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Last active June 23, 2023 13:47
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CNCF claim check

I was triggered in local chat that some project with name CNCF is done by community and 203K developers contribute to it. So do not trust strangers on the internet and just check claims. Also this is fun scripting project

open Octokit
open LibGit2Sharp
open System.IO
open System.Linq
let github_token = "changeme"
let rec queryRepos (github:GitHubClient) page items =
task {
let searchRequest = SearchRepositoriesRequest(Topic = "cncf", Page = page, SortField = RepoSearchSort.Stars)
let! repos = github.Search.SearchRepo(searchRequest)
let newItems = items |> Seq.append repos.Items
let! x = if (repos.TotalCount <= (page - 1) * 100) || (page = 11 (* GitHub does not allow more then 1000 results *)) then
task { return newItems }
(queryRepos github (page+1) newItems)
return x
let print_repos filename =
let tokenAuth = new Octokit.Credentials(github_token);
let github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("CNCFChecker"), Credentials = tokenAuth);
let w = task {
let! repos = queryRepos github 0 []
let lines = repos |> (fun x -> sprintf "%s %s %s" x.FullName x.CloneUrl x.DefaultBranch)
File.WriteAllLines(filename, lines)
//repos |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%s %s %s" x.FullName x.CloneUrl x.DefaultBranch)
type RepoData(name: string, repoUrl: string, defaultBranch: string) =
member val Name: string = name with get, set
member val RepoUrl: string = repoUrl with get, set
member val DefaultBranch: string = defaultBranch with get, set
let line2RepoData (line: string) =
let parts = line.Split(' ')
RepoData(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2])
let load_repos filename =
let lines = File.ReadLines(filename)
let repos = lines |> line2RepoData
let repo_temp (repo: RepoData) = "temp/" + repo.Name
let cloneRepo repo =
let deployerPath = repo_temp repo
if Directory.Exists deployerPath then () else
let clone_options = new CloneOptions(BranchName = repo.DefaultBranch, Checkout = false)
let cloned_path = Repository.Clone(repo.RepoUrl, deployerPath, clone_options)
//printfn "Cloned to %s" cloned_path
let collect_usage_stats repo =
let repo_path = repo_temp repo
let gitrepo = new Repository(repo_path)
let commits = gitrepo.Commits
commits.GroupBy(fun x -> x.Author.Email).Select(fun x -> (x.Key, x.Count())).ToArray()
let analyze_repo (repo: RepoData) =
let print_usage line =
let (email, count) = line
printfn "%s %s %d" repo.Name email count
cloneRepo repo
let usage = collect_usage_stats repo
usage |> Seq.iter print_usage
| :? LibGit2SharpException -> printfn "Failed to checkout %s" repo.Name
| ex -> raise (System.Exception (sprintf "Failed to analyze %s with url %s" repo.Name repo.RepoUrl, ex))
print_repos "repos.txt"
let repos = load_repos "repos.txt"
repos |> Seq.iter analyze_repo
//let first = repos |> Seq.head
//cloneRepo first
//print_usage first
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