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Created October 7, 2023 05:59
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Trivial ILGPU sample
#r "nuget: ILGPU"
open ILGPU
open ILGPU.Runtime
let ShiftBy42 (index: Index1D) (buffer: ArrayView1D<int, Stride1D.Dense>) (constant: int) =
buffer.[index] <- int(index) + constant
// Create main context
use context = Context.CreateDefault()
// For each available device...
for device in context do
// Create accelerator for the given device
use accelerator = device.CreateAccelerator(context)
printfn "Performing operations on %O" accelerator
use stream = accelerator.CreateStream()
let kernel = accelerator.LoadAutoGroupedStreamKernel<_, _, _>(ShiftBy42)
use buffer = accelerator.Allocate1D<_>(1024L)
kernel.Invoke(Index1D(int(buffer.Length)), buffer.View, 42)
// Calls stream.Synchronize() to ensure
// that the kernel and memory copy are completed first.
// Reads data from the GPU buffer into a new CPU array.
|> Array.iteri (fun index element -> printfn $"{index} = {element}")
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