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Created September 26, 2014 10:31
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File Upload form data multiple for Angular
app = angular.module myApp, []
app.controller "uploadCtrl", ["$scope", "$http", ($scope, $http)->
$scope.$data = {
userId: "ID"
userName: "USER_NAME"
userMail: ""
receiveMail: ""
downloadPassword: "hogehoge"
$scope.$fn = {}
$scope.$fn.fileUpload = ()->
data = {
user_id: $scope.$data.userId
user_name: $scope.$data.userName
user_mail: $scope.$data.userMail
receive_mail: $scope.$data.receiveMail
download_password: $scope.$data.downloadPassword
fd = new FormData( angular.element("#form1")[0]);
method: "POST"
url: "/file/upload"
data: fd
params: data
transformRequest: angular.identity
headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}
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