-=- Repository configuration for switch operf =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 1 benches git+
 2 default

You can browse the benchmarks in the directory packages in ocamlbench-repo. The various compiler variants used are listed in packages/ocaml-variants. The opam files have information about the location of the compilers. The compiler variants are:

  1. trunk
  2. branch after load (BAL) aarch64
  3. "dmb lb" before store (FBS) aarch64
  4. strong release/acquire (SRA) aarch64
  5. branch after load (BAL) ppc64
  6. "lwsync" before store (FBS) ppc64
  7. strong release/acquire (SRA) ppc64
  8. profile reads and writes

Running the benchmarks

After you have logged into aarch64 or ppc64 machine, make sure you are in the operf switch.

$ opam switch operf

Start a tmux session as the benchmarks take around 4 hours to run.

$ tmux

If the ssh session gets terminated, you can come back and attach to the same session with a tmux attach. Initiate the benchmarking script,

$ cd ocamlbench-scripts
$ bash ./ --nowait

Generating the graphs

Once you have finished running the experiments, you can generate the graphs. There are 3 python scripts, and in the ocamlbench-scripts directory in order to generate the sub-figures in Fig 7. and need to be run on aarch64 machine and on ppc64 machine.

$ python
Writing 'fig_7a.pdf'

and similarly for other figures. scp the pdfs to your local machine to view them.

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