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Last active December 21, 2015 07:28
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Save kaw2k/6271221 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple all caps javascript bot
// Import settings
var settings = require('./settings');
// Setup IRC
var irc = require('irc');
var bot = new irc.Client(settings.server, settings.botName, settings);
settings.botName + ' connecting to ' + settings.server + settings.channels
//+ directlyAddressed :: {} -> boolean
function directlyAddressed (message) {
return (new RegExp(settings.botName, 'i')).test(message.text);
//+ isAllCaps :: {} -> boolean
function isAllCaps (message) {
return message.text.toUpperCase() === message.text;
// Do something for every raw message
bot.addListener('raw', function (msg) {
// Break out early if we get a garbage message
if(msg.command !== 'PRIVMSG' || !msg.args || msg.args.length < 2)
var message = {
username: msg.nick,
channel: msg.args[0],
text: msg.args[1]
if (directlyAddressed(message))
console.log(message.username + ' :: ' + message.text);
if (!isAllCaps(message)) {
console.log('Booting: ' + message.username);
bot.send('KICK',, message.username, 'USE ALLCAPS BRO.');
bot.say(, 'BOOM, ' + message.username + ' GOT B00TED');
var settings = {
server: '',
port: 6667,
channels: ['#channel'],
botName: '',
userName: '',
realName: '',
// Omit this if you don't need SSL
secure: {
passphrase: 'We_built_that_app.',
rejectUnauthorized: false
password: 'We_built_that_app.',
certExpired: true,
selfSigned: true
// Debugging things
//debug: true,
//showErrors: true,
if (module && module.exports)
module.exports = settings;
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