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Created March 15, 2018 14:20
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Fix broken dependencies on all objects
-- Originally from:
--Below script will fix the broken dependencies on all the objects
--List of objects for which referenced objects are missing.
--ex: View created on table XYZ and table XYZ is dropped
SELECT OBJECT_NAME (referencing_id),referenced_database_name, referenced_schema_name, referenced_entity_name
FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies
WHERE referenced_entity_name not in (select name from sysobjects)
create table #t_excluded_modules (module_name sysname)
create table #t_modules_refreshed_in_end (module_name sysname)
-- get the list of modules whose dependencies have to be refreshed
-- Comment:
-- in the list we're not considering procedures or triggers because
-- because they can be created in any order, which means they can be refreshed
-- in any order
create table #t_user_views_or_tables (module_id int)
insert into #t_user_views_or_tables(module_id)
select object_id from sys.objects where
type in ('V', 'FN', 'IF', 'TF')
and name not like 'MSMerge%'
and is_ms_shipped <> 1
and name not in (select * from #t_modules_refreshed_in_end)
and name not in (select * from #t_excluded_modules)
insert into #t_user_views_or_tables(module_id)
select object_id from sys.objects where
name in (select * from #t_modules_refreshed_in_end)
-- get the dependency table
-- |---------------------------------|
-- | referencing_id | referenced_id |
-- | ----------------|---------------|
-- | XXX | XXX |
-- | ----------------|---------------|
Declare @module int, @message varchar(1000), @str nvarchar(1000)
create table #t_dependency_table (referencing_id int, referenced_id int)
DECLARE modules_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT module_id FROM #t_user_views_or_tables
open modules_cursor
fetch next from modules_cursor into @module
PRINT ' <<None>> No module to refresh'
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
select @str = quotename(schema_name(objectproperty(@module, 'schemaid'))) + '.' + quotename(object_name(@module))
select @message = ' trying to refresh ' + @str
print @message
exec sys.sp_refreshsqlmodule @str
select @message = ' ' + @str + ' was refreshed'
print @message
insert into #t_dependency_table (referencing_id, referenced_id)
select distinct object_id as referencing_id, referenced_major_id as referenced_id
from sys.sql_dependencies
where object_id <> referenced_major_id -- to avoid self recursion for functions
and object_id = @module
fetch next from modules_cursor into @module
close modules_cursor
deallocate modules_cursor
-- get the the bottom of the dependency list i.e. independent modules
-- i.e.
-- get the list of referenced_ids in the dependency table which
-- don't occur in the referencing_ids column
-- Comment:
-- if there are circular dependencies then the few modules which form a circular dependency
-- would be ignored in the independent modules list
create table #t_independent_modules (modules int)
insert into #t_independent_modules (modules)
select #t_dependency_table.referenced_id from
#t_dependency_table left outer join #t_dependency_table t2
on #t_dependency_table.referenced_id = t2.referencing_id
t2.referencing_id is NULL
-- build the ordered list of dependencies starting with the independent modules
-- in the beginning first few rows, ones dependent on it in the following rows and so on...
-- there can be tricky cases of dependencies such as
-- V1 -> V2 -> V3
-- | ^
-- +-----------+
-- in the above example the refresh order would be V3, V1, V2, V1.
-- note that V1 is being refreshed twice, the last refresh of V1 after V2 is important.
create table #t_final_dependency_list (id_num int IDENTITY(1,1), modules int)
while exists (select * from #t_independent_modules)
-- append the set of independent modules into a list
insert into #t_final_dependency_list select * from #t_independent_modules
-- get the set of dependent modules
select distinct #t_dependency_table.referencing_id into #temp_table
from #t_dependency_table
where #t_dependency_table.referenced_id in (select * from #t_independent_modules)
-- clear up the list of independent modules
truncate table #t_independent_modules
-- the dependent modules now become the independent modules
insert into #t_independent_modules select * from #temp_table
-- delete the dependent modules list
drop table #temp_table
-- refresh the modules once more but in the right order now
declare modules_cursor_final cursor for
select modules from #t_final_dependency_list order by #t_final_dependency_list.id_num
open modules_cursor_final
fetch next from modules_cursor_final into @module
PRINT ' <<None>> No module to refresh'
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
if (select type from sys.objects where object_id = @module) in ('V', 'FN', 'IF', 'TF')
and (select is_schema_bound from sys.sql_modules where object_id = @module) = 0
select @str = quotename(schema_name(objectproperty(@module, 'schemaid'))) + '.' + quotename(object_name(@module))
select @message = ' trying to finally, once more, refresh ' + @str
print @message
exec sys.sp_refreshsqlmodule @str
select @message = ' ' + @str + ' was finally refreshed once again'
print @message
fetch next from modules_cursor_final into @module
close modules_cursor_final
DEALLOCATE modules_cursor_final
-- cleanup
drop table #t_excluded_modules
drop table #t_modules_refreshed_in_end
drop table #t_user_views_or_tables
drop table #t_dependency_table
drop table #t_independent_modules
drop table #t_final_dependency_list
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