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Last active August 29, 2022 11:47
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  • Save kat0h/6c0029bb07d48ca52ab559d4b8f2670c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function! s:State(bufid) abort
let l:counter = 0
let l:bufid = a:bufid
function! Inc() closure
let l:counter += 1
call Flash()
function! Dec() closure
let l:counter -= 1
call Flash()
function! Flash() closure
call setbufline(l:bufid, 1, string(l:counter))
return #{
\Inc: funcref('Inc'),
\Dec: funcref('Dec'),
\Flash: funcref('Flash'),
function! g:NewBuffer() abort
execute 'new' fnameescape("Counter")
setlocal modifiable
silent %delete _
setlocal nomodified
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe
let b:state = s:State(bufnr())
nnoremap <buffer>k <cmd>call b:state.Inc()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer>j <cmd>call b:state.Dec()<CR>
call setline(2, "j/k to up/down counter")
call b:state.Flash()
call g:NewBuffer()
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