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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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travis encrypt secrets using shell commands
function shTravisEncrypt () {
## this shell function travis encrypts the secret $2 for github repo $1
## tested to work on linux and osx (mountain lion)
local GITHUB_REPO="$1"
local SECRET="$2"
printf "fetching public rsa key from$GITHUB_REPO/key ...\n"
curl -3Ls$GITHUB_REPO/key\
| perl -ne 's/[^-]*//; s/"[^"]*$//; s/\\n/\n/g; s/ RSA / /g; print'\
> /tmp/
printf "encrypting value with fetched public rsa key ...\n"
printf "$SECRET"\
| openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey /tmp/\
| base64\
| tr -d "\n"
printf "\n"
# usage example
# $ source
# $ shTravisEncrypt kaizhu256/utility2 "SECRET=open-sesame"
# fetching public rsa key from ...
# encrypting value with fetched public rsa key ...
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