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Created February 2, 2020 13:00
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* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg
* A class that is utilised by PHPVideoToolkit to manipulate and control timecode strings.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @package default
class Timecode
const EPSILON = 0.00001;
protected $_total_frames;
protected $_total_milliseconds;
protected $_total_seconds;
protected $_total_minutes;
protected $_total_hours;
protected $_frames;
protected $_milliseconds;
protected $_seconds;
protected $_minutes;
protected $_hours;
protected $_is_negative;
protected $_frame_rate;
* Takes a time input format and converts it into seconds.
* The object then allows you to extract different timecode formats from the input.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $input_value
* @param string $value_format
* @param string $timecode_format
* @param Media $media
public function __construct($input_value, $value_format=Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS, $frame_rate=24, $timecode_format='%hh:%mm:%ss.%ms')
$this->_frames = null;
$this->_milliseconds = 0;
$this->_seconds = 0;
$this->_minutes = 0;
$this->_hours = 0;
$this->_total_frames = null;
$this->_total_milliseconds = 0;
$this->_total_seconds = 0;
$this->_total_minutes = 0;
$this->_total_hours = 0;
// convert the timecode to
$seconds = $this->_convertTimeInputToSeconds($input_value, $value_format, $timecode_format);
* Sets the timecodes frame rate.
* @access public
* @author: Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $frame_rate Integer, Float or null.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the supplied from rate is not an integer, a float or a null value.
public function setFrameRate($frame_rate)
if(is_integer($frame_rate) === false && is_float($frame_rate) === false && is_null($frame_rate) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The frame rate must be specified as either null, float or an integer value. `'.gettype($frame_rate).'` given.');
$this->_frame_rate = $frame_rate;
* When the object is converted to a string it is converted in a timecode string.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->full_timecode;
* Sets the timecodes seconds value but setting and parsing a timecode in the
* given format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $timecode_string A timecode string in the format given by $timecode_format.
* @param string $timecode_format
* @return self
public function setTimecode($timecode_string, $timecode_format='%hh:%mm:%ss.%ms')
$seconds = $this->_convertTimeInputToSeconds($timecode_string, Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_TIMECODE, $timecode_format);
return $this;
* Set the total seconds value of the timecode and recalculate the timecode values.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $seconds
* @return Timecode
public function setSeconds($seconds)
$seconds = (float) $seconds;
// convert to totals
$this->_total_milliseconds = $seconds*1000;
$this->_total_seconds = $seconds;
$this->_total_minutes = $seconds/60;
$this->_total_hours = $this->_total_minutes/60;
$this->_milliseconds =
$this->_seconds =
$this->_minutes =
$this->_hours = 0;
// convert to grouped
$abs_seconds = abs($seconds);
while($abs_seconds > 60)
$abs_seconds -= 60;
$this->_minutes += 1;
if($this->_minutes == 60)
$this->_hours += 1;
$this->_minutes = 0;
$this->_milliseconds = $abs_seconds-floor($abs_seconds);
$this->_seconds = floor($abs_seconds);
// if the milliseconds are 1, then make a seconds adjust
if(abs($this->_milliseconds-1) < self::EPSILON)
$this->_milliseconds = 0;
$this->_seconds += 1;
if($this->_seconds == 60)
$this->_minutes += 1;
$this->_seconds = 0;
// determine if the value is negative.
$this->_is_negative = $this->_total_seconds < 0;
if($this->_is_negative === true)
$this->_milliseconds = -$this->_milliseconds;
$this->_seconds = -$this->_seconds;
$this->_minutes = -$this->_minutes;
$this->_hours = -$this->_hours;
// if we have a frame rate then set those values.
if($this->_frame_rate !== null)
$this->_frames = round($this->_frame_rate * $this->_milliseconds);
$this->_total_frames = round($this->_frame_rate * $this->_total_seconds);
return $this;
* Resets the timecode to 00:00:00.000
* @access public
* @author: Oliver Lillie
* @return [type] [description]
public function reset()
* Set timecode values.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $property
* @param string $value
* @return void
public function __set($property, $value)
case 'hours' :
if($value > 0)
$this->_total_hours = $this->_total_hours - $this->_hours + $value;
$this->_total_hours = $this->_total_hours + ($value - $this->_hours);
$this->_total_seconds = $this->_total_hours * 60 * 60;
case 'mins' :
case 'minutes' :
if($value > 0)
$this->_total_minutes = $this->_total_minutes - $this->_minutes + $value;
$this->_total_minutes = $this->_total_minutes + ($value - $this->_minutes);
$this->_total_seconds = $this->_total_minutes * 60;
case 'secs' :
case 'seconds' :
if($value > 0)
$this->_total_seconds = $this->_total_seconds - $this->_seconds + $value;
$this->_total_seconds = $this->_total_seconds + ($value - $this->_seconds);
case 'millisecs' :
case 'milliseconds' :
if($value > 0)
$this->_total_milliseconds = $this->_total_milliseconds - $this->_milliseconds + $value;
$this->_total_milliseconds = $this->_total_milliseconds + ($value - $this->_milliseconds);
$this->_total_seconds = $this->_total_milliseconds/1000;
case 'frame' :
case 'frames' :
if($this->_frame_rate === null)
throw new Exception('You cannot set '.$property.' because the frame rate has not been set.');
if($value > 0)
$this->_total_frames = $this->_total_frames - $this->_frames + $value;
$this->_total_frames = $this->_total_frames + ($value - $this->_frames);
$this->_total_seconds = ($this->_total_frames / $this->_frame_rate);
throw new Exception('You cannot set '.$property.'.');
* Allows access to protected non-setable values.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $property
* @return void
public function __get($property)
case 'timecode' :
return $this->getTimecode('%hh:%mm:%ss', true);
case 'full_timecode' :
return $this->getTimecode('%hh:%mm:%ss.%ms', true);
case 'total_hours' :
return $this->_total_hours;
case 'total_minutes' :
return $this->_total_minutes;
case 'total_seconds' :
return $this->_total_seconds;
case 'total_milliseconds' :
return $this->_total_milliseconds;
case 'hours' :
return $this->_hours;
case 'mins' :
case 'minutes' :
return $this->_minutes;
case 'secs' :
case 'seconds' :
return $this->_seconds;
case 'millisecs' :
case 'milliseconds' :
return $this->_milliseconds;
case 'frame' :
case 'frames' :
return $this->_frames;
case 'total_frames' :
return $this->_total_frames;
* Outputs a timecode based on a specific format as supplied by $timecode_format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $timecode_format The format of the timecode to return. The default is
* default '%ts'
* - %hh (hours) representative of hours
* - %mm (minutes) representative of minutes
* - %ss (seconds) representative of seconds
* - %fn (frame number) representative of frames (of the current second, not total frames)
* - %ms (milliseconds) representative of milliseconds (of the current second, not total milliseconds) (rounded to 3 decimal places)
* - %ft (frames total) representative of total frames (ie frame number)
* - %st (seconds total) representative of total seconds (rounded).
* - %sf (seconds floored) representative of total seconds (floored).
* - %sc (seconds ceiled) representative of total seconds (ceiled).
* - %mt (milliseconds total) representative of total milliseconds. (rounded to 3 decimal places)
* Thus you could use an alternative, '%hh:%mm:%ss:%ms', or '%hh:%mm:%ss' dependent on your usage.
* @param string $use_smart_values Default value is TRUE, if a format is found (ie %ss - secs) but no higher format (ie %mm - mins)
* is found then if $use_smart_values is TRUE the value of of the format will be totaled.
* @return void
public function getTimecode($timecode_format, $use_smart_values=true)
$searches = array();
$replacements = array();
// these ones are the simple replacements
// replace the hours
$using_hours = strpos($timecode_format, '%hh') !== false;
if($using_hours === true)
array_push($searches, '%hh');
array_push($replacements, str_pad(abs($this->_hours), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the minutes
$using_mins = strpos($timecode_format, '%mm') !== false;
if($using_mins === true)
array_push($searches, '%mm');
// check if hours are being used, if not and hours are required enable smart minutes
if($use_smart_values === true && $using_hours === false && $this->_hours > 0)
$value = ($this->_hours * 60) + $this->_minutes;
$value = $this->_minutes;
array_push($replacements, str_pad(abs($value), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the seconds
if(strpos($timecode_format, '%ss') !== false)
// check if hours are being used, if not and hours are required enable smart minutes
if($use_smart_values === true && $using_mins === false && $using_hours === false && $this->_hours > 0)
$mins = ($this->_hours * 60) + $this->_minutes;
// check if mins are being used, if not and hours are required enable smart minutes
if($use_smart_values === true && $using_mins === false && $this->_minutes > 0)
$value = ($mins * 60) + $this->_seconds;
$value = $this->_seconds;
// if($value === 60)
// {
// $this->_minutes += 1;
// $this->_seconds = 0;
// }
array_push($searches, '%ss');
array_push($replacements, str_pad(abs($value), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the milliseconds
if(strpos($timecode_format, '%ms') !== false)
array_push($searches, '%ms');
array_push($replacements, str_pad(round(abs($this->_milliseconds), 3)*1000, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the total seconds (rounded)
if(strpos($timecode_format, '%st') !== false)
array_push($searches, '%st');
array_push($replacements, str_pad(round(abs($this->_seconds)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the total seconds (floored)
if(strpos($timecode_format, '%sf') !== false)
array_push($searches, '%sf');
array_push($replacements, str_pad(floor(abs($this->_seconds+$this->_milliseconds)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the total seconds (ceiled)
if(strpos($timecode_format, '%sc') !== false)
array_push($searches, '%sc');
array_push($replacements, str_pad(ceil(abs($this->_seconds+$this->_milliseconds)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
// replace the total seconds
if(strpos($timecode_format, '%mt') !== false)
array_push($searches, '%mt');
array_push($replacements, round(abs($this->_seconds+$this->_milliseconds), 3));
// these are the more complicated as they depend on $frames_per_second / frames per second of the current input
$has_frames = strpos($timecode_format, '%fn') !== false;
$has_total_frames = strpos($timecode_format, '%ft') !== false;
if($has_frames === true || $has_total_frames === true)
// if the fps is false then we must automagically detect it from the input file
if($this->_frame_rate === null)
// TODO throw exception
return -1;
// check the information has been received
$frames_per_second = $this->_frame_rate;
// fps cannot be reached so return -1
return -1;
// replace the frames
$excess_frames = false;
if($has_frames === true)
$excess_frames = ceil(($this->_seconds - floor($this->_seconds)) * $frames_per_second);
array_push($searches, '%fn');
array_push($replacements, abs($excess_frames));
// replace the total frames (ie frame number)
if($has_total_frames === true)
$round_frames = floor($this->_seconds) * $frames_per_second;
if($excess_frames === false)
$excess_frames = ceil(($this->_seconds - floor($this->_seconds)) * $frames_per_second);
array_push($searches, '%ft');
array_push($replacements, abs($round_frames + $excess_frames));
return ($this->_is_negative === true ? '-' : '').str_replace($searches, $replacements, $timecode_format);
* Converts a timecode to seconds.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $input_value
* @param string $value_format
* @param string $timecode_format
* @return void
protected function _convertTimeInputToSeconds($input_value, $value_format, $timecode_format=null)
if(in_array($value_format, array(self::INPUT_FORMAT_TIMECODE, self::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS, self::INPUT_FORMAT_MINUTES, self::INPUT_FORMAT_HOURS)) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid timecode value format supplied to Timecode::__construct.');
return self::parseTimecode($input_value, $timecode_format, $this->_frame_rate, null);
return $input_value;
return $input_value*60;
return $input_value*60*60;
* Parses a timecode according to the given input format. The value of the timecode in seconds is returned.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $input_value The timecode input value that you are parsing.
* @param string $input_format
* - %hh (hours) representative of hours
* - %mm (minutes) representative of minutes
* - %ss (seconds) representative of seconds
* - %fn (frame number) representative of frames (of the current second, not total frames)
* - %ms (milliseconds) representative of milliseconds (of the current second, not total milliseconds) (rounded to 3 decimal places)
* - %ft (frames total) representative of total frames (ie frame number)
* - %st (seconds total) representative of total seconds (rounded).
* - %sf (seconds floored) representative of total seconds (floored).
* - %sc (seconds ceiled) representative of total seconds (ceiled).
* - %mt (milliseconds total) representative of total milliseconds. (rounded to 3 decimal places)
* @param integer $frames_per_second The number of frames per second to translate for. If left as null
* the class automagically gets the fps from Media->frames_per_second, but the Media param has to be set
* first for this to work properly.
* @param Media $media If you are using frames and wish to inherit the frame rate directly from the media object
* then you can set the media object using this parameter.
* @return integer Returns a positive value in seconds if successfull, alternatively returns -1 and a frame rate error.
public static function parseTimecode($input_value, $input_format, $frames_per_second=null, Media $media=null)
// first we must get the timecode into the current seconds
$input_quoted = preg_quote($input_format);
$placeholders = array('%hh', '%mm', '%ss', '%fn', '%ms', '%ft', '%st', '%sf', '%sc', '%mt');
$input_regex = str_replace($placeholders, '([0-9]+)', preg_quote($input_format));
preg_match('/'.$input_regex.'/', $input_value, $matches);
// work out the sort order for the placeholders
$sort_table = array();
foreach($placeholders as $key => $placeholder)
if(($pos = strpos($input_format, $placeholder)) !== false)
$sort_table[$pos] = $placeholder;
// check to see if frame related values are in the input
$has_frames = strpos($input_format, '%fn') !== false;
$has_total_frames = strpos($input_format, '%ft') !== false;
if ($has_frames === true || $has_total_frames === true)
// if the fps is false then we must automagically detect it from the input file
if($frames_per_second === null)
// check the information has been received
if($media === null)
// TODO throw exception
return -1;
$frames_per_second = $media->frames_per_second;
return -1;
// increment the seconds with each placeholder value
$seconds = 0;
$key = 1;
foreach ($sort_table as $placeholder)
if(isset($matches[$key]) === false)
$value = $matches[$key];
switch ($placeholder)
// time related ones
case '%hh' :
$seconds += $value * 3600;
case '%mm' :
$seconds += $value * 60;
case '%ss' :
case '%sf' :
case '%sc' :
$seconds += $value;
case '%ms' :
$seconds += floatval('0.' . $value);
case '%st' :
case '%mt' :
$seconds = $value;
break 1;
// frame related ones
case '%fn' :
$seconds += $value / $frames_per_second;
case '%ft' :
$seconds = $value / $frames_per_second;
break 1;
$key += 1;
return $seconds;
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