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Last active June 25, 2020 12:42
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Next.js and Custom Server


// next.config.js

const withPreFresh = require("@prefresh/next");

module.exports = withPreFresh({
  webpack(config, { dev, isServer }) {
    config.resolve.alias = {
      "@styles": path.resolve(__dirname, "./styles"),
      "react": "preact/compat",
      "react-dom": "preact/compat"
    // Move Preact into the framework chunk instead of duplicating in routes:
    const splitChunks = config.optimization && config.optimization.splitChunks
    if (splitChunks) {
      const cacheGroups = splitChunks.cacheGroups
      const test = /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](preact|preact-render-to-string|preact-context-provider)[\\/]/
      if (cacheGroups.framework) {
        cacheGroups.preact = Object.assign({}, cacheGroups.framework, { test })
        // if you want to merge the 2 small commons+framework chunks:
        // = "framework";

    // Install webpack aliases:
    const aliases = config.resolve.alias || (config.resolve.alias = {})
    aliases.react = aliases["react-dom"] = "preact/compat"

    // Automatically inject Preact DevTools:
    if (dev && !isServer) {
      const entry = config.entry
      config.entry = () =>
        entry().then((entries) => {
          entries["main.js"] = ["preact/debug"].concat(entries["main.js"] || [])
          return entries

    return config
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