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import { Form } from 'forms-kit'
import { ValidationError } from 'a-plus-forms'
const OurForm = ({ onSubmit, defaultValues }) => {
<Form onSubmit, dfeaul>
/- kicks in the process
HTTP -> | kicker |
V /- tracks generations
*--->| looper |
| +--------+
| |
let solution = 'a'...'z'; // <- the end solution;
let currentSolution = 'z'...'a';
while (grade(currrentSolution) < '100%') {
let generation = randomlyMutate(currentSolution, { times: 10 });
let bestInGeneration = pickBestSolutionIn(generation);
currentSolution = bestInGeneration;
kaievns /
Last active January 26, 2018 08:19
Apollo GraphQL experience notes
  1. Overall sense of instability. Considering that there are basically two grown up implementations for react out there Relay and Apollo. Seing issues like those in apollo make me feel uneasy. References: apollographql/react-apollo#1286 apollographql/react-apollo#556

there are multiple variations of each throught the apollo related packages. the most disturbing is lack of response or sense of community ownership. it gives an impression of one guy manning half of the leverages

kaievns / unused.js
Created January 23, 2018 01:56
Finds unused react components in a project
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const directory = 'src';
const findOut = execSync('find -L src').toString();
const filenames = findOut.trim().split('\n')
.filter(name => name.endsWith('.js'))
.map(name => name.replace('.js', '').replace('src/', '').replace(/\/index$/, ''));
console.log('Found', filenames.length, 'files in', directory);
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { TextInput, PasswordInput } from 'a-plus-forms';
import SignInForm from 'src/features/auth/signin_form';
describe('<SignInForm /', () => {
it('works beautifully', () => {
const onSubmit = sinon.spy();
const wrapper = mount(<SignInForm onSubmit={onSubmit} />);
wrapper.find(TextInput).instance().value = 'nikolay';
import { field, TextInput } from 'a-plus-forms';
class PhoneInput extends React.Component {
onChange = (text) => {
const phoneNumber = format(text); // to phone number
render() {
kaievns / index.jsx
Last active December 7, 2017 05:40
import { Form, TextInput, PasswordInput } from 'a-plus-forms';
const signIn = ({ username, password }) =>'/users', { username, password });
<Form onSubmit={signIn}>
<TextInput name="username" label="Username" />
<PasswordInput name="password" label="Password" />
<button type="submit">Sign In</button>
kaievns / index.html
Created December 7, 2017 04:37
blog post
<form action="/signin">
<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
<button type="submit">Sign In</button>
const connect = (mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) => magic ...
const MegaLopolos = (props) =>
export defaults connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(cssModules(styles)(MegaLopolos));