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Last active April 1, 2022 01:15
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-- We use two approaches. First using PostgreSQL inet and cidr types and indexing (PostgreSQL 9.4 and later),
-- and then using ip4r (
-- The performance of ip4r indexes is significantly better than PostgreSQL's own index.
-- An operation that took 42s using ip4r took 47 minutes using PostgreSQL's cidr index.
-- PostgreSQL inet and cidr approach
create table geoip_blocks (
network cidr,
geoname_id bigint,
registered_country_geoname_id bigint,
represented_country_geoname_id bigint,
is_anonymous_proxy bool,
is_satellite_provider bool
copy geoip_blocks from '/tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy geoip_blocks from '/tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv6.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
create index geoip_blocks_network_idx on geoip_blocks using gist (network inet_ops);
create table geoip_locations (
geoname_id bigint,
locale_code varchar(2),
continent_code varchar(2),
continent_name varchar(255),
country_iso_code varchar(2),
country_name varchar(255)
copy geoip_locations from '/tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Locations-en.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
create or replace function geoip_country_code(remoteaddress inet)
returns varchar(2)
language sql
as 'select country_iso_code from geoip_locations where geoname_id in (select geoname_id from geoip_blocks where network >>= remoteaddress)';
-- Now you can use the geoip_country_code function
select geoip_country_code(''::inet);
-- IP4R approach
-- Install on Ubuntu:
-- apt-get install postgresql-9.5-ip4r
create extension if not exists ip4r;
create table geoip_blocks4 (
network ip4r,
geoname_id bigint,
registered_country_geoname_id bigint,
represented_country_geoname_id bigint,
is_anonymous_proxy bool,
is_satellite_provider bool
CREATE INDEX geoip_blocks4_network_idx ON geoip_blocks4 USING gist (network);
create table geoip_locations (
geoname_id bigint,
locale_code varchar(2),
continent_code varchar(2),
continent_name varchar(255),
country_iso_code varchar(2),
country_name varchar(255)
create or replace function geoip_country_code(remoteaddress ip4)
returns varchar(2)
language sql
as 'select country_iso_code from geoip_locations where geoname_id in (select geoname_id from geoip_blocks4 where network >>= remoteaddress)';
create table geoip_blocks6 (
network ip6r,
geoname_id bigint,
registered_country_geoname_id bigint,
represented_country_geoname_id bigint,
is_anonymous_proxy bool,
is_satellite_provider bool
CREATE INDEX geoip_blocks6_network_idx ON geoip_blocks6 USING gist (network);
create or replace function geoip_country_code(remoteaddress ip6)
returns varchar(2)
language sql
as 'select country_iso_code from geoip_locations where geoname_id in (select geoname_id from geoip_blocks6 where network >>= remoteaddress)';
create or replace function geoip_country_code(remoteaddress text)
returns varchar(2)
country_code varchar(2);
IF strpos(remoteaddress, ':') = 0 THEN
select country_iso_code into country_code from geoip_locations where geoname_id in (select geoname_id from geoip_blocks4 where network >>= remoteaddress::ip4);
select country_iso_code into country_code from geoip_locations where geoname_id in (select geoname_id from geoip_blocks6 where network >>= remoteaddress::ip6);
return country_code;
language plpgsql
-- Must do these copies as superuser
copy geoip_blocks4 from '/tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy geoip_blocks6 from '/tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv6.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy geoip_locations from '/tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Locations-en.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
-- Now you can use the geoip_country_code function
select geoip_country_code('');
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