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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save kamigerami/895e20efed5e72cb5a02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kamigerami/895e20efed5e72cb5a02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
### author : Kami Gerami
### This script will setup a new ghost instance under /var/www/domain/nameofyourblog
### it will create a nginx conf file under /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nameofyourblog.domain
### it requires template files to be placed under /opt/projects/subtemp.template/{etc,var}
import time
import web
import socket
import shutil
import os
import MySQLdb
import sys
import fileinput
import subprocess
import string
import random
urls = (
'/', 'index'
def createGhostInstance():
global subtemp
global port
global uid
global user
global domain
ipaddr = '' #localhost
def PickUnusedPort():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('localhost', 0))
addr, port = s.getsockname()
return port
# set the port from the function to var port
port = PickUnusedPort() # set random port same as UID in db
uid = port
# first get the name of the latest DB that was created via website and set it to var subtemp
sqluser = 'root' #main sql user
sqlpw = '/root/.sqlpw' # main sql pw
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=sqluser, read_default_file=sqlpw, db="register_db")
cursor = db.cursor()
latest_unassigned_user = "select name from unassigned_users order by created_at DESC limit 1"
# execute SQL select statement
# commit your changes
# get the number of rows in the resultset
numrows = int(cursor.rowcount)
# get and display one row at a time.
for x in range(0,numrows):
row = cursor.fetchone()
user = row[0]
subtemp = user
assign_free_uid_to_unassigned_user = "update r_lookup r, unassigned_users u set =, = where r.uid = '%s'" %(uid,)
remove_unassigned_user_after_assignment = "delete from unassigned_users where name = '%s'" %(user,)
#select latest created without a name yet
# select uid from r_lookup where name is null order by created_at DESC limit 1;
domain = '' #domain address - change if necessary
var_src = "/opt/project/subdomain.template/var/www/%s/uid/subtemp.%s/" %(domain, domain)
var_dst = "/var/www/%s/uid/" %domain
etc_src = "/opt/project/subdomain.template/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/subtemp.%s" %domain
etc_dst = "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/" #nginx sites-enabled dir
filetoreplacein = ''
### create NEW database for subtemp user so GHOSt can use this
# genereate random PW for ghost_sql user
char_set = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
ghost_sql_pw = ''.join(random.sample(char_set*8, 8))
# change DB name here from balala to whatever you wanna call it manually if name is not satisfactory
cursor.execute("create database if not exists uid_%s" %uid)
cursor.execute("grant create,delete,insert,select,update,alter on uid_%s.* to 'user_%s'@'localhost'" %(uid, uid) )
cursor.execute("set password for 'user_%s'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('%s')" %(uid, ghost_sql_pw) )
# add subtemp (blogname from DB to end of dst path)
var_dst = var_dst + str(uid)
etc_dst = etc_dst + subtemp + "." + domain
########### DEFINING FUNCTIONS BELOW ###############
########## ##############
#shutil.copy(src, dst) will copy /etc/nginx/sites-available/
def cpfile_etc(etc_src, etc_dst):
shutil.copy(etc_src, etc_dst)
#this function will replace subtemp with blogname created inside of filetoreplacein
def edit_subtemp(filetoreplacein):
for linesubtemp in fileinput.FileInput(filetoreplacein,inplace=1):
linesubtemp = linesubtemp.replace("subtemp",subtemp)
print linesubtemp
def edit_uid(filetoreplacein):
for lineuid in fileinput.FileInput(filetoreplacein,inplace=1):
lineuid = lineuid.replace("subtemp",uid)
print lineuid
#this function will replace portnumber with port in file.
def edit_portnumber(filetoreplacein):
for lineport in fileinput.FileInput(filetoreplacein,inplace=1):
lineport = lineport.replace("portnumber", "%s" %port)
print lineport
#this function will replace sql_pw that was generated inside filetoreplacein
def edit_ghost_sql_pw(filetoreplacein):
for sql_pw in fileinput.FileInput(filetoreplacein,inplace=1):
sql_pw = sql_pw.replace("ghost_sql_pw", "%s" %ghost_sql_pw)
print sql_pw
#this function will run a command that is given in cmd var
def runcommand(cmd):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
out =
if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
if out != '':
#this function will clean upp all whitespace in files
def edit_clean_whitespace(filetoreplacein):
with open(filetoreplacein,"r") as f:
with open(filetoreplacein,"w") as f:
[f.write(line) for line in lines if line.strip() ]
############# SANITY CHECKS ##############
# if the path already exists for /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ raise Exception otherwise copy file
if os.path.exists(etc_dst):
raise Exception ('A sites-enabled file already exists for %s.' %etc_dst)
cpfile_etc(etc_src, etc_dst);
########### CALLING FUNCTIONS BELOW ###############
########## ##############
# start with editing the subtemp var inside /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ file
# edit portnumber inside the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ file
# create var for config.js file under /var/www/...
var_dst_configjs = var_dst + "/" + "config.js"
if os.path.exists(var_dst_configjs):
# change subtemp variable in config.js file
# change portnumber variable in config.js file
# add new ghost_users sql password to config.js file
#create SYMLINK from UID to subtemp
symlink_src = "/var/www/%s/uid/%s" %(domain, uid)
symlink_dst = "/var/www/%s/name/%s" %(domain, subtemp)
os.symlink(symlink_src, symlink_dst)
# add info to /etc/hosts
# This tries to open an existing file but creates a new file if necessary.
logfile = open("/etc/hosts", "a")
logfile.write('\n%s %s.%s %s' %(ipaddr, subtemp, domain, subtemp))
except IOError:
# reload nginx
print "Reloading nginx"
## run it ##
runcommand("/etc/init.d/nginx reload");
def cpdir_var(var_src, var_dst):
shutil.copytree(var_src, var_dst)
cpdir_var(var_src, var_dst)
# this command will change dir to /var/www/ and run npm install to setup ghost / nodejs
#change dir to the newly created dir
os.chdir(var_dst) #dst + uid
# run install command
runcommand("/usr/bin/npm start");
# then start pm2 instance
runcommand("NODE_ENV=production /usr/bin/pm2 start index.js --name '%s.%s' -f" %(subtemp, domain));
# clean upp all whitespace in files
def createNEWGhost():
def PickUnusedNEWPort():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('localhost', 0))
addr, port = s.getsockname()
return port
# set the port from the function to var port
newport = PickUnusedNEWPort()
newport = str(newuid) # set random port same as UID in db
var_src = "/opt/project/subdomain.template/var/www/%s/uid/subtemp.%s/" %(domain, domain)
var_dst = "/var/www/%s/uid/" %domain
var_dst = var_dst + newuid
#shutil.copytree(src, dst) will copy VAR PATH recursively
def cpdir_var(var_src, var_dst):
shutil.copytree(var_src, var_dst)
# if the path already exists for /var/www/ raise Exception otherwise copy files
if os.path.exists(var_dst):
raise Exception ('A directory with name %s already exists.' %(var_dst))
cpdir_var(var_src, var_dst); #dst + uid
#insert into DB new uid
sqluser = 'root' #main sql user
sqlpw = '/root/.sqlpw' # main sql pw
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=sqluser, read_default_file=sqlpw, db="register_db")
cursor = db.cursor()
insert_newuid_to_r_lookup = "insert into r_lookup (uid) VALUES ('%s')" %newuid
# execute SQL select statement
# commit your changes
class index:
def GET(self):
#redirect to subtemp.domain/ghost"
url = "http://%s.%s/ghost" %(subtemp, domain)
raise web.seeother(url)
return "Ghost installed! - redirecting you to your personal setup page"
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = web.application(urls, globals())
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