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Created June 5, 2018 23:58
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jQuery Cheatsheet
#### From the course 'jQuery Essential Training' by Joe Marini
Basic Selectors
$("p").css("border", "3px solid red");
$(".a").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("p.b").css("border", "3px solid red");
Basic Filters
$("#example p:first").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example p:last").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example p:even").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example p:odd").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example .a:first").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example .b:even").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("#example p:gt(1)").css("border","3px solid red");
$("#example p:not(p:eq(2))").css("border", "3px solid red");
Advanced Selectors
// The child selector "parent > child" selects "child" elements
// that are immediate descendants of the "parent"
$("div > p").css("border", "3px solid red");
// The descendant selector "ancestor descendant" selects "descendant"
// elements as long as they have an "ancestor" element somewhere
// above them
$("div p.a").css("border", "3px solid red");
// The next adjacent selector "prev + next" selects the "next"
// element if it is immediately preceded by a "prev" element
$("ul + div").css("border", "3px solid red");
// Next sibling selector "prev ~ siblings" selects all "siblings"
// elements that come after a "prev" element
$("#para1 ~ p").css("border", "3px solid red");
Advanced Filters
$("p[class]").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("p[id=para1]").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("p[id^=para]").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("p[id^=para][lang*=en-]").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("p:contains('3')").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("p:parent").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div:has(p[class=a])").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div p:first-child").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div p:last-of-type").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div p:nth-child(3)").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div p:nth-child(2n)").css("border", "3px solid red");
// The children() function retrieves the immediate (that is,
// first-level down) child elements of the matched set,
// excluding text nodes.
$("#example").children().css("border", "3px solid red");
var elem = $("#para1");
elem.prev().css("border", "3px solid red");"border", "3px solid green");
elem.parents().css("border", "3px solid blue");
elem.parentsUntil($("body")).css("border", "3px solid blue");
// use the find function to locate content within
// particular elements
$("#example").find("#para4").css("border", "3px solid red");
// use the each function to iterate over a set of
// elements and operate on them
var leftmargin = 0;
var border = 3;
$("#example p").each(function(index, element) {
$(element).css("border", border+"px solid red")
.css("margin-left", leftmargin);
border += 2;
leftmargin += 10;
Creating Content
// use the html() function to get the current HTML of an element
function createContent() {
// use the html() function to change the content of the div
$("#example").html("<p>Hi there!</p>");
// create a new <p> and set the content of para1 to it
var newItem = $("<p>This is a new paragraph</p>");
function changeContent() {
// set the text content of the last paragraph
$("p:last").text("I've changed the last paragraph");
function changeAllTheContent() {
$("#example p").text("I've changed all the paragraphs!");
Inserting Content
// Insertion functions for inserting inside of content
$("#example p").append(" with some content appended");
$("#example p").prepend("Hello! ");
$("#example p:last").appendTo("#example p:first");
$("#example p:last").prependTo("#example p:first");
// Insertion functions for inserting outside of content
$("#example p").after("**");
$("#example p").before("**");
$("<p>New Para</p>").insertAfter("#example p:first");
$("<p>New Para</p>").insertBefore("#example p:last");
Altering Content
$("#example p").wrap("<div style='color:red'/>");
$("#example p").wrapAll("<div style='border:3px solid red'/>");
$("#example p.a, #example p.b").remove();
$("#example p.a, #example p.b").detach();
$("<div>replaced</div>").replaceAll("#example p[id]");
$("#example p[id]").replaceWith("<div>replaced</div>");
$("#example p").replaceWith(replacementFn);
function replacementFn() {
if ($(this).text().indexOf("1") != -1) {
return "<p>This is paragraph uno</p>";
Manipulating Attributes
// Add a title attribute to all of the images
$("a").attr("title", "Photo by some photographer");
// Make each image open in a new window
$("a").attr("target", "_blank");
// Remove the href from the <a> tags, making images unclickable
// Modify multiple attributes at once
$("img").attr({ src: "images/Spring.jpg", title: "Spring all the things!" });
Embedding Data
// if there is any data, display it
alert(JSON.stringify($("#example").data(), null, " "));
// store some arbitrary data on the DIV object
$("#example").data("key1", 1234);
$("#example").data("key2", "Joe Marini");
// clear the data from the DIV
$("#setProp").click(function(evt) {
$("#example p").css("text-decoration", "overline")
.css("font-size", "+=1pt");
$("#setProps").click(function(evt) {
$("#example p").css({
"font-weight" : "bold",
"color" : "red",
"text-decoration" : "underline"
$("#addCl").click(function(evt) {
$("#example p").addClass("pClass");
$("#rmCl").click(function(evt) {
$("#example p").removeClass("pClass");
$("#toggleCl").click(function(evt) {
$("#example p").toggleClass("pClass");
.pClass {
color: green;
text-transform: uppercase
$(function() {
function changeValues() {
function showValues() {
$("#offset").html($("#example").offset().top + ", " +
$("#position").html($("#example").position().top + ", " +
Binding and Unbinding Events
$("#evtTarget").on("mouseover mouseleave", highlight);
$("#evtTarget").on("click", function(evt) {
$("#evtTarget").off("mouseover mouseleave", highlight);
$("#evtTarget").html("<p>You shut off the hover effect!</p>");
$("#textEntry").on("keypress", function(evt) {
function highlight(evt) {
<p>Type in this text field</p>
<input id="textEntry" type="text"/>
<p>Last character typed: <span id="keyPress"></span></p>
Event Helpers
$("#evtTarget").hover(highlight, highlight);
function highlight(evt) {
function fnClick1() {
function fnClick2() {
$("#evtTarget").html("Double Click");
function fnResize() {
$("#evtTarget").html("Browser window resized");
The Event Object
$("#Div1").on("click dblclick", { name: "Div 1" }, function(evt) {
$("#Div2").on("click dblclick", { name: "Div 2" }, function(evt) {
$("#Div3").on("click dblclick", { name: "Div 3" }, function(evt) {
$("div.smallbox").on("mouseenter", function(evt) {
$("div.smallbox").on("mouseleave", function(evt) {
$("div.smallbox").on("mousemove", function(evt) {
function updateEventDetails(evt) {
// clear any current text before we update the value fields
$(".detailLine span[id]").text("");
if (evt.relatedTarget)
if (
Showing and Hiding Elements
$("#show").click(function() {
$("#hide").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").hide(1000, "swing");
$("#toggle").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").toggle("slow", completion);
function completion() {
// the value of this is set to the DOM element being affected
$(this).text("Animation complete");
Fade Effects
$("#fadein").click(function() {
$("#fadeout").click(function() {
$("#fadeto3").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").fadeTo("slow", 0.3);
$("#fadeup").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").fadeTo("slow", 1.0);
$("#pulse").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").fadeTo("fast", 0.3)
.fadeTo("fast", 1.0)
.fadeTo("fast", 0.3)
.fadeTo("fast", 1.0);
function onComplete() {
$(this).text("Fading effect complete");
Sliding Elements
$("#slideup").click(function() {
$("#slidedown").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").slideDown("fast", "swing");
$("#toggle").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").slideToggle("slow", onToggleFinished);
function onToggleFinished() {
// the value of this is set to the DOM element being animated
console.log ("slideToggle complete on: " +;
Custom Animations
$("#right").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").animate({ width: "500px" }, 1000);
$("#text").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").animate({ fontSize: "24pt" }, 1000);
$("#move").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").animate({ left: "500" }, 1000, "swing");
$("#all").click(function() {
$("#theDiv").animate({ left: "500", fontSize: "24pt", width: "500px" }, 1000, "swing");
Basic AJAX:
// the URL for the request
url: "testdata.txt",
// whether this is a POST or GET request
type: "GET",
// the type of data we expect back
dataType : "text"
.always(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
console.log("The request is complete!");
AJAX Helpers:
$.get("testdata.txt", successFn);
//$("#content").load("testdata.html #p2");
AJAX With Data Types:
$.getJSON( flickrAPI, {
tags: "space needle",
tagmode: "any",
format: "json"
$.get("testxmldata.xml", function(result) {
var title = result.getElementsByTagName("title")[0];
var name = result.getElementsByTagName("name")[0];
var val = title.firstChild.nodeValue + " by " + name.firstChild.nodeValue;
$.each(result.items, function(i, item) {
if (i === 4) {
return false;
AJAX Globals:
$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
console.log("AJAX starting");
$(document).ajaxStop(function () {
console.log("AJAX request ended");
$(document).ajaxSend(function (evt, jqXHR, options) {
console.log("About to request data...");
$(document).ajaxComplete(function (evt, jqXHR, options) {
console.log("Everything's finished!");
$(document).ajaxError(function (evt, jqXHR, settings, err) {
console.log("Hmmm. Seems like there was a problem: " + err);
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function (evt, jqXHR, options) {
console.log("Looks like everything worked!");
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