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Last active November 26, 2017 22:44
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Rust AWS client init benchmark
// In this test, I benchmark 3 different ways to initialize AWS clients in Rust, using the Rusoto crates
// I wanted to know what was more efficient :
// - Create a new client for every call (Boxed or not)
// - Initialize once using the lazy_static macro and a mutex
// - Initialize one using the thread_local macro
extern crate test;
extern crate rusoto_core;
extern crate rusoto_sns;
extern crate lazy_static;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use rusoto_core::{default_tls_client, DefaultCredentialsProvider, Region};
use rusoto_sns::{Sns, SnsClient, UnsubscribeInput};
thread_local! {
pub static SNS: Box<Sns> = init_sns();
lazy_static! {
pub static ref SNS_LS: Mutex<Box<Sns + Send>> = Mutex::new(init_sns());
fn init_sns() -> Box<Sns + Send> {
let provider = DefaultCredentialsProvider::new().unwrap();
let client = SnsClient::new(default_tls_client().unwrap(), provider, Region::UsEast1);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test::Bencher;
fn raw_init(b: &mut Bencher) {
let input = UnsubscribeInput {
subscription_arn: "kek".to_string()
b.iter(|| {
let provider = DefaultCredentialsProvider::new().unwrap();
let client = SnsClient::new(default_tls_client().unwrap(), provider, Region::UsEast1);
fn raw_init_boxed(b: &mut Bencher) {
let input = UnsubscribeInput {
subscription_arn: "kek".to_string()
b.iter(|| {
let client = init_sns();
fn thread_local(b: &mut Bencher) {
let input = UnsubscribeInput {
subscription_arn: "kek".to_string()
b.iter(|| {
SNS.with(|client| {
fn lazy_static(b: &mut Bencher) {
let input = UnsubscribeInput {
subscription_arn: "kek".to_string()
b.iter(|| {
let client = SNS_LS.lock().unwrap();
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kamek-pf commented Nov 26, 2017

rustc 1.23.0-nightly (aabfed5e0 2017-11-17)

Results here (rustup nightly run cargo bench), looks like cargo runs about 300 iterations for each test :

running 4 tests
test tests::lazy_static    ... bench: 132,044,392 ns/iter (+/- 17,109,528)
test tests::raw_init       ... bench: 142,272,740 ns/iter (+/- 14,239,434)
test tests::raw_init_boxed ... bench: 135,739,178 ns/iter (+/- 21,332,773)
test tests::thread_local   ... bench: 132,222,056 ns/iter (+/- 19,232,411)
running 4 tests
test tests::lazy_static    ... bench: 135,597,728 ns/iter (+/- 14,104,085)
test tests::raw_init       ... bench: 144,043,166 ns/iter (+/- 17,936,603)
test tests::raw_init_boxed ... bench: 139,190,590 ns/iter (+/- 22,398,152)
test tests::thread_local   ... bench: 133,346,799 ns/iter (+/- 15,421,185)
running 4 tests
test tests::lazy_static    ... bench: 136,255,849 ns/iter (+/- 11,426,116)
test tests::raw_init       ... bench: 143,310,186 ns/iter (+/- 14,744,561)
test tests::raw_init_boxed ... bench: 141,918,214 ns/iter (+/- 15,608,307)
test tests::thread_local   ... bench: 133,826,961 ns/iter (+/- 19,861,269)

So thread_local and lazy_static are slightly better. I wouldn't worry too much about this, just go with what's more convenient.

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