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Created October 9, 2011 10:53
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CakePHP AssocFieldValidationBehavior
class AssocFieldValidationBehavior extends ModelBehavior
public function checkAssocField($Model, $check, $assocField, $assocValueList = null, $delegateRule = null)
$key = 0;
if (is_array($check)) {
list($key, $check) = each($check);
if (strpos($assocField, '.') !== false) {
list($model, $assocField) = $assocField;
} else {
$model = $Model->alias;
$assocValue = Set::extract($Model->data, "{$model}.{$assocField}");
if ($this->_isValidator($assocValueList) || !$assocValueList) {
$assocValueList = null;
if (empty($assocValue) || ($assocValueList && !in_array($assocValue, (array)$assocValueList))) {
return true;
if ($this->_isValidator($delegateRule) || !$delegateRule) {
$delegateRule = 'notEmpty';
if (is_array($delegateRule)) {
$rule = array_shift($delegateRule);
$ruleParams = array_merge(array($check), $delegateRule);
} else {
$rule = $delegateRule;
$ruleParams = array($check);
$Validation = Validation::getInstance();
$methods = array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($Model));
$behaviorMethods = array_diff(array_keys($Model->Behaviors->methods()), array(__FUNCTION__));
if (in_array(strtolower($rule), $methods)) {
$ruleParams[0] = array($key => $check);
$valid = $Model->dispatchMethod($rule, $ruleParams);
} else if (in_array($rule, $behaviorMethods) || in_array(strtolower($rule), $behaviorMethods)) {
$ruleParams[0] = array($key => $check);
$valid = $this->Behaviors->dispatchMethod($this, $rule, $ruleParams);
} else if (method_exists($Validation, $rule)) {
$valid = $Validation->dispatchMethod($rule, $ruleParams);
} else if (!is_array($delegateRule)) {
$valid = preg_match($rule, $check);
} else {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
protected function _isValidator($array)
return (is_array($array) && isset($array['allowEmpty'], $array['required']));
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