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Last active February 14, 2024 04:06
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(defun org-latex-preview-check-health (&optional inter)
"Inspect the relevent system state and setup.
INTER signals whether the function has been called interactively."
(interactive (list t))
;; Collect information
(let* ((diag `(:interactive ,inter)))
(plist-put diag :org-version org-version)
;; modified variables
(plist-put diag :modified
(let ((list))
(lambda (v)
(and (boundp v)
(string-match "\\`\\(org-latex-\\|org-persist-\\)" (symbol-name v))
(or (and (symbol-value v)
(string-match "\\(-hook\\|-function\\)\\'" (symbol-name v)))
(get v 'custom-type) (get v 'standard-value)
(not (equal (symbol-value v)
(eval (car (get v 'standard-value)) t)))))
(push (cons v (symbol-value v)) list))))
;; Executables
;; latex processors
(dolist (processor org-latex-compilers)
(when-let ((path (executable-find processor)))
(let ((version (with-temp-buffer
(concat processor " --version")
(goto-char (point-min))
(buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))))
(push (list processor version path) (plist-get diag :latex-processors)))))
;; Image converters
(dolist (converter '("dvipng" "dvisvgm" "convert"))
(when-let ((path (executable-find converter)))
(let ((version (with-temp-buffer
(concat converter " --version")
(goto-char (point-min))
(buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))))
(push (list converter version path) (plist-get diag :image-converters)))))
(when inter
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Org LaTeX Preview Report*")
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert (propertize "Your LaTeX preview process" 'face 'outline-1))
(insert "\n\n")
(let* ((latex-available (cl-member org-latex-compiler
(plist-get diag :latex-processors)
:key #'car :test #'string=))
(and latex-available
(not (member org-latex-compiler '("lualatex" "xelatex")))))
(proc-info (alist-get
(image-converter (cadr (plist-get proc-info :programs)))
(lambda (c)
(string= image-converter c))
(plist-get diag :image-converters)
:key #'car))
(image-output-type (plist-get proc-info :image-output-type)))
(if org-latex-preview-process-precompiled
(insert "Precompile with "
(propertize (map-elt org-latex-precompile-compiler-map
(if precompile-available
'(:inherit success :box t)
'(:inherit error :box t))
(insert "LaTeX Compile with "
(propertize org-latex-compiler 'face
(if latex-available
'(:inherit success :box t)
'(:inherit error :box t))
(insert "Convert to "
(propertize (upcase image-output-type) 'face '(:weight bold))
" with "
(propertize (car image-converter) 'face
(if image-converter
'(:inherit success :box t)
'(:inherit error :box t))
(insert (propertize org-latex-compiler 'face 'outline-3)
(if latex-available
(mapconcat #'identity (map-nested-elt diag `(:latex-processors ,org-latex-compiler))
'face 'org-block)
(when (and latex-available (not precompile-available))
(format "\nWarning: Precompilation not available with %S!\n" org-latex-compiler)
'face 'warning)))
(propertize "Not found in path!\n" 'face 'error))
(insert (propertize (cadr (plist-get proc-info :programs)) 'face 'outline-3)
(if image-converter
(mapconcat #'identity (cdr image-converter) "\n")
'face 'org-block)
(propertize "Not found in path!\n" 'face 'error))
;; dvisvgm version check
(when (equal (car-safe image-converter)
(let* ((version-string (cadr image-converter))
(dvisvgm-ver (progn
(string-match "\\([0-9.]+\\)" version-string)
(match-string 1 version-string))))
(when (version< dvisvgm-ver "3.0")
(insert (propertize
(format "Warning: dvisvgm version %s < 3.0, displaymath will not be centered."
'face 'warning)
(unless (string-match-p " RSVG" system-configuration-features)
(insert (propertize
"Error: Emacs was not compiled with SVG support,
images cannot be displayed with dvisvgm"
'face 'error)))))
;; png support check
(when (member (car-safe image-converter)
'("dvipng" "convert"))
(unless (string-match-p " PNG" system-configuration-features)
(insert (propertize
(format "Error: Emacs was not compiled with PNG support,
images cannot be displayed with %s"
(car-safe image-converter))))))
(when (not (and latex-available image-converter))
(insert "path: " (getenv "PATH") "\n\n")))
;; Settings
(insert (propertize "LaTeX preview options" 'face 'outline-2)
(pcase-dolist (`(,var . ,msg)
`((,org-latex-preview-process-precompiled . "Precompilation ")
(,org-latex-preview-numbered . "Equation renumbering ")
(,org-latex-preview-cache . "Caching with org-persist ")))
(insert (propertize "" 'face 'org-list-dt)
(if var
(propertize "ON" 'face '(success bold org-block))
(propertize "OFF" 'face '(error bold org-block)))
(insert "\n"
(propertize "LaTeX preview sizing" 'face 'outline-2) "\n"
(propertize "" 'face 'org-list-dt)
" Page width "
(format "%S" (plist-get org-latex-preview-appearance-options :page-width))
'face '(org-code org-block))
" (display equation width in LaTeX)\n"
(propertize "" 'face 'org-list-dt)
" Scale "
(format "%.2f" (plist-get org-latex-preview-appearance-options :scale))
'face '(org-code org-block))
" (PNG pixel density multiplier)\n"
(propertize "" 'face 'org-list-dt)
" Zoom "
(format "%.2f" (plist-get org-latex-preview-appearance-options :zoom))
'face '(org-code org-block))
" (display scaling factor)\n\n")
(insert (propertize "LaTeX preview preamble" 'face 'outline-2) "\n")
(let ((major-mode 'org-mode))
(let ((point-1 (point)))
(insert org-latex-preview-preamble "\n")
(org-src-font-lock-fontify-block 'latex point-1 (point))
(add-face-text-property point-1 (point) '(:inherit org-block :height 0.9)))
(insert "\n")
;; Diagnostic output
(insert (propertize "Diagnostic info (copied)" 'face 'outline-2)
(let ((point-1 (point)))
(pp diag (current-buffer))
(org-src-font-lock-fontify-block 'emacs-lisp point-1 (point))
(add-face-text-property point-1 (point) '(:height 0.9))))
(gui-select-text (prin1-to-string diag))
(lambda (&rest _)
(call-interactively #'org-latex-preview-check-health)
(message "Refreshed LaTeX preview diagnostic")))
(let ((message-log-max nil))
(toggle-truncate-lines 1))
(goto-char (point-min))
(display-buffer (current-buffer))))
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