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Last active May 22, 2022 13:03
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i3: Mode focus
# Mode: Focus
# ---------------------------
set $mode_focus Focus: (Shift+1~5) Mark ⋅ (1~5) Focus ⋅ (Alt+1~5) Clear ⋅ (a) Create custom ⋅ (g) Focus custom ⋅ (c) Clear custom
mode "$mode_focus" {
# Keybindings for custom marks
bindsym a exec i3-input -F 'mark %s' -P 'Mark name: '
bindsym g exec i3-input -F '[con_mark=%s] focus' -P 'Go to mark: '
bindsym c exec i3-input -F 'unmark %s' -P 'Clear mark: '
# Assign marks to keys 1-5
bindsym Shift+1 mark mark1
bindsym Shift+2 mark mark2
bindsym Shift+3 mark mark3
bindsym Shift+4 mark mark4
bindsym Shift+5 mark mark5
# Jump to clients marked 1-5
bindsym 1 [con_mark="mark1"] focus
bindsym 2 [con_mark="mark2"] focus
bindsym 3 [con_mark="mark3"] focus
bindsym 4 [con_mark="mark4"] focus
bindsym 5 [con_mark="mark5"] focus
# Clear marks 1-5
bindsym $alt+1 unmark mark1
bindsym $alt+2 unmark mark2
bindsym $alt+3 unmark mark3
bindsym $alt+4 unmark mark4
bindsym $alt+5 unmark mark5
# Exit to the default mode
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+n mode "default"
bindsym $mod+n mode "$mode_focus"
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