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Forked from antirez/lmdb.tcl
Created May 18, 2023 17:11
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LMDB -- First version of Redis written in Tcl
# Copyriht (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo <>
# All Rights Reserved
# - cron with cleanup of timedout clients, automatic dump
# - the dump should use array startsearch to write it line by line
# and may just use gets to read element by element and load the whole state.
# - 'help','stopserver','saveandstopserver','save','load','reset','keys' commands.
# - ttl with milliseconds resolution 'ttl a 1000'. Check ttl in dump!
# - cluster. Act as master, send write ops to all servers, get from one at random. Auto-serialization.
# - 'hold' and 'continue' command, for sync in cluster mode
# - auto-sync, consider lazy copy or log of operations to re-read at start
# - client timeout
# - save dump in temp file.[clock ticks] than rename it
package require Tclx ;# For [fork]
array set ::clients {}
array set ::state {}
array set ::readlen {}
array set ::readbuf {}
array set ::db {}
array set ::ttl {}
set ::dirty 0
set ::lastsaved 0
set ::listensocket {}
signal -restart block SIGCHLD
# the K combinator is using for Tcl object refcount hacking
# in order to avoid useless object copy.
proc K {x y} {
set x
proc headappend {var e} {
upvar 1 $var l
set l [lreplace [K $l [set l {}]] -1 -1 $e]
proc log msg {
puts stderr "[clock format [clock seconds]]\] $msg "
proc warning msg {
log "*** WARNING: $msg"
proc writemsg {fd msg} {
puts -nonewline $fd $msg
puts -nonewline $fd "\r\n"
proc resetclient {fd} {
set ::clients($fd) [clock seconds]
set ::state($fd) {}
set ::readlen($fd) 0
set ::readbuf($fd) {}
proc accept {fd addr port} {
resetclient $fd
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
fileevent $fd readable [list readrequest $fd]
proc readrequest fd {
if [eof $fd] {
closeclient $fd
# Handle bulk read
if {$::state($fd) ne {}} {
set buf [read $fd [expr {$::readlen($fd)-[string length $::readbuf($fd)]}]]
append ::readbuf($fd) $buf
if {[string length $::readbuf($fd)] >= $::readlen($fd)} {
set ::readbuf($fd) [string range $::readbuf($fd) 0 end-2]
lappend ::state($fd) $::readbuf($fd)
cmd_[lindex $::state($fd) 0] $fd $::state($fd)
# Handle first line request
set req [string trim [gets $fd] "\r\n "]
if {$req eq {}} return
# Process command
set args [split $req]
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $args 0]]
foreach ct $::cmdtable {
if {$cmd eq [lindex $ct 0] && [llength $args] == [lindex $ct 1]} {
if {[lindex $ct 2] eq {inline}} {
cmd_$cmd $fd $args
} else {
set readlen [lindex $args end]
if {$readlen < 0 || $readlen > 1024*1024} {
writemsg $fd "protocol error: invalid bulk read length"
closeclient $fd
bulkread $fd [lrange $args 0 end-1] $readlen
writemsg $fd "protocol error: invalid command '$cmd'"
closeclient $fd
proc bulkread {fd argv len} {
set ::state($fd) $argv
set ::readlen($fd) [expr {$len+2}] ;# Add two bytes for CRLF
proc closeclient fd {
unset ::clients($fd)
unset ::state($fd)
unset ::readlen($fd)
unset ::readbuf($fd)
close $fd
proc cron {} {
# Todo timeout clients timeout
puts "lmdb: [array size ::db] keys, [array size ::clients] clients, dirty: $::dirty, lastsaved: $::lastsaved"
after 1000 cron
set ::cmdtable {
{ping 1 inline}
{quit 1 inline}
{set 3 bulk}
{get 2 inline}
{exists 2 inline}
{delete 2 inline}
{incr 2 inline}
{decr 2 inline}
{lpush 3 bulk}
{rpush 3 bulk}
{save 1 inline}
{bgsave 1 inline}
proc okreset {fd {msg OK}} {
writemsg $fd $msg
flush $fd
resetclient $fd
proc cmd_ping {fd argv} {
writemsg $fd "PONG"
flush $fd
resetclient $fd
proc cmd_quit {fd argv} {
okreset $fd
closeclient $fd
proc cmd_set {fd argv} {
set ::db([lindex $argv 1]) [lindex $argv 2]
incr ::dirty
okreset $fd
proc cmd_get {fd argv} {
if {[info exists ::db([lindex $argv 1])]} {
set val $::db([lindex $argv 1])
} else {
set val {}
writemsg $fd [string length $val]
writemsg $fd $val
flush $fd
resetclient $fd
proc cmd_exists {fd argv} {
if {[info exists ::db([lindex $argv 1])]} {
set res 1
} else {
set res 0
writemsg $fd $res
flush $fd
resetclient $fd
proc cmd_delete {fd argv} {
unset -nocomplain -- ::db([lindex $argv 1])
incr ::dirty
writemsg $fd "OK"
flush $fd
resetclient $fd
proc cmd_incr {fd argv} {
cmd_incrdecr $fd $argv 1
proc cmd_decr {fd argv} {
cmd_incrdecr $fd $argv -1
proc cmd_incrdecr {fd argv n} {
if {[catch {
incr ::db([lindex $argv 1]) $n
}]} {
set ::db([lindex $argv 1]) $n
incr ::dirty
writemsg $fd $::db([lindex $argv 1])
flush $fd
resetclient $fd
proc cmd_lpush {fd argv} {
cmd_push $fd $argv -1
proc cmd_rpush {fd argv} {
cmd_push $fd $argv 1
proc cmd_push {fd argv dir} {
if {[catch {
llength $::db([lindex $argv 1])
}]} {
if {![info exists ::db([lindex $argv 1])]} {
set ::db([lindex $argv 1]) {}
} else {
set ::db([lindex $argv 1]) [split $::db([lindex $argv 1])]
if {$dir == 1} {
lappend ::db([lindex $argv 1]) [lindex $argv 2]
} else {
headappend ::db([lindex $argv 1]) [lindex $argv 2]
incr ::dirty
okreset $fd
proc savedb {} {
set err [catch {
set fp [open "saved.lmdb" w]
fconfigure $fp -encoding binary -translation binary
set search [array startsearch ::db]
set elements [array size ::db]
for {set i 0} {$i < $elements} {incr i} {
set key [array nextelement ::db $search]
set val $::db($key)
puts $fp "[string length $key] [string length $val]"
puts -nonewline $fp $key
puts -nonewline $fp $val
close $fp
set ::dirty 0
set ::lastsaved [clock seconds]
} errmsg]
if {$err} {return $errmsg}
return {}
proc backgroundsave {} {
unset -nocomplain ::dbcopy
array set ::dbcopy [array get ::db]
proc cmd_bgsave {fd argv} {
okreset $fd
proc cmd_save {fd argv} {
set errmsg [savedb]
if {$errmsg ne {}} {
okreset $fd "ER"
warning "Error trying to save: $errmsg"
} else {
okreset $fd
log "State saved"
proc loaddb {} {
set err [catch {
set fp [open "saved.lmdb"]
fconfigure $fp -encoding binary -translation binary
set count 0
while {[gets $fp len] != -1} {
set key [read $fp [lindex $len 0]]
set val [read $fp [lindex $len 1]]
set ::db($key) $val
incr count
log "$count keys loaded"
close $fp
} errmsg]
if {$err} {
warning "Loading DB from file: $errmsg"
return $err
proc main {} {
log "Server started"
if {[file exists saved.lmdb]} loaddb
set ::dirty 0
set ::listensocket [socket -server accept 6379]
vwait forever
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