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Created July 17, 2024 06:17
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create or replace function missing_fk_indexes ()
returns table (
referencing_table regclass,
fk_columns varchar,
table_size varchar,
fk_constraint name,
referenced_table regclass
language sql as $$
-- referencing table having ta foreign key declaration
tc.conrelid::regclass as referencing_table,
-- ordered list of foreign key columns
string_agg(ta.attname, ', ' order by tx.n) as fk_columns,
-- referencing table size
pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty (
) as table_size,
-- name of the foreign key constraint
tc.conname as fk_constraint,
-- name of the target or destination table
tc.confrelid::regclass as referenced_table
from pg_catalog.pg_constraint tc
-- enumerated key column numbers per foreign key
cross join lateral unnest(tc.conkey) with ordinality as tx(attnum, n)
-- name for each key column
join pg_catalog.pg_attribute ta on ta.attnum = tx.attnum and ta.attrelid = tc.conrelid
where not exists (
-- is there ta matching index for the constraint?
select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_index i
i.indrelid = tc.conrelid and
-- the first index columns must be the same as the key columns, but order doesn't matter
(i.indkey::smallint[])[0:cardinality(tc.conkey)-1] @> tc.conkey) and
tc.contype = 'f'
group by
order by
pg_catalog.pg_relation_size(tc.conrelid) desc
select * from missing_fk_indexes();
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