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markusressel / esphome_hx711_smart_scale.yaml
Last active August 24, 2024 20:43
ESPHome sample configuration for an HX711 powered Smart Scale including Auto-Tare functionality.
Moved to
krtx / imgcat
Created November 27, 2016 02:48
fix imgcat to be able to display images on tmux
# tmux requires unrecognized OSC sequences to be wrapped with DCS tmux;
# <sequence> ST, and for all ESCs in <sequence> to be replaced with ESC ESC. It
# only accepts ESC backslash for ST.
function print_osc() {
if [[ -n $TERM ]] ; then
printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]"
printf "\033]"
jaltek /
Last active August 23, 2018 11:52
uberspace, maildrop & MySQL

uberspace, maildrop & MySQL

A simple maildrop sender filter with MySQL backend

This is a simple maildrop filter which filters incoming messages by the sender address and move it to the corresponding folder. E-Mail address and destination folder are both defined in a MySQL table.

This example is used in an uberspace environment.

Step 1: Create MySQL table

For convenience we use the already existing database corresponding to your uberspace account (e.g. your uberspace username is melanie there will be already a database called melanie.

fredrikw /
Created November 15, 2012 11:07
Python script to control the mediakeys on OS X. Used to emulate the mediakey on a keyboard with no such keys. Easiest used in combination with a launcher/trigger software such as Quicksilver.
# CLI program to control the mediakeys on OS X. Used to emulate the mediakey on a keyboard with no such keys.
# Easiest used in combination with a launcher/trigger software such as Quicksilver.
# Main part taken from
# Glue to make it into cli program by Fredrik Wallner
import Quartz
import sys