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2 Energy Industry Act, BE 2550 (2007) THAILAND 17 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 Umbrella policy defining the general provisions, regulatory body, industry operation, consumer protection, utilization of immovable property, redress of disputes and lodging of appeals, competent officials, disciplinary procedures, punishment, and transitional provisions of the energy industry of Thailand.
3 Thai ESCO Association Registration Guidelines THAILAND 17 2003 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 Procedural guidelines on registration of ESCOs
4 Energy Conservation Promotion Act. (No.2), BE 2550 (2007) THAILAND 17 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Other 6 "Amendment of the Energy Conservation Act BE 2535 (1992). Addresses energy conservation in factories, buildings, machinery, equipment and promotion of energy-efficient materials. Confirms the power of Minister to issue regulations. Sets up ""Energy Conservation Promotion Fund"" to be used as working capital and as grants or subsidies for implementation of energy conservation-related work."
5 The Energy Conservation Promotion Act, BE 2535 (1992) THAILAND 17 1992 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 Addresses energy conservation in factories, buildings,machinery, equipment and promotion of energy-efficient materials. It establishes a fund for energy conservation; measures of promotion and assistance; surcharges; competent officers; and appeals and punishments.
6 ERC Rules and Regulation on Thailand's Solar Rooftop Programme THAILAND 17 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Solar 100 A solar rooftop programme supports deployment of rooftop PV by providing a full feed-in tariff granted for duration of 25 years starting from the scheduled commercial operation date (SCOD). The aim is to reduce the state's investment burden, generating more electricity, trimming power usage at load center, and raise the country's power security. It is a change of rate structure of Thailand Feed-in Tariff policy, from adder to fixed FiT, reflecting the idea of Thai government to make renewable energy investment less risk for both developer and have fair price for end user. Up to 2014, the fixed Feed-in Tariff policy is mostly applied to solar energy. ---Note
8 The 10-Year Alternative Energy Development Plan (2012-2021) THAILAND 17 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Renewable 4 A roadmap showing renewable and alternative energy development strategy through 2021, including target value of cumulative capacity, framework and development plans for each type of renewable energy.
9 15-year Renewable Energy Development Plan (2008-2022) THAILAND 17 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Renewable 4 The 15-yr Renewable Energy Development Plan was carried out with an aim to increase the use of renewable energy to a share of 20 percent among final energy consumption by the year of 2022. It includes various renewable energy types
11 National Energy Sector Management Overview THAILAND 17 1992 before_2000 National Other Other Other 6 The energy sector in Thailand is managed by the National Energy Policy Council (NEPC), established under the National Energy Policy Council Act, B.E. 2535 (1992), with the National Energy Policy Office (NEPO) acting as the Secretariat. To enhance efficient energy sector management, the Energy Policy Committee (EPC) has been established to assist with the work of the NEPC.
12 National Energy Policy Council Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) THAILAND 17 1992 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 Outlines structures and responsibilities of the National Energy Policy Council.
13 National Energy Policy Council Act (No. 2) B.E. 2550 (2007) THAILAND 17 2007 2000-2010 National Act Other Other 6 Revision to Council structure and powers of the Energy Policy and Planning Office identified in 1992 Act.
14 National Energy Policy Council Act (No .3) B.E. 2551 (2008) THAILAND 17 2008 2000-2010 National Act Other Other 6 Revision to Council structure and powers of the Energy Policy and Planning Office identified in 1992 Act.
15 Power Development Plan 2012-2030 (PDP2010 THAILAND 17 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power All 11 A master program focuses on the adequacy of power system to enhance various infrastructure development in accordance with the National Economic and Social Development Plan. As the third revision of PDP 2010, it is in line with the Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) (2012-2021) and the 20-Year Energy Efficiency Development Plan (EEDP) (2011-2030). Two main purposes of the Thailand power development plan formulation are to maintain power system security and to provide adequate and reliable electricity supply. Compared to PDP2010 (Revision2), adjustment of peak demand forecast has been made to reflect 3,494 MW or 6.27 percent lower than previous estimation. Besides, Thailand should have the proper level of reserve margin at not less than 15 percent of peak power demand. Due to security concern, scheduled commercial operation date (SCOD) of the first unit on nuclear power project was delayed three years from 2020 to 2023. Target values of generating capacities can be summarized as follows
16 Thailand Power Development Plan 2007-2021 (PDP 2007 THAILAND 17 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power All 11 It is the second revision version of PDP 2007-2021. Contents cover reliability of power supply, fuel diversification, power purchase from neighboring countries, and power demand forecast. Revision is mostly due to inappropriate forecast of peak load and inclusion of energy from the Very Small Power Producers to the load. Total additional generation capacity minus retirement of aging power plants is forecast at around 22,652.5 MW. Of which, new power plant projects include combined cycle power plant, Independent Power Producer (IPP) projects, small hydro/solar/wind projects, power purchase from Small Power Producers (SPPs) and Very Small Power Producers (VSPPs), coal-fired power plants, nuclear power plants.
19 Fuel Trade Act 2543 THAILAND 17 2000 nan National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 This Act classifies oil traders into 3 categories. (1) Major oil traders - trade oil equal or more than 100,000 metric tons per year or more, trade liquefied petroleum gas 50,000 tons per year or more; (2) Small volume of oil traders - can hold fuel more than the amount prescribed by the Minister must apply for registration with the Department of Energy. (3) Oil traders which operates by establishing stations - must apply for registration with the Department of Energy. The Act also requires that the transport fuel by the size and amount prescribed by the Minister must notify the Commissioner in the form prescribed within 60 days from the date of such application.
20 Fuel Trading Act, (No.2) B.E. 2550 THAILAND 17 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 The Act replaced several sections of the previous Fuel Trading Act. Determined that rate of fuel to be reserved must not exceed thirty percent of the annual trade volume.
21 Thailand-Malaysia Joint Authority Act B.E.2533 MALAYSIA, THAILAND 100 1990 before_2000 Bilateral Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 The act was enacted to build a joint enterprise for the exploration and exploitation of marine resources in the specified area of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Thailand. The act defined or discussed issues such as Thailand-Malaysia Joint Authority, joint development area, royalty, financial provisions, the Thailand-Malaysia Joint Authority Fund, contracts for exploration and exploitation, regulations, officers and jurisdiction of courts, jurisdiction, rights in superjacent waters and offences and penalties.
22 Energy Development and Promotion Act (B.E.2535) THAILAND 17 1992 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 This Act covers areas such as data collection, analysis and monitoring of the energy in terms of energy resources, governance and operating rules and standards relating to production, transmission and distribution of energy. This act starts to take into account impact on the environment, economy and national security and introduced the idea to change types of raw materials or natural materials in the production of energy. Besides, the Act also specifies the procedures for the implementation of the authority.
23 Power Purchase Agreement of Nam Ngiep 1 Project between EGAT and Laos LAO PDR, THAILAND 100 2013 after_2010 Bilateral Agreement Power Other 6 EGAT and Laos signed a power purchase agreement of Nam Ngiep 1 Project with scheduled commercial operation date of January 2019. According to the agreement, electricity power at a total capacity of 269 MW will be transmitted through 500 kv transmission line from Nabong Substation in Laos to Udonthani 3 substation in Thailand. Period of agreement is 27 years with average electricity price of 2.3218 baht/unit.
24 Regulations for the Purchase of Power from Very Small Power Producers THAILAND 17 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The regulation seeks to promote small and very small community-owned or entrepreneur-owned renewable energy generation, increase efficient use of domestic natural resource and reduce expenditure on fuel import. Feed-in tariff subsidies will be provided. Besides renewable energy, the VSPP program is also open to efficient fossil-fuel Combined Heat and Power (CHP).
25 Project to investigate solar energy potentials in Myanmar MYANMAR, THAILAND 100 0 nan Bilateral Other Power Solar 100 The project is to investigate the solar energy potential of the Union of Myanmar. Thailand was invited to carry out the project.
27 Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency Phase I CAMBODIA 0 2004 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Rectangular Strategy is set out to guide the implementation of the agenda of the Royal Government, building on the achievements attained in the second legislature of the National Assembly through the implementation of the Triangular Strategy. The Rectangular Strategy selects key elements from the Millennium Development Goals, the Cambodia Socio-Economic Development Program 2001-2005 (SEDP2), the Cambodia National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003-2005 (NPRS).
32 Tonga Energy Road Map 2010 - 2020 TONGA 100 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Tonga Energy Road Map 2010 - 2020 has the objective to lay out a least cost approach and implementation plan to reduce Tonga’s vulnerability to oil price shocks and achieve an increase in quality access to modern energy services in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner. The document provides for an Implementation Plan. The Indicative Implementation Plan is divided into three phases. Phase 0 defines the most urgent steps that should be undertaken without delay including policy, institutional, legal, regulatory, capacity strengthening and data gathering actions as well as environmental and social strategic assessments and investments in improved efficiency of electricity supply, improved network safety and end-use efficiency. Phase 1 includes works designed to implement the first set of Proof-of-concept renewable energy projects, including on-grid Solar PV supply and substitution of a portion of the fuel used in existing diesel engines with coconut oil. Phase 2 will involve further efficiency and renewable energy investments and will be initiated when all policy, legal, regulatory and institutional adjustments have taken place and when data and experience from the phase 0 and phase 1 activities have been evaluated. As technologies, costs, demand for electricity and sources of financing change over time, it is envisioned that the TERM will be periodically updated to take these factors into account. Targets include the achievement of a 50% reduction in petroleum use relative to a business-asusual scenario, as well as an improvement in energy efficiency by 18% in power generation, power distribution, business of selling, managing, operating and maintaining power assets, and the end use of power.
35 Announcement of the Board of Investment No. 2/2553 Investment Promotion for Sustainable Development THAILAND 17 2010 nan National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Board of Investment defines tax incentives to promote sustainable development, enhance the country’s competitiveness in science and technology, to encourage the improvement of manufacturing quality as well as to reduce environmental impact.
36 White Paper CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower 100 To curb excessive consumption of energy resources and achieve the comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development of the economy, society and ecology, China keeps strengthening its efforts in energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives to raise the efficiency of energy utilization. As a result, energy consumption per unit of GDP has been decreasing year by year. China will continue to take the Scientific Outlook on Development as its guiding principle, and work hard to transform its development pattern, giving prominence to building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society. It relies on scientific, technological and system innovation to raise efficiency in all aspects of energy utilization, further develops new and renewable energy resources, and promotes the clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil energy resources. The basic contents of China's energy policies are
37 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) for National Economic and Social Development CHINA 21 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Multi-Sector All 11 China's FYPs are blueprints providing overall objectives and goals related to social and economic growth and industrial planning in key sectors and regions. Compared to previous FYPs, the 12th FYP focuses more on the quality, rather than the rate of growth, as well as ensuring more Chinese citizens benefit from that growth. The 12th FYP has key themes of rebalancing the economy, ameliorating social inequality and protecting the environment. Some important initiatives of the economic rebalancing theme in the 12th FYP include a notional GDP growth rate target of 7 percent, promoting consumption over investments and exports, closing the income gap through minimum wage hikes and increased social safety nets, and a range of energy efficiency targets. Chinese planners have included several preferential tax, fiscal and procurement policies designed to develop seven “Strategic Emerging Industries” (SEIs). The seven industries are biotechnology, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, clean-energy vehicles, new materials, and next-generation IT.
38 12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The energy development plan is drafted in accordance with the 12th FYP for social and economic development with an aim to facilitate a change of energy production and utilization, adjust energy structure, and construct a safe, stable, economic and clean modern energy system. It serves as the blueprint and action plan of energy development in the 12th five-year period of China. Contents cover guiding ideology, fundamental principles, development goals, primary tasks and policy measures.
39 12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Science and Technology Development CHINA 21 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The plan covers four key technology areas
40 12th Five Year Plan of Renewable Energy Development CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 The plan is drafted according to requirement of Renewable Energy Law, based on the 12th FYP, Energy Development 12th FYP. It covers hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and ocean, elaborates guiding theories, fundamental principles, development targets, key tasks, industrial structure, supporting measures and implementation mechanism of renewable energy development between 2011 to 2015 in China.
41 12th Five-Year Plan of the Solar Power Development CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Renewable 4 Solar Power Development 12th FYP is based on Renewable Energy Law, National Economic and Social Development 12th FYP, Energy Development 12th FYP and Renewable Energy Development 12th FYP. It elaborates guiding theories and fundamental principles of solar power development during China's 12th Five-Year Plan, makes development target clear, and brings out key construction focus. In general, it provides a sound basis to direct solar energy development in China.
42 Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy CHINA 21 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 It builds upon the Renewable Energy Law of 2005. Similar to the Renewable Energy Law, it mainly focuses on the supply side of the RE sector, and expand the guidelines to include more detailed medium and long-term objectives and plans for renewable energy development in China.
43 Renewable Energy Law CHINA 21 2006 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable 4 The law is enacted in order to promote the exploitation of renewable energy, increase energy supply, improve the energy structure, ensure energy safety, protect the environment, and attain the sustainable development of the economy and society.
44 Renewable Energy Law (Revised) CHINA 21 2010 nan National Law Energy Renewable 4 The first amendment to the 2005 Renewable Energy Law since it took effect. Based on the commitment Chinese government promised in response to global climate change, the legislation provides stronger legal support for the development of renewable energy, especially at the initial development stage. The amendments revised several articles of the 2005 Renewable Energy Law.
45 Electricity Act 2007 TONGA 100 2007 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to reform the regulation of the electricity sector throughout the kingdom.
46 Electricity (Amendment) Act 2010 TONGA 100 2010 nan National Act Power Power 10 Revises section on removal of assets related to electricity generation. Inserts new section on customs duties. In particular, Part VIII provides for the exemption of all customs duties, excise duties and any other taxes imposed by any Act in relation to the importation of all plant, machinery, mechanical appliances, iron and steel works etc., and equipment of any kind whatsoever imported into the Kingdom by or on behalf of, a concessionaire for the purpose of generating, distributing or supplying electricity.
47 Renewable Energy Act 2008 TONGA 100 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 This Act regulates the use of renewable energy in Tonga. In particular, it promotes the development of the renewable energy industry; establishes the Renewable Energy Authority its functions and powers; regulates renewable energy agreements. The primary purpose of this Act is to provide a legal framework to promote the utilization of renewable energy in Tonga, through the creation of a conducive and an enabling market environment. The Act creates a renewable energy authority to deal with matters concerning renewable energy. In accordance with Government policy, this Act makes a distinction between electricity that comes under the Renewable Energy Authority and electricity that is subjected to the authority of the Electricity Commission (formerly TEPB), under the Electricity Act 2007. The Renewable Energy Authority will be responsible for all renewable energy including electricity in direct current form. When electricity is converted to alternate current, it falls outside the jurisdiction of the Renewable Energy Authority (it then becomes subjected to the Electricity Commission).
48 Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDF) 2011-2014 TONGA 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The document starts with the Vision, nine Outcome Objectives and four Enabling Themes. These are then grouped with their respective strategies, of which there are 42 in total. Chapter 1 provides additional information to provide a deeper understanding of the focus of these strategies. Chapter 2 outlines the process for establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation structure to allow Tonga to track progress against each strategy leading up to our objectives and vision.
49 Electricity Act of Bhutan 2001 BHUTAN 20 2001 2000-2010 National Act Power All 11 The act provides the legal framework for regulation of electricity industry in the Kingdom; provides mechanisms for licensing and regulating the operations of power companies; defines the roles and responsibilities of suppliers and protect the interests of the general public.
50 Alternative Renewable Energy Policy 2013 BHUTAN 20 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 Bhutan enjoys availability of adequate low-cost hydropower that is green and clean. However, factors such as rising energy demand in the transport and industry sectors, rapidly growing imports of fossil fuels, risk of reliance on a single electricity source, and the threats of climate change give cause to consider the advantages of a more diversified and independent energy system. In fact, the Bhutan Sustainable Hydropower Development Policy 2008 and the Economic Development Policy (EDP) 2010 both recognize the need for a Renewable Energy Policy to promote the use of available RE sources to strengthen national energy security. The Alternative Renewable Energy Policy 2013 is built by taking cues from the Integrated Energy Management Master Plan 2010 and efforts of the Rural Electrification Master Plan 2005, intends to provide the necessary direction for the promotion and development of RE that not only contribute to meeting the current energy requirements but also shaping future energy options for the Country. This policy aims to contribute to sustainable development, climate change mitigation, energy and economic security, and conservation of environment in the Kingdom. Targeted renewable energy types covered by the policies are the following
52 Bhutan Sustainable Hydropower Development Policy 2008 BHUTAN 20 2008 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Hydropower 8 The hydropower policy provides the framework and guidelines for accelerated hydropower development. It covers elaborations of keen topics such as institutional arrangements of hydro power sector, project investment issues, fiscal incentives, regulatory aspects, environmental requirements.
53 Economic Development Policy 2010 BHUTAN 20 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Economic Development Policy (EDP) sets the agenda and the general direction for the development of sectors that have the highest potential. Wherever necessary, policies, laws, rules and regulations shall be harmonised or amended in line with the provisions of the Economic Development Policy. The EDP provides a clear, stable and transparent policy framework and includes a comprehensive set of incentive packages to boost growth. It encompasses major economic reforms including the restructuring of the macroeconomic base which will include hydropower, service industry, organic farming and IT enabled knowledge society. The specific areas include finance, FDI, trade, industry, agriculture, transport, education, health, tourism, public sector and other legislative initiatives. The stated objectives are
54 Regulation on Energy Conservation in Civil Buildings CHINA 21 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Building All 11 The regulation is established to strengthen energy management of civil buildings, reduce energy consumption during operation of civil buildings and increase energy efficiency. Civil buildings in the regulation refer to residential buildings, office buildings for State agencies, and buildings for commerce, services, education, and public health, as well as other such public buildings.
56 Law of the People's Republic of China on Conserving Energy CHINA 21 1998 before_2000 National Law Energy All 11 This Law is formulated in order to promote Energy conservation by all sectors of the society, increase the efficiency in the use of Energy and its economic results, protect the environment, ensure national economic and social development, and meet the people's needs in everyday life.
57 Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China (2007 Revision) CHINA 21 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 This Law is enacted with a view to promoting energy conservation in the whole society, enhancing energy utilization efficiency, protecting and improving environment, and promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development.
58 Plan for the Development of the Energy-Saving and New Energy Automobile Industry (2012-2020) CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Transport All 11 The automobile industry is a major pillar industry for the national economy, and plays an important role in the national economy and social development. Along with the sustained and rapid growth of the Chinese economy and accelerated promotion of urbanization in China, the demand for automobiles will still keep growing in a relatively long period of time, and the resulting energy shortage and environmental pollution issues will become more conspicuous. To accelerate the fostering and development of energy-saving and new energy automobiles is not only an imperative task for effectively easing pressure on both energy and environment and promoting sustainable development of the automobile industry, but is also a strategic approach for accelerating the systemic transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry and fostering new economic growth points and advantages in international competition. To implement the State Council's decisions and arrangements for the development of strategic emerging industries and strengthening energy conservation and emission reduction and accelerate the fostering and development of the energy-saving and new energy automobile industry, this Planning has been formulated for the period of 2012-2020.
59 Regulations on Energy Saving by Public Institutions CHINA 21 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Other All 11 To promote energy conservation in state-funded institutions, improve their energy efficiency and give play to their model role in the energy conservation of the whole country, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China. The term “state-funded institution” as mentioned in this Regulation refers to the state organs, public institutions and incorporations which are all or partly funded by the state treasury.
60 Trial Measures for Pricing and Cost Sharing Management for Renewable Energy Power CHINA 21 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 To enhance the development and utilization of renewable energy, and according to the Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has formulated the Trial Measures for the Management of Prices and Allocation of Costs for Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy. Scope of the measures includes
61 Measures for the Administration of Energy Efficiency Labels CHINA 21 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 "The ""Measures for the Administration of Energy Efficiency Labels"" were published in order to strengthen the administration of energy conservation, propel the progress of energy conservation technologies, and improve energy efficiency. The said measures have been formulated in accordance with the ""Law of the People's Republic of China on Energy Conservation"", the ""Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China"" and the ""Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation""."
62 Notice on Issues concerning Regulating the Management of Prices for Electricity Trading CHINA 21 2009 2000-2010 National Other Power All 11 To further regulate conduct regarding prices for electricity trading, maintain normal order in market trading, and promote the optimized allocation of electric power resources, the relevant issues are notified to The development and reform commissions, economic and trade commissions (economic commissions) and price bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all regional electricity regulatory bureaus, and all urban electricity regulatory offices; State Grid Corporation of China; China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.; Inner Mongolia Electric Power Corporation; China Huaneng Group; China Datang Corporation; China Huadian Corporation; China Guodian Corporation; and China Power Investment Corporation.
63 Administrative Measures for the Financial Incentive Funds for Energy Conservation Technology Retrofits CHINA 21 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 To accelerate the promotion of advanced energy conservation technologies, improve the efficiency of energy utilization, and realize the binding target of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 16% during the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, and in accordance with the Energy Conservation Law and the Outline of the 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, the Central Treasury shall, by means of “replacing subsidies with rewards,” continue to arrange special funds to provide appropriate support and rewards for enterprises to carry out energy conservation technology retrofits. To strengthen the administration of financial funds and improve the efficiency of fund utilization, we have formulated the Administrative Measures for the Financial Incentive Funds for Energy Conservation Technology Retrofits for your compliance and implementation.
64 Interim Administrative Measures for the Sino-EU SME Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Scientific Research collaboration Fund CHINA 21 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 To regulate and strengthen the administration of the Sino-EU SME (small and medium enterprise) Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Scientific Research Collaboration Fund, and improve the efficient use of the Fund, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology formulated the Interim Administrative Measures for the Sino-EU SME Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Scientific Research Collaboration Fund.
65 Interim Measures for the Administration of the Collection and Use of the Renewable Energy Development Fund CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 To promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration have jointly formulated the Interim Measures for the Administration of the Collection and Use of the Renewable Energy Development Fund in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China.
66 Announcement on the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New-energy Vehicles Entitled to Vehicle and Vessel Tax Reduction and Exemption CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Other Transport All 11 "To promote the development of energy-saving and new-energy automotive industry, in accordance with the provision in Article 4 of the ""Law of the People's Republic of China on Vehicle and Vessel Tax"" and in Article 10 of the ""Regulation on the Implementation of the Vehicle and Vessel Tax Law of the People's Republic of China"", upon approval by the State Council, the catalogue of the first group of energy-saving and new-energy vehicles entitled to vehicle and vessel tax reduction and exemption is hereby announced as follows. As of January 1, 2012, the vehicle and vessel tax shall be reduced by half for energy-saving vehicles; the vehicle and vessel tax shall be exempt for new-energy vehicles."
67 Interim Provisions for the Administration of Grid Power Price CHINA 21 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Power All, Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 These Measures are formulated according to the relevant state laws and administrative regulations, the Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Plans Regarding the Restructuring of the Power Industry(No.5 [2002] of the State Council) and the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Plans Regarding the Power Price Reform (No.62 [2003] of the General Office of the State Council) for the purpose of perfecting the mechanisms of grid power price setting and promoting the restructuring of the power industry.
68 Interim Provisions for the Administration of Power Transmission and Distribution Prices CHINA 21 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power All 11 These Measures are formulated according to the relevant state laws and administrative regulations, the Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Plan Regarding the Restructuring of the Power Industry (No.5 [2002] of the State Council) and the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Plan Regarding the Power Price Reform (No.62 [2003] of the General Office of the State Council) for the purpose of establishing and perfecting a reasonable mechanism of power transmission and distribution price setting, promoting the development of grids, improving the efficiency of grid management enterprises and maintaining the safe and stable operation of grids.
69 Interim Provisions for the Administration of Power Sale Price CHINA 21 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power All 11 These Measures are formulated according to the relevant state laws and administrative regulations, the Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Plan for Restructuring the Power Industry (No.5 [2002] of the State Council) and the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Plan for Reforming the Power Price System(No.62 [2003] of the General Office of the State Council) for the purpose of establishing and perfecting a reasonable mechanism of power selling prices, making full use of the price leverage and allocating electrical sources in a rational way. Detailed pricing standards are provided.
71 Notice on declaration of distributed large-scale photovoltaic power generation demonstration areas CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Other Power Solar 100 Photovoltaic power generation is economically viable in middle and east regions of China due to relatively high electricity price thus is ready for large-scale application. To further implement Renewable Energy Development 12th FYP, promote sustainable development of solar power industry, National Energy Administration decides to construct some photovoltaic power generation demonstration areas.
72 Bhutan Renewable Energy Policy, 2011 BHUTAN 20 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 Policy identifies long-term and short-term objectives related to broadening the energy mix by means of harnessing clean renewable energy sources.The policy covers resources including solar (both PV and concentrated solar power (CSP), wind, bio-energy, geo-thermal, micro/mini/small hydro and waste to energy (WTE). It covers stand-alone, Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG), grid-connected, and fossil fuel substitution interventions. (ii) Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) projects based on clean and renewable energy sources, (iii) Grid-connected RE projects, (iv) Fossil fuel substitution through green energy sources like bio-fuels, electric and hybrid vehicles etc.
73 Eleventh Five Year Plan, Volume 1 BHUTAN 20 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Eleventh Five Year Plan is the second five year plan to be implemented since the introduction of Democratic Constitutional Monarchy in 2008. It presents the overall development planning framework, efforts towards operationalizing Gross National Happiness (GNH) and key milestones to be achieved by 2020. It provides an overview of demographic and socio-economic development trends, national objectives, local plans and KPIs. It includes a chapter on the Hydropower, Renewable Energy and Hydromet Sector.
74 Draft Guidelines for Planning & Development of Human Settlements in Urban and Rural Areas of Bhutan BHUTAN 20 0 nan National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 The primary objective of the proposed study is to develop a framework of guidelines for human settlement in both urban and rural areas by mainstreaming Environment, Climate Change and Poverty (ECP) The guidelines focus on promotion of eco-friendly technologies, conservation of natural environment, management of environmental hazards (resilience planning).
75 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy, 2010 BHUTAN 20 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector Other 6 The nation’s long term development is guided by the concept of maximizing Gross National Happiness. The spirit and intent of this concept as articulated in the Bhutan Vision 2020 document is to “maximise the happiness of all Bhutanese and to enable them to achieve their full and innate potential as human beings.” This is envisaged through the adoption of policies and programs that operationalizes the four pillars of GNH namely sustainable socio-economic development, conservation of natural environment, preservation of culture and good governance. In pursuance of the above, the Royal Government adopts the FDI Policy 2010 to achieve the objectives as set out in the Economic Development Policy 2010.
76 Bhutan Green Building Guidelines, Draft 3 BHUTAN 20 0 nan National Guideline Building Other 6 The Bhutan Green Building Guidelines has been developed by the Ministry of Works and Human Settlements in line its strategies of positive design and construction in Bhutan that protects environmental conservation. The Bhutan Green Building Guidelines provides information, recommendations, and guidance to incorporate sustainable green principles into new design and construction of buildings in Bhutan. The Bhutan Green Building Guidelines will not be mandatory.
77 Royal Government of Bhutan Protocol for Policy Formulation BHUTAN 20 0 nan National Other Other Other 6 Provides detailed policy formulation protocols.
78 Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) Research Policy of Bhutan BHUTAN 20 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The Renewable Natural Resource Research Policy of Bhutan responds to the demand in the 10th Five Year Plan and beyond to determine the progress that the research system has made in meeting the objectives set forth in these new areas, and to provide guidance on the management and conduct of RNR research. In doing so, the policy focuses on new ways to coordinate, prioritize, plan and programme, organize, finance, manage and implement RNR research to prepare the system and its clients for the challenges of the 21st century.
79 The National Environment Protection Act, 2007 BHUTAN 20 2007 2000-2010 National Act Other Other 6 An act that outlines principles of environmental protection; constitution, functions and powers of authorities; protection of environmental quality;protection of forest, biodiversity and integrity; environmental financing and incentives; right to environmental information and citizens' protection, procedure for inspections and verification; enforcement, offences and penalties; and miscellaneous.
80 Bhutan 2020 BHUTAN 20 1999 before_2000 National Other Other Other 6 Document takes stock of the current development situation and the challenges that await the nation ahead.
81 Bhutan 2020 BHUTAN 20 1999 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Power Power, Hydropower, Other 100 Outlines the 2020 Vision's goals, objectives priorities and principles in several key development areas.
82 Eleventh Five Year Plan, Volume 2 BHUTAN 20 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Other 6 Volume II of the Eleventh Five Year Plan document contains the programme profiles of the Ministries, Constitutional Bodies, Autonomous and other Government Agencies. These programmes are organized and presented in the following summary table on the basis of the twenty strategic sectors. These programme profiles consist of the justification for the programme, the strategies to achieve the outcomes and outputs. In line with the results based approach to planning, it also spells out the outcomes and outputs with their key performance indicators, targets and baselines. Contains details of the Energy Programme designed to strengthen the institutional capacity of the energy sector to deliver the mandate of 10,000 MW installed capacity by 2020 and ensure its sustainability.
83 Integrated Energy Management Master Plan for Bhutan BHUTAN 20 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The objective of the IEMMP is to develop an all-encompassing framework, which would give a holistic overview of the demand and supply scenarios, along with recommending strategies (up to 2020) for the sustainable supply of energy for the socio-economic development of the kingdom, both at the rural and urban levels. This integrated approach provides various policy options, in line with the current policies and Vision 2020, for future development of the kingdom. The document contains a number of recommendations.
84 Grid Code Regulation, 2008 BHUTAN 20 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power All 11 The purpose of this regulation is to establish the basic rules, procedures, guidelines and standards to be followed by the various Licensees and all power utilities connected to the Transmission System so as to plan, develop, maintain and ensure secure, reliable and efficient operation of the Transmission System in economic manner.
85 Bhutan Electricity Authority - Regulatory Fees Regulations, 2006 BHUTAN 20 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Provides Fee and Charges Schedule for permits, licence applications, licence fees, and miscellaneous.
86 Bhutan Electricity Authority - Safety Code 2008 BHUTAN 20 2008 2000-2010 National Code Power Power 10 This Safety Code specifies the Authority’s minimum electrical safety requirements for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of electric power plant and equipment under the control of Licensees.
87 Bhutan Electricity Authority - Safety Regulation, 2008 BHUTAN 20 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Safety Code provides the minimum safety requirements to be met by Licensees, a set of Safety Rules that employees and contractors are required to follow, conditions of Safety Audits, Investigations of Serious Safety Incidents, Reporting, and Awareness
88 Bhutan Electricity Authority - Tariff Determination Regulation, 2007 (Updated as of August 2013) BHUTAN 20 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The purpose of this regulation is to provide for the determination of electricity prices in accordance with the Electricity Act of Bhutan, 2001.
89 Bhutan Electricity Authority - Accounting and Reporting Regulations, 2006 BHUTAN 20 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The purpose of this regulation is to provide for an efficient supervision of Licensees by the Authority, including reporting of financial and technical data related to electricity generation, transmission, distribution and supply and system operation.
90 Bhutan Electricity Authority (Distribution Code) Regulations, 2006 BHUTAN 20 2006 2000-2010 National Code Power Power 10 The purpose of this regulation is to enumerate the terms and conditions of supply of electrical energy to Customers served by Distribution Licensees and to provide broad guidelines to both Customers and Distribution Licensees in ensuring uniform practices of standard of supply and rules in extending and maintaining the electricity supply. The objective of the Distribution Code is to regulate the following activities so that these are undertaken in a safe, reliable and efficient manner
91 1st Five Year Plan (1961-1966) BHUTAN 20 1961 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11
92 5th Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1981 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The specific objectives for the Fifth Plan are as follows
93 2nd Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1966 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The Second Plan represented a widening of priorities arising from a significant drop in the share of the road sector to 40% of the overall outlay. Nevertheless, roads continued to receive the highest priority and for the first time, agriculture became a priority area receiving 10% of the overall outlay. The Plan outlines the economic status and development priorities in the areas of
94 3rd Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1971 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The Plan outlines development priorities in the areas of
95 4th Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1976 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 This document outlines the Salient Features of the 4th Five Year Plan. The major effort during Fourth Plan is concentrated towards growth of the Agriculture, Livestock, Forests and Small Industries sectors of the economy.
96 6th Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1987 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 "Outlines objectives and strategies related to i) ""Strengthening of the Development Administration of the Government; ii) Preservation and Promotion of National Identity; iii) Mobilization of Internal Resources; iv) Enhancement of Rural Incomes; v) Improvement of Rural Housing and Resettlement; vii) Development of Human Resources; viii) Promotion of People's Participation; ix) Promotion of National Self-reliance."
97 7th Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1992 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11
98 8th Five Year Plan BHUTAN 20 1997 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 Outlines objectives and strategies related to i) self-reliance, ii) sustainability, iii) preservation and promotion of traditional cultural values, iv) national security, v) balanced development, vi) improving the quality of life, vii) institutional strengthening and human resource development, viii) decentralization and community participation, ix) privatisation and private sector development. Provides a macro-economic outlook, followed by detailed policy descriptions. Chapter 24 is devoted to the energy sector, and includes summary of achievements of 7th FYP as well as new objectives under the 8th FYP.
99 National Environmental Program of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2009 - 2019 TAJIKISTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The National Environmental Program of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2009 – 2019 (further – Program) is the priority document of the state defining the main directions of the sustainable society development, maintaining balance between interests of natural resources development and users. The Program defines relations between consumers of natural resources and the environment, balanced development of the society, sustainable use of natural resources, and restoration of damaged environment. Implementation of activities defined by the Program allows to resolve the issues of sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection. One of the key Program objectives is to conduct environmental activities, strengthen emission reductions monitoring, usage of low-waste technologies in all areas (water, air, mineral resources) and industries. The Program does not specify executors and timelines, as well as sources of funding.
100 Subsoil Law TAJIKISTAN 100 1995 before_2000 National Law Energy All 11 The subsoil legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of the present Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan. The subsoil of the Republic of Tajikistan is an exclusive object of state ownership, the following proprietors can be entitled with the right of ownership
102 National Development Strategy until 2015 TAJIKISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period to 2015 (further – NDS) is adopted to achieve long-term national development objectives. The NDS is the principal strategic document that defines the priorities and general thrust of government policy, which is focused on achieving sustainable economic growth, expending the public’s access to basic social services and reducing poverty. In the framework of the NDS the National Development System is envisaged to be created, the system is expected to have a clearly defined and vertically organized structure of strategic documents, programmes and plans (programme goals and tasks, planning and plan implementation, quality oversight and performance monitoring) on the one hand, and corresponding administrative structures for the management of this process – both vertically and horizontally, on the other hand. The NDS is the basis for all the state, sectoral and regional conceptual frameworks, strategies, programmes and plans for the country’s development currently in place and under development, as well as the activities of all government agencies. The NDS serves as a tool for engaging in a dialogue with the business community and non-governmental organizations. The National Development Strategy envisages the development and implementation of technical and financial programmes in the Republic of Tajikistan.
103 Law on the Use of Nuclear Energy TAJIKISTAN 100 2004 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable 4 In accordance with Tajikistan Nuclear Power Law, atomic energy regulation comprises the following areas of action
104 Law on the Use of Renewable Energy TAJIKISTAN 100 2010 nan National Law Energy Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The Republic of Tajikistan possesses significant untapped potential of renewable energy. As the Government of Tajikistan recognizes the importance and the challenges of ensuring energy security, the legal framework was created to regulate the renewable energy sector. The present law shall regulate legal relations that occur between the public authorities, individuals and legal persons in the area of renewable energy sources use, and shall define legal and economic grounds for improving power conservation, mitigating environmental impacts and climate change, conservation of non-renewable energy sources for future generations. ------ The document focuses on the principles and priorities of the state policy in the field of renewable energy sources development; identifies ways for integration of renewable energy sources in the national power system; regulates implementation of administrative, research, design, expert, engineering, regulatory activities aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy sources; envisages correlation (interrelation) of operations in production, accounting, transportation, distribution, and use of power from renewable energy sources; defines economic and administrative measures to encourage the production and use of renewable energy sources.
105 Law on Nature Conservation TAJIKISTAN 100 1993 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Nature Conservation Law of the Republic of Tajikistan determines the principles of nature conservation developed with an aim to preserve natural resources and environment, support sustainable use and production of natural resources, prevention of harmful anthropogenic impacts on the environment, improvement of environment characteristics, strengthening the rule of law in related areas. The Law defines the jurisdiction of state bodies, human rights in regard to the area, economic instruments of environmental protection, issues of regulation of environmentally harmful influence, environmental standards of location, building, reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and entities, etc. ---- The Law on Nature Protection lost effect in 2011 with the adoption of Environmental Act of the Republic of Tajikistan.
106 Energy Act TAJIKISTAN 100 2000 nan National Act Energy All 11 The Energy Law establishes legal and organizational frameworks for national regulation in the field of state supervision, investment, land management, and consumer rights protection. The present Law identifies key organizational and legal principles for regulation of energy related economic activities in the Republic of Tajikistan. It therefore provides regulatory and strategic frameworks for establishing pro-institutional and market-oriented mechanisms aimed at ensuring stability and development, protection of interests of energy consumers.
107 Law on Energy Conservation TAJIKISTAN 100 2002 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 The present Law regulates relations between legal entities and individuals in the field of energy efficiency in order to enhance the effectiveness of usage of energy resources and products.
108 Presidential Decree on Deepening Economic Reforms in the Energy Sector UZBEKISTAN 100 2001 2000-2010 National Decree Energy All 11 The Presidential Decree “On Deepening Economic Reforms in the Energy Sector” was issued with an aim to deepen market reforms in the energy sector, improve management and increase effectiveness of energy system enterprises, guarantee stability of national energy systems along with meeting electric power needs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The priorities of economic activities aimed at reforming the energy sector comprise accelerated denationalization and privatization of social infrastructure entities, wide attraction of foreign investments in privatization processes of energy sector enterprises, re-construction, technical modernization and re-equipment, further development of generating capacities and electrical networks. Moreover, in the framework of the Presidential Decree the State Joint-Stock Company “Uzbekenergo” is to be established on the basis of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In phases, thermoelectric power stations, heat and power plants, regional enterprises of electrical networks are expected to be transformed into joint-stock companies. Heat and power plants will be privatized on case-by-case projects basis.
109 Power Act UZBEKISTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 Uzbekistan is undergoing an energy sector restructuring with subsequent unbundling of monopolistic activities (dispatching and transmission) and further introduction of market-related elements in the electricity sector. The Power Act of the Republic of Uzbekistan is introduced to define legal, organizational, production and environmental aspects of electricity resources utilization. Within the framework of the present Act, government regulatory mechanisms related to electricity production, supply and use are specified.
110 Law on the Sustainable Use of Energy UZBEKISTAN 100 1997 before_2000 National Law Energy All 11 The present Law establishes general legal frameworks for energy resources conservation and the sustainable use of energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the framework of the present Law, activities related to extraction, production, storage, supply, distribution and consumption of energy are defined. Sustainable energy policies are aimed at ensuring efficient and environmentally sound energy production and utilization practices; facilitating development and application of energy efficient technologies, conservation of conventional energy sources; ensuring accuracy and uniformity of norms and standards; government regulation in the area of energy production and utilization. Particular section of the Law covers the area of energy efficiency standardization. In accordance with the Law, energy efficiency standards are to be set for technological processes, heat and water supply, cooling, electricity supply, etc.
111 Decree On Additional Measures to Improve Utilization of Power UZBEKISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 Sustainable power sector development is considered critical to support Uzbekistan’s development vision. The present Decree is issued by the Cabinet of Ministers to facilitate improvement of power utilization mechanisms. Ensuring adequate and reliable electricity supply is a key prerequisite for industrial productivity growth and energy efficiency enhancement. The National JSC “Uzbekenergo” in collaboration with the State Inspection “Uzgosenergonadzor”, relevant ministries and national agencies are requested to implement the program of measures for technical modernization of electric power enterprises.
112 Rules for Power and Thermal Energy Utilization UZBEKISTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Power 10 The present policy document is a specific uniform regulation imposed by the Cabinet of Ministers to determine the rules for electric and thermal energy utilization, regulation and control in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The policy identifies a number of priority areas, specifically, ensuring reliable energy access and supply, differentiation of energy tariffs, establishment of energy audit requirements, promotion of private sector participation. Moreover, technical specifications are provided for power grid operation, the policy imposes responsibility on parties in case of violations of established norms and non-compliance with standards. A strong emphasis is made on the need to ensure compliance with certification standards of energy-consuming appliances and equipment.
113 Interim Measures for Management of Additional Subsidy Fund to the Electricity Price for Renewable Energy CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 Outlines the measures to apply for and receive subsidies for renewable energy production, as well as reporting procedures.
114 Electric Power Supervision Regulation CHINA 21 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power All 11 Outlines the electrical power supervisory system, including institutional arrangements, duties, and measures.
115 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) for National Economic and Social Development CHINA 21 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind 100 The Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, or the Five-Year Plan, mainly aims to arrange national key construction projects, manage the distribution of productive forces and individual sector’s contributions to the national economy, map the direction of future development, and set targets.
116 Interim Measures for Management of the Development and Construction of Off-Shore Wind Power CHINA 21 2010 nan National Other Power Wind 100 Objective is to standardize management of the development and construction of off-shore wind power projects, promote off-shore wind power's orderly development, standardized construction and sustainable development
117 Notice on the Management of Biomass Power Generation Project Construction CHINA 21 2010 nan National Other Energy Bioenergy 100 The notice is issued to strengthen management and related requirements for biomass power generation project construction.
118 Several Opinions of State Council on Encouraging and Guiding Healthy Development of Private Investment CHINA 21 2010 nan National Other Energy, Power, Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 Outlines areas where the government is encouraging private investment.
119 Electric Power Law of the People's Republic of China CHINA 21 1996 before_2000 National Law Power All 11 This Law applies to activities concerning the construction, generation, supply and consumption of electric power.
120 Chinese RE Law Management Guidelines CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 Provides administrative guidelines on the development of renewable energy projects under national and provincial planning.
121 Notice of the State Development and Reform Commission on offshore wind power electricity price policy CHINA 21 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Wind 100 Establishes tariff rates for offshore wind projects prior to 2017, and the method of determination for projects put into operation in 2017 or later.
122 Interim Measures for Regulation of New Power Grid Access CHINA 21 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10
123 Notice on VAT policy of large-scale hydropower enterprises CHINA 21 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Hydropower 8 Outlines VAT levy structure for large hydropower dams between 2015 and 2017.
124 Renewable electricity generation bonus CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Renewable 4 Outlines bonuses applied to renewable energy production and coal plants with lower emissions.
125 Notice on VAT policy for Solar PV Power CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Solar 100
126 The State Development and Reform Commission's notice on price leveraging to promote the healthy development of the PV industry CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Solar 100
127 Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Photovoltaic Industry CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Solar 100 The opinions are put forward to regulate and promote the healthy development of photovoltaic industry through effective policy and financial support of advanced companies, and elimination of ineffective companies. The policy promotes exploration of markets through demonstration projects, coordinated and comprehensive planning, advancement of technology, streamlining of procedures,and strengthening of institutions.The objective is to turn current slowdown in international markets and other problems faced by the PV industry as potential opportunities for the industry to upgrade and update itself. I particular, the dramatic lowering of the cost of photovoltaic power generation provides a highly favorable condition for expanding the domestic photovoltaic market of China.
128 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China announcement CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Solar 100 "Announcement in support of implementation of ""Several Opinions of the State Council on promoting the healthy development of the photovoltaic industry""."
129 Law on Renewable Energy KYRGYZSTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable 4 Law on Renewable Energy is the principle policy for governing renewable energy sector of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The present Law is adopted by the Parliament to pursue policies for meeting binding targets of renewable energy sources (RES) development. The law stipulates measures to promote RES through national regulation, economic and organizational mechanisms, information system development, financial incentives, sustaining and strengthening energy statistics systems, monitoring and analysis. -- Article 3 of the Law defines the term renewable energy as a clean type of energy produced from renewable energy sources comprising the following types
130 Law on Conservation of Energy KYRGYZSTAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Energy All 11 The Law defines the overall legal framework including definition of legal responsibilities and the instruments to foster energy efficiency in the Republic of Kygryzstan. The Law was adopted to promote energy efficiency in generation, transmission and consumption of energy. As amended in 2008, at the national level it defines procedures for energy conservation development, specifies financial sources, determines legal, organisational, economic and financial bases as well as regulatory mechanisms in the field of energy efficiency. Outlines are provided on methodology for energy performance assessment, energy performance certification, moreover, the policy envisages enhancing the compatibility of regulations, harmonizing existing technical procedures and standards.
131 Law on the Use of Energy Resources AZERBAIJAN 100 1996 before_2000 National Law Energy All 11 The Law shall determine mechanisms for establishing legal, economic and social basis for the State policy implementation in the field of the energy resources utilization. The Law regulates relations between the State, physical and legal entities in this sphere.-- Art.2. Azerbaijan’s legislation on energy resources utilization comprises the present Law, other legal acts and international agreements recognized by the Republic of Azerbaijan.
132 Energy Act AZERBAIJAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The Energy Act of the Republic of Azerbaijan provides the core principles of national energy regulation. Measures and activities specified by the policy focus on general aspects of energy policy implementation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Particular sections cover key areas of state control and supervision over energy legislation execution. -- Art.3. Azerbaijan’s national energy priorities and goals thus far include 1) enabling competitive energy markets with no discrimination of energy producers, suppliers or consumers; 2) energy infrastructure development; 3) environmental impacts reduction; 3) creating favorable conditions for foreign investments and business development; 4) supporting cost-efficient local energy producers and enterprises; 5) facilitating introduction and commercialization of energy efficient technologies; 6) designing other energy-related support mechanisms and policy instruments.
133 Concept on Transition towards Green Economy until 2050 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Concept of Transition towards Green Economy until 2050 is a strategic policy document developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and UNDP in response to existing environmental concerns. Evolving appropriate regulatory frameworks and incentives on sustainable and renewable energy are a priority, adapting to climate change and addressing the challenges associated with reducing carbon dependency are other major areas of concern. The Concept aims to increase efficiency in resources utilization, proposes measures for modernization of existing infrastructure, protection of the environment, in a broader term, for enhancing the energy security of Kazakhstan. The Concept analyzes existing environmental threats, in response to these issues requires to formulate effective policy measures coherent with global initiatives. The implementation of the Green Economy Concept will be performed in three stages
134 12th Five-Year Plan of Solar Photovoltaic Industry Development CHINA 21 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power, Industry Solar 100 Guiding document for the development of the Solar PV industry in China for 2011-2015. Plans to reduce the cost of domestic solar power and expand the domestic market to better develop the photovoltaic (PV) industry.
135 Law on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency KAZAKHSTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Law Energy All 11 Kazakhstan’s law on Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency is a strategic policy enacted to target significant decreases in industrial and municipal energy consumption. The law envisages establishing legal frameworks for improving energy conservation, energy efficient infrastructure development, shifting the national economy to green growth. The law proposes investments in refurbishing and modernization of existing energy infrastructure and programs on green technologies supported by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
136 Interim Measures for the Management of Distributed Generation CHINA 21 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Power 10 Measures promote distributed generation in the areas of resource evaluation, comprehensive planning, project construction and management, grid access, operations and management, policies and measures. Included are small hydropower, wind, solar, biomass, ocean, geothermal, waste, coal-bed methane, and combined natural gas heating, cooling and power.
137 Notice on Related Policies to Further Implement Distributed PV CHINA 21 2014 after_2010 National Guideline Power Renewable, Solar 100 Notice to provinces, government agencies and companies and from the National Energy Administration regarding the full development and implementation of policies, and effective support mechanisms to advance and increase the scale of solar power application through incorporation into planning, subsidization, use of land and building resources, improved standards, .
138 Energy Development Strategy Action Plan (2014-2020) CHINA 21 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Outlines strategy to achieve energy conservation, domestic energy security and push forward low-carbon strategies. Document covers fossil fuel and renewable energy, rural energy access, technology and innovation, and energy market measures.
139 Cross-sectoral Program 'Zhasyl Damu' for 2010-2014 (Green Growth) KAZAKHSTAN 100 2010 nan National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The present cross-sectoral programme was approved pursuant to the Government Decision No. 924 of 10 September 2010. The policy complies with the Presidential Decree of February 1, 2010 № 922 On Strategic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020, and specifies measures to provide comprehensive solutions to existing environmental issues. To tackle environmental challenges, the Green Growth program proposes mechanisms for improving environmental protection and natural resources management systems. The policy suggests a number of targeted control measures that offer wide environmental benefits. Developed by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Program aims to archive the following targets
140 Federal Law On Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 The Federal Law no 261 defines core regulatory principles in the field of energy efficiency and energy conservation. The Law is adopted to replace the Federal Law On Energy Efficiency no. 28-FL dated 3 April 1996. The Law envisages amendments to a number of regulatory documents comprising the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offences, Federal Law On Public Procurement for the Delivery of Goods, Works Accomplishment and Services Rendering no. 49 – FL of 21 July 2005. Regulatory frameworks established by the Law require development of a number of bylaws, e.g., concerning energy efficiency requirements for goods, buildings and construction sector, public procurement, regional and municipal programs and initiatives on energy efficiency. -- The Law proposes establishing legislative, economic and organizational foundations for enhancement of energy efficiency and energy conservation. Art. 4 stipulates the following core principles and targets
141 Federal Law on Electric Power Sector RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2003 2000-2010 National Law Energy Power 10 The present Federal Law establishes legal foundations for economic relations in the field of electric power production and consumption, defines the authority of governmental bodies for regulating these relations, the principal rights and duties of the electric power industry entities (including cogeneration) and electricity and heat consumers (as stipulated by Art. 1).
142 Presidential Decree On Certain Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency and Environmental Efficiency of the Russian Economy RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2008 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Decree proposes to draft a regulation for increasing energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption and associated environmental impacts in the Russian Federation. The present policy is a guideline document for provision of financial, technological and capacity-building support to implementation of projects for improving energy efficiency.
143 Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Programme Energy All 11 The primary objective of the energy policy of the Russian Federation is to facilitate the effective utilization of energy resources and to sustain overall economic growth, improve the quality of life of the population and improve international economic positions of the country. The Strategy determines objectives and goals of the Russian energy sector long-term development for the up-coming period, its priorities and guidelines, as well as mechanisms of the state energy policy at the implementation phases of the Strategy ensuring realization of the stated objectives. -- The Strategy covers the period until 2030 and sets goals and priorities for national development. The Strategy sets new guidelines for development of the energy sector in the transition of Russian economy to the innovative path of development specified in the Conception of Long-Term Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation up to 2020 approved by Decree N° 1662-r of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 17 November 2008. -- The main objective of the national energy policy is to facilitate the transition to an innovative path of economic development. Demand for energy resources should be met taking into account the following gist of proposed measures
144 Federal Law On State Policy for the Development of Unconventional Renewable Energy RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 0 nan National Law Energy Renewable 4 The draft Federal Law On State Policy for Deployment of Unconventional Renewable Energy was adopted in 1999 by the State Duma (the Lower Chamber of Parliament) with consequent approval by the Council of Federation but later on the draft was vetoed by the President of the Russian Federation. Adoption of a new Law is scheduled for the end of 2014, the Law is to establish regulatory frameworks for developing renewable energy sources in the Russian Federation, thus far, renewable energy had no specific regulatory coverage in the Russian Federation.
145 Federal Law on State Regulation of Tariffs for Electric and Thermal Power in the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1995 before_2000 National Law Energy Power 10 "The Federal Law no 41 defines economic, organizational and legal foundations of national regulation on electricity and heat tariff setting in the Russian Federation. The regulation of electricity and heat (capacity) tariffs (hereinafter also ""tariffs"") shall be performed in accordance with the principles set forth by the present Federal Law through the establishment of economically feasible tariffs (prices, service fees) for electricity and heat and/or their limits (part one as amended by Federal Law No. 38-FZ of March 26, 2003). The effective period of established tariffs and/or their limits may not be less than one fiscal year, unless otherwise established by a federal law, a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation (part two as amended by Federal Law No. 199-FZ of December 31, 2005). The limits on tariffs for electricity and heat supplied by power supplying entities to customers, including the limits on tariffs for households, shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation; the limits for households shall be formulated annually before the submission of the draft federal law on the federal budget for the next fiscal year to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and shall come into force on the first day of the above-mentioned year in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law. The above-mentioned tariff limits may be established by the Government of the Russian Federation and broken down by calendar date or customer category adjusted for regional and other peculiarities (as amended by Federal Laws No. 6-FZ of January 10, 2003, No. 125-FZ of July 7, 2003, No. 147-FZ of December 2, 2005). The executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the area of government regulation of tariffs shall establish the tariffs for electricity and heat supplied by power supplying entities to customers, including households, for the next fiscal year within the above-mentioned limits before the adoption of a law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (part four is introduced by Federal Law No. 6-FZ of January 10, 2003). ---- The policy lost effect on 1 January 2011."
146 On Specific Features of Functioning of the Electric Power Industry during the Transitional Period and the Introduction of Amendments into Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Certain Legislative Acts RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2003 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 "For the purposes of ensuring government control over implementation of activities related to the electric power industry reform, the transitional period of the electric power industry reform shall be introduced from the day of entry into force of the Federal Law ""On the Electric Power Industry"" to July 1, 2008. During the transitional period, the resolutions of the management bodies of Unified Energy System of Russia concerning its reorganization (including resolutions on the reorganization of the company and its form, the procedure for the allocation of shares in the reorganized company, the formation of property of the companies established through reorganization) shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes cast by voters (part one as amended by Federal Law No. 250-FZ of November 4, 2007)."
147 State Program On Energy Conservation and Improving Energy Efficiency until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2010 nan National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Program was adopted by the Ministry of Energy pursuant to the Directive of the Russian Government No.1950-r of 11 November 2010. The Program focuses on nine priority action areas and includes the following subprograms
148 Decree on Establishing and Developing the Unified State Ecological Monitoring System RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1992 before_2000 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The State Ecological Monitoring System is established to pursue strengthening environmental security in the Russian Federation, improving existing environmental management systems, upgrading national monitoring networks and raising awareness on ecological issues in the Russian Federation. Implementation of the “Pressure-State-Response” framework of environmental management is to be supported within the system.
149 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2004 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector Nuclear 7 The Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) is a national executive authority exercising - within the scope of its responsibilities - the functions of development and implementation of national nuclear policies. The agency carries out nuclear supervision responsibilities (except for development, production, testing, disposal of nuclear weapons and military nuclear power installations), monitors safety of electrical and thermal installations and networks (except for household installations and networks), safety of hydraulic engineering structures (excluding navigable hydraulic engineering structures and hydraulic engineering structures), ensures compliance with safety requirements throughout production, storage and application of explosive material of industrial purpose. Since its inception in 2004, the agency has established itself as a significant national environmental monitoring and coordination regulatory body.
150 State Program On Energy Efficiency and Power Sector Development, 2013-2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 With an aim to embrace sustainable development paradigm and reduce existing pressures on the environment, the present Program proposes implementation of a wide-scale energy efficiency policy targeting four broad sub-areas, specifically
151 Strategy for the Development of Russia's Power Grid RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Programme Power Power 10 The present Strategy is the principle regulatory document adopted to implement a comprehensive set of measures for the power grid development in the Russian Federation. The policy is developed in pursuance of the Presidential Executive Order No. 1567 of 22 November 2012, and envisages provision of reliable, high-quality and accessible power supply for consumers by means of ensuring maximum efficiency of the power grid infrastructure. Establishment of appropriate coherent policies is required by the present Strategy for refurbishment and expansion of existing power infrastructure. The Strategy stresses the need for ensuring compliance with international norms - as an indispensable prerequisite for sustainable power sector development in the Russian Federation. An emphasis is placed on defining improvements in existing national regulatory frameworks along with strengthening linkages with global initiatives on energy.
152 Decree on Certain Measures to Accelerate the Deployment of Renewable Energy in Retail Electricity Markets RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2015 after_2010 National Decree Energy Renewable 4 The present decree is a revision of a number of policies covering thematic areas of renewable energy, energy trade regulation and environmental sustainability. The policy addresses the need to create conditions for improving energy market environment, thus, support the deployment of unconventional energy sources in the Russian Federation. The policy targets catalyzing concrete actions to ensure transparency and competitiveness of electricity markets, moreover, it elaborates on existing barriers, costs and potentials of expanding vastly the deployment of RES in retail electricity markets.
153 Barbados Declaration on Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in Small Island Development States (SIDS) AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, MALDIVES, MARSHALL ISLANDS, NAURU, PALAU, SAMOA, TIMOR-LESTE, TONGA, TUVALU 100 2012 after_2010 Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector All 11 The overall objective of the Barbados Declaration on Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in Small Island States, is to
155 National Climate Change Policy TUVALU 100 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 This National Climate Change Policy prescribes the Government and the people of Tuvalu’s strategic polices for responding to climate change impacts and related disaster risks over the next 15 years (2012 – 2021). The policy defines 7 thematic goals, strategies and desired outcomes that the Government and the people of Tuvalu have prioritised for implementation to ensure that safety and resilience are achieved.
156 Te Kakeega II Midterm Review TUVALU 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Te Kakeega II Mid-Term Review (TKII MTR) Action Plan 2015 summarises the main outcomes of the TKII MTR. It identifies areas of assistance required by the Government of Tuvalu to promote development and re-orientate and re-prioritize Government’s programs and development strategies for period 2011 to 2015. The Action Plan builds on existing goals established in Te Kakeega and proposes new and revised strategies to ensure that TKII targets for 2015 will be met.
157 Utilities Regulatory Authority Act No. 11 of 2007 VANUATU 3 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 The Act establishes the Utilities Regulatory Authority, including structure, functions and powers of authority. URA is provided authority in the following areas
158 Electricity Reliability Standards VANUATU 3 2011 after_2010 National Standard Power Power 10 Outlines reliability standards in relation to regulated service. Covers performance requirements, compliance, reliability and quality of supply.
160 Electricity Supply (Amendment) Act No. 13 of 2010 VANUATU 3 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Supply Act provides for matters connected with the generation and supply of electricty at Port Vila and Luganville, and to other areas. This amendment further details the regulation of electricity within the nation, including concessions on electricity generation, penalties for supplying electricity in an area of a concession, exempting persons from penalties who generate electricity for personal use, redraft of the compensation procedures, revision of application period, definition of offences relating to interruption and theft of electricity, and adjustment of fines and rights of concessionaire.
162 National Energy Policy FIJI 22 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The National Energy Policy (NEP) provides a five-year based general framework on the use of energy resources. It emphasizes the current principles of energy security,national energy planning, power sector and renewable energies within the national boarders. Also, it underlines problems and implications faced by the country and its future plans. The NEP is strictly related to the National Strategic Development Plan (2007-2011). The document includes a Strategic Action Plan addressing
163 Strategic Development Plan 2003-2005 FIJI 22 2003 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 "The Strategic Development Plan reflects the mandate given to Government by the people of Fiji to build ""A Peaceful and Prosperous Fiji”. The objective of this Plan is to achieve welfare and interests of all, irrespective of their ethnic, cultural and social background; it also addresses the urgent need to devote more of Fiji’s resources to rural areas. Chapter one deals with the vision and objectives; chapter two offers a review of the social and economic development; chapter three then, looks at the medium term strategy, rebuilding confidence to achieve stability and growth; chapter four provides an insight into the macroeconomic management; chapter five discusses the key sectoral issues; chapter six addresses the social and community development, and chapter seven analyzes the economic and development sectors, with a specific section on energy."
164 Strategic Development Plan 2007-2011 FIJI 22 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2007-20011 for Fiji is the result of consultations with stakeholders in the private sector, non-government organisations and Government. It is based on the lessons learnt from the mid-term Review of the Strategic Development Plan 2003-2005. The document entails eight chapters
165 Draft National Energy Policy FIJI 22 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The National Energy Policy sets out the Government’s direction for the energy sector in Fiji. It replaces the 2006 National Energy. It includes the Government's vision and objectives an overview of the energy sector, the targets aligned with the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative of the United Nations and the priority policies. These address
166 (Revised edition of the 2012) Energy Conservation Act SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 This Act overviews energy conservation regulation
167 Policy on Self-Supply of Electricity SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 An overview of the revised rules around self-supply of electricity.
168 Energy Market Authority of Singapore Act (chapter 92B) SINGAPORE 9 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 This Act established and incorporated the Energy Market Authority of Singapore, and provided its functions and powers.
169 Gas Act SINGAPORE 9 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 This Act serves to create a competitive market framework for the gas industry, to make provision for the safety, technical and economic regulation of the transportation and retail of gas, and for other matters connected therewith, and to make consequential amendments to certain written laws.
170 Electricity Act SINGAPORE 9 2001 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 This Act seeks to create a competitive market framework for the electricity industry, to make provision for the safety, technical and economic regulation of the generation, transmission, supply and use of electricity, and for other matters connected therewith, to repeal the Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Act (Chapter 89 of the 1985 Revised Edition), and to make consequential amendments to certain written laws.
171 Building Code for Public Buildings and Works RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Standard Building Other 6 The present policy is designed to introduce standards and specifications to the buildings sector in the Russian Federation. The policy complies with the Federal Law № 183 of 27 December 2002 On Technical Regulation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 858 of 19 November 2008 On Procedure for the Development and Adoption of Regulatory Codes. Amendments were introduced to the present Code pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Construction №438 of 07.08.2014 / 01.09.2014. Energy efficiency is enforced through policy measures of the present code, as provisions address energy conservation in public buildings and facilities.
172 Handbook for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems SINGAPORE 9 2011 after_2010 National Standard Multi-Sector Solar 100 In lieu of the growing popularity of solar photovoltaic (PV) installations amongst residential dwellers as well as building developers, and the corresponding demand for a comprehensive set of technical and regulatory information, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and the Building Construction Authority (BCA) created all-in-one reference guide for those who are keen on installing solar PV systems in Singapore, as well as a source for information on licensing, market and technical requirements, and building and structural issues that are related to the implementation of solar PV systems in a building environment. In addition, it provides new information on the installation requirements for solar PV systems, operations and recommended preventive maintenance works, and various incentives to promote solar PV systems in Singapore.
173 Developments in the Singapore Electricity transmission network SINGAPORE 9 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 This paper therefore seeks to inform the industry about the likely transmission constraints, and how we see these constraints being resolved in the coming years, in addition to outlining new projects to grow demand in the future.
174 Final Determination Paper SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 This document outlines the enhancements made to the regulatory framework for intermittent generation sources including; the Streamline of existing commissioning procedure for solar PV installations and a review and update of the existing technical requirements for solar PV installations, to ensure the safety and quality of electricity supply.---Note
175 Information Paper SINGAPORE 9 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 This document outlines changes in the gas import policy; more specifically regulations around PNG import.
176 E2 Singapore SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The E2 Singapore is a report to provide for current and future measures related to carbon emissions and to improve energy use. The report outlines the following content
177 Program for the Development of Power Sector, 2010 - 2014 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2010 nan National Programme Power Power 10 Over the past several decades, a complex array of industrial policies, investment incentives and regulatory control measures was vigorously pursued by the Republic of Kazakhstan. Policies were endorsed by Kazakhstan's Government to stimulate overall economic growth and increase competitiveness. In this context, the regulatory measures addressed structural changes that ensure sustainable and inclusive growth. Kazakhstan was expected to reach top 50 in the global competitiveness rankings. The present policy came into force in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020 and the State Program on Forced Industrial and Innovative Development for 2010-2014. The Ministry of Industry and New Technologies and other relevant regulatory bodies were tasked with implementation of the program. The Program focuses on fostering economic sustainability through implementation of a comprehensive set of measures for advancement of Kazakhstan’s power sector. An overall perspective is given on the current status and recent developments in the power sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Despite remarkable transformations observed over the past several decades, threats to energy security remain at the top of the policy agenda in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The policy analyzes these threats and outlines ways to resolve existing challenges. --- Sector-specific information is provided by articles. Cross-sectoral measures envisaged by the Program target accelerating the deployment of renewable energy, electricity market restructuring, power sector refurbishment and technological modernization, including advancement of the power generating capacities, and introduction of clean and more efficient coal technologies. The policy establishes a number of specific target indicators and introduces measures for meeting the established goals. --- The policy compiles information on climate change mitigation potentials, benefits, barriers and incentives. ---- An overview is provided on national energy regulatory frameworks, the program stresses the need to strengthen institutional capacities through introduction of best international practices. ---- Funds for program implementation will be allocated from the republican budget. Other sources of funding include budgets of state-owned companies, industrial enterprises and organizations.
178 Law on Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC KAZAKHSTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 Mainstreaming climate change mitigation as an element of national development strategy is the issue given particular consideration by the present policy document. In response to existing environmental challenges, the Republic of Kazakhstan reiterates its commitments to pursuing environmentally responsible track. With ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC, Kazakhstan mandates itself to reduce carbon emissions through implementation of a comprehensive set of measures to fulfill obligations ensuing from the international treaty. National efforts target “stabilization of the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. Given the pervasive and irreversible impacts of the energy sector on ecosystems and human health, the policy stresses the need for accelerating environmental, particularly carbon capture technologies. The focus is made on the following areas of action
179 Federal Law On Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2004 2000-2010 Multilateral Law Multi-Sector All 11 With ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, climate change mitigation issues become entrenched in national development paradigm. Commitments assumed by the country target internationally agreed climate change mitigation goals, due consideration is given to achievement of national economic and social development objectives. Emission reduction pledges made by the Russian Federation encompass economy-wide targets under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol. Measures will be employed to fulfill obligations under the Kyoto Protocol within the timeframe of 2008 – 2012. Further negotiations on carbon emissions commitments shall be carried out upon its completion in 2012.
180 Statute on the Committee for State Power Supervision KAZAKHSTAN 100 2010 nan National Decree Energy Power 10 The Committee for State Power Supervision is an independent national regulatory body established under the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies to perform administrative and regulatory duties with respect to Kazakhstan’s energy sector. The agency is instituted under the present decree and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, presidential acts, and other relevant regulatory documents. The agency plays an important role in pursuing Kazakhstan’s energy strategy through strengthening existing regulatory frameworks for national power sector development.
181 Electricity Act - Laws of Fiji FIJI 22 1966 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Act establishes the Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA). It provides for the transfer of electrical installations to the Authority and for amendment of the legislation relating to the generation, supply and use of electricity. In particular, it addresses the creation of the FEA; transfers to the Authority of the Governments undertakings; licensed undertakings; acquisition of property; regulations and miscellaneous. Also it defines the rules for determining price of energy and the rules for determining authorised charges for use of supply lines. Finally, it entails a subsidiary legislation
182 Petroleum (Exploration and Exploitation) Act - Laws of Fiji FIJI 22 1985 before_2000 National Act Other Oil 9 The Petroleum Act makes provision relating to the exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources and for the purposes connected therewith. It is composed of 15 parts
183 Draft Strategic Action Plan FIJI 22 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Draft Strategic Action Plan accompanies the Draft National Energy Policy (NEP) of July 2013. The Strategic Action Plan defines the objectives that the different stakeholders should accomplish within 5 years in line with the Draft NEP. All the stakeholders are involved in the implementation, although most actions are led by the Department of Energy (DoE). The Strategic Action Plan will be revised and updated every year. After an introduction, the Plan provides specific sections related to different policy areas
184 Concept of Long-term Social and Economic Development until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2008 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 In 2008, the Concept of Long-term Social and Economic Development was adopted to define the national strategic priorities up to 2020. The Concept identifies key action areas to achieve progress towards sustainable and equitable economic growth and inclusive social development. --- The introductory part of the policy provides an overview of the development path pursued by the country over the past several decades bringing to the fore persistent and emerging challenges. Of a key concern are the issues of harnessing innovative potential and developing human capital. Other objectives of the policy focus on enabling favorable conditions for business and financial markets, ensuring macroeconomic stability, modernization of agricultural and industrial sectors, developing transport infrastructure and enhancing disaster preparedness and response capacities. Vast potential exist for increasing productivity and improving living standards. To achieve significant progress in pursuit of these goals considerable shift needs to be made towards balanced and diversified growth model. ---- Provisions are made in relation to national environmental priorities. Standards of permissible impact on the environment shall be introduced. The policy seeks to support energy conservation initiatives through broader deployment of cleaner, sustainable and more efficient technologies. The Concept sets out institutional and regulatory frameworks for strengthening resilience and sustainability of national ecosystems, supporting biodiversity conservation and addressing climate-related risks. --- As the leading national development authority, the Ministry of Economic Development in collaboration with relevant government bodies will develop a long-term forecast plan for economic and social development until 2030 - for being approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
185 Federal Law On Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2007 2000-2010 National Law Energy Nuclear 7 The federal entity ‘Rosatom State Nuclear Corporation’ is founded in pursuance of Art. IV, Federal Law №170 of 21 November 1995 “On the Use of Nuclear Energy”. The present policy envisages establishing a nuclear government corporation with a range of economic and policy functions and with jurisdiction over nuclear energy production, nuclear security, development and disposal of nuclear weapons. Under this framework, the state corporation carries out the following responsibilities
187 National Energy Policy Report SINGAPORE 9 2007 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 Energy for Growth outlines how energy policies will evolve in tandem so as to address the global energy challenges and to capitalise on the opportunities to sustain longterm economic growth. The document outlines Singapore's energy policy framework and strategies for energy for growth; power and transport sector development; energy efficiency; energy and environment; energy industry growth; research and development; and partnerships.
188 BCA Building Energy Benchmarking Report SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Government Report Building Other 6 This inaugural Building Energy Benchmarking Report 2014 is published by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore to share analytical findings from the 2013 building energy benchmarking data. The building information and energy consumption data were collated from the annual mandatory submission of building information and energy consumption data, a new key requirement under the Building Control (Amendment) Act 2012.
189 Republic of Fiji National Climate Change Policy FIJI 22 2012 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The National Climate Change Policy provides guidelines for sectors to ensure that current and expected impacts of climate change are considered in their planning and implementation programmes. The policy addresses climate change impacts, giving particular attention to the reduction of green house gases emissions and to the importance of coordination among sectors. In particular it deals with objectives and strategies, along with a timeframe (between 2013 and 2016) that every sector should respect, policy monitoring and review and its implementation.
190 "Sustainable Economic and Empowerment Development Strategy (SEEDS) 2008-2010. ""A Better Fiji for All""" FIJI 22 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power, Multi-Sector All, Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Hydropower, Wind 100 "The Sustainable Economic and Empowerment Development Stategy (SEEDS) 2008 - 2010 is the result of consultations with key stakeholders. As highlighted in the first chapter, the SEEDS objectives are in line with the mandate of the interim Government aims at a ""Better Fiji for All"". In particular, the Strategy addresses"
191 Roadmap for Russia - EU Energy Cooperation until 2050 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 "In 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Union agreed to establish long-term energy cooperation frameworks. The policy adopted as a result of negotiations provides that the Roadmap ""should concentrate on analysis of different scenarios and their impact on EU-Russia energy relations, look into their consequences for the energy sectors, elaborate long-term opportunities and risks of the overall energy supply and demand situation and investigate the potential for long-term cooperation on energy. After approval of this Roadmap by the Coordinators of the Dialogue, the EU and Russian sides should provide for using the respective potential for long-term cooperation as one of the priorities of their energy policies."" --- Over the past several decades, the EU has been transitioning towards a low-carbon energy system, with concrete targets for 2020. The Russian Federation has been pursuing the path of innovative and efficient energy sector development and has established targeted indicators to be achieved by 2030. The present policy focuses on long-term perspectives for the EU-Russia energy cooperation, provides scenarios and assesses potential impacts on EU – Russian relations. Areas of particular focus comprise electricity, gas, oil, renewables, and energy efficiency. --- Objectives for the development of Russia’s power sector include modernization of existing generation capacities and developing capacities for broader deployment of advanced technologies. Activities are to be carried out for modernization of the Unified Power System (UPS) and strengthening interconnections with neighboring countries. Further efforts are foreseen to strengthen reliability and security of the system and to improve the organizational and market structure of national electricity sector through elaboration and introduction of coherent regulations to electricity markets. Specific challenges are associated with development of modern heating systems. Greater deployment of renewable heat/power generation will be encouraged."
193 Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2010-2014 FIJI 22 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2010-2014 addresses reforms and sectoral policy mix that are needed to successfully deliver on the mandate handed down by His Excellency the President in 2007. It is the result of consultations with key stakeholders, including private sector, civil society and public sector, and takes into account the current political, social and economic developments, both on the domestic and international fronts. Different reforms will be implemented under the Roadmap, such as electoral and parliamentary reforms, public service reforms, land reforms, and reforms in the education and health sectors.
194 Renewable Energy Readiness Assessment Fiji FIJI 22 0 nan National Government Report Energy All 11 This document presents the Fiji RRA Country Report. The RRA Process is a tool developed by IRENA that aims to identify the elements necessary to devise an effective policy framework to support market development. The development of the RRA Fiji was led by the Fiji Department of Energy and guided by the Government’s vision for Fiji’s energy sector, as set out in the Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2009-2014. The report is the result of consultations with key stakeholders, including the private sector, public institutions, NGOs, financial institutions, development partners, civil society representatives and several ministries and national energy authorities and agencies. Section 1 presents the introduction; section 2 presents the energy and renewable energy context in the region; section 3 explores Fiji’s enabling environment; section 4 presents the key issues with respect to to opportunities for deployment of renewable energies in Fiji; section 5 presents the recommended actions necessary for scaling up renewable energy systems in Fiji.
195 Plan of Action on Energy Conservation and Improving Energy Efficiency RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The present Plan of Action was adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation pursuant to the Federal Law on Energy Conservation and Improving Energy Efficiency, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (2009). A comprehensive set of cross-sectoral policy measures is proposed to foster eco-efficient energy consumption and accelerate energy efficiency improvements. In overall, the policy establishes an all-encompassing regulatory framework to address recurrent and emerging energy efficiency issues.
196 Private Sector Power Generation Policy of Bangladesh BANGLADESH 14 2004 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Power Power 10 The Private Sector Power Generation Policy of Bangladesh addresses the need of including the private sector in the power generation of the country. The document analyzes first of all, the Government of Bangladesh Policy and Power Cell, secondly, it explores the Modality for Implementation of Independent Power Projects. After that, it provides for rules relating to Tariff for Bulk Purchase of Power at Busbar, Fiscal Incentives, Other Incentives and Incentives for Foreign Investors, Issue of Separate Statutory Regulatory Order (SRO) and the Right of Interpretation.
197 Guidelines for Remote Area Power Supply Systems (RAPSS) BANGLADESH 14 2007 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 Recognizing the importance of adequate supply of electricity to achieve socio-economic development and for alleviating poverty, the Government of Bangladesh has created the Guidelines for Remote Area Power Supply Systems (RAPSS). Through these Guidelines the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has set top priority for Power Sector Development and has set a target of providing access to electricity to all citizens by 2020. The Guidelines address the selection of the RAPSS, the selection of the investors and issues relating to the operating system. Provisions are also made for tariffs, taxes and duties and the application of the RAPSS Fund.
198 State Environmental Program of the Russian Federation for 2012 - 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The State Environmental Program was adopted in 2014 to establish rules of environmental management in the Russian Federation. The policy proposes cross-sectoral measures to reduce existing pressures and mitigate adverse impacts on the environment. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant regulatory bodies - as specified by subprograms - are tasked with implementation of a comprehensive set of policy measures that offer wide environmental benefits. The Program proposes implementation of a wide-scale environmental policy prioritizing a number of sub-areas, specifically
199 Statute on Corporate Advocacy Standards for Energy Conservation and Improving Energy Efficiency in Production Processes RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 0 nan National Other Industry Other 6 With a view to strengthen national initiatives on energy efficiency, a set of advocacy policy measures is pursued by the Government of the Russian Federation. Until present, advocacy standards for energy conservation had no specific regulatory coverage in Russian legislation. For these reasons, in 2015 the Ministry of Energy has drafted the present policy to launch a corporate outreach campaign aimed at raising awareness on efficiency enhancing measures and mechanisms. With a view to address most pressing energy issues, particular focus is made on industrial energy efficiency and household energy conservation, highlights are made on the consequences of illegal activities related to energy consumption. A minimum set and common criteria for the design and implementation of the advocacy campaign is provided. --- The 2020 target to reduce energy intensity of GDP by 40 per cent is reaffirmed.
201 Federal Law on Heat Supply RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2010 nan National Law Building Other 6 The Federal Law on Heat Supply is a policy adopted in 2010 to provide the basis for improvements in Russia’s heating sector and for enhancing energy efficiency. The policy establishes a long-term vision for the development of heating sector in the Russian Federation, along with that considers its ecological implications. A number of cross-cutting policy measures is proposed to address the following areas
203 Long-term Program for Coal Sector Development until 2030 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Programme Energy Coal 1 The Program - adopted pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №1099-р of 12 June 2014 - defines long-term objectives for the management of coal resources in the Russian Federation, sets regulatory frameworks to drive technological modernization of Russia’s mining industry. The policy prioritizes six broad thematic areas, pertaining in particular to
205 Federal Law on Natural Monopolies RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1995 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear 100 The present Law establishes legal frameworks for natural monopolies in the Russian Federation. The policy aims to ensure the mutual advantage and maintain the balance of interests of all market actors, thereby guarantee availability of natural monopoly goods to consumers and enhance efficiency of natural monopoly entities (Art. 1). Art. 2. The policy covers regulation of commodity markets and defines in this respect main market actors
207 Operational & Management Procedures For Remote Area Power Supply Systems Fund (RAPSS Fund) BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 As per provision of article 13 of the RAPSS Guidelines, the government will establish a Remote Area Power Supply Systems Fund (RAPSS Fund) to provide required subsidies, so that, the remote poor people can enjoys electricity facilities at a reasonable & affordable price. This document addresses the creation of the Fund, its objectives, sources and functioning.
208 Renewable Energy Policy of Bangladesh BANGLADESH 14 2008 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power Power, Renewable 2 The Renewable Energy Policy issued by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, defines the necessity for the country to develop renewable energy technology. Indeed, in Bangladesh efficient utilization of renewable energy resources is yet to assume commercial dimensions and hence rational policy dissemination on renewable energy usage is essential. The renewable energy includes solar, wind, biomass, hydro, geo-thermal, tidal wave. The following content is explored in the policy
209 Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act no. IX of 1910) BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 This Act amends he previous version of the Electricity Act 1910. It addresses the supply and use of electrical energy and the generation of electricity.
210 Decree on the Mechanism for Promotion of Renewable Energy on the Wholesale Electricity (Capacity) Market RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Decree Power Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The present policy is a specific regulation imposed by the Government of the Russian Federation to reassure national commitments to renewable energy goals. As the primary objective formulated by the policy is to accelerate renewable energy market growth, it proposes a capacity-based scheme envisaged to integrate solar, wind and hydro energy sources into capacity markets. The decree seeks to ensure security of electricity supply and enhance efficiency of facilities that sell renewable energy. Provisions are made for certification - or “qualification” - of renewable energy generating facilities, in this respect, minimum criteria is specified. Capacity-based scheme is applicable to generating facilities with installed capacity of 5MW. --- The policy aims to ensure sustainable, sufficient and balanced development of electricity markets as it gives more certainty to investment in RES generation projects. Frameworks are provided for investment regulation in respect to power plants construction. Enabling a competitive market environment shall be ensured.
211 "Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 2, Paragraph 6 ""Power Supply"")" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1996 before_2000 National Code Multi-Sector Power 10 The Civil Code is the principle regulatory document adopted by the State Duma in 1996 to lay the foundation for civil legislation in the Russian Federation. The Code recognizes inviolability of property, freedom of agreement, inadmissibility of arbitrary interference into private affairs and guarantees the reinstatement of civil rights in case of their violation. Chapter 2, para 6, art. 539 - 548 provide frameworks for regulation of power supply through connected grid. The policy focuses on power supply contracts and liabilities in this respect. It is stipulated that the energy supplying organization shall undertake to transmit power to the user (consumer) through the connected up network, while the user shall undertake to pay for accepted power, and to observe conditions of its consumption, provided for by the contract. Operational safety in power distribution to be ensured. --- The quality of power transmitted shall comply with requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular with compulsory rules or provisions of the contract for power supply. --- Rules apply to the supply of thermal power through connected grid. Rules for the contract of power supply shall be applicable to the supply of gas, oil and oil products, water and other goods.
212 Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Act, 2003 BANGLADESH 14 2004 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Act, is an Act to make provisions for the establishment of an independent and impartial regulatory commission for the energy sector. It explores the details regarding the establishment of the Commission, the financial matters of the Commission, its Functions, Powers and Proceedings, the Relation between Commission and Government, Licence, Tariff, Commission’s power to issue order and implement its decision, Flow of Information, Arbitration - Settlement and Appeal, Offence and Penalty, Receipt of Complaint of Consumer and disposal.
214 The Bangladesh Power Development Boards Order 1972 BANGLADESH 14 1972 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 The Bangladesh Power Development Boards Order 1972, was issued by the President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and it extends to the whole of Bangladesh. It establishes the Power Development Boards, their functions, duties and powers.
215 The Rural Electrification Board Ordinance, 1977 BANGLADESH 14 1977 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 The Rural Electrification Board Ordinance, 1977 is an Ordinance to provide for the establishment of the Rural Electrification Board. It also specifies its composition, functions, meetings, powers and the establishment of a the Rural Electrification Board Fund.
216 The Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority Act, 2012 BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to make provisions for the establishment of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority to ensure energy security. The document defines its establishment and functions, matters related to the management, funds and other provisions.
217 500 MW Solar Programme 2012-2016 BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Programme Energy Solar 100 The 500 MW Solar Programme is an initiative to promote renewable energy programme in Bangladesh between 2012 and 2016. In this document Government intends to figure out different options of solar power development projects under this programme. There are a commercial and a social way through which the program will be implemented. The commercial type will be in the form of solar park, solar mini grid, solar water pump etc while social type will be implemented in community health centre, union information centre, religious installation, railway station etc. The Private Sector has been identified as an important stakeholder for the implementation of this programme. Finally, to implement the programme necessary guidelines have been prepared.
218 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Solar Power Development Program, 2013 BANGLADESH 14 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Solar 100 These Guidelines for the Implementation of the Solar Power Development Program address in detail the implementation of the solar power development, also considered the 500 MW Solar Program. In particular it deals with
219 Country Action Plan for Clean Cookstoves BANGLADESH 14 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Bangladesh Country Action Plan for Clean Cookstoves (CAP) defines what is needed to kick-start and develop the Bangladesh clean cookstove market. Its objective is achieving the goal of 100% clean cooking solutions by 2030. To do this the CAP presents a comprehensive summary of priority intervention options necessary to affect change, and provides interested parties (existing and potential donors, entrepreneurs, NGOs and policymakers) with intervention options to undertake. This CAP is the result of consultation of a wide variety of stakeholders. The document addresses
220 Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Climate Doctrine is a strategic environmental regulatory document adopted pursuant to the Presidential Executive Order N 861-rp of 17 December 2009. Cross-cutting measures envisaged by the present post-Kyoto climate policy aim to reaffirm Russia’s commitments to climate objectives and enhance global mitigation action. The policy reinforces institutional and legal frameworks on climate change ensuring compliance with provisions of the Constitution, presidential executive orders and regulations issued by the Government of the Russian Federation. This multifaceted policy is designed in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (9 May 1992).--- As the exposure to climate change impacts is vast, the Russian Federation seeks to support climate resilience actions, thus reduce adverse associated social and economic effects. Of a key concern are risks to population health, drought effects, ecosystem degradation, and dissemination of infection diseases. --- The policy establishes an all-encompassing regulatory framework for international cooperation, emphasizes the need to strengthen cross-government climate coordination. A long-term vision is based on due consideration of interests of all parties involved, significant disparities in economic conditions as well as specific for each country policy and capacity-related challenges shall be taken into account.
221 Policy Guideline for Small Power Plant (SPP) in Private Sector BANGLADESH 14 2008 2000-2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 The Policy Guideline for Small Power Plant (SPP) in Private Sector addresses the modality through which private sector investors can establish SPPs. In particular, the Guideline explores
222 Vision Statement Policy & Policy Statement on Power Sector Reforms BANGLADESH 14 2000 nan National Overarching Policy Power Power, Renewable 2 The Vision Statement Policy and the Policy Statement on Power Sector Reforms offer an overview on the Bangladesh power sector. The objective of the Vision Statement is to provide access to affordable and reliable electricity to all by the year 2020. The document addresses an introductory part on the power sector, an operational part regarding the achievement of power-related objectives, ongoing and specific measures overtaken by the Government of Bangladesh and future proposals. The second part of the document is the Policy Statement on Power Sector Reforms, which describes the current power sector's situation, past reform activities and eventually, the Government's vision. The Government's vision includes
223 Environmental Code KAZAKHSTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 The present Code is a comprehensive environmental policy scoped as encompassing the following aspects
225 Power Sector Law KAZAKHSTAN 100 2004 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 The Power Sector Law sets out the regulatory framework for generation, transmission and utilization of electric energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The policy pursues a number of broad objectives pertaining in particular to ensuring reliable and stable operation of Kazakhstan’s power system and harmonization of existing regulatory frameworks. Multifaceted measures envisaged by the policy – as provided by Art. 3 – aim to meet the growing demand for power, to protect the rights of power market actors, to facilitate the establishment of a competitive market environment. Given the interconnections between energy, trade and social components, the policy considers the development of national power sector a key enabler for resilient and sustainable growth.
226 Nuclear Energy Law KAZAKHSTAN 100 1997 before_2000 National Law Energy Nuclear 7 The legal framework for nuclear energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is laid down by the present law. The policy seeks to intensify efforts and reinforce steps necessary to protect the environment, eliminate existing nuclear dangers associated with radiation and proliferation of nuclear weapons. Since the entry into force of the Law, a number of amendments have been introduced. To reinforce the present Law, comprehensive policy actions were proposed by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Radiation Safety of the Population adopted in 1998. In 2015, draft of a new Nuclear Energy Law was issued by the Lower House of Kazakhstan’s Parliament – the Mijilis.
227 Law on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (Law № 165-IV) KAZAKHSTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable 4 As recently the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a complex array of regulations to accelerate transition towards sustainable energy, the present Law was endorsed in line with these policies to support the penetration of renewable energy into the national energy mix. The Law proposes a long-term vision for the development of non-polluting energy sources – as a means of ensuring environmental security, climate change mitigation, and attaining progress towards low-carbon, sustainable and eco-efficient economy. The proposed instruments aim to unleash the existing potential of renewable energy, while remaining barriers to renewable energy trade are expected to be removed. Emphasis is placed on improving renewable energy pricing mechanisms. --- It is underscored that the formulation of effective, coordinated and coherent policies is an indispensable prerequisite for the promotion of renewable energy, thereby the policy aims to reinforce the Plan of Action on the Development of Alternative and Renewable Energy for 2013-2020 adopted by the Government of Kazakhstan in 2013.
228 Law on Natural Monopolies and Regulated Markets KAZAKHSTAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Energy Coal, Oil, Power, Gas 100 The policy establishes frameworks for the regulation of natural monopolies in the Republic of Kazakhstan and aims – through restraining monopolistic activities and balancing the interests of all market actors – to ensure sustainability and competitiveness of the national economy. The policy concentrates on the following areas
229 Law on Gas and Gas Supply KAZAKHSTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Law Energy Gas 0 The present Law establishes a full regulatory framework for gas and gas supply in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Multifaceted measures envisaged by the policy aim to ensure efficient, reliable and safe operation of the unified gas supply system.
230 Building Control Act (Chapter 29) SINGAPORE 9 1989 before_2000 National Act Building All 11 An Act to consolidate the law relating to buildings, and for matters connected therewith; including the outline of protocol around energy use change of a building, and the requirements for energy audits on cooling systems in buildings.
231 Power Pricing Framework BANGLADESH 14 2004 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 The Power Pricing Framework was approved by the Government in January 2004. It proposes Pricing Principles to begin codifying the process and principles of tariff adjustment and to phase out prevailing distortions in tariff structure. The principles include
232 Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines BANGLADESH 14 2004 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 The Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines, provide principles for private sector infrastructures. It addresses
233 Building Control (Amendment) Act SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Act Building All 11 The Act outlines the Amendments made to the original Building Control Act, with specific provisions regarding the protocol around major energy use change to buildings and deviations from the approved building design, as well as regulations around energy audits of building cooling systems.
234 Electricity (Electricity Trading Licence) (Exemption) Order 2010 SINGAPORE 9 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 Section 6(1)(f) of the Electricity Act shall not apply to any person who trades in the wholesale electricity market for the purpose of selling electricity generated by him by means of a generating unit having a name-plate rating of less than 1MW.
235 Policy Guidelines for Power Purchase from Captive Power Plant BANGLADESH 14 2007 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Power 10 The Policy Guidelines for Power Purchase from Captive Power Plant express the intent of the Government of Bangladesh to reduce the gap between supply and demand for electricity, and to make best use of energy resources. In particular, the GOB declares following Guidelines to (a) harness the surplus capacity of captive power plants, and (b) permit electric utilities to purchase electricity from captive power plants. The document is divided in the following sections
236 Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector, 2008 BANGLADESH 14 2008 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 The Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector in 2008 support the objective of the GoB to augment generation capacity to meet existing power shortage and demand-growth in future years. GoB desires to promote further private participation in the power sector and these guidelines serve as a base to achieve this goal. In particular, they address
237 Rio + 20 BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Other All 11 "The ""Rio + 20"
238 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules, Initial Draft 22 October 2012 BANGLADESH 14 0 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The Initial Draft of the 22nd October 2012 of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules, will be known as the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules, 2013. They address the role played by the SREDA and other institutions in the energy conservation measures. After having defined the institutional arrangements, it deals with
239 Information Paper SINGAPORE 9 2006 2000-2010 National Standard Multi-Sector All 11 This document provides a general overview of Singapore’s policy regarding and registration of onsite power generation plants for self-consumption, with a nameplate capacity of 1 MW or more.
240 Review of the treatment of embedded generation SINGAPORE 9 2006 2000-2010 National Other Other All 11 This document is a review of the treatment of embedded generation by Frontier Economics, the Singapore Energy Market Authority and the Economic Development board. The findings of which recognize the arrangements for embedded generation in Singapore broadly reasonable within the context of the National Electricity Market. The document also outlines possible actions for Singapore around embedded generators in the future including; the introduction of a “causer pays” mechanism for the allocation of cost regulation, as well as GHG emissions scheme, and/or limited net treatment to recognize the wider benefits of embedded co-generation.
241 Decision Paper SINGAPORE 9 2006 2000-2010 National Other Other All 11 Provides a summary and outline of comments and recommendations put forth regarding gencos’ and exempted companies’ with embedded generating units under the Electricity Act. The Energy Market Authority decided that all exempted companies; whom install new generating units will be subject to licensing requirements under the Electricity Act, and shall retain their exemption on units in operation before 1 Jan 03, provided they meet associated conditions.
242 Power and Energy Sector Road Map BANGLADESH 14 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power All 11 The Power and Energy Sector Road Map
243 Review of policy on embedded generating units in operation prior to 1 January 2003 SINGAPORE 9 2006 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 This Review considers the requests submitted by exempt companies with embedded generating units to expand their generation capacity whilst maintaining exemption status, and includes the findings and recommendations of Frontier Economics to the Energy Market Authority.
244 Application Procedures for Electricity Connection to Consumers' Electrical Installations in the New Electricity Market SINGAPORE 9 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Regulations and procedures for submitting for electrical connection to consumers’ electrical installations.
245 Briefing on the Procedures for Application for Electricity Supply in the New Electricity Market SINGAPORE 9 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Outlines the procedures that are followed by the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL) in checking the consumers’ electrical installations that are exempted from installation licensing by the EMA, such as for; small electrical Installation (supply capacity not exceeding 45kVA), large domestic electrical installation (supply capacity exceeding 45 kVA), and residential units in condominium/conventional housing development.
246 Energisation of Service Connection SINGAPORE 9 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Review of the procedures leading up to and throughout the process of energization of a service connection, including the roles of licensed electrical workers, and draft documents required for connection.
247 Energisation of Supply Line for Consumer's Electrical Installation Taking Electricity from Landlord's Switchboard in the New Electricity Market SINGAPORE 9 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Overviews the acts and regulations governing consumers’ electrical installations, and procedures for supply to tenant’s licensed electrical installations for non-contestable consumers. As well as procedures for supply to tenant’s licensed electrical installation for contestable consumers and actions to be taken by EMA on consumers’ electrical installations.
248 National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) BANGLADESH 14 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) is a response to the Climate Change challenges for Bangladesh. The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has recognised climate change as an important issue and attempts are being made to incorporate potential response measures for reducing impacts of climate change into overall development planning process. NAPA has four pillars of NAPA
249 Power System Master Plan (PMSP 2010) BANGLADESH 14 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Power System Master Plan (PMSP 2010) is the Study for Master Plan on Coal Power Development in the People's Republic of Bangladesh. The Plan is based on the Vision 2030 Long Term Power Development Strategy for Bangladesh. Its objective is delivering a stable and high quality electricity to the People of Bangladesh via the creation of a power network that will help realize comfortable and affluent lifestyles for all. Six plans are analyzed in a document divided into Volume 1 (Power System Master Plan 2010); Volume 2 (Technical Study for the construction of Coal-Fired Power Station) and Volume 3 (Recommendations for Future Support Measures). After an introduction offered in the Chapter 1, Chapter 2 addresses Viewpoints and Objectives of the Master Plan, Chapter 3 gives an Outline of Bangladesh, Chapter 4 describes the Coal Sector, Chapter 5 the Natural Gas Sector and Chapter 6 Other Primary Energy. Chapter 7 provides for Power Demand Forecasts, Chapter 8 discusses the Power Development Plan and Chapter 9 provides for the Power System Analysis. Finally, Chapter 10 deals with the Financing for Materialization of the Master Plan.
250 Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2008 BANGLADESH 14 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) 2008, was prepared through a fully consultative process involving government, civil society and development partners. Its main purpose is to articulate a strategy to manage climate change and its impacts in Bangladesh leading towards an action plan of programmes addressing the needs for substantive interventions with a definitive timeline for their implementation. The BCCSAP is presented in two parts. The first part provides the background based on physical and climatic contexts, core socio-economic realities and policies in the country and the consequent rationale for a strategy on climate change. The second part elaborates a set of programmes based upon six pillars or broad areas of intervention, which have been elaborated in the first part. The six pillars are
251 Electricity (Electricity Licenses) (Exemption) Order 2011 SINGAPORE 9 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 This order refers to the exemption of specific consortiums from licensing under the Electricity Act.
252 Electricity (Export of Electricity) (Exemption) (No.2) Order 2011 SINGAPORE 9 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Power 10 This order refers to the exemption of specified companies with respect to electrical generation for the purposes of export, subject to conditions outlined by the Energy Market Authority.
253 Electricity (Export of Electricity) (Exemption) Order 2011 SINGAPORE 9 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Power 10 This order refers to the exemption of specified companies with respect to electrical generation for the purposes of export, subject to conditions outlined by the Energy Market Authority.
254 Electricity (Cable Detection Workers) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2003 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Regulations regarding the qualifications, application process, and procedures for licensing of cable detection workers, as well as applicable conditions, duties and penalties for failure to preform duties in a legal manor.
255 Electricity (Composition of Offences) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Regulations regarding compoundable offences by the Authority in accordance with section 93 of the Electricity Act.
256 Electricity (Contestable Consumers) Regulations 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Regulations regarding the classification of contestable consumers, as well as rules for usage, cessation, and revocation.
257 Electricity (Electrical Generation and Retail Licence) (Exemption) Order SINGAPORE 9 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 This order oultines exemptions to the Electricity Act in regards to the licensing of electrical generation and retail subject to conditions by the Energy Market Authority.
258 Electricity (Electricity Generation Licence) Exemption) (No.2) Order SINGAPORE 9 2003 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 This order oultines exemptions to the Electricity Act in regards to the licensing of electrical generation, subject to conditions by the Energy Market Authority.
259 Electricity (Electricity Trading Licence) (Exemption) Order 2009 SINGAPORE 9 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 Section 6(1)(f) of the Electricity Act shall not apply to any person who trades in the wholesale electricity market for the sole purpose of purchasing electricity wholly for his own consumption.
260 Electricity (Electricity Trading Licence) (Exemption) Order 2010 SINGAPORE 9 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 Section 6(1)(f) of the Act shall not apply to any person who trades in the wholesale electricity market for the purpose of selling electricity generated by him by means of a generating unit having a name-plate rating of less than 1MW.
261 Electricity (Control of Designated Electricity Licensees and Entities) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This regulation applies to the control of designated electricity licensees and entities, in specific regards to equitable interest, control of voting, classification of associate, and regulations around serving notice. Additionally these regulations also outline the application and conditions of approval as well as exemptions.
262 Electricity (Electrical Installations) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This regulation outlines protocol around electrical supply and installation measures, including; voltage supply, requests for supply, installation process, metering, modifications to electrical installations, testing of electrical installations, adjustments to installation, and power to disconnect. Additionally, it identifies persons responsible for electrical installation, apparatuses to be used, safety standards and licensing requirements.
263 Electricity (Electrical Workers) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This regulation states the qualifications for electrician licenses, requirements for an application and/or renewal of license, applicable conditions to licenses and responsibilities of those who are licensed.
264 Electricity (Electricity Transmission Licence) (Exemption) (No.2) Order 2014 SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 This order specifies the exemption of licensing for electrical transmission with respect to specified companies and premises, and is subject to the conditions of the Energy Market Authority.
265 Electricity (Electricity Transmission Licence) (Exemption) Order 2014 SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 This order specifies the exemption of licensing for electrical transmission with respect to specified companies and premises, and is subject to the conditions of the Energy Market Authority.
266 Electricity (Export of Electricity) (Exemption) Order 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 This order specifies the exemption of conditions relating to the export of electricity with respect to specified companies and is subject to the conditions of the Energy Market Authority.
267 Electricity (Licensing of Electrical and Supply Installations) (Exemption) Notification SINGAPORE 9 2004 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Outlines specifics regarding exemptions around electrical supply installations; with respect to residential and industry.
268 Gas (Designated Gas Transporter) Notification SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 This notification designates a gas transporter as authorized by the Energy Market Authority
269 Gas (Gas Importer’s Licence) (Exemption) Order 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 This order specifies the exemption of licensing for gas importation with respect to specified companies and subject to the conditions outlined therein by the Energy Market Authority.
270 Towards Revamping Power and Energy Sector BANGLADESH 14 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This booklet is an effort to make the nation aware of various immediate, medium term and long term steps taken by the Government in power and energy sectors. The Government is trying to do so in line with the “Vision 2021” for building Bangladesh as a happy, prosperous country of medium income through maintaining macro economic stability and achieving rapid economic growth by 2021. The Roadmap 2010-2011 analyzes the current situation of the power and electricity sector, also considered the Outline Perspective Plan for Bangladesh and provides for a work plan.
271 Gas (Gas Shipper’s Licence) (Exemption) Order 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 This order specifies the exemption of licensing for gas shipping with respect to specified companies and subject to the conditions outlined therein by the Energy Market Authority.
272 Gas (Gas Transporter’s Licence) Exemption) (No.2) Order SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 This order specifies the exemption of licensing for gas transporters with respect to specified companies and subject to the conditions outlined therein by the Energy Market Authority.
273 Gas (Gas Transporter’s Licence) (Exemption) Order SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 Any person who has been conveying gas through an offshore gas pipeline since 16th March 2001 shall be exempted from section 6(1)(a) of the Act when conveying gas through that pipeline.
274 Gas (Gas Transporter’s License) (Exemption) Order 2009 SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 This order specifies the exemption of licensing for gas transporters with respect to the conveyance of gas through offshore gas pipelines and applying to specified companies and subject to the conditions outlined therein by the Energy Market Authority.
275 Gas (Specified Date for Purposes of Section 6 (1)) Order SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 For the purposes of section 6(1)(c), (d) and (g) of the Gas Act, the specified date shall be 14th February 2008.
276 Gas (Transfer of Property, Rights, Obligations and Liabilities Under Section 98) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 This set of regulation applies to the transfer of property and assets from PowerGas to SembGas as well as the Obligations and Liabilities therein.
277 Gas (Supply) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 Regulations regarding the application and protocol around the supply and connection of gas to consumers, in addition to compliane standards for installation and maintenance and licensing of qualified gas service workers.
278 Gas (Metering) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 Regulations regarding the location, installation and security of gas meters, as well as standards for testing and calibration, meter data collection and access and penalties for tampering or contravention of the regulations therein.
279 Application Form for access direction under section 38 Gas Act SINGAPORE 9 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 Sample Application form for access direction under section 38 Gas Act
280 Application Form for allocation direction under section 38A Gas Act SINGAPORE 9 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 Sample application form for allocation direction under Section 38A of Gas Act
281 EMA’s Decision on IPC’s Application under Section 38 of the Gas Act SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 Overview of the Energy Market Authority's decision on the Island Power Company application for access to the Singapore pipeline.
282 Supplemental Information Paper SINGAPORE 9 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 """Under Section 38, any person who is unable to negotiate access to a gas facility such as a gas pipeline, a gas processing or production facility, an onshore receiving facility or LNG terminal may apply to the Energy Market Authority (EMA) for directions to secure access rights. Pursuant to the new Section 38A, any person who is unable to enter into an arrangement for the allocation of gas in any offshore gas pipeline may apply to the EMA for directions to be given to the applicant and every person whose gas is being conveyed through the offshore gas pipeline, requiring such persons to enter into such arrangement for the allocation of gas in the offshore gas pipeline on such terms, and to take such steps to ensure that the arrangement is given effect to."""
283 Perspective Plan of Bangladesh 2010-2021 BANGLADESH 14 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Vision 2021 and this associated Perspective Plan 2010-2021 have set solid development targets for Bangladesh by the end of 2021. The Perspective Plan provides the road map for accelerated growth and lays down broad approaches for eradication of poverty, inequality, and human deprivation. Specific strategies and the task of implementation will be articulated through the two five-year plans
284 Fifth Five Year Plan BANGLADESH 14 1998 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Fifth Five Year Plan was prepared in July 1997. It reflects the views of public leaders, academicians, practitioners, business leaders, development partners and NGOs. The final form as was approved by the National Economic Council on March 4, 1998. The Plan reflects hopes and aspirations of the people. It proposes to raise the average growth rate to 7 per cent, domestic savings to about 12 per cent and investment to about 22 per cent of GDP. To yield this growth, in 5 years from 1997 through 2002, a total investment outlay of about Tk. 1960 billion will be pressed in. The Plan follows a structured yet very flexible framework tp ensure recursive strengthening of development policies and goals. Great attention is given to the development of the energy sector.
285 Sixth Five Year Plan BANGLADESH 14 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The adoption of the Sixth Five Year Plan
286 Energy Conservation (Composition of Offences under Part IV) Regulations 2012 SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Regulations regarding compoundable offences in accordance with section 60 of the Energy Conservation Act.
287 Energy Conservation (Composition of Offences) Regulations 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Regulations regarding compoundable offences in accordance with section 74 of the Energy Conservation Act, as applied at the discretion of the Director-General or any officer of the National Environment Agency.
288 Energy Conservation (Energy Labelling and Minimum Performance Standards for Registrable Goods) Regulations 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Standards for registration of suppliers and goods regarding energy labelling ; as well as requirements of registered suppliers
289 Energy Conservation (Energy Management Practices For Transport Facilities Operators) Regulations 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Outlines the standards for registration of transport facility operators, as well as the obligation of transport facility operators in the submission of energy use reports and energy efficiency improvement plans.
290 Energy Conservation (Energy Management Practices) Regulations 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Outlines the standards for registration of registrable corporations, as well as the obligation of registrable corporations in the submission of energy use reports and energy efficiency improvement plans.
291 Energy Conservation (Fuel Economy Labelling) Regulations 2012 SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Standards for fuel economy labelling; including information regarding documents to be submitted, contents and conditions of issuance for fuel economy labels, and regulation around revocation of labels.
292 Energy Conservation (Motor Vehicles Subject to Fuel Economy Requirements) Order 2012 SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Transport Gas 0 Overview of the specifications for motor vehicles subject to fuel economy requirements; including vehicles exempted from requirements.
293 Energy Conservation (Registrable Corporations) Order 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector All 11 Overview of the qualification of a registrable corporation, including; applicable business activities, and energy consumption totals.
294 Energy Conservation (Registrable Goods) Order 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Outlines goods subject to registration under Division 1 of Part III of the Energy Conservation Act.
295 Energy Conservation (Transport Facility Operators) Order 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Other Transport All 11 The qualifications by which airport service operators qualify as transport facility operators.
296 Energy Conservation Act 2012 (Commencement) (No.3) Notification 2013 SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Division 2 of Part IV of the Energy Conservation Act 2012 shall come into operation on 1st January 2014.
298 Environmental Protection and Management (Exemption from Labelling) (Revocation) Order 2012 SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Environmental Protection and Management (Exemption from Labelling) Order 2009 (G.N. No. S 93/2009) is revoked.
299 Environmental Protection and Management (Energy Conservation) Regulations SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector All 11 Standards for registration of suppliers and goods regarding energy conservation requirements, also includes ; details of energy label display.
300 Environmental Protection and Management (vehicular emissions) regulations SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Transport Gas 0 Regulations regarding emissions standards, testing, and noise emissions for motor vehicles and fleet vehicles.
301 Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings version 1.0 SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Code Building All 11 Outline of Greenmark point allocation system, compliance method, submission procedures, and mandatory requirements of the Greenmark system
302 Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings 2nd Edition SINGAPORE 9 2010 nan National Code Building All 11 Outline of Greenmark point allocation system, compliance method, submission procedures, and mandatory requirements of the Greenmark system.
304 Productivity 2020 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2011 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The key framework industrial policy is anchored in the Program ‘Productivity 2020’ adopted pursuant to the Government Decree №254 dated 14 March 2011. The legal grounds for the design and implementation of the program were laid down by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Government Support to Industrial and Innovative Development dated 9 November 2012, and the Presidential Executive Order on the State Program for Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 19 March 2010 № 958. The program sets out the frameworks for inclusive, sustainable and dynamic industrial development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To achieve tangible results, target indicators are established for labor productivity, capacity building, and energy efficiency. Various regulatory measures shall be used for enhancing the levels of industrial productivity through modernization and refurbishment of industrial enterprises, deployment of innovative technologies and introduction of best management practices. --- As observed from the data contained in Art. 3, the industrial sector contributes to the achievement of Kazakhstan’s development agenda through strengthening competitiveness and accelerating growth of the national economy. In 2010, the industrial sector accounted for 32 per cent of GDP. Considerable growth was observed in mining industry – 5.8 per cent, manufacturing – 19.1 per cent, power and gas supply. Significant efforts were undertaken to diversify the national economy away from natural resource-heavy industries, furthermore, the policy proposes steps to remove existing impediments to economic growth such as lack of physical infrastructure capacities, high borrowing costs (investments), amortization of fixed assets, and high energy intensity observed in key industrial sectors. --- The policy addresses the period up to 2020, two implementation stages are envisaged
305 Plan of Action for the Development of Alternative and Renewable Energy, 2013 - 2020 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The present Plan is recent comprehensive document issued by Government of Kazakhstan to propose concrete steps for the development of renewable energy in the republic. The policy was developed pursuant to the decision of the Government meeting of 3 July 2012 №01-7.7 ‘On Certain Objectives of Industrial and Social and Economic Development’. It lays the foundation for the long-term development of renewable energy in Kazakhstan and initially addresses the period up to 2020. In line with an array of regulations adopted to speed up the transition towards a low carbon energy system, the present plan proposes steps to increase the role of renewable energy in Kazakhstan's energy mix.
306 Energy Conservation 2020 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Program ‘Energy Conservation 2020’ encompasses a comprehensive set of cross-cutting measures that aim to improve energy efficiency in key sectors of Kazakhstan economy. Thematic areas covered by the policy include energy efficient transport and housing, modernization of capital assets, clean generation of power from fossil fuels, efficient industrial processes. Cross-sectoral analysis brings to the fore existing vulnerabilities, further evidence to that is provided by the statistical data revealing the weaknesses of current energy patterns. For instance, the program emphasizes the need to achieve reduction in primary energy demand as TPES per dollar value output remained relatively high in 2006-2010 (Table 1). --- To tackle existing challenges, the policy is mapping concrete energy conservation measures that offer wide environmental benefits.
307 Strategic Development Plan 2020 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 In accordance with the Presidential Decree dated 1 February 2010 № 922, the present policy was adopted to define Kazakhstan’s strategic development objectives until 2020. The policy reaffirms the priorities of the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan-2030’ (ceased to be in force) and lays the ground for the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan-2050’ proclaiming the ambitious long-term goals of national development. The Plan establishes an all-encompassing regulatory framework, primarily targets to set up mechanisms and structures capable of confronting the multifaceted global crisis of 2008-2009. The focus is made on the following aspects of post-crisis economic development
308 Decree on Energy Efficiency Standards in Transport KAZAKHSTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Decree Transport Oil, Power, Gas 100 The present policy is a specific regulation imposed to introduce standards for transport energy efficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The requirements are established in accordance with the Law on Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation of 13 January 2012 (art. 4, paragraph 10).
309 State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development, 2015-2019 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The present Program lays the foundation for the development of sustainable and robust industrial sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan within the time frame of 2015-2019. Designed by the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies in line with the principles of the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan 2050’, the Strategic Development Plan until 2020, and the Concept of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development for 2010-2014, the Program provides comprehensive responses to the most acute economic and industrial issues pertaining in particular to
310 Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources for 2011-2015 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The policy was developed pursuant to Art. 62 of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 4 December 2008 and was subsequently endorsed in accordance with the Decree of the Government № 98 of 8 February 2011. The Strategic Plan reaffirms the objectives of the Concept of Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Low Carbon Economy. The present policy lays out the national environmental strategy encompassing the elaboration of long-term goals and associated cross-sectoral policy actions. While highlighting the existing gaps, the policy seeks to achieve significant improvements in environmental protection, with that, generate substantial economic gains. The policy addresses the key pillars of environmental sustainability
312 3-Year Road Map For Power Sector Reform BANGLADESH 14 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The 3-Year Road Map For Power Sector Reform provides for an overview of the power sector reforms in Bangladesh and then explores the road map for the future institutional power sector reforms. Finally, it also provides for annual targets
313 Power System Master Plan Update BANGLADESH 14 2006 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 Nexant, Inc. has been retained by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), to provide consulting services for the Power Sector Development Program II study. The objective of this Technical Assistance (TA) assignment is to assist the Government of Bangladesh in preparing the Power Sector Development Program II and to support the policy reform and further restructuring of the power sector. A key part (Component B) of the TA is to develop a Power System Master Plan (PSMP) Update to the year 2025. The report is organised as follows
314 Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings 3rd Edition SINGAPORE 9 2012 after_2010 National Code Building All 11 Outline of Greenmark point allocation system, compliance method, submission procedures, and mandatory requirements of the Greenmark system.
315 Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings Addendum No.1 SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Code Building All 11 The purpose of the amendments is to allow alternative scoring methodology for meeting the criteria under ‘RB 1-2 Dwelling Unit Indoor Comfort’.
316 Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings Addendum No. 1 (Applicable to 2nd Edition) SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Code Building All 11 The purpose of the amendments is to allow alternative scoring methodology for meeting the criteria under ‘RB 1-2 Naturally Ventilated Design and Air-Conditioning System’.
317 Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings Addendum No.1 (Applicable to 3rd Edition) SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Code Building All 11 The purpose of the amendments is to allow alternative scoring methodology for meeting the criteria under ‘RB 1-2 Naturally Ventilated Design and Air-Conditioning System’.
318 Green Handbook SINGAPORE 9 2008 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The aim of this guide is to share and provide the industry and homeowners the procedures and the good practices in the design, planning and implementation of a photovoltaic system in a building development.
319 Media Release SINGAPORE 9 2015 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Details the released details of the $20 million scheme, called the GBIC-Building energy Efficient Demonstrations Scheme (GBIC-Demo), to spearhead the test-bedding of new energy efficient technologies in fully operational buildings. GBIC-Demo scheme is one of the three key initiatives under the $52 million (Green Buildings Innovation Cluster) GBIC programme first launched by BCA in September 2014.
320 Power Sector Financial Restructuring and Recovery Plan. Final Report BANGLADESH 14 2006 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In response to the challenges posed by the inefficiencies of the power sector in Bangladesh, the World Bank commissioned Fichtner in August 2005 with the preparation of a financial restructuring and recovery plan for the entire power sector of Bangladesh. The objective of this project is to define, in co-operation with the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources and the sector entities, a realistic plan to restore the sector's financial viability and creditworthiness within a reasonable timeframe. The structure of the Final Report is set up as follows
321 Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund. Annual Report 2011 BANGLADESH 14 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 BCCRF is an innovative partnership between the Government of Bangladesh, Development Partners and the World Bank to address the impacts of climate change. The report provides for insights regarding
322 Electricité du Camodge Annual Report 2007 CAMBODIA 0 2007 2000-2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report is an overview of the initiatives implemented in 2007 by EDC to provide sufficient and consistently reliable power supply to consumers in its entire coverage areas at a competitive price. Improve the business operation to be excellence and efficiency and participate into the government policies on poverty reductions, environmental preservation and socio-economic development.
323 Electricite du Cambodge Annual Report 2008 CAMBODIA 0 2008 2000-2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report is an overview of the initiatives implemented in 2008 by EDC to provide sufficient and consistently reliable power supply to consumers in its entire coverage areas at a competitive price. Improve the business operation to be excellence and efficiency and participate into the government policies on poverty reductions, environmental preservation and socio-economic development.
324 Electricité du Cambodge Annual Report 2009 CAMBODIA 0 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report is an overview of the initiatives implemented in 2009 by EDC to provide sufficient and consistently reliable power supply to consumers in its entire coverage areas at a competitive price. Improve the business operation to be excellence and efficiency and participate into the government policies on poverty reductions, environmental preservation and socio-economic development.
325 Electricité du Cambodge Annual Report 2010 CAMBODIA 0 2010 nan National Government Report Power All 11 This report is an overview of the initiatives implemented in 2010 by EDC to provide sufficient and consistently reliable power supply to consumers in its entire coverage areas at a competitive price. Improve the business operation to be excellence and efficiency and participate into the government policies on poverty reductions, environmental preservation and socio-economic development.
326 Electricité du Cambodge Annual Report 2011 CAMBODIA 0 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report is an overview of the initiatives implemented in 2011 by EDC to provide sufficient and consistently reliable power supply to consumers in its entire coverage areas at a competitive price. Improve the business operation to be excellence and efficiency and participate into the government policies on poverty reductions, environmental preservation and socio-economic development. Additionally the report outlines generation master plans for the state, which include; Peak thermal generation in Phnom-Penh, small and medium size diesel units for base and peak load generation in the provincial towns and cities, and expanded hydro development based initially on smaller size hydro which are easily accessible such as Kirirom, and subsequently mid and large size hydro projects like Kamchay, Stueng Atay, Middle Stueng Russei Chrum, Battambang, Lower Srepork II or Lower Sesan.
327 Electricité du Cambodge Annual Report 2012 CAMBODIA 0 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report is an overview of the initiatives implemented in 2012 by EDC to provide sufficient and consistently reliable power supply to consumers in its entire coverage areas at a competitive price. Improve the business operation to be excellence and efficiency and participate into the government policies on poverty reductions, environmental preservation and socio-economic development. Additionally the report outlines generation master plans for the state, which include; Peak thermal generation in Phnom-Penh, small and medium size diesel units for base and peak load generation in the provincial towns and cities, and expanded hydro development based initially on smaller size hydro which are easily accessible such as Kirirom, and subsequently mid and large size hydro projects like Kamchay, Stueng Atay, Middle Stueng Russei Chrum, Battambang, Lower Srepork II or Lower Sesan.
328 Report on Activities of the Department of Rural Electrification Fund for the Year 2013 CAMBODIA 0 2014 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This report on activities of the Department of Rural Electrification Fund for the Year 2013 is the report compiled from the data and information related to Strategy and Plan for Development of Rural Electrification, Policy on Renewable Energy of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), the establishment of Rural Electrification Fund, mission, activities, and the achievements of Rural Electrification Fund for the period from 22 August 2012 ( when Rural Electrification Fund was integrated with EDC) to the end of 2013. This report is aimed for dissemination to RGC, donors, investors and public desirous to know about the activities of Rural Electrification Fund in accelerating of rural electrification development in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
329 Rural Energy Policy, 2006 NEPAL 2 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 The Rural Energy Policy was issued in 1996. The overall goal of this policy is to contribute to rural poverty reduction and environmental conservation by ensuring access to clean, reliable and appropriate energy in the rural areas. The term “Rural Energy” means energy that is environmental friendly and used for rural households, economic and social purpose such as Micro and Mini Hydro, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Biomass Energy, etc. Rural energy is also known as renewable energy. The document addresses
330 Report on Activities of the Department of Rural Electrification Fund for the Year 2014 CAMBODIA 0 2015 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This report on activities of the Department of Rural Electrification Fund for the Year 2014 is the report compiled from the data and information related to Strategy and Plan for Development of Rural Electrification, Policy on Renewable Energy of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), the establishment of Rural Electrification Fund, mission, activities, and the achievements of Rural Electrification. This report is aimed for dissemination to the Royal Government of Cambodia, donors, investors and public desirous to know about the activities of the Department of Rural Electrification Fund in accelerating of rural electrification development in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
331 Electricity Act, 2049 NEPAL 2 1992 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Act, 2049 was enacted by the Parliament in the twenty-first year of the reign of His Majesty’s King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. It is expedient to develop electric power by regulating the survey, generation, transmission and distribute the survey, generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and to standardize and safeguard the electricity services.
332 Community Electricity Distribution System NEPAL 2 2003 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 The Nepal Electricity Authority Community Electricity Distribution Bye Laws, 2060 was framed by the Board of Directors of Nepal Electricity Authority. The objectives of this Bye Laws are
333 Program For the Development of Rural Electrification of Department of Rural Electrification Fund Electricité Du Cambodge (REF) CAMBODIA 0 2013 after_2010 National Programme Power Power 10 Overview of the interest free loans provided by the REF to encourage rural electrification, and increased access to electricity through intitiatives such as; Program for Power to the Poor (P2P), Program for Solar Home Systems (SHS), and Program for Providing Assistance to Develop Electricity Infrastructure in Rural Areas.
334 Program for the Development of Rural Electrification of Department of Rural Electrification Fund Electricité du Cambodge (REF) CAMBODIA 0 2015 after_2010 National Programme Power Power 10 Overview of the interest free loans provided by the REF to encourage rural electrification, and increased access to electricity through intitiatives such as; Program for Power to the Poor (P2P), Program for Solar Home Systems (SHS), and Program for Providing Assistance to Develop Electricity Infrastructure in Rural Areas.
335 Subsidy Policy for Renewable Energy 2069 BS NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy Renewable 4 The Subsidy Policy for Renewable Energy 2069 BS recognizes the renewable energy potential of Nepal and the necessity to improve its development through specific subsidies. The major sources of renewable energy in the country are hydropower, solar energy, various forms of biomass energy, biogas and wind energy. Clean and sustainable energy, such as renewable energy technologies, are the solutions to lacking electrification of poor rural areas.
336 Renewable Energy Subsidy Delivery Mechanism, 2013 NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 "In exercise of power conferred by Clause 9.1 of ""Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy, 2069 BS"" approved by Financial and Infrastructure Committee of the Council of Ministers of Nepal on 2069/10/14 BS, the Ministry has prepared this Renewable Energy Subsidy Delivery Mechanism, 2013. The Mechanism deals with the Institutional Arrangement, Criteria for Subsidy and Delivery Mechanism"
337 Nepali Industrial Policy, 2011 NEPAL 2 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Power, Industry All, Power 100 The Industrial Policy, 1993 was framed with the objective of accelerating industrial sector but no positive results were achieved. It is in this backdrop that the new Industrial Policy, 2011 has been formulated with the objective of bringing positive changes in overall economic and social sectors of the country by means of rapid industrial development doing away with the weaknesses of the past. The Industrial Policy 2011 analyzes current challenges, present situation of the industrial sector and desirable policies.
338 Development Cooperation Policy, 2014 International Cooperation for Development Effectiveness NEPAL 2 2014 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Power, Multi-Sector All, Hydropower 100 The Development Cooperation Policy, addresses the importance of Development Cooperation in Nepal’s overall development. It has been part of the country's efforts over the past 6 decades. However, enhancement of development cooperation effectiveness to deliver expected results remains a key challenge. Firstly the policy defines Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategies. After that the policy explores
339 CREF Financial Intermediation Mechanism (Final Draft) NEPAL 2 0 nan National Other Energy Renewable 4 CREF Financial Intermediation Mechanism (Final Draft) establishes the creation of The Central Renewable Energy Fund (CREF). The fund will be established as the financial intermediation mechanism for the renewable energy sector under the National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP). The document addresses CREF Objective and Scope; Guiding Design Principles; CREF Financial Intermediation Mechanism; Functional Overview of Key Partner Institutions; Fund Management; Key Risks and Assumptions; Interim Arrangements; Process Action Plan.
340 Electricity Regulation,  2050 (1993) NEPAL 2 1993 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The Electricity Regulation was established in 1993 and provides for regulations regarding the electricity sector. In particular, it addresses the provisions relating to licenses, taxation and imports of electricity; it explores the matters to be followed by distributor and consumers of electricity; it deals with regulations concerning voltage, frequency and power factor of electricity and with safety measures regarding electric devices. Also, it addresses safety provisions including electrical work, provisions regarding inspection and investigation.
341 Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises SINGAPORE 9 1996 before_2000 Other Other Building Other 6 The objective of this document is to provide general guidance on improving the indoor air quality of air-conditioned office premises and acceptable values for selected parameters. It also provides information on the potential health effects of indoor contaminants, and an action plan to achieve good indoor air quality.
346 Nepal Electricity Authority Act, 2041 (1984) NEPAL 2 1984 before_2000 National Act Power All 11 The Nepal Electricity Authority Act, 2041 (1984) provides for the establishment and management of the Nepal electricity Authority to make arrangements for power supply by generating, transmitting , and distributing electricity in an efficient, reliable and convenient manner. The Act was enacted by the Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev on the advice and with the approval of the National Panchayat.
347 Electricity Theft Control Act (2058), 2002 NEPAL 2 2002 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Theft Control Act (2058), 2002, was established because of the need to make necessary legal provisions for controlling electricity theft. The Act addresses
348 Electricity Leakage Control Rules (2059), 2002 NEPAL 2 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Electricity Leakage Control Rules, 2059 (2002) deal with leakage provisions. In particular, they address
349 Agreement between His Majesty's Government of Nepal and the Government of India on the Gandak Irrigation and Power Project INDIA, NEPAL 100 1959 before_2000 Bilateral Agreement Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 This document is the Agreement between His Majesty's Government of Nepal and the Government of India on the Gandak Irrigation and Power Project. It defines the roles played by the Parties, their rights and obligations. It addresses both an irrigation project for Nepal and Power development and reservation for Nepal through the building of one Power House and one transmission line.
350 Energy Sector Synopsis Report, 2010 NEPAL 2 2010 nan National Government Report Energy All 11 The Energy Sector Synopsis Report, 2010 report is believed to be useful for all involved in national energy planning as well as academic research and studies of the energy sector. It explores the interrelationship between indigenous energy resources availability and consumption scenario, which will enable to understand the intervention needed to meet the challenges and opportunities for sustainable energy development in the country. The chapters overview is the following
351 An Approach Paper to the Thirteenth Plan (FY 2013/14 – 2015/16) NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 An Approach Paper to the Thirteenth Plan (FY 2013/14 – 2015/16) addresses the social and economic development of the country considering different perspectives. After an introduction, the chapters deal with
352 National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013 CAMBODIA 0 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 """The NSDP 2009-2013 is organized in seven chapters. Following the introduction presented in chapter I, it presents a summary of major achievements and challenges faced in the implementation of NSDP 2006-2010. Chapter III outlines the macro-economic framework for NSDP Update 2009-2013 and critical indicators/targets for the Plan period. Chapter IV presents RGC’s key policies and actions that will be taken by ministries and agencies to implement these policies during the time frame of the Fourth legislature of the Royal Government. Chapter V deals with issues of costs, resources and programming. Information on monitoring and evaluation aspects of the NSDP 2009-2013 is presented in Chapter VI. The final Chapter VII presents broad conclusions."""
353 National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) CAMBODIA 0 2006 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The project entitled Formulation of the National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) aims to develop a realistically achievable country-driven programme of action and priority activities addressing the needs of Cambodia for adapting to the adverse effects of climate change (UNDP, 2003). Specifically, the project's goals include
354 National Report for Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 CAMBODIA 0 2012 after_2010 Multilateral Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 ” […] the Rio +20 National Report reflects the Seven Accesses as defined in the National Roadmap on Green Growth, as well as inclusive and equitable growth. It also shows the progress of the Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDG), and the right path as indicated in the Rectangular Strategic Policy of the Government under a smart and intelligent leadership of Samdech Prime Minister.”
356 Report for Endorsement by Sub-Steering Committee on Trade Development and Trade-Related Investment May 30, 2013 CAMBODIA 0 2013 after_2010 Multilateral Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 CTIS 2013 reflects efforts by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to take stock of important developments in the country’s trade sector since the previous DTIS (CTIS 2007) and update Cambodia’s strategy and directions for trade integration into global and regional markets. CTIS 2013 is guided by three principles
357 National Strategic Development Plan 2006-2010 CAMBODIA 0 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 """The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), 2006- 2010, is [...] a single, overarching document containing RGC's priority goals and strategies to reduce poverty rapidly, and to achieve other CMDGs and socio-economic development goals for the benefit of all Cambodians. It synthesises and prioritises the goals of NPRS and CMDGs and is intended to align sector strategies and planning cycles to overall long term vision, as well as guide external development partners (EDPs) 5 to align and harmonise their efforts towards better aid-effectiveness and higher 'net resources' transfer than hitherto. NSDP operationalises the Rectangular Strategy to achieve its intended goals. """
358 Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment in Nepal (SWERA) NEPAL 2 2008 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Renewable 4 The Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (SWERA) project was issued in 2008 under the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Environment Science and Technology in Nepal. The SWERA project is the first Project for Nepal, which has focused into resource assessment of solar and wind energy situation of the country.
359 Technical Standards For Solar Dryer and Solar Cooker Alternative Energy NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Standard Energy All 11 Based on the National Rural and Renewable Energy program, the Government of Nepal is promoting the solar thermal technology at domestic and industrial scale. In order to assure the quality and reliability of the products the AEPC / NRREP is developing technical standards, which are described in this document.
360 Solar System Sizing Guidelines NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Solar 100 The Solar System Sizing Guidelines provide for technical requisites of Small Solar Home Systems and Solar Home Systems.
361 Nepal Photovoltaic Quality Assurance (NEPQA) - 2015 NEPAL 2 2015 after_2010 National Standard Energy Solar 100 The document provides specific standards for components of Solar Photovoltaic Systems. It was issued for the first time by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre/ Energy Sector Assistance Programme (AEPC/ESAP) in December 2000 for dissemination of Solar Home Systems (SHS) under ESAP. The interim standard was needed due to absence of Nepal Standard (NS) for the components used in PV systems. It was revised for the first time in November 2002/ the second time in September 2005/ the third time in July 2009/ the fourth time in 2013 and this is the fifth revIsion.
362 Nepal Photovoltaic Quality Assurance (NEPQA) - 2013 NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Standard Energy Solar 100 The document provides specific standards for components of Solar Photovoltaic Systems. It was issued for the first time by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre/ Energy Sector Assistance Programme (AEPC/ESAP) in December 2000 for dissemination of Solar Home Systems (SHS) under ESAP. The interim standard was needed due to absence of Nepal Standard (NS) for the components used in PV systems. It was revised for the first time in November 2002/ the second time in September 2005/ the third time in July 2009 and this is the fourth revision.
363 National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme NEPAL 2 2012 after_2010 National Programme Energy Renewable 4 The National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) started in 2012 and its duration is 5 years. Its components are the following
364 Environmental Act AZERBAIJAN 100 1999 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The present Environmental Act came into force in 1999 to strengthen regulatory frameworks for protection of the environment in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The ultimate goal of this policy is to ensure environmental security, prevent hazardous anthropogenic impacts, support the preservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. The Act aims at long-term and system-wide effects, thereby proposes quantity-driven policy instruments to achieve the established goals. The document elaborates on essential environmental concepts and specific terms, e.g., environmental monitoring – qualitative and quantitative control methods for hazardous emissions, waste pollution as a result of anthropogenic activities; environmental system – a complex of flora, fauna, land and water resources as well as mineral resources considered integral parts of the environment; hazardous impacts on the environment – activities resulting in quantitative or qualitative environmental impacts, including chemical, biological or technical hazards, and unsustainable use of natural resources. Provisions of the present Act comply with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other coherent legislative acts. --- The policy was adopted to reinforce the Law №79 of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management (1992).
365 Law on Environmental Security AZERBAIJAN 100 1999 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The present policy document establishes an all-encompassing framework for environmental sustainability in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The thematic issues addressed specifically by the Law include mainstreaming environmental security in national development strategies, reinforcing long-term international partnerships, ensuring coherence of national environmental policies, undertaking measures for nature conservation and mitigation of adverse negative anthropogenic impacts. Focus areas include protection of the atmosphere, space, water and subsoil resources, conservation and restoration of flora and fauna. --- The formulation of environmental policies, plans and programmes is carried out in coherence with provisions of the Constriction of the Republic of Azerbaijan, other legislative acts on environmental protection. It is stipulated that the Republic of Azerbaijan reiterates its commitments under international treaties. --- The Law encompasses measures to ensure effective and wide participation of all relevant stakeholders through strengthening cooperation and liaison mechanisms.
366 Law on Gas Supply AZERBAIJAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Energy Gas 0 The policy regulates the exploration, processing, transportation, storage, distribution, sales of the natural gas and all energy carriers in gaseous and liquid form. The regulatory document covers the thematic areas of standardization, land management, engineering and logistics. --- The Law on Gas Supply stipulates that the State operates a monopoly-management system of gas production, pipeline transportation, storage and distribution and underscores that private entities require a state concession to enter the sector.
367 Subsoil Law AZERBAIJAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The policy was adopted in 1998 to establish legal framework for subsoil in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The focus areas of the present Law include efficient and sustainable use of subsoil resources, expansion of exploration activities along with sustaining the base of mineral resources, protection and restoration of the environment, enabling favorable conditions for investments into the subsoil sector. The policy highlights main drivers and challenges for the development of mineral resources in Azerbaijan, addresses gaps in productive capacities and identifies existing environmental concerns. Significant attention is given to the issue of nature conservation and restoration in the area of the Caspian Sea. ---- The present Law complies with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant legal acts on subsoil. ---- Art. 8 stipulates that individuals and legal entities have rights over exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
368 State Program for the Development of Fuel and Energy Sector, 2005-2015 AZERBAIJAN 100 2005 2000-2010 National Programme Energy All 11 Advances in the fuel and energy sector - an essential integral element of Azerbaijan economy – have generated substantial economic gains over the past several decades. The State Program for Development of Fuel and Energy Sector in Azerbaijan (2005-2015) developed pursuant to the Presidential Executive Order № 635 dated 14 February 2005 lays the ground for sustainable and robust development of the industry. The policy sets targets for various sub-sectors within the industry and provides a set of specific measures aimed at achieving the established goals within the next decade. The overall goal of the State Program is to meet fully the demand for electricity, gas and other types of energy through continued development of the fuel and energy sector. --- An emphasis is placed on high-impact cooperation opportunities and synergies with partners.
369 Concept for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Sector until 2030 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 It is a strategic policy document developed in response to existing environmental concerns. Main objectives and areas of concern are represented by the development of an appropriate regulatory framework and incentives on sustainable and renewable energy, the adapatation to climate change and the addressing of the challenges associated with reducing carbon dependency. The Concept aims to increase efficiency in resources utilization, proposes measures for modernization of existing infrastructure, protection of the environment, in a broader term, for enhancing the energy security of Kazakhstan. The Concept analyzes existing environmental threats, in response to these issues requires to formulate effective policy measures coherent with global initiatives.
370 Hydropower Development Policy, 2049 NEPAL 2 1992 before_2000 National Other Energy Hydropower 8 The 1992 Hydropower Development Policy, focuses on the development of hydropower energy in Nepal as a source of development, to meet the interim demand of the country both in rural and urban areas. In particular, it underlines the necessity to extend proper distribution system in the rural areas where electrification has not been done and also to develop hydropower of the country by motivating national and foreign private investors in the electricity sector. The document addresses
371 The Hydropower Development Policy, 2001 NEPAL 2 2001 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power Renewable, Hydropower 100 The Hydropower Development Policy, 2001 was approved by His Majesty's Government on 15 October 2001. The policy defines Water resources important natural resources for the economic development of Nepal. In particular, hydropower development in Nepal could contribute to the development of not only the national economy but also the regional economy. To this end generation and consumption of water resources should be augmented. The document addresses
372 National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003-2005 CAMBODIA 0 2003 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power, Transport Power 10 The National Poverty Reduction Strategy (NPRS) lays out the key priorities for Cambodia to implement over the next three years in order to meet the poverty reduction goals of the RGC. The NPRS adopts a comprehensive approach, outlining pro-poor actions to improve rural livelihoods, promote job opportunities, ensure better health, nutrition and education outcomes, and to reduce vulnerability.
373 Annual Progress Report 2013 CAMBODIA 0 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector Other 6 There are nine Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDGs);. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, Achieving universal literacy and basic education, Promote gender equality and empower women, Reducing child mortality, Improving maternal health, Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases, Ensuring environmental sustainability, Forging a global partnership for development and finally De-mining, removing explosive remnants of war, and victim assistance. Under each of these, there are a number of targets and indicators. The following text presents a brief on the progress made on the goals seen through select key indicators.
374 Achieving Cambodia's Millenium Development Goals Update 2011 CAMBODIA 0 2011 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector Other 6 There are nine CMDGs, of which the first eight are the same as per the international norms. The ninth CMDG has been added to address the problem of unexploded mines and remnants of war. The targets and indicators, however, are uniquely defined to match the locally prevalent conditions. These Goals are
375 Achieving Cambodia’s Millenium Development Goals CAMBODIA 0 2010 nan National Government Report Multi-Sector Other 6 This report provides a summary of the development context in Cambodia, followed by a review of progress for each CMDG, including projections of trends and analysis of regional discrepancies when these are available.
376 Electricity Law of the Kingdom of Cambodia CAMBODIA 0 2001 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10
377 SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) AFGHANISTAN, BANGLADESH, BHUTAN, INDIA, MALDIVES, NEPAL, PAKISTAN, SRI LANKA 100 2014 after_2010 Multilateral Agreement Power Power 10 The SAARC Framework Agreeement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) was issued by the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Member States, comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in 2014. The document provides for details on the agreement to cooperate in the power sector of the SAARC Member States.
378 Agreement on Electric Power Trade, Cross-Border Transmission Interconnection and Grid Connectivity INDIA, NEPAL 100 2014 after_2010 Bilateral Agreement Power Power 10 The Agreement on Electric Power Trade (PTA), Cross-Border Transmission Interconnection and Grid Connectivity between the Government of Nepal and the Government of the Republic of India was issued in 2014. The Agreement testifies the Parities' mutual trust and will to cooperate in the development of electricity, in order to meet the socio-economic development and progress of their peoples.
379 Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Execution of Upper Karnali Hydropower Project in Nepal NEPAL 2 2008 2000-2010 Other Other Power Hydropower 8 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) represents a commitment between the Government of Nepal, represented by Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR) and GMR-ITD Consortium, comprising of GMR Energy Limited (GEL), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 of the Republic of India, GMR Infrastructure Limited (GIL), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 of the Republic of India, India and Italian-Thai Development Public Company Limited (ITD),a company incorporated under the appropriate laws of Thailand (GMR-ITD). The MOU concerns the Execution of Upper Karnali Hydropower Project in Nepal and it was signed in 2008. For the purpose of developing the Project, GMR-ITD shall enter into an agreement with Nepal Electricity Authority to establish a Joint Venture Company (JVC).
380 Revised Agreement on The Kosi Project INDIA, NEPAL 100 1975 before_2000 Bilateral Agreement Multi-Sector Power 10 Through the Revised Agreement on The Kosi Project, His Majesty's Government (HMG) of Nepal and the Government of India (the Union) amended their commitment to the Kosi Project. The Agreement shall come into force from the date of signatures of the authorised representatives of HMG and the Union respectively and thereafter, it shall remain valid for a period of 199 years.
381 Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023 CAMBODIA 0 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 [...] a national framework for engaging the public, the private sector, civil society organizations and development partners in a participatory process for responding to climate change to support sustainable development.
382 Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Execution of Arun-3 Hydropower Project in Nepal NEPAL 2 2008 2000-2010 Other Other Power Hydropower 8 The Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR) and Satluj Jal Vityut Nigam Ltd, India (SJVN), concerning the Execution of Arun-3 Hydropower Project in Nepal was signed in 2008. Herewith SJVN agrees to execute the Project, a Run-of- the River Project located in Arun-3 River in Sankhuwasabha District of Eastern Development Region of Nepal. The Project is export oriented.
383 Where Have All The Poor Gone? Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 CAMBODIA 0 2014 after_2010 National Government Report Other All 11 An overview of the past economic growth, as well as an assessment of industry and employment and economic vulnerabilities. This report outlines future tsrgets for poverty alleviation, focusing on the development of rural communities .
384 Electricity Tariff Fixation Rules 2050, (1994) NEPAL 2 1994 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Electricity Tariff Fixation Rules 2050, (1994) address the fixation of tariffs. In particular, Chapter 2 establishes the Electricity Tariff Fixation Commission, defines its functions and meeting procedures; Chapter 3 addresses the Procedures Relating to Fixation of Tariff and Other Charges and Chapter 4 provides for miscellaneous provisions.
385 Halving Poverty by 2015 CAMBODIA 0 2006 2000-2010 Other Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 Strategies to accelerate poverty reduction by improving productivity and profitability in the rural economy [, which] will require
386 Electricity Rules, 2050 (1993) NEPAL 2 1993 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Electricity Rules were issued in 1993 and address electricity concerning different perspectives. Provision relating to the license, Matters to be followed by distributor and consumers of electricity, Voltage, frequency and power factor of electricity, Safety measures regarding electric devices, Safety provisions relating to the electrical works, Provisions relating to inspection and investigation and other provisions.
387 Law on Protection of the Atmospheric Air AZERBAIJAN 100 2001 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The policy proposes steps towards cleaner, more balanced and efficient environmental system, addresses existing concerns pertaining to rising levels of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The policy is composed of seven sections, specifically
388 Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund. Annual Report 2012 BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 BCCRF is an innovative partnership between the Government of Bangladesh, Development Partners and the World Bank to address the impacts of climate change. The report provides for insights regarding
389 Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund. Annual Report 2013 BANGLADESH 14 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 BCCRF is an innovative partnership between the Government of Bangladesh, Development Partners and the World Bank to address the impacts of climate change. The report provides for insights regarding
390 Power Act AZERBAIJAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The electricity policy of Azerbaijan is implemented through the Power Act of 1998 which provides for generation and distribution of electric and thermal power energy, tariff setting, regulation of power markets, export and import of electricity, safety of power generation, transportation, distribution and consumption, standards and norms for the operation of electricity and thermal power plants. The Power Act gives the relevant regulatory body an explicit regualtory authority over energy related activities. The policy promotes a balanced integration of economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, focuses on the sector-specific strategy for the environment.
391 Environment Protection Act, 2053 (1997) NEPAL 2 1997 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Environment Protection Act, 2053 derives from the necessity to make legal provisions to maintain clean and healthy environment by minimizing, adverse impacts likely to be caused from environmental degradation and to protect environment with proper use and management of natural resources. The Act bases on the concept of sustainable development, which could be achieved from the inseparable inter-relationship between the economic development and environment protection.
392 Companies Act, 1956 INDIA 23 1956 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Companies Act is an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to companies and certain other associations.
393 Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development II (REREDII) Project BANGLADESH 14 2012 after_2010 National Programme Power Power, Renewable 2 The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development II (REREDII) Project document was issued in 2012 by the World Bank. The RERED II project is an important contributor to the GOB's (Government of Bangladesh) vision of universal access to electricity by the year 2021. Also, it would support the Renewable Energy Policy of the GOB by increasing the share of renewable energy in power generation. The project development objectives are to increase access to clean energy in rural areas through renewable energy and promote more efficient energy consumption.
394 Energy Sector Strategy 1387-1391 (2007/8 - 2012/3) AFGHANISTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Energy Sector Strategy 1387-1391 (2007/8 - 2012/3) is the third pillar of the National Development Strategy, which is Infrastructure, within the Economic and Social Development goal. Indeed, The Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) is a Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)-based plan that serves as Afghanistan’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). This strategy reflects the commitment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to poverty reduction and private sector-led economic growth for a prosperous and stable Afghanistan. The strategy addresses the following topics
395 Law on Power and Thermal Power Plants AZERBAIJAN 100 1999 before_2000 National Law Power Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The document sets forth principles for the regulation of electric / thermal power sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The policy proposes a comprehensive approach to the regulation of power industry, covers the areas of design, construction and operation of electricity / thermal power generation plants. Regulatory measures are focused on ensuring safety, efficiency and environmental sustainability of power generation, transmission and dispatch. --- Importantly, the Law aims to promote sufficient incentives on making renewable energy economically attractive and viable. Subsidization is the key for the creation of sustainable renewable energy sector in the republic. While addressing the issue of insufficient RES connection to the grid, the policy proposes steps to lower and remove existing barriers on the way to RES integration. As the country faces a range of interlinking energy and water challenges, the policy proposes an integrated approach to addressing the existing issues in the energy-water nexus.
396 State Program on the Use of Alternative and Renewable Energy AZERBAIJAN 100 2004 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The policy establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for the development of renewable energy in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Given its advantageous geographical and climate conditions, Azerbaijan has significant untapped potential for the deployment of renewable energy. Advances in unconventional energy industry will generate substantial sector-wide gains, including the decrease of fuel consumption in thermal power generation, moreover, significant achievements are expected to be made in pollution reduction. Increased uptake of renewable heating and power generation lays the foundation for future developments in the fuel and energy sector. --- In overall, the policy identifies drivers and challenges to the deployment of renewable energy in Azerbaijan, makes projections of renewable energy trends.
397 Azerbaijan 2020 AZERBAIJAN 100 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 Proposed measures aim to advance competitiveness of the Azerbaijan economy through improving key macroeconomic indicators such as business and investment climate, institutions, social prosperity and stability. The policy addresses the most important strategic issues, highlights existing concerns, and proposes ways to overcome the identified challenges. Particular focus is on reinforcing synergies in international policies, especially at the environmental level. The policy reviews recent developments in the fuel and energy sector of Azerbaijan and underscores that the national economy has recently experienced significant growth due to extensive production of natural resources. The document addresses the following
398 Agreement on Cooperation for the Development of Fuel and Energy Sectors AZERBAIJAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 100 1993 before_2000 Bilateral Agreement Energy All 11 The policy represents the agreed principles for cooperation on energy between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Enhancing cross-government cooperation is considered crucial for the full implementation of the national action plans on energy. The well-established liaison and coordination mechanisms will facilitate a number of constructive and pragmatic measures for the development of national power, oil and gas industries. With establishing a long-standing partnership, the parties commit themselves to implement a comprehensive agenda on sustainable energy finance, accelerated research and development, efficient use of natural resources. The Agreement reaffirms the principles enshrined in the European Energy Charter and the decisions of the Interstate Council on Oil and Gas.
399 Law on Natural Monopolies AZERBAIJAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Gas 100 In line with a series of policies pursued in Azerbaijan to accelerate the diversification of national economy and boost productivity, the Law on Natural Monopolies provides a comprehensive set of market regulation measures aimed at restructuring and rebalancing the natural monopolies sector. The present policy document focuses on the national imperfectly competitive – more specifically, energy – markets. While addressing price determination issues, the policy seeks to ensure the balance of interests of all monopoly market actors. The policy establishes regulatory frameworks for the transportation of crude oil via pipelines; transportation of natural gas via pipelines, storage and distribution of the natural gas; transmission and distribution of electric and thermal power; services of the natural monopoly entities in the transport sector, heat supply. Particular focus is made on regulatory instruments including tariff setting for monopoly market commodities, output regulation, etc.
400 Decree on Regulation of Domestic Prices for Energy Carriers AZERBAIJAN 100 1994 before_2000 National Decree Energy Oil, Power, Gas 100 The Decree represents a reasonable approach to accomplishing the objective of improving long-term stability of the national energy market. Developed pursuant to the Presidential Executive Order № 152 of 15 June 1994 ‘On Measures for Financial Stabilization of the Economy' and subsequently adopted in 1994 by the Cabinet of Ministers, the policy sets tariffs for specific sources of energy on domestic retail and wholesale markets. The measure is considered essential in the context of energy market volatility and uncertainty, moreover, as the national economy was teetering on the brink of downturn. The primary objective of the regulatory document is to ensure profitability of national energy enterprises, thereby generate substantial gains sector- and economy-wide.
401 Water Code AZERBAIJAN 100 1997 before_2000 National Code Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The Code establishes an all-encompassing legal framework for the regulation of water resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The policy considers environmental dimensions of sustainable development and formulates a sector-specific approach to attaining the objectives of protection and conservation of the environment. Among priority areas specifically addressed by the Code are sustainability issues in the energy-water nexus. ---- It is stipulated that internal waters of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Azerbaijan Sector of the Caspian Sea (Lake) are the national wealth of the people of Azerbaijan used and protected by the state. Water resources are considered essential for the existence of flora and fauna. ---- The policy was enforced by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan №418-IQ of 26 December 1997.
402 Power Sector Strategy for the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (with focus on Prioritization) AFGHANISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power, Hydropower 100 "The Draft of the Power Sector Strategy for the Afghanistan National Development Strategy, belongs to the third pillar of Economic and Social Development - Infrastructure. The Strategy bases on the principle that energy is Afghanistan's hope for growth. It addresses first of all ""Context and Constraints"", then it deals with ""Overall Goal and Desired Outcomes"", after which it explores the ""Objectives"", followed by ""Linking our Objectives to the Programs"" and ""Programs"". Finally it analyses Preliminary ""Prioritization, Costing, and Sequencing of Program Activities"" and ""Priority Reforms""."
403 Gas Development Master Plan (Technical Assistance Report) AFGHANISTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Gas 0 The Gas Development Master Plan (Cofinanced by the Afghanistan Infrastructure Trust Fund) is based on the assumption that the development of Afghanistan’s enormous natural gas reserves can guarantee energy security, support economic growth, foster development, contribute to fiscal revenue generation, and reduce dependency on donors. In February 2013, the Government of Afghanistan requested assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to develop a 20-year gas development master plan (2015–2035). The policy and advisory technical assistance (TA) is included in the country operations business plan for Afghanistan 2013–2014. In particular after an Introduction, the Master Plan addresses the following topics
404 State Program on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development, 2008-2015 AZERBAIJAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The State Program on Poverty Reduction and Economic Development (2003 -2008) laid the foundation for overall economic stability, sustaining dynamic economic growth and restraining inflation in Azerbaijan. The present policy document – reaffirming the objectives of the State Program for 2003-2008 - outlines ways to facilitate transformation of the national development landscape. A strong emphasis is placed on the interfaces of economic issues with social priorities, specifically, the policy elaborates on measures to eliminate poverty at the national level. With the adoption of the State Program on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development for 2008-2015, Azerbaijan reiterates its commitment and resolves to intensify efforts towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The State Program sets priorities and targets for 8-year period (2008-2015), includes the list of policy measures for the first 3-year period (2008-2010) (Attachment 1).
405 Kiribati Development Plan 2012 – 2015 KIRIBATI 100 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Kiribati Development Plan 2012 – 2015
406 Kiribati Development Plan 2012-15 KIRIBATI 100 2014 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The Mid-Term Review Report of the Kiribati Development Plan 2012-15 was issued in 2014 by the National Economic Planning Office, Government of the Republic of Kiribati, with input from representatives of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Secretariat of the Pacific Environment Programme, UNDP - Pacific Centre, and UNESCAP. The first Session offers an introduction, Section two provides for an overview of the progress, Section three addresses key findings, Section four deals with observation for future consideration and Section 5 explores the next steps.
407 The BCA Green Mark Scheme SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Other Building Power 10 This article explores how Singapore’s green building rating tool, the BCA Green Mark scheme, has supported the National Environment Agency’s (NEA) Mandatory Energy Labeling Scheme (MELS). It is intended to serve as a case study and resource for governments in the region implementing green building policies and energy-efficiency labeling programmes.
408 Long-term Strategy on the Management of Oil and Gas Revenues, 2005-2015 AZERBAIJAN 100 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power, Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 The Strategy on the Management of Oil and Gas Revenues was adopted in accordance with the Presidential Decree №128 of 27 September 2004. Reforms vigorously pursued in Azerbaijan over the last decade laid the ground for macroeconomic and financial stability, improved social prosperity and enhanced environmental sustainability. The policy specifically addresses the issue of economic diversification considering it the key for implementation of Azerbaijan's development agenda. Initially addressing the period of 2005-2015, the Strategy provides a long-term vision for the development of oil and gas sectors, aims to proliferate sustainable, lasting and efficient financial mechanisms. In overall, it is scoped as encompassing the following economy-wide objectives
409 Coal Act TAJIKISTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Coal 1 Enacted in 2012, the policy establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for coal industry in the Republic of Tajikistan.
410 Law on Protection of the Atmospheric Air TAJIKISTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 Endorsed in 2012, the Law proposes implementation of a wide-scale policy embedding protection of the environment - more specifically, protection of the atmospheric air - in the national development strategy. The policy aims to mitigate the irreversible and pervasive impacts on the environment and population health of human-induced activities. It covers the areas of standardization, environmental monitoring and assessment, technology development for control, prevention and abatement of pollution. Multidimensional endeavors involving various areas and economic sectors aim to strengthen frameworks for environmental sustainability. The Law proposes an integrated approach and pursues a number of broad objectives including protection and the sustainable use of the atmospheric air, evolving appropriate regulatory frameworks and building institutional capacities, strengthening environmental security.
411 Law on Natural Monopolies TAJIKISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Gas 100 The policy sets forth principles for the regulation of natural monopolies in the Republic of Tajikistan. With the adoption of the present Law in 2007 a comprehensive framework was established for reconciling the interests of monopoly market actors involved – natural monopoly entities and consumers. The areas specifically addressed by the Law on Natural Monopolies include transportation of oil, petroleum products and gas via pipelines, gas distribution, generation, transmission and dispatch of electric and thermal power. While aiming to enforce competition of national energy markets, the policy allows for transition of a natural monopoly entity to the status of a competitive market entity, along with that prevents acquisitions or consolidation that create monopolies. Regulatory tools include tariff setting, additionally, the policy concentrates on determination of categories of customers served by a natural monopoly entity on a mandatory basis.
412 Program on the Sustainable Use of Hydropower Resources and Conservation of Energy, 2012-2016 TAJIKISTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Programme Energy Power, Hydropower 100 The Program was adopted pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan №551 of 2 November 2011. Adoption of the document is a result of the process that began in 2009 upon request of the President made to the Parliament of Tajikistan (the Address to the Parliament of 15 April 2009). The policy sets a comprehensive framework for the development hydropower in the republic and aims to improve energy efficiency at the national level. Implementation of this wide-scale policy is proposed with a view to strengthen Tajikistan’s energy security and achieve the objective of energy self-sufficiency. The policy represents an integrated approach to accomplishing the tasks of accelerated economic and social development, as transition to a sustainable and efficient energy system is expected to bring numerous economy-wide benefits including enhanced quality of life, poverty reduction, and social stability.
413 Environmental Act TAJIKISTAN 100 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Act sets forth the basic principles of environmental protection in the Republic of Tajikistan. Adopted in 2011, the Act replaces the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Protection of the Environment (1993). In overall, the regulatory document sets out the strategic environmental goals and aims to steer the country to a sustainable energy future. While elucidating the interlinkages between economic development and the environment, the policy proposes measures to prevent or mitigate adverse ecological impacts of the energy, forestry, agricultural and other sectors. Particular focus is made on pollution abatement tools including quota mechanisms and tradable permits.
414 Strategy for the Development of Small Hydropower TAJIKISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The Strategy aims to harness hydropower potential for inclusive and sustainable growth in the Republic of Tajikistan. Designed by the Ministry of Energy and Industry and UNDP, the policy sets an all-encompassing framework for the development of small hydropower considering it from a cross-sectoral and multidimensional perspective – as an essential prerequisite for addressing poverty, ensuring access to reliable and affordable energy services, and developing efficient infrastructure solutions. ---- As power generation in Tajikistan is primarily based on hydro energy, hydropower represents a significant alternative to conventional sources of energy – coal, oil and gas.
416 Economic Development Program (until 2015) TAJIKISTAN 100 2004 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The regulatory document sets strategic directions for economic and social development of Tajikistan in 2001-2015. The Program proposes implementation of a wide-scale policy targeting a number of broad sub-areas, including
417 Targeted Comprehensive Program on Extensive Use of Renewable Energy Sources, 2007-2015 TAJIKISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The Program proposes a comprehensive approach to the development of renewable energy in the Republic of Tajikistan. Renewable energy is considered from a cross-sectoral and multidimensional perspective – as a necessary prerequisite for poverty eradication, sustainable social and economic development. The policy aims to carve the niche for these fundamental development objectives, as diversification of Tajikistan’s energy portfolio is expected to harness the national energy resources for inclusive and robust growth. It is underscored that there’s positive association between scaling up renewable energy projects and development of rural and remote areas. Having the renewable sector embraced advanced technology and innovation will facilitate social progress. --- The primary objective of the Program is to assess the potential for the development of renewable energy in Tajikistan, these assessments stem from a number of variables
418 Environment Act 1999 KIRIBATI 100 1999 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 "The Environment Act 1999, is an ""An Act to provide for the protection, improvement and conservation of the environment of the Republic of Kiribati and for connected purposes"". The different parts address the following topics"
419 Environment Amendment Act 2007 KIRIBATI 100 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Environment Act 2007 is an Act to amend the Environment Act 1999. Among the different amendments it includes provisions for Pollution from private premises, Pollution in a public place or public conveyance, Pollution that harms the environment and Pollution of waters caused by energy discharge.
420 Petroleum Ordinance KIRIBATI 100 1977 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Ordinance forms part of the Laws of the Gilbert Islands, revised edition 1977. The Ordinance includes provisions for
421 Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 KIRIBATI 100 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 "Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011, is ""an Act to make provisions in respect of the internal waters, the archipelagic waters, the contiguous zone, the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone, and the continental shelf of Kiribati and for connected purposes"". After a Preliminary Part, the Act addresses ""The Marine Zones"", ""Regulation, Repeal and Savings"" and an ""Explanatory Memorandum""."
422 National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan CAMBODIA 0 2002 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Other Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan recognizes existing constitutional and legislative responsibilities for biodiversity in Cambodia. It also emphasizes the importance of intergovernmental cooperation to create the policy, management and research conditions necessary to advance ecological management. National and provincial governments and sectoral agencies, in cooperation with stakeholders and members of the public, will pursue the implementation of the strategic directions contained in the Strategy in accordance with their policies, plans, priorities, and fiscal capabilities.
423 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the year 2003 CAMBODIA 0 2004 2000-2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
424 Oil Compani Ltd (Special Provision) Act KIRIBATI 100 1987 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 Oil Compani Ltd (Special Provision) Act was issued in 1987. The Act provides for for the transfer of the assets and liabilities of Mobil Oil Agency to Kiribati Oil Company Ltd, and for connected purposes.
425 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the year 2007 CAMBODIA 0 2008 2000-2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
426 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the Year 2004 CAMBODIA 0 2004 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
427 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the year 2005 CAMBODIA 0 2006 2000-2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
428 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the year 2006 CAMBODIA 0 2007 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
429 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the year 2008 CAMBODIA 0 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
430 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the year 2009 CAMBODIA 0 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
431 Tax Code, Chapter 49 ‘Taxation of Hydropower Plants Construction’ TAJIKISTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector Power, Renewable 2 The present Code shall regulate legal relations establishing the principles for the design and functioning of the tax system of the Republic of Tajikistan and the procedure for the establishment, modification, repeal, and collection of taxes; it shall define the legal status of tax authorities, tax police units, taxpayers, tax agents, and other participants in relations regulated by the tax legislation; and it shall establish provisions regarding the identification of objects of taxation, the fulfillment of tax obligations, the maintenance of registry of taxpayers, objects of taxation, and tax accounting records, the filing of charges for tax offenses, and the appeal of actions (inaction) of tax authorities and officials. ---- Given that inadequate access to financial resources and capacity-related constraints are the key barriers to the development of renewable energy in Tajikistan, the Code establishes a favorable tax regime for the construction of hydro plants. Expanding financial incentives is considered a key driver for renewable energy industry. To enable a favorable business environment, the policy introduces a partial tax relief scheme and a tax exemption scheme for hydropower construction companies.
432 BCA Green Mark SINGAPORE 9 2014 after_2010 National Standard Building Power 10 This Addendum shall be read in conjunction with the BCA Green Mark Certification Standard for New Buildings and shall form part of the Certification Standard. In particular, the purpose of the amendments is to allow alternative scoring methodology for meeting the criteria under ‘RB 1-2 Dwelling Unit Indoor Comfort’.
433 BCA Green Mark Certification Standard for New Buildings version 3.0 SINGAPORE 9 2010 nan National Standard Building Power 10 The intent of this Certification Standard for New Buildings (referred to as “this Standard”) is to establish environmentally friendly practices for the planning, design and construction of buildings, which would help to mitigate the environmental impact of built structures. This Standard sets out the requirement for assessing the environmental performance of a building development. It provides the assessment criteria in determining the level of environmental performance of a building development. The provisions of this Standard are applicable to
458 Carbon Accounting Foot Print for all Sections SINGAPORE 9 2010 nan National Other Building Other 6 Accounting form and qualification for Green Mark for Carbon Accounting of building foot prints.
459 GM Submission at BP stage for Non-Residential Buildings- Transit Stations SINGAPORE 9 2013 after_2010 National Other Building Other 6 Sample form for Green Mark certification for Non-Residential Buildings- transit stations
462 Electricité du Cambodge Power to Poor Program Notice CAMBODIA 0 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 """ The purpose of this program is to facilitate the poor households (HH) in rural areas to have access to electricity for their houses from grid supply by providing interest free loan"""
463 Electricité du Cambodge Program for Providing Assistance for Develop Electricity Infrastructure in Rural Areas Notice CAMBODIA 0 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 """ The purpose of this program is to facilitate the private electricity supplier in rural areas having legal license to access fund for investment for expansion of electricity supply infrastructure to fully cover its authorized distribution area so that all rural households therein have access to electricity for use""."
465 Cambodia Energy Sector Strategy CAMBODIA 0 0 nan National Government Report Energy All 11 The draft Cambodia Energy Sector Strategy outlines the country's strategies and plans related to the power and wood energy sectors. For the power sector, details on the transmission, interconnection, and distribution plans are provided along with provincial and rural electrification strategies. The wood energy strategy includes an overview of resources, plans for sustainable maintenance of resources, efficiency of use and substitution by other energy sources. Approaches to monitoring and evaluation, environmental policy, private sector participation and stakeholder involvement are also included.
466 Mining (Banaba Island Phosphate Re—mining Agreement) (Repeal) Act 2009 KIRIBATI 100 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Other 6 "The Mining Act 2009 is ""an Act to repeal the Mining (Banaba Island Phospate Re-Mining Agreeement) Act 1988"". The Act was passed to give effect to an agreement with an Australian company, Roche Bros Pty Ltd, which had hoped to undertake secondary mining on Banaba. Following a feasibility study undertaken by Roche Bros in 1989, the proposal was considered commercially unviable and the agreement lapsed, rendering the legislation no longer necessary."
467 Shared Pico‐Hydropower in Huaphan Province Report LAO PDR 1 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Power Hydropower 8 The Shared Pico‐hydropower Project in Huaphan province, aims to demonstrate how a rural community can use pico‐hydro in a collective, sharing the financial costs and workload, to provide a safer and more reliable service. This demonstration project is part of the LIRE pico hydro programme, which aims to improve the quality, reliability and safety of the technology for rural communities in the Lao PDR.
468 Pico hydropower in Laos LAO PDR 1 2010 nan National Programme Power Hydropower 8 In 2008, LIRE started research on pico hydropower and found opportunities for scaling up and improving the quality and safety, efficiency and reliability of pico hydropower technology through existing and potential new market channels. To achieve these goals, LIRE, between 2008-2010, conducted the Capacity Building Program, funded by Dutch NGO ETC energy. The aim of the program is to educate various parties on issues surrounding pico hydropower technology via training sessions and technical document creation.
469 Pico‐hydropower Innovation and Capacity Building Program – Phase 2 LAO PDR 1 2010 nan National Programme Power Hydropower 8 The Quarterly Report of the Pico‐hydropower Innovation and Capacity Building Program, summarises the progress of the Pico‐hydropower Innovation and Capacity Building Programme Phase 2 from the 1st March to 31st May 2010. The report is divided into two main sections, a narrative progress report and a financial report.
470 Electricity Law LAO PDR 1 1997 before_2000 National Law Power Power 10 The Electricity Law was issued in 1997 and its purpose is to establish systematic standards in i.e. administration, production, transmission, distribution, and to manage tile exports arid imports through tile most effective use of natural resources in pursuit of improving tile national economy, society, and the living standards of the people.
471 Law on the Promotion of Foreign Investment LAO PDR 1 2004 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law on the Promotion of Foreign Investment was issued in 2004. It defines the principles, regulations and measures regarding the promotion, protection and management of foreign investment in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, with the aim of enhancing relationships and economic cooperation with foreign countries enhancing the utilisation of financial resources and knowledge to increase production capacity for the purpose of industrialisation and progressive modernisation as well as to contribute to gradually improving the people's living conditions, and to strengthen and to develop the country.
472 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2011 CAMBODIA 0 2010 nan National Government Report Power All 11 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
473 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2012 edition CAMBODIA 0 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
475 Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2013 edition CAMBODIA 0 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Power All 11 This report on power sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia contains the main data and relevant information available with Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) and received from the licensees and other sources.
476 Environmental Protection Law LAO PDR 1 1999 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Environmental Protection Law was issued in 1999 specifies necessary principles, rules and measures for managing, monitoring, restoring and protecting the environment in order to protect public, natural resources and biodiversity, and to ensure the sustainable socioeconomic development of the nation. The Law addresses General Provisions in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 focuses on Prevention of Environmental Degradation, Chapter 3 explores provisions on Pollution Control, Part 4 deals with Environmental Mitigation and Restoration, Chapter 5 focuses on the Environment Protection Fund, Chapter 6 focuses on International Relations and Cooperation on Environment, Chapter 7 describes Environment Management and Monitoring and Chapter 9 provides for Final Provisions.
477 The National Green Growth Roadmap CAMBODIA 0 2009 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Roadmap has been produced through repeated consultations and interviews with all involved Line Ministries. In addition, discussions at three Inter-ministerial Green Growth Working Group (IGGWG) Meetings held in Phnom Penh throughout 2009 have contributed substantially to the contents and structure of this Roadmap. Comments and input were collected and synthesized into this document. It lays out ideas for increased multi-stakeholder collaboration in the design and implementation of projects and programmes that can further inclusive and sustainable development in Cambodia. This kind of development aims at improving resilience to adverse impacts, whilst choosing low-carbon options for “green growth” to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate.
478 Law on the Processing Industry LAO PDR 1 1999 before_2000 National Law Industry All 11 """The Law on the Processing Industry determines principles, regulations, and measures relative to establishing, undertaking, and administering industrial and handicrafts processing activities to expand industry and handicrafts, interrelating the processing industry to agroforestry; transforming the natural economy of farmers into a goods-based economy, interrelating the economic structures of the agro-forestry, industry and services [sectors] to increase the living standards of the multi-ethnic peoples."" The Types of Factories include"
479 National Policy - Environmental and Social Sustainability of the Hydropower Sector in Lao PDR LAO PDR 1 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Power Power, Renewable, Hydropower 100 The National Policy - Environmental and Social Sustainability of the Hydropower Sector in Lao PDR, is based on the assumption that the Government of Lao PDR acknowledges that hydropower development must be sustainable in order to deliver lasting benefits to Lao PDR. This Policy Statement, founded on the three principles of sustainability, applies to all large hydropower dams and to hydropower projects constructed after 1990.
480 JICA's Cooperation on Energy Sector in Cambodia CAMBODIA 0 2012 after_2010 Multilateral Other Energy Other 6 Overview of the current energy context of Cambodia, as well as the projects implemented with the assistance of the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
481 Information Sharing Tools on Renewable Energy for the Lao PDR LAO PDR 1 2011 after_2010 Subnational Government Report Energy All 11 The Final Report on Information Sharing Tools on Renewable Energy for the Lao PDR was assigned by Helvetas to LIRE to
482 Biofuel Assessment Study in Lao PDR - Inception Report LAO PDR 1 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Bioenergy 100 The Biofuel Assessment and Policy (BFAP) was commissioned by the Department of Electricity (DoE), Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) in 2009. The Report aims to
483 Water Code TAJIKISTAN 100 2000 nan National Code Multi-Sector Renewable, Hydropower 100 The Water Code of the Republic of Tajikistan aims to ensure the sustainable use of water resources for the needs of social and economic development. In response to existing water-related challenges, the policy seeks to improve the national environmental system through introduction of measures on abatement of water pollution. Art. 7, 31 and Chapter 12 address a number of crucial issues across the energy-water nexus. The Water Code strengthens frameworks for utilization and management of hydropower resources in the Republic of Tajikistan.
484 Decree on Solar Energy Development LAO PDR 1 2011 after_2010 National Decree Energy Solar 100 """This Decree defines the principles, rules, and measures on the implementation, operation, regulation and supervision of solar energy business, to promote solar energy utilization, including the on-grid and off-grid option, for increasing cleaner energy for self consumption and creating economically and technically viable promotion mechanism for solar technology development in Lao PDR""."
485 Mining Law LAO PDR 1 1997 before_2000 National Law Energy Coal 1 "The Mining Law was issued in 1997. It ""aims at defining the system of management, preservation, exploration, exploitation and processing of minerals for local consumption and export with the use of natural resource potentials in the industrial process and upgrading the population's quality of life""."
487 Law on Nature Conservation UZBEKISTAN 100 1992 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The policy establishes legal framework for the development and conservation of natural resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The primary objective of the regulatory document is to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources by consumers, mainstream nature protection in the national development strategy, ensure environmental security, support restoration of damaged ecosystems and conservation of genetic diversity. The Law strengthens frameworks set by relevant policies for protection and conservation of land, water and forest resources, regulations on protection of the atmospheric air and pollution abatement. Nature conservation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan is regulated by relevant legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. ---- The policy focuses on quality assurance and quality control of pollution-related data, proposes a comprehensive set of measures for environmental monitoring and assessment. The importance of observance of environmental norms and standards is emphasized.
488 Decree on Additional Measures for Stabilization of Power Consumption UZBEKISTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Decree Industry Power 10 The policy proposes measures for improving the existing pattern of power consumption in Uzbekistan. The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Decree in 2007 with an aim to improve efficiency of industrial processes pursuing the ultimate objective - to facilitate the sustainable use of energy. The policy contains the list of industrial enterprises and companies subject to the established rules for energy conservation.
489 Law on Natural Monopolies UZBEKISTAN 100 1997 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Gas 100 The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Natural Monopolies №398-I came into force on April 24, 1997. Amendments to the policy were introduced by a revision adopted on August 19, 1999 (Law № 815-I). The policy sets forth the principles of natural monopoly markets regulation and aims to mediate the competing interests of all parties involved – consumers, state and holders of natural monopolies. The Law deals with specific instances of natural monopoly markets regulation - article 3 states that natural monopolies occur when competitive market is not deemed an efficient mechanism. Large economy of scale and technological advantages give rise to natural monopolies making monopolistic industries economically viable compared to perfectly competitive ones in specific cases. The policy focuses on the following areas
490 Law on Water and Utilization of Water Resources UZBEKISTAN 100 1993 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Power, Hydropower 100 The present Law establishes regulatory framework for the management of water resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The policy aims to ensure the sustainable use of water for the needs of population, sets frameworks for prevention and abatement of water pollution, for protection of rights of water enterprises, institutions, organizations and individuals (art.1). As provided by art. 3, water is the national wealth of Uzbekistan and is subject to state regulatory control.
491 Law on Nuclear Safety UZBEKISTAN 100 2000 nan National Law Energy Nuclear, Renewable 100 The policy aims to regulate legal relationship associated with securing radiation safety, protection of life, health and property of citizens, protection of the environment from deleterious effects of ionizing radiation (Art. 1). Article 2 provides definitions of the key terms, specifies the areas the policy primarily concentrates on
492 Presidential Decree on Priorities for Industrial Development, 2011-2015 UZBEKISTAN 100 2010 nan National Decree Industry All 11 The policy highlights the national industrial development priorities encompassing the elaboration of long-term goals and associated cross-sectoral policy actions. The Decree proposes a comprehensive set of measures for attraction of investments, fostering restructuring, modernization and technological advancement of the key industrial sectors – energy, petrochemistry, chemistry, textile, automobile and pharmaceutical sectors, agriculture. Harnessing innovative potential is considered a key pillar in addressing persistent and emerging challenges. Of considerable concern are the issues of lack of skilled and competent labor force. Art. 2 adopts the Program on Priorities of Industrial Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2011-2015 developed pursuant to the Presidential Decree № Р-3471 of 30 July 2010. The Program sets out target indicators, highlights investment initiatives in major industrial sectors.
493 Citizen’s/Client’s Charter for Government of India INDIA 23 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Measures to secure availability of coal to meet the demand of various sectors of the economy in an eco-friendly, sustainable and cost effective manner.
494 Strategic Plan INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Coal 1 To enable the Coal Sector in the sustainable, efficient and economical exploitation of its coal resources including reliable assessment, coordinated development of the coalfields and efficient project management, through the participation of Public Sector Undertakings (PSU’s) & the private sector, with the aim of providing the primary energy source in the country’s overall energy matrix while taking a pro‐active role in facilitating the development of clean coal technology and maintaining the coal sector’s competitive advantage in the country’s energy mix.
496 Final Report Pico‐hydropower Innovation and Capacity Building Programme - Final Report Phase I LAO PDR 1 2010 nan National Government Report Power Hydropower 8 The Final Report Pico‐hydropower Innovation and Capacity Building Programme summarises the efforts of LIRE in the First Phase of the Pico‐hydropower Innovation and Capacity Building Programme. The report is split up in two main sections, a narrative report and a financial report.
497 Guidelines for Preparation of Mine Closure Plan-reg INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Coal 1 Overview of the protocol for the closure of coal mining facilities.
498 Guidelines for preparation of Mine Closure plan by the coal and lignite block allocatees INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Coal 1 Overview of regulations require for the closure of coal and lignite block mines.
499 Guidelines for preparation of Mining plan for the coal and lignite blocks INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Coal 1 Overview of preparation measures for the mining of coal and lignite blocks
500 Renewable Energy Development Strategy in Lao PDR LAO PDR 1 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Renewable 4 The Renewable Energy Development Strategy in Lao PDR was issued in 2011 and it aims to develop new renewable energy resources which are not yet widely explored in Lao PDR to replace resources that will be exhausted in the future, also known as “non-renewable energy”. The Strategy firstly provides for an Overview of Renewable Energy, secondly it explores Strategy and Policy, thirdly it deals with Implementation Measures. Eventually, three Annexes address the following
501 Eligibility to Coal Mining INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Overview of the eligibility criteria to do coal mining in the country
502 Coal mining by the State Governments INDIA 23 2001 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Regulations regarding the companies and undertakings allowed to do mining of coking and non-coking coal and lignite reserves.
503 Colliery Control Order INDIA 23 2000 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Regulations regarding the control measures of collieries and the powers vested therein.
504 Export of Coal INDIA 23 2004 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 General overview of the export and import of coal in India
505 Guidelines for Preparation of Mine Closure Plan-Reg INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Coal 1 Overview of the protocol for the closure of coal mining facilities.
506 Guidelines for Preparation of Mine Closure Plan -Reg INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Coal 1 Overview of the protocol for the closure of coal mining facilities, including; a mine closure plan, and statutory obligations of mine operators, or lessees.
507 Guidelines for Preparation of Mine Closure Plan-Reg INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Coal 1 """It has been decided by the Government that all coal (including lignite) mining operations in India shall henceforth be governed as per these modified guidelines listed in the Annexure to this letter, including the preparation of Mine Closure Plans (MCPs)"""
508 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 INDIA 23 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy Coal 1 An act to provide for Allocation of coal mines and vesting the right, title and interest in and over the land and mine infrastructure together with mining leases to successful bidders and allotees with a view to ensure continuity in coal mining operations and production of coal, and for promoting optimum utilisation of coal resources consistent with the requirement of the country in national interest and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
509 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Second Ordinance, 2014 INDIA 23 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 An Ordinance to provide for allocation of coal mines and vesting the right, title and interest in and over the land and mine infrastructure together with mining leases to successful bidders and allotees with a view to ensure continuity in coal mining operations and production of coal, and for promoting optimum utilisation of coal resources consistent with the requirement of the country in national interest and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
510 Coal Bearing Areas Rules, 1957 INDIA 23 1957 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Overview of the Rules and Regulations for the Coal bearing Areas Act, 1957
511 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 2014 INDIA 23 2014 after_2010 National Code Energy Coal 1 An Ordinance to provide for allocation of coal mines and vesting of the right, title and interest in and over the land and mine infrastructure together with mining leases to successful bidders and allottees with a view to ensure continuity in coal mining operations and production of coal, and for promoting optimum utilisation of coal resources consistent with the requirement of the country in national interest and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
512 Ministry of Coal Resolution INDIA 23 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Resolution authorizing the Coal Regulatory Authority
513 Ministry of Coal Notification S.O. 737 (E) INDIA 23 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 "2. In the Auction by Competitive Bidding of Coal Mines Rules, 2012, in the Schedule, in Part I, under the heading Terms and Conditions of Allocation of Ara Containing Coal For The Purpose of Mining, for sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph (1), the following paragraph shall be substituted and the same shall be deemed to have come into force from 27th December 2012, namely; - ""1 (1) The coal produced from the allocated areas containing coal shall be distributed through the long term contract or linkage approved by the Central Government or as the case may be, the State Government."
514 Ministry of Coal Notification 2014 INDIA 23 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 S.O. 491 (E), - In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (iv) of Section 11A of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957), the Central Government hereby specifies production of cement, syn-gas obtained through coal gasification (underground and surface) and coal liquefaction to be end uses for the purpose of the said Act.
515 Water and Water Resources Law LAO PDR 1 1997 before_2000 National Law Other All 11 "The Water and Water Resources Law was issued in 1996 and it ""determines necessary Principles, rules, and measures relative to the administration, exploitation, use and development of water and water resources in the Lao people's Democratic Republic to preserve sustainable water and water resources and to ensure volume and quality providing for people 's living requirements, promoting agriculture, forestry, and industry, developing the national souci-economy and ensuring that no damage is caused to the environment."""
516 Clean Energy Cess Rules, 2010 INDIA 23 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector All 11 The Clean Energy Cess Rules extend to the whole of India and were made as specified by the Finance Act 2010. They provide for details on collection ad assessment of the Clean Energy Cess, along with forms and other details.
517 Gazette Notification regarding switch over from UHV to GCV INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Regarding switch over from existing Useful Heat Value (UHV) based system of grading and pricing of non-coking coals produced in the country to fully variable Gross Calorific Value (GCV) based system for information and necessary action.
518 Ministry of Coal and Mines Notification INDIA 23 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy Coal 1 Amendments to the Second Schedule of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, outlining; the types of coal that can be produced in territories and in all states and union.
519 Ministry of Coal 2011 INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy Coal 1 The following draft of certain rules further to amend the Coal Mines Conservation and Development Rules, 1975, which the Central Government purpose to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Act, 1974.
520 Ministry of Coal Notification G.S.R 902(E) INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy Coal 1 """ In the Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Rules, 1975, in sub-rule (2) of rule 7, for the words "" The Coal Controller shall furnish"", the words ""Every owner, agent or manager shall furnish"", shall be substituted."
521 Ministry of Coal Notification S.O 1141(E) INDIA 23 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 The Central Government hereby specifies production of syn-gas obtained through coal gasification (underground and surface) and coal liquefication to be end uses for the purposes of the said Act.
522 Auction by Competitive Bidding of Coal Mines Rules INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Overview of the rules to regulate the auction and competitive bidding process for coal mines.
523 Ministry of Coal Notification G.S.R. 522E INDIA 23 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Overview of royalties on Coal
524 Ministry of Coal Notification S.O 2596E INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Overview of appointments of Board Trustees.
525 The Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973 INDIA 23 1973 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 2. In the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973, in section 3, in subsection (3), in clause (a), for item (iii), the following shall be subsitituted namely
526 Ministry of Coal Corrigendum INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 "G.S.R. 525(E)-- In the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Coal number G.S.R 349(E), dated 10th May, 2012 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3. Sub-section (i), dated the 10th may, 2012 at page 4, in the english version, in the second para for ""item 11"" read ""item 10"" and for ""11 Coal.;"" read ""10Coal""."
527 Auction by Competitive Bidding of Coal Mines (Amendment) Rules, 2012 INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Rules and Regulations regarding the Auction by Competitive Bidding of Coal mines process.
528 Colliery Control Rules 2004 INDIA 23 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Rules regulating Collieries and those responsible for their operation.
529 Ministry of Coal Notification G.S.R. 818(E) INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955) read with Section 21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897), the Central Government hereby rescinds the Colliery Control Order, 2000, published in the Gazette of India. Part -II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) dated 1-1-2000, with immediate effect; such rescission shall not affect anything done or omitted to be done under the said Order before this Notification.
530 The Price Notification INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Pithead Run of mine price for Non-Coking coal applicable for all coal producing companies of Coal India Limited including NEC.
531 Ministry of Coal Notification G.S.R. 46(E) INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Overview of royalties for Coal
532 Law on Electricity (Amended) LAO PDR 1 2012 after_2010 National Law Power Power 10 The Law on Electricity establishes specific standards in the administration, transmission, distribution and trade of electricity in line with the national social and economic growth of the Lao people. In particular, it sets out the principles to use the natural resource potentials in an economical and sustainable manner.
533 Ministry of Coal Notification G.S.R. 349 (E) INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Overview of Royalties on Coal
534 Colliery Control Order 2000 INDIA 23 2000 nan National Other Energy Coal 1 Outlines the procedures for collieries as well as the powers of those who are operating them.
535 The Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Act, 1974 INDIA 23 1974 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act to provide for the conservation of coal and development of coal mines and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
536 Ministry of Coal Notification S.O. 727(E) INDIA 23 2003 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Coal Mines (conservation and development) Act, 1974 (28 of 1974) and in supersession of the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Energy (Department of Coal) number S.O. 95(E), dated the 8th of February, 1983 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession the Central Government hereby fixes, with effect on and from the 26th of June, 2003 the rates specified in column (2) of the Table given below as the rates at which the duty of excise referred to in the said section shall be levied on coal of the description specified in column (1) of the said Table.
537 The Coal Mines (Taking over of Management) Act, 1973 INDIA 23 1973 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act to provide for the taking over, in the public interest, of the management of coal mines, pending nationalisation of such mines with a view to ensuring rational and co-ordinated development of coal production and for promoting optimum utilisation of the coal resources consistent with the growing requirements of the country, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
538 The Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1971 INDIA 23 1971 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act to provide for the taking over, in the public interest, of the management of coking coal mines and coke oven plants, pending nationalisation of such mines and plants.
539 The Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 INDIA 23 1972 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act to provide for the acquisition and transfer of the right, title and interest of the owners of the coking coal mines specified in the First Schedule, and the right, title and interest of the owners of such coke oven plants as are in or about the said coking coal mines' with a view to reorganising and reconstructing such mines and plants for the purpose of protecting, conserving and promoting scientific development of the resources of coking coal needed to meet the growing requirements of the iron and steel industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
540 The Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Amendment Rules,. 1980 INDIA 23 1980 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 2. In sub-rule (2) of rule 10 of the Coal Mines. (Conservation and Development) Rules, 1975 for the existing entry (1), the following entry shall be substituted, namely
541 Lao Electric Power Technical Standards LAO PDR 1 2004 2000-2010 National Standard Power Power 10 The document defines the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards as of 2004.
542 The Coal India (Regulation of Transfers and Validation) Act, 2000 INDIA 23 2000 nan National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act to empower the Central Government to direct the transfer of the land, or of the rights in or over land or of the right, title and interest in relation to a coal mine, coking coal mine or coke oven plant, vested in the Coal India Limited or in a subsidiary company to any subsidiary company of Coal India Limited or any other subsidiary company and to validate certain transfers of such land or rights.
543 Final Report Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) LAO PDR 1 2015 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is the proposed Power Grid Improvement (PGI) Project. It will complement the World Bank's on-going assistance and help support sustainable development of the power sector in Lao PDR. The project development objective is to help improve efficiency and reliability of power distribution in the selected load areas served by EDL. To this aim and building on the achievement of electricity access projects of the past years, the proposed project shifts the focus of WBG engagement towards efficiency and reliability of electricity supply, which are crucial for the Lao power sector in the years to come.
544 Decree on Biomass Gasification LAO PDR 1 0 nan National Decree Energy Gas 0 """This Decree defines the principles, rules, and measures on the implementation, operation, regulation and supervision of biomass gasification business, to promote biomass-based power generation development, including the on-grid and off-grid option and to develop domestic small and medium size biomass gasification digester, for increasing cleaner energy for self consumption, effective agro-forestry-livestock wastes treatment aiming at creating economically and technically viable promotion mechanism for biomass technology in Lao PDR."""
545 Decree on Biogas Production LAO PDR 1 0 nan National Decree Energy Bioenergy 100 """This Decree defines the principles, rules, and measures on the implementation, operation, regulation and supervision of biogas business, to promote biogas energy production, including the on-grid and off-grid option and to develop domestic small and medium size biogas digester, for increasing cleaner energy for self consumption, effective agro-forestry-livestock wastes treatment aiming at creating economically and technically viable promotion mechanism for biogas technology in Lao PDR."""
546 Bio Renewable Energy Financing Study LAO PDR 1 2010 nan National Government Report Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 "The Bio Renewable Energy Financing Study is a report which ""presents a description of actors and financing mechanisms available in 2010 for bio-renewable energy (BRE) projects in the Lao PDR, where in this context BRE includes small scale solar, hydropower, and any biomass-based energy source. Interventions are suggested that may help to accelerate and scale-up BRE penetration in the Lao PDR energy market."""
547 Statute on Tariff Groups of Electricity and Thermal Power Consumers UZBEKISTAN 100 2000 nan National Other Multi-Sector Power 10 The policy proposes segmentation of electricity and thermal power consumers. Tariff differentiation is considered the key element in determination of electricity and thermal power prices. These measures are aligned with overall policy goals of energy markets development in the Republic of Uzbekistan.---- Issued by the Ministry of Energy and Electrification in 2000, the Statute was subsequently approved by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance and the Committee on Demonopolization and Competition Development. The policy complies with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Natural Monopolies (1999).
548 Law on Protection of the Atmospheric Air UZBEKISTAN 100 1996 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The policy establishes regulatory framework for protection of the environment concentrating primarily on the abatement of air pollution. With a view to facilitate transition towards a low-carbon pattern of growth, the policy imposes control measures for industrial processes, tightens norms and standards for emissions of harmful substances. As provided by art.1, atmospheric air is the national wealth of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regulatory efforts thereby aim to ensure comprehensive protection of air resources. --- The policy came into force in 1996.
549 Decree on Additional Measures to Improve Control of Electricity Consumption UZBEKISTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 The policy is a specific regulation on energy conservation imposed in 2009 pursuant to the Presidential Decree of 28 November 2008 №4058 On the Plan of Action for the Development of Real Sector of Economy, Ensuring Stable Work of Industrial Enterprises and Increasing Export Capacities.
550 Environmental and Social Safeguards Activities Document LAO PDR 1 0 nan National Other Energy Coal 1 "The Environmental and Social Safeguards Activities Document (ESSAD) is part of the Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in the Hydropower and Mining Sectors Additional Financing (HMTA-AF). ""This ESSAD aims to document safeguard activities to be carried out as part of the TAs and capacity building activities during the implementation of the project. It was developed during the preparation of the original project in order to clarify and document exactly how all activities supported under the project will comply with the World Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies."""
551 The Atomic Energy Act, 1962 INDIA 23 1962 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 Invokes regulations regarding the mining of uranium material, and their disposal, as well as; powers of authority, control of production, provisions for electricity, and offences and penalties.
552 Atomic Energy (Arbitration Procedure) Rules, 1983 INDIA 23 1983 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Nuclear 7 Outlines the regulation around arbitration procedures within the context of the Atomic Energy sector.
553 Atomic Energy (Working of the Mines, Minerals and Handling of Prescribed Substance) Rules, 1984 INDIA 23 1984 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Nuclear 7 Rules and Regulations regarding; the qualification of staff, licencing, and the duties and responsibilities of safety officers.
554 Department of Atomic Energy Notification S.O. 1014(E) INDIA 23 2004 2000-2010 National Other Energy Nuclear 7 In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 27 of the Atomic Energy (Working of Mines, Minerals and Handling of Prescribed Substances) Rules, 1984, the Central Government hereby authorise the Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy to exercise the powers of the Central Government to dispose of the appeals filed under Rule 13 of the said Rules. These Orders shall be effective from 14th of September, 2004.
555 Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes) Rules, 1987 INDIA 23 1987 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Nuclear 7 Regulations regarding the correct and safe methods of disposal of radioactive materials.
556 Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004 INDIA 23 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Nuclear 7 Regulations around the licensing of personnel, modifications of radiation installations, general restrictions and signage, as well as responsibilities of staff at nuclear facilities.
557 Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers (exports) INDIA 23 2006 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Nuclear 7 Specific guidelines regarding the
558 The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 INDIA 23 2010 nan National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act to provide for civil liability for nuclear damage and prompt compensation to the victims of a nuclear incident through a no-fault liability regime channeling liability to the operator, appointment of Claims Commissioner, establishment of Nuclear Damage Claims Commission and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
559 Department of Atomic Energy Notification S.O. 2526E INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Nuclear 7 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section 5 of Section 1 of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 (38 of 2010), the Central Government hereby declares that the provisions of that Act shall come into force on the 11th day of November, 2011.
560 Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Rules, 2011 INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Nuclear 7 Rules and Regulations regarding the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act
561 Guidelines for implementation of arrangement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of atomic energy with other countries INDIA 23 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Nuclear 7 In partial modification of the Resolution No. 1/10/8/2009-ER dated 04.06.2010, the Government of India have decided that an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary in the Department of Atomic Energy, Anushakti Bhavan, Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Marg, Mumbai 400 001 be designated as the competent authority for grant of authorization, including prescribing application fee under paragraph 8 thereof. The words 'An officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary' shall accordingly stand substituted for the words 'Additional Secretary' in the said paragraph.
562 Guidelines for implementation of arrangement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of atomic energy with other countries INDIA 23 2010 nan National Guideline Energy Nuclear 7 Government is keen to promote civil nuclear cooperation and trade with other countries to produce, develop, use, and dispose of atomic energy, including carrying out research connected therewith. The Government intends to encourage the development of commercial relations with any country in the area of atomic energy, under bilateral and multilateral agreements for cooperation.
563 Lao PDR Southern Provincial Rural Electrification Project II Resettlement Policy Framework For Off-grid component_Volume 1 LAO PDR 1 2004 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 With the successful implementation of the Southern Provincial Rural Electrification Project (SRPE I), the World Bank is considering to finance the extension of the rural electrification efforts in southern provinces as SPRE II Project. The project will help Lao PDR to achieve the national target on rural electrification rate.
564 Lao PDR Southern Provincial Rural Electrification Project II Resettlement Policy Framework For on-grid component_Volume 2 LAO PDR 1 2004 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 The World Bank is considering to finance the extension of the rural electrification efforts in southern provinces as SPRE II Project. The project will help Lao PDR to achieve the national target on rural electrification rate.
565 Energy Vision INDIA 23 2004 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Nuclear 7 A group in the Department studied available information on GDP and population growth forecasts, trends with regard to energy-GDP elasticity and electricity intensity of industries and developed a scenario for the growth of electricity. Scenarios have been developed by other agencies as well, though the numbers differ depending on the assumptions made for building the scenarios. The message from all such exercises is the same and that is, India is a poor fuel resource country and there is a need to tap every fuel resource to meet India's energy needs. The contribution of nuclear energy, therefore, has to be increased at the fastest possible pace so that nuclear electricity is able to meet about a quarter of the national electricity demand after about five decades and gets poised to make still higher contribution in the subsequent years.
566 Advanced Heavy Water Reactor INDIA 23 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy Nuclear 7 It is generally agreed that in the long term, nuclear power employing closed fuel cycle is the only sustainable option for meeting a major part of the world energy demand. World resources of thorium are larger than those of uranium. Thorium, therefore, is widely viewed as the 'fuel of the future'. Thorium based nuclear fuel cycle possesses several well-known characteristics indicated below.
567 Nuclear Map of India INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Nuclear 7
568 A strategy for Growth of Electricity Generation in India INDIA 23 2001 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 An overview of the current energy context of India, including current energy consumption verses production patterns, as well as avenues for production. In addition a strategy for expansion and improvement of nuclear facilities is outlined.
569 The Coal Mine (Nationalisation) Amendement Act, 1976 INDIA 23 1976 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act further to amend the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973.
570 The Coking and Non-Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Amendment Act INDIA 23 1975 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1 An Act to amend the Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 and the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973.
571 Ministry of Coal Notification S.O. 207 (E) INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) of sub-section (2) of Section 13 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957), the Central Government hereby makes the following Rules, namely
573 Citizen's/Client's Charter for Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2013-2014 INDIA 23 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Outlines responsibilities for completion of services and transactions for renewable energy projects. See attached document to view tables.
574 Lao PDR Southern Provincial Rural Electrification Project II Resettlement Action Plan for the first year program Of the on-grid component_Volume 3 LAO PDR 1 2004 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 The World Bank is considering to finance the extension of the rural electrification efforts in southern provinces as SPRE II Project. The project will help Lao PDR to achieve the national target on rural electrification rate.
575 Citizen's/Client's Charter for Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), in its continued and committed endeavor to provide prompt and quality services to its valued clients, has introduced this Citizen's Charter. The Citizen's Charter is intended to provide information in respect of Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency's (IREDA's) various activities to clients (along with the redressal methods), for their benefit. This Citizen's Charter not only explains Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency's (IREDA's) commitment and responsibilities but also specifies the obligations on the part of clients for a healthy and mutually satisfactory business relationship.
576 Results-Framework Document for Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2009-2010 INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 To upscale and mainstream the use of New and Renewable Energy sources in furtherance of the national aim of energy security and energy independence, with attendant positive impact on local, national and global environment.
577 Results-Framework Document for Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2010-2011 INDIA 23 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 To upscale and mainstream the use of New and Renewable Energy sources in furtherance of the national aim of energy security and energy independence.
578 Preformance Evaluation Report for Results-Framework Document 2011-2012 INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy Renewable 4 Evaluation of progress by Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy through the Results Framework Document
579 Long-Term Power Development Plan (PDP 2012 -2022) LAO PDR 1 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The document provides for the Planned Network of the Long Term Power Development Plan (2010-2022).
580 Electricity Tariff as updated 3/2012 to 12/2017 LAO PDR 1 2012 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Electricity Tariff table as updated 3/2012 TO 12/2017.
581 Law on Investment Promotion LAO PDR 1 2009 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 "The Law on Investment Promotion was issued in 20009. It ""defines principles, regulations and measures regarding the domestic and foreign investment promotion and administration in order to enable investments expediently, quickly and in conformity with laws and regulations, as protected by the Government, and to ensure the rights and benefits of investors, the state and people. It aims to enhance benefits and role of investments for continuous and sustainable socio-economic growth, and to significantly contribute towards national security and development of the country."""
583 Strategic Plan for New and Renewable Energy Sector for the Period 2011-2017 INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 The Plan was prepared by the MNRE, covering the last year of the 11th plan and the next 5 years period of the 12th plan, and perspective till 2022. It sets out the goals of the Ministry, the strategy to be adopted by it during this period to achieve these goals and the corresponding action plan. In particular, through the SPNRES, India is promoting Renewable Energy Systems (RES). These systems are expected to meet rural energy needs, as well as to supplement energy and lighting necessities in urban areas, in industry, and commercial establishments. Also, 100 units of electricity will be provided free of cost every month to every Project Affected Family, meaning those families affected by the development of a hydro project, for a period of ten years from the date of commissioning.
584 National Policy on Biofuels INDIA 23 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Bioenergy 100 In the context of the International perspectives and National imperatives, it is the endeavour of this Policy to facilitate and bring about optimal development and utilization of indigenous biomass feed stocks for production of biofuels. The Policy also envisages development of the next generation of more efficient biofuel conversion technologies based on new feed stocks. The Policy sets out the Vision, medium term Goals, strategy and approach to biofuel development, and proposes a framework of technological, financial and institutional interventions and enabling mechanisms.
585 All India Renewable Energy Regulatory and Policy Data Base (all India RE-RAP Data Base) INDIA 23 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Compilation of Feed-in tariff data from various renewable energy sources across India.
586 National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) 2005-2025 (Revised 2009) NAURU 100 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power, Transport Power, Renewable, Wind 100 Nauru announced the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) in 2005. The objective of the NSDS is captured in the people's vision for development and is stated as
587 Nauru Energy Sector Overview NAURU 100 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The aim of the present report is to provide a stock take of the current situation in the energy sector of Nauru and therefore inform a baseline which can be used in the development of the Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM).
588 Nauru Utilities Corporation Act 2011 NAURU 100 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 The Nauru Utilities Corporation Bill 2011 is a bill to establish the Nauru Utilities Corporation and for related purposes. It is enacted by the Parliament of Nauru and serves to ensure that essential utilities services are provided by the Nauru Utilities Corporation. The Act provides for the functions of Corporations including Electricity and Fuel.
589 Agreement on the Use of Water and Energy Resources in the Syr Darya Basin KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, TAJIKISTAN, UZBEKISTAN 100 1998 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector Power, Hydropower 100 The agreement is signed by the Governments of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, consequently, by the Government of Tajikistan. Fostering strategic partnership between the countries targets exploring untapped potential of cooperation for the sustainable use of energy and water resources in the basin of the Syr Darya River. Parties resolve to intensify efforts towards accelerating economic and social development considering energy and water essential elements for growth and development. The Agreement seeks to establish a comprehensive coordination mechanism for the use of water resources and identifies integrated solutions to manage the energy-water nexus being an important pillar in addressing existing environmental concerns. In addition, the policy provides responses to natural disaster challenges.
591 Nauru Energy Road Map 2014 – 2020 NAURU 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM) 2014 – 2020 builds upon the energy sector development agenda laid out in the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 -2025 (revised 2009) and the National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) of 2009. The aim of the Road Map is to enable the achievement of Nauru’s overall vision of “A future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans”. The Energy Road Map lays out strategies and activities in six thematic areas of power, petroleum, renewable energy, demand side energy efficiency, transport and institutional strengthening and capacity building to achieve the above outcomes and targets. As for energy access, the objective is set to achieve 24/7 grid electricity supply with minimal interruptions.
592 The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 INDIA 23 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. In particular, it addresses the following aspects
593 Bureau of Energy Efficiency Annual Report 2002-2003 INDIA 23 2002 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In pursuance of Section 23 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (52 of 2001), the Bureau of Energy Efficiency presents its first Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the year 2002- 2003, compiling the activities, achievements and programmes during the year.
594 The Uttar Pradesh State Energy Conservation Fund Rules, 2011 INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 On March 30, 2012 Uttar Pradesh State Government notified the Uttar Pradesh Energy Conservation Fund Rule 2011. This rule described the constitution of the fund, manner of administration and application of the fund, constitution of the monitoring committee, function of the committee, operation of fund, conditions applicable to the fund, audit accounts.
595 Procurement of energy efficient appliances for Government Undertakings INDIA 23 2013 after_2010 National Other Building Other 6 In order to have energy savings in the long term, Ministry of Finance (Procurement policy division) in consultation with Ministry of Power (MoP) and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has issued an office memorandum for promoting procurement of energy efficient appliances in all ministries/departments and their attached subordinates offices.
596 Nauru Energy Sector Summary Report Prepared as an input to the development of the Nauru Energy Road Map NAURU 100 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In order to achieve Nauru’s ambitious goal of reducing the country’s high reliance on imported fossil fuel by meeting 50% of its energy needs from renewable energy sources by 2015,1 the Nauru Government requested technical support from GIZ, SPC and IRENA in the development of a Nauru Energy Road Map in early 2012. The aim of the present report is to provide a stocktake of the current situation in the energy sector of Nauru and therefore inform a baseline which can subsequently be used in the development of the Road Map.
597 Provisional Coal Statistics 2012-2013 INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Coal is used to produce half of the Nation's electrical energy needs. Increasing demands for clean coal energy make information affordable and reliable coal supplies essential for the energy industry and policy makers in the near future and the long term. For making a strategic coal sector plan for the country on a continuing basis, a sound data base is a must. Coal Statistics therefore, assumes paramount significance to meet the data requirements of the Central/State Government, Government Bodies, planners, academicians, etc. 'Coal Directory of India' incorporating firmed up data of the previous year is brought out every year around December. To meet the immediate requirement, Provisional Coal Statistics 2012-2013 like previous few years is now being brought out utilizing available data bank of this organization.
598 Provisional Coal Statistics 2013-2014 INDIA 23 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Coal is used to produce half of the Nation's electrical energy needs. Increasing demands for clean coal energy make information on affordable and reliable coal supplies essential for the energy industry and policy makers in the near future and the long term. For making a strategic coal sector plan for the country on a continuing basis, a sound data base is a must. Coal Statistics, therefore assume paramount significance to meet the data requirements of the Central/State Government. Government Bodies, planners, thinkers, academicians etc. 'Coal Directory of India' incorporating firmed up data of the previous yer is brought out every year around December. To meet the immediate requirement, Provisional Coal Statistics 2013-14 like previous years is now being brought out utilizing available data bank of this organization.
599 National Assessment Report NAURU 100 0 nan National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The Republic of Nauru’s National Assessment Report has been prepared following consultations with stakeholders and two National Workshops on Sustainable Development held in April 2002 and February 2004. After years of high economic growth fuelled by the booming but unsustainable phosphate exports, Nauru faces immediate and potentially long-term development challenges. The most pressing challenge is the restoration of macroeconomic and financial stability to the country. Diversification of the economic base, with specific focus on private sector development to achieve economic growth is a key objective of the Government for the prosperity of Nauru.
600 Nauru Utilities Corporation Regulations 2012 NAURU 100 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Nauru Utilities Corporation Regulations 2012 were made by the Cabinet under the Nauru Utilities Corporation Act 2011. The Regulations are divided in three parts
601 National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) 2005-2025 NAURU 100 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Power, Renewable 2 Nauru announced the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) in 2005. The objective of the NSDS is captured in the people's vision for development and is stated as
602 Schemes for Promoting Energy Efficiency in India during the XI Plan INDIA 23 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This document provides for the Schemes for Promoting Energy Efficiency in India during XI Plan. It addresses the following topics
603 Nauru Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2008 – 2015 NAURU 100 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Energy Efficiency Action Plan (EEAP) has been developed in 2008 through a consultative process involving stakeholders from the public sector, private sector and civil society groups. It provides a guideline for the development and implementation of energy efficiency strategies for the immediate future and mid to long term. The EEAP adheres to the principle of partnerships. It is therefore essential that the involvement of the private sector and civil society groups in its implementation be encouraged. The overarching vision of the EEAP is as in the Nauru National Energy Policy vision statement
604 Economic Infrastructure Strategy and Investment Plan NAURU 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Nauru Economic Infrastructure Strategy and Investment Plan (NEISIP) was issued in 2011. It represents a country led and prioritized investment plan for economic infrastructure for the next 5-10 years. This Plan, along with the National Sustainable Development Strategy and its 2009 update, aims to achieve growth by building on economic infrastructure and advancing structural reforms. The NEISIP identifies and prioritizes infrastructure investments, and sets out recommendations for addressing the country’s infrastructure requirements for growth and economic development. Besides economic infrastructure, this plan also includes the infrastructure requirements of the social and health sectors.
605 Nauru - Second National Communication NAURU 100 0 nan National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 This report was issued by the Government of Nauru for the UNFCCC. It was prepared and published by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment as part of the Second National Communication project, with financial assistance from the Global Environment Facility through UNDP. Chapter 1 analyses the National Circumstances; Chapter 2 provides for the National Greenhouse Inventory; Chapter 3 deals with Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment; Chapter 4 provides for Mitigation Measures and Analysis and Chapter 5 explores Other Information.
606 National Environmental Management Strategy and National Environmental Action Plan NAURU 100 1996 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of our National Environmental Management Strategy (NEMS) is to identify development programs that will be sustainable for the Republic of Nauru. The document deals with
607 Republic of Nauru Response NAURU 100 0 nan National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The Republic of Nauru Response
608 Power Act KYRGYZSTAN 100 1997 before_2000 National Act Power Power, Hydropower 100 The policy establishes an all-encompassing framework for power sector in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Enforcing the provisions of the Energy Act, the policy focuses on the areas of electricity and thermal power generation, transmission and distribution. As provided by Art.1, the primary objective of the regulatory document is to ensure reliable, stable and uninterrupted supply of electricity and thermal power, to improve the quality of energy services, to create a competitive energy market environment, to encourage the development of private sector and increase investments.
609 Building Energy Efficiency Act KYRGYZSTAN 100 2011 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of the policy document is to establish criteria for the conservation of energy in the building sector. The policy aims to achieve significant improvements in energy efficiency (EE), thus contribute to climate change mitigation efforts and initiatives on the reduction of GHG emissions. The policy tightens EE norms in the construction sector and imposes standards for energy performance.
610 Law on State Regulation and Policy on GHG Emissions and Absorption KYRGYZSTAN 100 2007 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11
611 Guide on Energy Efficient Home Refrigerator INDIA 23 2010 nan National Other Building Power 10 A guide explaining the basic refrigerator system, as well as tips and suggestions on buying and maintaining an energy efficient refrigerator.
612 Guide on Energy Efficient Room Air Conditioners INDIA 23 2010 nan National Other Building Power 10 Guide regarding the basics of air conditioning systems, as well as an explanation of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency's (BEE's) Star Rating and Labeling Scheme, and tips and tricks for buying and maintaining an energy-efficient room air conditioner.
613 Energy Scenario Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors outlining general information on energy systems.
614 Basics of Energy and Its Various Forms Guidebooks INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors over viewing the basics of Energy systems and energy in its various forms.
615 Energy Management and Audit Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors outlining the process of preforming energy audits and basics of energy management.
616 Material and Energy Balance Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding materials and how to calculate energy balances
617 Energy Action Planning Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Action Planning
618 Financial Management Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding financial management
619 Project Management Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Project Management
620 Energy Monitoring and Targeting Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding the Generals of Energy Monitoring and Targeting
621 Global Environmental Concerns Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding the General details of Global Environmental Concerns
631 Fuels and Combustion Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Fuels and Combustion
632 Boilers Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Boilers
633 Steam System Guidebooks INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Steam Systems
634 Furnaces Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding furnaces
635 Insulation and Refractories Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Insulation and Refractories
636 FBC Boilers Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding FBC Boilers
637 Cogeneration Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Cogeneration
638 Waste Heat Recovery Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Waste Heat Recovery
648 Electrical System Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Electrical Systems
649 Electric Motors Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Electric Motors
650 Compressed Air Systems Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Compressed Air Systems
651 HVAC and Refrigeration System Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding HVAC and Refrigeration System
652 Fans and Blowers Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Fans and Blowers
653 Pumps and Pumping System Guidelines INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Pumps and Pumping System
654 Cooling Tower Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Cooling Tower
655 Lighting System Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Manager/Auditors regarding Lighting Systems
656 DG Set System Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding DG Set System
657 Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems Guidelines INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidelines for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems
658 Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities
669 Energy Performance Assessment of Boilers Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Performance Assessment of Boilers
670 Energy Performance Assessment of Furnaces Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook regarding Energy Performance Assessment of Furnaces
671 Energy Performance Assessment of Cogeneration and Turbines (GAS, Stream) Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Performance Assessment of Cogeneration and Turbines (Gas, Stream)
672 Energy Performance Assessment of Heat Exchangers Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for the Energy Performance Assessment of Heat Exchangers
673 Energy Performance Assessment of Motors and Variable Speed Drives Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Perfomance Assessment of Motors and Variable Speed Drives
674 Energy Performance Assessment of Fans and Blowers Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Performance Assessment of Fans and Blowers
675 Energy Performance Assessment of Water Pumps Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Performance Assessment of Water Pumps
676 Energy Performance Assessment of Compressors Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Performance Assessment of Compressors
677 Energy Performance Assessment of HVAC Systems Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Performance Assessment of HVAC Systems
678 Energy Performance Assessment of Lighting Systems Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Energy Performance Assessment of Lighting Systems
679 Performing Financial Analysis Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors for Performing Financial Analysis
680 Application of Non-Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding the Application of Non-Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources
681 Waste Minimisation and Resource Conservation Guidebook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors regarding Waste Minimisation and Resource Conservation
691 Lighting Systems Questionbook INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Questions for the Lighting Systems Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors
693 Application of Non-Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources Questionbank INDIA 23 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Questions for the Application of Non-Conventional and Renewable Energy Sources Guidebook for Energy Managers/Auditors
695 Palau National Energy Policy PALAU 100 2010 nan National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 The Palau National Energy Policy expresses the Government's policy vision to form the basis of a strategic action plan. The vision is for a reliable and resilient energy sector delivering Palau sustainable, low emissions energy services. The policy addresses the following aspects
696 Coal Act KYRGYZSTAN 100 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal 1
697 National Strategy for Sustainable Development, 2013-2017 KYRGYZSTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The strategy adopted pursuant to the Presidential Decree of 21 January 2013 outlines ways to transform the national development landscape, aims to harness Kyrgyzstan’s energy, agricultural, industrial, financial and other resources for inclusive and sustainable growth. The policy is composed of twelve chapters, specifically 1) Existing challenges; 2) A state governed by the rule of law; 3) Unity of the nation as a means for strengthening statehood and a prerequisite for sustainable development; 4) Resolving social issues; 5) Protection of the environment; 6) Economic growth as a means to ensure national security; 7) Macroeconomic sustainability; 8) Improving business and investment environment; 9) Development of the financial sector; 10) Development of the key sectors of national economy; 11) Economic development at the regional level; and 12) National investment projects. Article 10.2 concentrates on energy-related issues. ---- Given the strategic importance of the energy sector for the economy of Kyrgyzstan, considering positive association between the development of the energy sector (more specifically, hydropower accounting for 52.6 per cent of total electricity generation) and economic and social prosperity, the Strategy prioritizes the development of the sector in the medium and long-term perspective. The sector accounts for 2 per cent of the national GDP, for 16 per cent of industrial output, and for 10 per cent of the state budget revenues.
698 Energy Efficiency Action Plan PALAU 100 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Energy Efficiency Action Plan (EEAP) for the Republic of Palau was developed under the Support to the Energy Sector in 5 ACP Pacific Island States (REP-5) programme, funded by the 9th European Development Fund. The Plan was issued in 2008 and it provides actions for reducing the Republic’s energy consumption, both in the public and private sector. The Plan addresses
699 The Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 INDIA 23 1998 before_2000 National Other Energy Power 10 An Act to provide for the establishment of a Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions, rationalization of electricity tariff, transparent policies regarding subsidies, promotion of efficient and environmentally benign policies and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
700 The Indian Electricity Act, 1910 INDIA 23 1910 before_2000 National Act Energy Power 10 An Act to amend the law retaining to the supply and use of electrical energy.
701 Strategic Action Plan Energy Sector PALAU 100 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Strategic Action Plan was issued in 2009 as an inclusive process including multiple stakeholders. Along with the National Energy Policy it provides a road map towards a greener and less vulnerable energy future for Palau. The vision is for a reliable and resilient energy sector delivering Palau sustainable, low emissions energy services. In particular, the purpose of the Strategic Action Plan (ESSAP) is to restate Palau's energy policies in the form of a more detailed action program including specific targets and guidelines. Note
702 Rural Electrification Policy INDIA 23 2006 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Power 10 The Policy aims at
703 Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 PALAU 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Palau and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
704 Towards an energy secure Pacific AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, FRENCH POLYNESIA, GUAM, KIRIBATI, MARSHALL ISLANDS, MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF), NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, PALAU, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 2010 nan Multilateral Other Energy All 11 Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs), together with regional and international development partners, provided input to the review of the Pacific Islands Energy Policy (PIEP) 2004 and developed this Framework. The process was coordinated by SPC with oversight and advice from the Pacific Islands Energy Advisory Group. The Framework is designed to provide guidance to PICTs to enhance their national efforts to achieve energy security and, in line with the principles of the Pacific Plan, to clarify how regional services can assist countries to develop and implement their national plans. The Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) outlines a new approach to improving energy security in the region. The FAESP acknowledges that national energy policies and plans must be the principal means for achieving energy security and promotes a ‘whole of sector’ approach, based on the concept of ‘many partners, one team’.
705 National Tariff Policy 2006 INDIA 23 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 Overview of Tariff Policy, with focus on encouragement of adequate investments in the power sector by providing appropriate return on investment, as well as balancing the reasonability of user charges for consumers.
706 Kiribati Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 KIRIBATI 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Kiribati and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
707 Cook Islands Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 COOK ISLANDS 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for the Cook Islands and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
708 Fiji Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 FIJI 22 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Fiji and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
709 Nauru Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 NAURU 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11
710 Niue Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 NIUE 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Niue and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
711 Samoa Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 SAMOA 25 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Samoa and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
712 Vanuatu Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 VANUATU 3 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Vanuatu and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
713 F.S. Micronesia Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for the Federated States of Micronesia and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
714 Papua New Guinea Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Papua New Guinea and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
715 Solomon Islands Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Solomon Islands and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
716 Republic of Marshall Islands Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for the Republic of Marshall Islands and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
717 National Electricity Policy INDIA 23 2005 2000-2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 The National Electricity Policy aims at laying guidelines for accelerated development of the power sector, providing supply of electricity to all areas and protecting interests of consumers and other stakeholders keeping in view availability of energy resources, technology available to exploit these resources, economics of generation using different resources, and energy security issues. The policy seeks to address the following issues
718 Tonga Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 TONGA 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Tonga and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
719 Tuvalu Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 TUVALU 100 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 In August 2010 at the 41st Pacific Islands Forum at Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Forum Leaders endorsed the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) (2010–2020) as the regional blueprint for the provision of technical assistance to the energy sectors of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). In order to better appreciate the impacts of FAESP and its implementation plan on the energy security status of PICTs, baseline energy security indicators must be established, against which performance in future years can be benchmarked. This report provides for Energy Security Indicators for Tuvalu and derives from a consultative process of multiple stakeholders.
720 The Electricity Act, 2003 INDIA 23 2003 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to consolidate the laws relating to generation, transmission, distribution, trading and use of electricity and generally for taking measures conducive to development of electricity industry, promoting competition therein, protecting interest of consumers and supply of electricity to all areas, rationalization of electricity tariff, ensuring transparent policies regarding subsidies, promotion of efficient and environmentally benign policies, constitution of Central Electricity Authority, Regulatory Commissions and establishment of Appellate Tribunal and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
721 Public Utilities - Title 37 of the Palau National Code PALAU 100 2010 nan National Code Multi-Sector All 11 The Title 37 on Public Utilities is part of the Palau National Code. The title provides for the creation and functions of the PUC (Public Utilities Corporation) by the Olbiil Era Kelulau (Palau National Congress).
722 Medium-term Strategy for Power Sector Development, 2012-2017 KYRGYZSTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 To set out overall framework for improving performance of the power sector, the present medium-term strategy was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in 2012. The policy is developed pursuant to the Decree on Adoption of the Plan of Action for 2012 for Implementation of the Program ‘Stability and Decent Life’ of 25 January 2012 N55. With a view to promote coordinated and consistent responses to existing energy challenges, a comprehensive plan of action is supplementing the strategy (see Annex 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan of 28 May 2012 N 330).
723 Samoa National Energy Policy SAMOA 25 2007 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 "The Samoa National Energy Policy (SNEP) was issued in 2007. Its vision is ""to enhance the quality of life for all through access to reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy services and supply"". This vision supports the national vision for ""Improved Quality of Life"" as stipulated in the recent Strategy for the Development of Samoa. The recent increase and diversity in energy demand together with the high associated costs highlights the need for a comprehensive framework to guide and manage the growing energy sector in Samoa. The Policy addresses the following topics"
724 Petroleum (Protection of National Interest) Amendment Act 2003 SAMOA 25 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum (Protection of National Interest) Amendment Act 2003 shall be read with and form part of the Petroleum Act 1984 (the Principal Act).
725 Petroleum Act SAMOA 25 1984 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Act provides for the supply, transport and storage of petroleum. The Act addresses the following topics
726 Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2012-2016 SAMOA 25 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 "The Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2012-2016 is part of the Government's vision of a Sustainable Energy for Samoa and is guided by the theme of ""Sustainable Energy - Towards Self Suffiiciency"" and aims to enhance renewable energy development and to decrease Samoa's dependence on imported fossil fuels. This plan is the result of extensive consultation with many stakeholders and its purpose of the Energy Sector Plan is to provide a comprehensive plan for the energy sector to deliver outcomes consistent with the overarching Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2012-2016.---Note"
727 Subsoil Law KYRGYZSTAN 100 1997 before_2000 National Law Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 Legal frameworks for the development and exploration of mineral resources in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan are set by the present policy document enforced by the Parliament in 1997.
728 Electricity Act 2010 SAMOA 25 2010 nan National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Act was issued in 2010 to provide for a new legislative framework for regulating the electricity sector, the establishment of the post of the Electricity Regulator and the Office of the Regulator, and for related matters.
729 Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2002-2004 SAMOA 25 2002 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2002-2004 explores Strategies and Priorities for the time frame 2002 - 2004 and a Statement of Economic Strategy 2000-2001. The theme for the 2002-2004 SDS is “Opportunities for All” and it highlights the need for every Samoan to enjoy the benefits of national development. It builds on the commitment on the part of the government to ensure that the benefits of development and reform initiatives are shared by the community at large. The preparation of the 2002-04 SDS involved consultation meetings with a wide range of stakeholders.
730 Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2005-2007 SAMOA 25 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2005-2007 clearly articulates the priority strategic areas guiding Samoa’s development for the 2005-07 period. This document reflects a continuation of the reform program implemented over the past SDS periods and its preparation involved a large number of stakeholders. The theme for the 2005-07 SDS is “enhancing people’s choices” and it underscores the national commitment to the need for every Samoan to have access to every opportunity he or she desires. Note
731 Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2008-2012 SAMOA 25 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power All, Renewable 100 Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2008-2012
732 Law on Oil and Gas KYRGYZSTAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Energy Oil, Gas 3
733 Amendment of Coal Linkage Policy for 12th Plan Power Projects INDIA 23 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Amendments to the Coal Linkage policy for Projects in the 12th Plan with unit size less than 200MW,
734 Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2012-2016 SAMOA 25 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector Power, Renewable 2 The Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2012-2016 presents the key development strategies and priority sectors for the development of Samoa in the next four years. The theme is “Boosting Productivity for Sustainable Development” and the vision continues the longer term goal of achieving “Improved Quality of Life for All”. In pursuit of the long term goal, focus will also be geared towards achieving a number of key strategic outcomes and key performance indicators are clearly stated to monitor implementation.
735 Revised mega power project policy INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Power Power 10 Revision of policy regarding mega power projects, including
736 Samoa National Infrastructure Strategic Plan SAMOA 25 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 "Samoa’s National Infrastructure Strategic Plan (NISP) presents the priorities of the Government and the strategic direction for major initiatives in economic infrastructure over the next 5-10 years. It comprises measures regarding the infrastructure sector – transport in terms land, sea and air; energy; port and airport development; and telecommunications. The NISP is closely linked to the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2008–2012 (SDS), and its vision of ""improved quality of life for all”."
737 Electric Power Corporation Act 1980 SAMOA 25 1980 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Electric Power Corporation Act was issued in 1980. It is an Act to consolidate and amend certain enactments relating to the Electric Power Corporation, its functions, operations and other related matters including its role in the generation, supply and use of electricity. This Act has been revised by the Legislative Drafting Division from 2008 to 2014 respectively under the authority of the Attorney General given under the Revision and Publication of Laws Act 2008.
738 National Policy of Combating Climate Change SAMOA 25 2007 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power, Transport, Building Renewable 4 The National Policy of Combating Climate Change policy outlines Samoa's response to climate change as identified in the 1993 National Environment and Development Management Strategies (NEMS). It provides a national framework to mitigate the effects of climate change and adapt to its impacts in an effective and sustainable manner.
739 National Environment and Development Management Strategies SAMOA 25 1993 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Power, Multi-Sector All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 To move towards sustainable development, the Government of Western Samoa created a National Environmental Management Strategies Task Team to set out the National Environment and Development Management Strategies (NEMS) in 1993. This document provides for a framework for the preparation of detailed policies and educational efforts to will guide the government and the Samoan people towards a more sustainable future.
740 Planning and Urban Management Act 2004 SAMOA 25 2004 2000-2010 National Act Other All 11 The Planning and Urban Management Act 2004 provides for the establishment of a Planning and Urban Management Agency and for the implementation a framework for planning the use, development, management and protection of land in Samoa in the present and long-term interests of all Samoans and for related purposes.
741 Energy Review 2009 SAMOA 25 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 """The “Energy Review” is published by the Economic Policy and Planning Division of the Ministry of Finance. The analysis provides an overview of Samoa’s Energy Sector and is intended to provide the Government of Samoa, business community and the general public with a better understanding of the energy sector. This is the third review and covers the period from January to December 2009."""
742 Energy Review - Report 2010 SAMOA 25 2010 nan National Government Report Energy All 11 """The “Energy Review” is published by the Economic Policy and Planning Division of the Ministry of Finance. The analysis provides an overview of Samoa’s Energy Sector and is intended to provide the Government of Samoa, business community and the general public with a better understanding of the energy sector. This is the fourth review and covers the period from January to December 2010."""
743 Energy Review 2008 SAMOA 25 2008 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The “Energy Review” is published by the Economic Policy and Planning Division of the Ministry of Finance. The analysis provides an overview of Samoa’s Energy Sector and is intended to provide the Government of Samoa, business community and the general public with a better understanding of the energy sector. This is the second review and covers the period from January to December 2008.
744 Energy Review 2000-2007 SAMOA 25 2007 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The “Energy Review” is published by the Economic Policy and Planning Division of the Ministry of Finance. The analysis provides an overview of Samoa’s Energy Sector and is intended to provide the Government of Samoa, business community and the general public with a better understanding of the energy sector. This is the first Review.
745 Energy Review 2011 SAMOA 25 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 """The Samoa Energy Review 2011 is produced by the Energy Policy Coordination and Management Division under the Ministry of Finance to provide the Government of Samoa, business community and the general public with a better understanding of energy data trends, milestones, and relationships. Each year, the Energy review includes a new year of data (in this case, the year 2011), which are generally preliminary and likely to change in subsequent releases, and revisions to previous years’ data as better information becomes available."""
746 Energy Review 2012 SAMOA 25 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 """The Samoa Energy Review 2012 is produced by the Energy Policy Coordination and Management Division under the Ministry of Finance to provide the Government of Samoa, business community and the general public with a better understanding of energy data trends, milestones, and relationships. Each year, the Energy review includes a new year of data (in this case, the year 2012), which are generally preliminary and likely to change in subsequent releases, and revisions to previous years’ data as better information becomes available."""
747 Distribution reforms under the modified Mega Power Policy INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 In order to further liberalize the mega power policy and also remove such provisions which have lost relevance since the Mega policy was initially formulated the Government has made the several modifications in the Mega Power Policy and the revised policy guideline is being issued separately. One of the decisions taken in this regard is that the existing condition of privatization of distribution by power states shall undertake to carry out distribution reforms as laid down by Ministry of Power (MoP).
748 Coal Linkage Policy for 12th Plan Projects INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Outline of the methodology adopted for the allocation of coal linkages under the 12th Plan project.
749 Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) SAMOA 25 2011 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) is part of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) of the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF). The PPCR aims to help countries transform to a climate resilient development path, consistent with poverty reduction and national sustainable development goals and it is structured in two phases. Phase I aims to strengthen the enabling environment for addressing climate risks. During Phase I a Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) (equivalent to the Climate Resilience Investment Programme (CRIP) in Samoa) is prepared. This outlines an underlying investment programme. Endorsement of the SPCR by the PPCR Sub- Committee (PPCR-SC) of the SPCR marks the transition to Phase II. Phase II focuses on implementing the SPCR through transformative actions such as support to policy reform, institutional capacity building, and scaling-up resilience building investments in key sectors.
750 Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience SAMOA 25 2010 nan National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) is one of the programmes under the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF). The PPCR is designed to pilot and demonstrate ways to integrate climate risk and resilience into core development policies, planning and budgeting processes at national and regional level through increased capacity and scaled-up investments. The PPCR is structured in two phases. Phase 1 will strengthen the enabling environment for climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR), as needed, and develop the PPCR Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR). In Samoa this is referred to as the Climate Resilience Investment Programme (CRIP). All Phase 1 initiatives underpin implementation of Phase 2. The latter will implement the CRIP, mainly through investments in the public and private sectors.
751 National Environment and Development Sector Plan 2013 - 2016 SAMOA 25 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The NESP updates the 1993 National Environment & Development Management Strategies, NEMS. The NESP is to be read in conjunction with the 2013 State of Environment (SOE) report and the NESP Report
752 Samoa’s State of the Environment (SOE) Report 2013 SAMOA 25 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 Samoa's State of the Environment (SOE) Report 2013, is the result of a comprehensive review and assessment of the changes and trends occurring in Samoa’s natural and human environments in response to the impacts of the economic, social and environmental forces. The Report assesses the states, changes and trends in Samoa's environment since last reported in the 1993 and 2006 SOE. The second part of this review is an assessment and updating of Samoa's 1993 National Environmental Management and Development Strategy (NEMS) which provided the broad framework of priority issues and actions for environmental management in the country. The updated document constitutes Samoa’s Environment Sector Plan.
753 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Corporate Plan 2014 - 2018 SAMOA 25 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's Corporate Plan focuses on the theme Green Growth for Sustainable Development. It outlines the MNRE's priorities and work programme for the 4 year period from 2014- 2018 to deliver national outcomes and integrated objectives of protecting and improving Samoa's natural resources and environment, and contributing to sustainable economic growth. The implementation of this Plan will contribute to the achievement of the outcomes and targets of the Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2013 – 16 and the National Environment & Development Sector Plan ( NESP ) 2013 – 16 for the period.
754 Kazakhstan 2050 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 In 2012, the Republic of Kazakhstan announced a long-term strategy that will determine the direction of national environmental and energy policies to 2050. While highlighting the main outcomes of the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan 2030’, the document aims to assess progress towards the stated targets of the previous period. The policy proposes adoption of a package of measures in response to a number of crucial issues of national development, and is composed of the three main chapters
755 SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, FRENCH POLYNESIA, GUAM, KIRIBATI, MARSHALL ISLANDS, MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF), NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, PALAU, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TIMOR-LESTE, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 2014 after_2010 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 "The SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway is part of the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 14 November 2014 during the Sixty-ninth session. ""The Heads of State and Government and high-level representatives, having met in Apia from 1 to 4 September 2014 at the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, with the full participation of civil society and relevant stakeholders, reaffirm [their] commitment to the sustainable development of small island developing States."""
756 Procedure for processing of proposals for IPPs/CPPs seeking coal blocks/coal linkage received from the Ministry of Coal INDIA 23 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal 1 Outline of guidelines for allocation of coal blocks/linkages for power sector.
757 Petroleum Prices SAMOA 25 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 Tables of Petroleum Prices from 2008 to 2014. Each table includes monthly details regarding
758 Concept Paper - Framework for Proposals to National Energy Coordination Committee SAMOA 25 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 """The Government of Samoa has strategic priorities for energy supply and use which contribute to the Strategic Development of Samoa. These are summarised in Attachment 1 and reflect the Samoa Energy Sector Plan. Energy related initiatives arise in all sectors of the economy and have the potential to contribute to or be detrimental to these strategic priorities. The National Energy Sector Coordination Committee (NECC) provides total sector oversight and ensures coordinated effort."""
759 Samoa's World Summit on Sustainable Development Assessment Report SAMOA 25 2002 2000-2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The Samoa's World Summit on Sustainable Development Assessment Report constitutes an opportunity for Samoa to assess its situation with regard to sustainable development in the decade after the adoption of Agenda 21 following the United Nations Conference on Environment and development in 1992. The Report addresses the following topics
760 National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan - Volume 1 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2009 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power All, Renewable 100 The Volume 1
761 National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan Volume 2 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Republic of the Marshall Islands National Energy Policy of 2009 provides an overall framework for a shift toward more sustainable national use of energy. It emphasizes the procurement of petroleum fuel on better terms to reduce its financial cost and the reduction in the use of petroleum fuels through investments in renewal energy and increased energy efficiency. This Action Plan provides details of actions necessary to implement the national energy policies and strategies of chapter 4 through 9 of the policy (4. Energy Policy Administration and Implementation, 5. Petroleum and Liquid Fuels, 6. Electric Power, 7. Transport and Energy Use, 8. Energy Efficiency, and 9. Renewable Energy). It includes specific activities, priorities, time required, possible funding sources, and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanism. Although this plan covers a period of 3 years, priorities, opportunities and constraints will inevitably change over time, sometimes quickly. The policy issues are likely to remain unchanged for some years but the Action Plan must be adjusted regularly to reflect current needs.---Note
762 Federal Law on Gas Supply RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1999 before_2000 National Law Energy Gas 0 The policy establishes legal, economic and organizational basis for the regulation of gas supply in the Russian Federation. The primary objective of the regulatory document is to ensure meeting the national demand for natural gas along with achieving improvements in existing trading mechanisms and tranboundary cooperation on the exploration of conventional sources of energy. The Law is structured as follows
763 Federal Law on Gas Export RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2006 2000-2010 National Law Energy Gas 0 The present law defines the principles of state regulation in the field of gas export, aims to protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation, ensure compliance with international obligations and treaties the Russian Federation adheres to, maintain the fuel and energy balance of the country. The Federal Law shall apply to gas produced from all types of hydrocarbon crude fields and transported in gaseous or liquefied state (hereinafter referred to as natural gas in gaseous state, and natural gas in liquefied state, respectively).
764 Law on Hydrocarbon Resources TURKMENISTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy Oil, Gas 3 Present Law establishes an extensive institutional and regulatory framework for the exploration of hydrocarbon - oil and gas - resources in the Republic of Turkmenistan. The policy carves the niche for the fundamental objective of environmental protection, seeks to ensure that national hydrocarbon resources are used in a sustainable manner. Aspects under consideration include oil and gas infrastructure development being an essential component for fostering economic growth.
765 Subsoil Law TURKMENISTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Law Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 Primary objectives of the policy document include restoration and reservation of mineral resources. Frameworks are set for the protection of interests of Turkmenistan citizens and the state in the sphere of subsoil development.
766 Power Act TURKMENISTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 Present Act establishes an all-encompassing framework for the regulation of electric power industry in the Republic of Turkmenistan. Focusing on measures to achieve economy-wide improvements, the policy facilitates the introduction of innovative and energy-conserving technologies, supports capacity building in the energy sector.
767 Law on Oil and Gas GEORGIA 6 1999 before_2000 National Law Energy Oil, Gas 3 The policy sets regulatory frameworks for oil and gas sector in the Republic of Georgia placing particular emphasis on
768 Law on Electricity and Natural Gas GEORGIA 6 1999 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Power, Gas 100 The present law regulates relations and activities in the areas of electricity generation, transmission, dispatch, distribution, import, export and consumption, as well as in the areas of natural gas supply, transportation and distribution. The policy promotes the development of electricity and natural gas sectors in Georgia on the basis of market economy principles. The present law shall not apply to activities related to exploration, production, purification, processing, storage of natural gas, to relations between the producer of natural gas and supply licensee, to the transit of electricity and natural gas through the territory of Georgia. The policy focuses on a number of critical objectives, including
769 Import Duties Act 1989 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 1989 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Import Duties Act 1989 provides for regulations of duties related to importation of goods. It includes
770 National Water Policy (2012) INDIA 23 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The objective of the National Water Policy is to take cognizance of the existing situation, to propose a framework for creation of a system of laws and institutions and for a plan of action with a unified national perspective.
771 The National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy, 2007 INDIA 23 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The objectives of the National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy are [...] (a) to minimize displacement and to promote, as far as possible, non-displacing or least-displacing alternatives; (b) to ensure adequate rehabilitation package and expeditious implementation of the rehabilitation process with the active participation of the affected families; (c) to ensure that special care is taken for protecting the rights of the weaker sections of society, especially members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and to create obligations on the State for their treatment with concern and sensitivity; (d) to provide a better standard of living, making concerted efforts for providing sustainable income to the affected families; (e) to integrate rehabilitation concerns into the development planning and implementation process; and (f) where displacement is on account of land acquisition, to facilitate harmonious relationship between the requiring body and affected families through mutual cooperation.
772 National Action Plan on Climate Change INDIA 23 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The National Action Plan on Climate Change identifies measures that promote our development objectives while also yielding co-benefits for addressing climate change effectively. It outlines a number of steps to simultaneously advance India's development and climate change-related objectives of adaptation and mitigation. In particular, it provides for the description of Eight National Missions
773 National Environmental Action Plan INDIA 23 1993 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The goal of the Environment Action Programme are to improve the provisioning of environmental services in India and to facilitate integration of environmental services in India and to facilitate integration of environmental considerations into development programmes. Keeping in view these goals, the following objectives of the Environment Action Programme (EAP) are laid down which are as unders; (a) assess the environment scene in India against the backdrop of the changing economic policies and programmes; (b) review the current policies and programmes which address the various environmental problems of the country; ( c) identify the future direction and thrust of these policies and programmes to establish priorities and outline a strategy for the implementation of those priorities;
774 Foreign Trade Policy INDIA 23 2009 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 The short term objective of our policy is to arrest and reverse the declining trend of exports and to provide additional support especially to those sectors which have been hit badly by recession in the developed world. We would like to set a policy objective of achieving an annual export growth of 15% with an annual export target of US$ 200 billion by March 2011. In the remaining three years of this Foreign Trade Policy i.e. up to 2014, the country should be able to come back on the high export growth path of around 25% per annum. By 2014, we expect to double India’s exports of goods and services. The long term policy objective for the Government is to double India’s share in global trade by 2020.
775 Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 INDIA 23 2015 after_2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 The new five year Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20 provides a framework for increasing exports of goods and services as well as generation of employment and increasing value addition in the country, in keeping with the “Make in India” vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister. The focus of the government is to support both the manufacturing and services sectors, with a special emphasis on improving the ease of doing business.
776 Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 INDIA 23 1980 before_2000 National Act Other Hydropower 8 An Act to provide for the conservation of forests and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto.
777 Forest (Conservation) Amendment Rules, 2004 INDIA 23 2004 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 Amendments to the previous Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003
778 Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003 INDIA 23 2003 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 Regulations regarding the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
779 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 INDIA 23 1986 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Other 6 An Act to provide for the protection and improvement of environment and for matters connected there with
780 The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 INDIA 23 1986 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Other 6 Rules and Regulations regarding the Environment Protection Act of 1906.
781 Environment Impact Assessment Notification S.O. 60(E) INDIA 23 1994 before_2000 National Other Other Hydropower 8 Environmental Impact Assessment procedures as applicable to Hydro-Electric projects
782 National Strategic Plan 2015-2017 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The RMI National Strategic Plan, (NSP) is an instrument, which provides for the RMI development strategies for the three year period 2015–2017. The NSP of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) was developed through a collaborative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector. The NSP provides for the development of strategies for the three year period 2015–2017 towards self-sustainability and efficiency. This will be achieved through enhanced access to energy, renewable energy in outer islands and energy efficiency, including the development of a building code. It was developed through a collaborative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector. It represents a roadmap for government leaders for development and progress in the medium term (2015–2017). ---Note
783 The Strategic Development Plan Framework 2003-2018 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2003 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Vision 2018 is the first segment of RMI's Strategic Development Plan for the following 15 years. It incorporates the broad Vision of RMI as to where RMI would like to be in the year 2018 in terms of sustainable development. In particular, it favors the creation of policies for renewable energy development and for the efficient use of energy. In this document, the Vision supports long term goals, objectives and strategies, emerged through a consultative process.
784 Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Management 2014-2018 MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 This Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan was issued in 2008. The Plan is an important and integral supportive element towards the achievement of sustainable national development imperatives. Indeed, in 2010 it was recognized that the Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan would benefit from inclusion of climate change risks to collectively mitigate and wherever possible prevent risks posed by hazards, and adapt. In particular, this Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management provides a detailed strategy for holistically and co-operatively addressing risk in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI).---Note
785 Statute on the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN 100 2000 nan National Decree Energy Oil 9 The State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan is established pursuant to the Presidential Decree № 240 of December 29, 1999 'On Establishment of the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan' to ensure effective management of the country's foreign currency assets, implementation of agreements between the State Oil Company and investors on the exploration of oil and gas resources, specifically those ones concerning the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea (Art.1.1).
786 Agreement on Cooperation for Environmental Monitoring ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN 100 2000 nan Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector All 11 The policy calls for implementation of commitments under the regional partnership for strengthening environmental monitoring in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The agreement is signed by the parties to increase alignment of work on protection of the environment, conservation of natural resources, and facilitation of effective knowledge management. In strengthening cooperation mechanisms, expected benefits include enabling conditions for sustainable development, strengthening environmental security at the national and regional levels, ensuring uniformity of regulatory frameworks and reinforcing synergies in policy interventions.
787 National Tariff Structure MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power All 11 Current and past tariff structure applied allover the country.
788 National Climate Change Policy Framework MARSHALL ISLANDS 100 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Multi-Sector All 11 The RMI National Climate Change Policy Framework (NCCPF) was issued in 2011. It sets out the Government of RMI’s commitments and responsibilities to address climate change. This policy framework will guide the development of adaptation and energy security measures that respond to the needs of the RMI, and foster an environment in which the RMI can be better prepared to manage current climate variability and future climate projections.
789 Concept for the Development of National Standardization System RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2012 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 In line with measures to distill the emerging conceptual thinking on integrated approaches towards enhanced energy efficiency and conservation of energy resources, the Concept outlines ways to improve the national standardization system. Enforced by the Government Decree № 1762-р of 24 September 2012, the policy lays the ground for potential future efforts towards harmonization of national standards ensuring uniformity with international practices and standards.
790 Agreement on Cooperation between the CIS Member States on Energy Efficiency and Conservation of Energy ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN 100 2003 2000-2010 Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector All 11 The policy sets forth a vision for improving efficiency of the energy sectors in the CIS member states. The document represents the agreed principles of cooperation to support environmentally sound economic growth, focuses on collective approaches to reducing energy intensity of the economy, seeks to develop solutions to the most acute environmental issues and enhance conservation of energy in the CIS member states. With view to harness fully the potential of cooperation, the policy harmonizes measures and initiatives on energy efficiency.
791 Building Code 'Thermal Performance of Buildings' RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Code Building All 11 The Building Code was initially designed in 2003 and adopted in 2012 with a view to support further optimization of thermal efficiency in buildings. The policy is based on the Technical Regulation on Safety of Buildings and Works (the Federal Law N 384-FL of 30 December 2009). It is stressed that consistency and coherence with international standards and norms on energy efficiency in buildings have to be strengthened.
792 Decree on Investment Programs of Power Sector Entities RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10
793 Roadmap for Improving Accessibility of Energy Infrastructure RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Power 10 The Roadmap focuses on strategic analysis, policy options and capacity development issues prioritizing the development of national power grid system, along with that seeking to ensure uninterrupted supply of power in the Russian Federation. The policy includes a long-term vision for the development of national power sector specifically addressing the need to improve and proliferate lasting and sustainable energy investment mechanisms. An emphasis is placed on initiatives to attract foreign investments to infrastructure development projects.
794 Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership AUSTRALIA, COOK ISLANDS, KIRIBATI, MARSHALL ISLANDS, MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF), NAURU, NEW ZEALAND, NIUE, PALAU, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 2013 after_2010 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Majuro Declaration of Climate Leadership was adopted by the Leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum in 2013. In a concise and focused way, the Declaration captures the Pacific’s political commitment to be a region of Climate Leaders, and to spark a “new wave of climate leadership” that can deliver a safe climate future for all.
795 Law №35 on Amendments to the Federal Law on Gas Supply in the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Law Energy Gas 0 The policy introduces amendments to the Federal Law on Gas Supply in the Russian Federation of 31 March 1999. In 2013 and 2013, amendments to the policy were made by the Federal Laws of 30 December 2012, of 3 December 2013, and other legislative acts. The document focuses on the issues of tariff determination and state supervision over connection to the grid distribution network. ---- It is stipulated that the Government of the Russian Federation shall exercise control over the operation of the Uniform National Power Grid System (50 per cent plus one share ownership).
796 National Energy Policy Framework SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The National Energy Policy Framework was issued in 2007. It sets out the Government's policies for the planning and management of the energy sector over the following 10 years. The framework defines the strategies that government is taking to ensure that the objectives of the policies are fully realised. In developing the energy policy framework government is mindful of the critical role of the energy sector in the attainment of its overall socio-economic development goals of improving the livelihood of all its peoples. The Policy Framework entails Policy Statements, Strategic Plan and Action Plan 2007-2009.
797 Mines and Minerals Act 1990 SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 1990 before_2000 National Act Other Other 6 The Mines and Minerals Act was issued in 1990. It provides for the development of mining in Solomon Islands by prescribing appropriate procedures for the grant of licences, permits or leases, for the establishment of a Minerals Board to regulate and control mining, to repeal the Mining Act 1969, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
798 National Power Policy 2013 PAKISTAN 10 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This document outlines national vision, challenges and goals for the power sector. It establishes targets, principles, strategy, prioritization and impacts.---Note
799 Federal Law on Protection of the Environment RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2002 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The present Federal Law introduces a set of norms and regulations governing protection of the environment in the Russian Federation. Referring to Russia's Constitution, it emphasizes that every citizen has environmental rights as well as obligations to preserve natural resources and the environment, use in a sustainable manner the resources considered the backbone of national economy and the sustainable development. Mainstreaming environment in the national development strategy is the primary objective of the present Federal Law seeking to develop balanced solutions to existing tasks of economic and social development, to ensure preservation of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity for the needs and well-being of future generations. The structure of the document embraces the main areas of environmental regulation
800 Decree on Schemes and Programs for the Development of Power Sector RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 Consistent endeavors towards modernization of the power industry in the Russian Federation have been recently undertaken subsequent to the adoption of a series of legislative acts - including the Federal Law on Electric Power Sector (2003). The present policy outlines ways to facilitate power infrastructure development and improve quality of power in grid connected systems. Regulatory frameworks are set for the operation of the Unified Power Grid System of the Russian Federation, general scheme for the regulation of the network of power grid enterprises is proposed.
801 Decree on Power Sector Reform in the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2001 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 The Decree represents a prudential approach to accomplishing the objective of power sector reform in the Russian Federation. An action-oriented strategy is being pursued to achieve progress on the way to increasing sectoral efficiency and ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat in the Russian Federation. Ultimately, mechanisms are being designed to ensure availability, reliability and affordability of power supply at the national level. The policy is supplemented with a detailed plan outlining actions for implementing a deep structural reform in the sector.
802 Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act 1996 SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 1997 before_2000 National Act Other Other 6 The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act 1996 amends the Mines and Mineral Act 1990.
803 Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act 2008 SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 2008 2000-2010 National Act Other Other 6 The Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act 2008 amends the Mines and Minerals Act (cap 42).
804 Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act 2014 SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act 2014 amends the Mines and Minerals Act to give effect to the amendments made to the Income Tax Act; which introduces a new mining tax regime.
805 Environment Act 1998 SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 1998 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Environment Act 1998 provides for the protection and conservation of the environment; the establishment of the Environment and Conservation Divison and the Environment Advisory Committee and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
806 Electricity Act SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 1996 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to provide for the establishment of the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority, for the transfer of electrical installations to the Authority and for amendment of the law relating to electricity. The Act entails as well a section for Subsidiary Legislation which covers
807 Policy for New Private Independent Power Projects PAKISTAN 10 1998 before_2000 National Guideline Energy All 11 It is the intention of the Government of Pakistan (GOP) to move towards the creation of a competitive power market in Pakistan. It proposes to do so by restructuring and privatizing the existing thermal power generation, the power transmission and distribution functions and assets of existing public sector utilities (WAPDA/KESC), by the creation of a fully autonomous regulatory authority, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), and through its future IPP policy.
808 Petroleum Act SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 1996 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Act was issued in 1996 and relates to the carriage and storage of petroleum. The Act entails as well Subsidiary Legislation including the Petroleum Rules.
809 Petroleum (Exploration) Act SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 1996 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum (Exploration) Act was issued in 1996. It provides for the exploration of petroleum existing in its natural state in strata in Solomon Islands and provides for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
810 Solomon Islands National Infrastructure Investment Plan SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Solomon Islands National Infrastructure Investment Plan (SI NIIP) was issued in 2013. It outlines the Solomon Islands’ priorities and plans for major economic infrastructure over the following five to 10 years. The plan focuses on strategic investments important to the future of the Solomon Islands. The SI NIIP was prepared through a consultative process involving a wide range of stakeholders, including government agencies, state owned enterprises (SOEs), development partners, civil society, and the private sector. It covers the following infrastructure sub-sectors
811 National Development Strategy 2011 to 2020 - Vision SOLOMON ISLANDS 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 "The National Development Strategy sets out a framework for Development Programmes in Solomon Islands and the basis for dialogue with Development Partners and stakeholders for support and implementation of the NDS priorities in the period 2011-2020. The Solomon Islands National Development Strategy 2011‐2020 is intended to be a catalyst for development in the next 10 years in an effort to achieve the goals of Solomon Islands development agenda. Prepared with broad consultations and with regard to internationally accepted conditions for effectiveness, it is confidently expected that this National Development Strategy 2011-2020 will deliver ""A United and Vibrant Solomon Islands""."
812 Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation PAKISTAN 10 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 Pakistan is blessed with abundance of renewable energy potential but so far this potential has not been harnessed except for large hydroelectric projects. The Ministry of Water and Power has now prepared the first ever Renewable Energy Policy of Pakistan, which envisages mainstreaming of renewable energy in the development plans of the country. The policy comprises of three phases
813 Subsoil Law RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1992 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The policy sets out principles for the use of subsoil resources and land management in the Russian Federation. Given existing environmental challenges, the Law elaborates on options for maintaining and enhancing sustainability of domestic mining industry. Challenges related to the development and exploration of Russia’s continental shelf are addressed specifically. Amendments were introduced to the Subsoil Law - the cornerstone of Russian mining legislation - endorsed by the Government of the Russian Soviet Federation Socialist Republic in 1992 by a number Federal Laws of the Russian Federation (see the list of amending documents below).
814 Strategy for the Development and Exploration of Oil and Gas Resources of Russia’s Continental Shelf until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Strategy on the Development and Exploration of Oil and Gas Resources was drafted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with a view to steer the Russian Federation to a more sustainable energy future. In response to crucial issues of environmental protection and depletion of natural resources, the policy sets out broad strategic goals, including improving Russia’s presence on global hydrocarbon markets, ensuring the sustainable and robust development of the fuel and energy sector, strengthening regulatory frameworks for the use of shelf resources in the country, and facilitating industrial development through accelerated deployment of advanced technology. Despite national policies on environmentally sound exploration of natural resources have been pursued in a comprehensive and vigorous way, problems that Russia’s energy sector is confronting remain multiple and interconnected. ----- As global energy markets are teetering on the brink of downturn while the exploitation of Russian mineral base was relatively intense over several decades, the policy calls for redesigning conventional strategies on the development of mineral resources with due consideration of new challenges and uncertainties. The development of the offshore oil and gas sectors will bring numerous economic and social benefits, will contribute to strengthening energy security in the Russian Federation.
815 Decree on Price Setting in the Sphere of Regulated Electricity Tariffs RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Decree Power Power, Renewable 2 The Federal Law on Electric Power Sector of the Russian Federation establishes an all-encompassing legal framework for the regulation of national electricity sector. Giving due priority to the price stability target, the Decree takes further steps towards strengthening regulatory control over tariff setting (retail and wholesale electricity markets). The policy elaborates on the basic price–setting methodology, specifies the functions of relevant authorities and agencies mandated with implementation of the envisaged policy measures. The Decree - initially adopted in 2011 - was amended by a series of Government Decrees (see the list of amending documents below).
816 Energy Act 1998 COOK ISLANDS 100 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The Energy Act 1998 provides for the constitution of the Energy Division of the Ministry of Works, Energy and Physical Planning, its functions and responsibilities.
817 Energy Regulations 2006 COOK ISLANDS 100 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The Energy Regulations were issued in 1996. They address different parts including
818 Energy (Amendment) Regulations 2010 COOK ISLANDS 100 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 "The Energy (Amendment) Regulations 2010 can be deemed part of the Energy Regulations 2006 (hereinafter referred to as ""the principal regulations""). They provide for prescribed fees in Rarotonga and Outer Islands."
819 The Cook Islands Renewable Electricity Chart (CIREC) COOK ISLANDS 100 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power Power, Renewable 2 The Cook Islands Renewable Electricity “Chart” is a 10-years renewable energy plan. It sets out the Government’s high level and strategic direction for the electricity sector in the form of energy policy governing principles, renewable electricity policy goals, supporting principles of those policy goals, and implementation strategies. Details of how the goal is going to be achieved are outlined in an accompanying Implementation Plan. Renewable Electricity policy goals
820 The Cook Islands Renewable Energy Chart Implementation Plan COOK ISLANDS 100 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 The Cook Islands Renewable Energy Chart Implementation Plan was issued in 2012 by recognizing that the full benefits of investing in renewable energy sources for generating electricity can only be realised when undertaken as part of an overall plan for the electricity sector. Such a plan incorporates
821 Cook Islands Renewable Energy Chart Implementation Plan - Island Specific COOK ISLANDS 100 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 This Implementation plan is outlined specific to each island of the Cook islands which articulates the costs, technology, time lines, and the processes. It is noted this document must be read in conjunction with the ‘Cook Islands Renewable Energy Chart Implementation Plan’ towards 2020. This report provides the analytical data, advice and comments from which this island specific Implementation Plan has been developed.
822 Land Code RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2001 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 In 2001, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation endorsed the present Land Code as the principle regulatory document on the management of land resources. Land legislation of the Russian Federation builds on the following principles
823 National Sustainable Development Plan 2011-2015 COOK ISLANDS 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) is to set national goals, the expected results and effective strategies to guide policy decisions over the medium term in order to realise the 2020 Development Outcomes that aim to deliver on Te Kaveinga Nui National Vision
824 State Program on Industrial Development and Improving Industrial Competitiveness RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Programme Industry All 11 While highlighting the main drivers and challenges to improving industrial competitiveness in the Russian Federation, the Program points the way to next big leap in industrial development, the way towards improving sustainability of the energy, transport, agriculture and other essential sectors of economy. Having the industrial sector embraced more innovation and technology is expected to generate considerable economy-wide gains and, in a broader sense, improve competitiveness of Russian economy. The State Program on Industrial Development and Improving Industrial Competitiveness came into force pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №328 of 15 April 2014.
825 Strategy and Plan of Action on Environmental Security (until 2025) RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The draft Strategy on Environmental Security was recently developed by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to reaffirm national commitments on climate change. In a broader sense, the Strategy seeks to transform the national development landscape ensuring greater environmental sustainability of Russia’s economic system. The policy further provides evidence to prove irreversible and pervasive impacts of human-induced environmental changes and, in response to existing challenges, sets out strategic goals and target indicators to be achieved within the given timeframe. ------ The scope of the present regulatory document encompasses a wide range of issues, including restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity conservation, prevention or response to environmental threats, sustainable use, protection and restoration of natural resources. The policy is supplemented with a comprehensive plan outlining actions for implementation of the Strategy.
826 Water Code RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2006 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector Renewable, Hydropower 100 The present Code sets up legal and institutional framework for water resources in the Russian Federation. While elucidating the interlinkages between energy and water, the Code specifically addresses issues in the energy-water nexus. In a broader sense, the policy fosters an enabling environment for economic and social progress giving due consideration to environmental priorities. As provided by art. 1, water utility system is a complex of water bodies and water works designed in a way to ensure the efficient use and protection of water resources.
827 Nuclear Act RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1995 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear, Renewable 100 In line with efforts taken to promote integrated approaches to the development of energy sector in the Russian Federation, the Act establishes a comprehensive framework for the sustainable use of nuclear energy. The policy covers three mutually reinforcing pillars
828 Te Kaveinga Nui - Living the Cook Islands Vision – A 2020 Challenge - National Sustainable Development Plan (2007- 2010) COOK ISLANDS 100 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 ’Living the Cook Islands Vision – A 2020 Challenge’ is a 15 year visionary framework that provides guidance for the realisation of the long-term hopes and dreams of the Cook Islands. The National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2007-2010 is a four-year strategic framework for achieving key strategic outcomes in this challenge and paves the way to realising the National Vision
829 Cook Islands Official Development Assistance Policy COOK ISLANDS 100 2011 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The overall goal of the Official Development Assistance Policy (ODA) is to ensure aid effectiveness in achieving national development outcomes. Aligned to the timeframe of the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2011-2015, the ODA will guide the efforts of all institutions and parties to ensure all necessary means and measures are taken to achieve this policy statement. In particular, it establishes how the source of assistance will be used for the priorities identified by the national development framework.
830 NCSA National Capacity Action Plan and Final Report COOK ISLANDS 100 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The NCSA National Capacity Action Plan and Final Report was issued in 2009 an it is the last of a series of reports produced under the NCSA project. It presents an overview of the country context and sustainable development challenges, highlights the process involved in undertaking the NCSA and the main issues and capacity gaps identified through the process. An important section of the report presents the Capacity Development Action Plan intended to guide, promote and monitor actions by a wide range of stakeholders to achieve identified capacity development outputs and environment outcomes and goals. The Action Plan also identifies the institutional arrangement for implementation, coordination and monitoring of the actions and identifies likely challenges for implementation.
831 Atomic Energy Act 1945 COOK ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND 100 1945 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act to make provision for the control in New Zealand of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the control of the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements which may be used for the production of atomic energy, and to provide for the vesting of such substances in the Crown. This Act shall extend to and be in force in the Cook Islands.
832 Atomic Energy Act 1945 NIUE 100 1945 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear, Other 100 The Atomic Energy Act 1945 was issued in 1945 to make provision for the control in Niue of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the control of the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements which may be used for the production of atomic energy, and to provide for the vesting of such substances in the Crown.
833 Electric Power Supply Act 1960 NIUE 100 1960 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Electric Power Supply Act was issued in 1960 and governs the supply and distribution of electricity in Niue. It makes provision for the control of electric installations, wiring and appliances.
834 Electric Power Supply Amendment Act 2008 NIUE 100 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to amend the Electric Power Supply Act 1960.
835 Mining Act 1977 NIUE 100 1977 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Coal 1 The Mining Act was issued in 1977 in order to make provision for mining for minerals in Niue, and for incidental or connected matters
836 Continental Shelf Act 1964 NIUE 100 1964 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Oil, Other 100 The Continental Shelf Act is an Act to make provision as to the exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf of Niue and for matters connected with that purpose.
837 National Energy Policy NIUE 100 2005 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 The National Energy Policy 2005 provides a guideline for decision makers to select ways to meet the energy needs of the country. The NEP takes a broad approach, but provides specific policy statements on what the Government intends for the energy sector as a whole. Niue's National Energy Policy represents the Government's vision for the development of its national energy sector over the next 10-15 years. It sets down the Government's policies or goals for the planning and management of each of the subsectors that make up Niue's energy sector. Importantly, it provides a framework within which public and private energy sector participants can make informed planning and investment decisions and manage their operations for the long term.
838 National Energy Action Plan NIUE 100 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Along with the National Energy Policy, the objective of National Energy Action Plan (NEAP) is to restate Niue's energy policies in conjunction with a more detailed action program and guidelines that will provide the blueprint for Government's in planning and management of energy programmes over the life of the policy statement.
839 Decree on Russia's Accession to the International Renewable Energy Agency RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Decree Energy Renewable 4 The Act on Russia’s Accession to the Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency was signed on 14 May 2015. The present policy document - preceding the Act - outlines the principles of Russia’s membership placing an emphasis on budget aspects.
840 Decree on Rules of Wholesale Electricity (Capacity) Market and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Decree Power Power 10
841 Principles of State Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation until 2030 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 While expressing a profound alarm that crucial environmental issues - climate change, loss of biodiversity and desertification - largely remain unresolved in the Russian Federation, the policy calls for efforts in response to emerging and persistent environmental issues. Providing a through look at environmental challenges the Russian Federation is confronting, the regulatory document proposes comprehensive actions to stimulate and rebalance growth ensuring the objectives of sustainable development are met. The Principles of State Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation until 2030 aim to ensure environmental security through economic modernization and technological advancement in key sectors of national economy. An imperative to a reliable regulatory framework is being given by the document determining the strategic goals, major objectives of the state environmental policy and implementation mechanisms.
842 Niue Integrated Strategic Plan 2003-2008 NIUE 100 2003 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The aim of the Niue Integrated Strategic Plan, Halavaka ke he Monuina, is to address current challenges in a new way and to ensure that the existence of a ‘Prosperous Niue’ in 5 years time. The Strategic Objectives pursued by this Plan are
843 Niue National Strategic Plan 2009-2013 NIUE 100 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The 2009 - 2013 Plan is a five-year strategic framework towards achieving ‘Niue ke Monuina’. It provides the directions that we as a nation shall follow to achieve prosperity for everyone. The central purpose of the Niue National Strategic Plan (NNSP) is to focus and invest on creating opportunities for everyone on Niue through Financial Stability, Good Governance, Economic, Environment, Social and Tāoga development pillars with economic growth as the identified anchor and vital for prosperity.
844 The National Energy Policy in the Federated States of Micronesia MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) 100 1999 before_2000 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 This National Energy Policy document is a product of a National Energy Summit held in Pohnpei on 30 & 31 August 1999. The energy sector policy is supposed to represent a government’s vision for the development of its energy sector in the medium to long term. It will thus give confidence and minimize the risks to both public and private sector participation in the sector. Its recommended objective is
845 Strategic Development Plan 2004-2023 - The next 20 years MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) 100 2004 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 In 2003, following the amended Compact with the United States, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) needed to both create a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) to transmit the US the new fiscal procedures and to define the development strategy for the new era. The SDP comes in three volumes. Volume I is the major component of the Plan and presents on overview of the FSM economy, discussion on the macroeconomic framework in light of the Sustained Growth Strategy, and the need for fiscal adjustment in the medium and long term. Volume I also presents discussion on the policies and development strategies for each sector of the economy. Volume II contains the sector planning matrices adopted at the Summit together with a statistical appendix. Volume III is the Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP) and is an integral component of the overall planning framework for the FSM. SDP outcomes includes a number of references to energy
846 Infrastructure Development Plan FY2004-FY2023 MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) 100 2004 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP) was prepared in 2004. It assesses the current state of infrastructure in nine sectors
847 Nationwide Climate Change Policy 2009 MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) 100 2009 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Multi-Sector All 11 The Nationwide Climate Change Policy was issued in 2009. Its focus is to mitigate climate change especially at the international level, and adaptation at the national, state and community levels to reduce the FSM's vulnerability to climate change adverse impacts. In this context, FSM reaffirms its social and cultural identity and its people's rights and desire to continue to live sustainably on their islands.
848 2012 Energy Policy (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2) MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) 100 2012 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 The leadership of the Federated States of Micronesia acknowledged the need for the development of a National Energy Policy and Action Plans that would assist the Nation in becoming less dependent on fossil fuel and more prepared to withstand the heavily fluctuating energy prices that nearly lead the FSM into a national emergency in 2008. The policy contains two Volumes; Volume I covers the overarching policy, while Volume II contains the energy action plans. The development and finalization of the policy and action plans was completed with considerable effort by many people from the national government as well as from the four FSM states. The target is set under this policy to reach at least 30% of renewable energy share in the total energy production by 2020.
849 State Program on Restoration and Use of Natural Resources RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector Coal, Oil, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower 100 As efforts are being taken to direct national policies towards conserving natural resources in support of development process, the State Program on Restoration and Use of Natural resources elaborates on options for maintaining and enhancing the sustainable use of mineral resources, increasing water security and safety of hydropower generation, restoration of the mineral base, protection and conservation of the forestry and water resources. Specifically, an emphasis is placed on the shelf research initiatives carried out in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The Program addresses emerging and persistent environmental concerns and, in response to existing challenges, focuses on mechanisms for preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. The present comprehensive Program involves a number of sectors from industry to households.
850 Electricity Supply (Government Power Stations) Regulation PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1970 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Electricity Supply (Government Power Stations) Regulation, was made under the Electricity Supply (Government Power Stations) Act 1970. It deals with the conditions of supply of electricity.
851 Electricity Supply (Government Power Stations) Act 1970 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1970 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Supply (Government Power Stations) Act 1970 is an Act to provide for the control and maintenance of Government power stations, and for related purposes.
852 Electricity Commission (Privatization) Act 2002 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2002 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 Electricity Commission (Privatization) Act 2002 is an Act to provide for
853 Petroleum Agreements (Currency Provisions) Act 1978 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1978 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Agreements (Currency Provisions) Act 1978 is an Act to give the force of law to certain provisions of certain agreements relating to petroleum.
854 Petroleum (Gulf of Papua) Agreements Act 1976 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1976 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum (Gulf of Papua) Agreements Act 1976, is an Act to provide for the approval of certain Agreements between the State and certain companies relating to the exploration for petroleum in the Gulf of Papua and development of facilities to produce any commercial quantities of petroleum discovered, and for related purposes.
855 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 (Adopted) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1967 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 (Adopted) is Act relating to the Exploration for, and the Exploitation of, the Petroleum Resources, and certain other Resources, of the Continental Shelf of Australia and of certain Territories of the Commonwealth and of certain other Submerged Land.
856 Electricity Commission Regulation 1966 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1966 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Electricity Commission Regulation 1966 was made under the Electricity Commission Act 1966.
857 Petromin PNG Holdings Limited Authorization Act 2007 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petromin PNG Holdings Limited Authorization Act 2007 sets out the recognition of the establishment of Petromin PNG Holdings Limited as a commercial enterprise.
858 Oil and Gas Act 1998 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Oil and Gas Act was issued in 1998. It enacts comprehensive legislation governing the exploration for and production of petroleum (including oil and gas) in Papua New Guinea, including the offshore area, and the grant to traditional landowners and Provincial Governments and Local-level Governments of benefits arising from projects for the production of petroleum (including oil and gas), and the processing and transportation in Papua New Guinea of petroleum and petroleum products, and to repeal various Acts, and for related purposes.
859 Oil and Gas Regulation 1999 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1999 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Oil and Gas Regulation 1999 was made by the Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with, the advice of the National Executive Council under the Oil and Gas Act 1998.
860 Oil and Gas Regulation 2002 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Oil and Gas Regulation 2002 was made under Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with , the advice of he National Executive Council under the Oil and Gas Act 1998.
861 Geothermal Energy Policy PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2012 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy Geothermal 100 This Policy helps in promoting the development of our renewable resources such as geothermal energy as an option for electricity generation. It will help guide investors and customary landowners (“landholders”) to work together in accordance with the spirit of the National Constitution and Vision 2050 to develop Papua New Guinea. This policy relates specifically to geothermal energy exploration, extraction and development as an alternate energy source in Papua New Guinea.
862 Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road CHINA 21 2015 after_2010 National, Multilateral Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote the connectivity of Asian, European and African continents and their adjacent seas, establish and strengthen partnerships among the countries along the Belt and Road, set up all-dimensional, multi-tiered and composite connectivity networks, and realize diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development in these countries. The initiative covers, but is not limited to, the area of the ancient Silk Road. It is open to all countries, and international and regional organizations for engagement, so that the results of the concerted efforts will benefit wider areas. Based on the great potential of cooperation, countries need to improve the region's infrastructure, and put in place a secure and efficient network of land, sea and air passages, lifting their connectivity to a higher level; further enhance trade and investment facilitation, establish a network of free trade areas that meet high standards, maintain closer economic ties, and deepen political trust; enhance cultural exchanges; encourage different civilizations to learn from each other and flourish together; and promote mutual understanding, peace and friendship among people of all countries.
863 Mining Act 1992 and Regulation PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 1992 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Other 6 The Mining Act 1992, is an Act to regulate the law relating to minerals and mining, and for related purposes. It also addresses Mining Regulations.
864 Konebada Petroleum Park Authority (Amendment) Act 2009 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Konebada Petroleum Park Authority (Amendment) Act 2009 is an Act to amend the Konebada Petroleum ParkAuthority Act 2008.
865 The Medium Term Development Strategy 2005-2010 - “Our Plan for Economic and Social Advancement” PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Medium Term Development Strategy (MTDS), which covers the period 2005 to 2010, is PNG’s overarching plan for economic and social development. The three functional roles of the MTDS are to articulate a core development strategy that provides the guiding framework for the Government’s expenditure program; to identify the supporting policy framework that will help put in place the enabling conditions for recovery and development; and to strengthen PNG’s Public Expenditure Management system. The goal of the MTDS is to foster sustainable improvements in the quality of life of all Papua New Guineans.
866 Papua New Guinea Medium Term Development Plan 2011-2015 - “Building the foundations for prosperity” PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Medium Term Development Plan 2011-2015 (MTDP) is a 5-year rolling development plan providing a clear, accountable plan for investment. It sets the sector strategies, targets, deliverables and their projected estimated cost of implementation. The MTDP is aimed at translating the Papua New Guinea Development Strategic Plan 2010-2030 (PNGDSP) into tangible results. It also takes into account the lessons learnt and experience from the previous Medium Term Development Strategy 2005-2010 (MTDS).
867 Papua New Guinea Development Strategic Plan 2010-2030 - “Our guide to success” PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Plan embodies the principles of the Constitution of PNG and reinforces the fundamental directives required to advance PNG into a middle-income country by 2030. The directives and goals of the Constitution form the broad objectives of Papua New Guinea’s Development Strategic Plan in the following ways
868 Papua New Guinea Vision 2050 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 100 2011 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 In December 2007, the National Executive Council (NEC) of Papua New Guinea, on advice from the National Planning Committee (NPC), made a decision to develop a framework for a long-term strategy — “The Papua New Guinea Vision 2050” — that should map out the future direction for our country and reflect the aspirations of the people of Papua New Guinea. Vision 2050 is underpinned by seven Strategic Focus Areas, which are referred to as pillars
869 Water Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The policy is a strategic document setting forth a robust framework for the management of water resources in the Russian Federation. Laying out deep sectoral reform agenda designed to enhance efficiency of national water management systems, the policy seeks to promote environmental protection focusing, in particular, on the climate-energy–water nexus. The Water Strategy of the Russian Federation came into force pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1235-r of 27 August 2009.
870 Decree n. 449 on the Mechanism to Promote Renewable Energy on the Wholesale Electricity (Capacity) Market RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Decree Energy Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The Government of the Russian Federation endorsed the present Decree in 2013 to set up mechanisms facilitating the introduction of renewable sources of energy on the wholesale electricity (capacity) market. The policy elaborates on the basic criteria and determines qualifications of a renewable power generation facility / plant.
871 Customs Tariff NEPAL 2 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Other All 11 This book contains the Schedule-1 and Schedule-2, of the Financial Ordinance, for goods to be exported from and imported to Nepal and their duty rate respectively. Further, it contains change made in the other provisions as well as excise duty and exemption of Value Added Tax for the goods to be imported. The Department expects simplification of the work performance of the Customs and improves effectiveness of the staff work performance from this book.
872 Customs Tariff NEPAL 2 2014 after_2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 This Book contains the Schedule 1 & Schedule 2, of the Financial Act for goods to be imported and exported from Nepal and their customs duty rate respectively. Further, of contains changes made in the other related previsions as wells previous relating to excise duty & exemption of Value Added Tax for imported goods and services. The department expects simplification of the work performance and improved effectricures of staff work from the book.
873 National Policy for Power Co-Generation by Sugar Industry and Guidelines for Investors PAKISTAN 10 2008 2000-2010 National Guideline Power, Industry Power, Bioenergy 100 To cater for the rapidly growing energy requirements of Pakistan, the Government has adopted a coherent approach of Energy Security. The Energy Security Plan is aimed at not only adding new power generation sources but also diversifying and tapping all possible fuel sources for power generation. It is estimated that Pakistan has a potential of generating more than 300 MW of electricity through cogeneration from its existing sugar industry. It will not only offset greenhouse gas emissions but would also help in generating additional sources of clean energy in the country.
874 Guidelines for Setting Up of Private Power Projects Under Short Term Capacity Addition Initiative PAKISTAN 10 2010 nan National Guideline Energy All 11 This document is divided in two parts
875 Guidelines for Determination of Tariff for IPPs PAKISTAN 10 2005 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 In order to remove ambiguities about various parameters for tariff determination and streamline the process of determination of tariff for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) consistent with the Policy for Power Generation Projects 2002, the Government of Pakistan under Section 7 (6) of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electric Power Act (XL of) 1997 (NEPRA Act) has issued the following guidelines.
876 NEPRA Mechanisms for Determination of Tariff for Hydro Power Projects PAKISTAN 10 0 nan National Guideline Energy Hydropower 8 The purpose of this document is to provide a uniform, transparent, objective and predictable Mechanism and to remove ambiguities, that the sponsors of hydel projects and/or project companies, power procurers and power purchasers might have about the steps to be employed by NEPRA in determination of tariff of hydropower projects. This document shall not be read in a manner which undermines or over-rides any provision of NEPRA Act, Rules, Regulations and other applicable documents and in case of any conflict between this document and the NEPRA laws, the latter shall prevail over the former.
877 Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy PAKISTAN 10 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The ARE Policy supports the development of ARE in the form of alternative Fuel, Renewable Energy, and Fossil Fuel Hybrid. In particular, it aims to the harmonization of ARE-related policies among the government bodies; the creation of a conducive investment environment; the optimization of the impact of ARE in low-income areas; as well as the promotion of R&D and development of local capacity.
878 Policy Framework and Package of Incentives for Private Sector Transmission Line Projects in Pakistan PAKISTAN 10 1995 before_2000 National Guideline Energy All 11 This document describes the policy framework and the package of incentives that will be available to the prospective proposers interested in Bidding for these projects.
879 Hydel Power Policy PAKISTAN 10 1995 before_2000 National Guideline Energy Hydropower 8 The Government of Pakistan in March 1994 announced the Policy Framework and Package of Incentives for private sector power development in the country. It received a tremendous response albeit for all Thermal Plants. GOP now intends to encourage proposals for power generation based on indigenous resources namely its hydel resources. Hydel power being cheaper, will provide tariff relief to the consumers, utilize indigenous resources, involve Pakistani entrepreneurs and provide benefits of economic growth to the relatively backward parts of Pakistan.
880 Policy Framework and Pack of Incentives for Private Sector Power Generation Projects in Pakistan PAKISTAN 10 1994 before_2000 National Guideline Energy All 11 Accordingly, the Government of Pakistan has devised an attractive policy package for attracting overseas investment and to facilitate the tapping of the domestic capital market to raise local financing for power projects. The main characteristics of this package are internationally competitive terms, attractive framework for domestic investors, reduction in local currency investment requirements, simplification of procedures, and steps to create and encourage a domestic corporate debt securities market.
881 Marginal Stranded Gas Field- Gas Pricing Criteria and Guidelines, 2013 PAKISTAN 10 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Gas 0 The Marginal Fields Gas Prices will be set in accordance with Petroleum Exploration & Production Policy 2012 with an additional premium of US$ 0.25 MMBTU for the three zones as defined in Petroleum Exploration & Production Policy 2012. The Price determined in accordance with this clause will be hereinafter referred as “Base Price” will be allowed for pipeline specification.
882 Pakistan Onshore Petroleum (exploration and production) Rules, 2013 PAKISTAN 10 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 These rules shall apply to the onshore areas of Pakistan and shall regulate all petroleum rights except those relating to coal bed methane
883 Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules GEORGIA 6 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The policy establishes legal framework for the regulation of electricity (capacity) market in the Republic of Georgia. Present Rules determine
884 Guam Energy Action Plan GUAM 100 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Guam Energy Action Plan was issued in 2013 and it describes the four near-term strategies selected by the Guam Energy Task Force during action planning workshops conducted in March 2013, and outlines the steps being taken to implement those strategies. Each strategy addresses one of the energy sectors identified in the Guam strategic energy plan as being an essential component of diversifying Guam's fuel sources and reducing fossil energy consumption 20% by 2020 (20x20).
886 Guam Tropical Energy Code GUAM 100 2013 after_2010 National Code Energy All 11 The Guam Tropical energy code was approved in 2013. Its purpose is to provide minimum design requirements to achieve energy efficiency in buildings constructed in Guam. This code shall apply to all non-residential and residential construction. It provides minimum energy-efficiency requirements for the design and construction of any of the following
887 Guam Building Energy Code GUAM 100 2000 nan National Code Energy All 11 The Guam Building Energy Code is part of a Universal Building Code that sets cost-effective energy requirements for all new construction. Its purpose is to provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of residential commercial and government buildings.
888 Guam Initial Technical Assessment Report GUAM 100 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 This document is an initial technical energy assessment for Guam, the first of many steps in developing a comprehensive energy strategy.
889 Guam Transportation Petroleum-Use Reduction Plan GUAM 100 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Oil 9 The Guam Transportation Petroleum-Use Reduction Plan provides a comprehensive plan and set of strategies to reduce petroleum use of 20% by 2020. Because transportation is responsible for one-third of on-island petroleum use, the Guam Energy Task Force (GETF), a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy and numerous Guam-based agencies and organizations, devised this specific plan by which to meet the 20% goal within the transportation sector. This report lays out GETF’s plan.
890 Plug-in Electric Vehicle Rebate Program Act GUAM 100 2014 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to establish the Plug-in Electric Vehicle Rebate Program Act in the Island of Guam. Through this Act, the Government shows its strong commitment to encourage Guam motorists to consider the purchase of plug-in electric vehicles by offering its own rebate incentive program for plug-in electric vehicle purchasers.
891 Guam Energy Rebate GUAM 100 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is to establish procedural requirements for energy rebates funded under Guam or Federal authorities.
892 Public Law 29-62 GUAM 100 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable 4 An Act to promote the development of renewable energy to offset costs of energy for electricity production related to dependency on oil imports. It requires the Guam Power Authority to establish renewable portfolio standard goals and provides for the Public Utility Commission to study the feasibility of implementing a rate structure to encourage the use of renewable energy.
893 Public Law 32-095 GUAM 100 2013 after_2010 National Law Energy Renewable 4 The Law entails two Acts
894 Public Law 27-132 GUAM 100 2004 2000-2010 National Law Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act to provide net metering for certain customers of an electric utility who have installed a renewable energy system; to specify standard applicable to such systems; and to provide for other matters properly relating thereto.
895 Public Law 24-31 GUAM 100 1997 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 "An Act to amend and add a new subsection (b) to 943.20, and to amend 543.51 of Chapter 43 of Title 9 of Guam Code Annotated, relative to classifying unauthorized electrical connections, or ""illegal hook-ups"" as theft constituting a felony of the third degree, and to establish fines and penalties for such hookups."
896 Public Law 24-126 GUAM 100 1997 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to amend P.L. 24-31, relative to classifying unauthorized electrical connections as theft, and to adopt proposed fines and penalties for such hook-ups.
897 Public Law 22-21 GUAM 100 1993 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to make Guam Power Authority liable for damages caused to appliances and consumers as a result of power surges or fluctuations in voltage or frequency in electric power supplied by the Guam Power Authority; and to appropriate funds from Section 2 of Public Law 20-39 for infrastructure improvements to the Talofofo Subdivision.
898 Public Law 21-117 GUAM 100 1992 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to provide emergency electrical generation relief for the territory, in order that the Guam Power Authority and the Public Utilities Commision may cooperate in the expedited procurement of additional generating equipment for the island-wide power system appropriating for the acquisition of such equipment and for SKIP (Entertainment Company).
899 Alternate Energy Plan (Public Law 17-77) GUAM 100 1984 before_2000 National Act Energy Power 10 "An Act to establish a Ten Year Alternative Energy Plan for Guam, and to incorporate the U.S. Department of Energy Territorial Energy Assessment Final Report as an ""Integral part"" of the Guam comprehensive development plan."
900 Public Law 16-119 GUAM 100 1989 before_2000 National Act Energy Power 10 An Act relative to the generation and sale of electrical power requiring the creation of an Alternate Plan for the territory of Guam and amending the Government Code relative to the rate setting authority of the Guam Power Authority.
901 Public Law 14-040 GUAM 100 1977 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to add designate the University of Guam as a Natural Energy Institute and for other purposes.
902 Guam Energy Office Act (Public Law 12-100) GUAM 100 1974 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 An Act relative to the establishment of the Guam Energy Office and authorizing an appropriation for such purposes.
903 Public Law 13-070 GUAM 100 1975 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to amend Section 7 of Public Law 12-100 to extend the existence of the Guam Energy Office.
904 Public Law 30-51 GUAM 100 2009 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to require the Guam Energy Office to post Government of Guam electrical meter information on the Internet.
905 Public Law 12-146 GUAM 100 1974 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act requiring the Guam Power Authority (referred to as the Authority) to connect electrical power to certain existing single family residences.
906 Department of Energy Act of 1992 PHILIPPINES 19 1992 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The Department of Energy Act of 1992 provides for the creation of the Department of Energy. It aims to ensure a continuous, adequate, and economic supply of energy with the end in view of ultimately achieving self-reliance in the country’s energy requirements through the integrated and intensive exploration, production, management, and development of the country’s indigenous energy resources, and through the judicious conservation, renewal and efficient utilization of energy to keep pace with the country’s growth and economic development and taking into consideration the active participation of the private sector in the various areas of energy resource development; and (b) to rationalize, integrate, and coordinate the various programs of the Government towards self-sufficiency and enhanced productivity in power and energy without sacrificing ecological concerns.
907 Republic Act No. 9136 PHILIPPINES 19 2001 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy, Act Power Power 10 The Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 is an Act ordaining reforms in the electric power industry, amending for the purpose certain laws and for other purposes. In particular it provides a framework for the restructuring of the electric power industry, including the privatization of the assets of NPC (National Public Company), the transition to the desired competitive structure, and the definition of the responsibilities of the various government agencies and private entities. In particular, the Act sets out the reform agenda for the energy sector to be based on three principles
908 Renewable Energy Act of 2008 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 The Republic Act No. 9513 promotes the development, utilization and commercialization of renewable energy resources. This Act shall also establish the framework for the accelerated development and advancement of renewable energy resources, and the development of a strategic program to increase its utilization. NOTE
909 Republic Act 8997 PHILIPPINES 19 1977 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 This Act provides for granting to First Gas Holdings Corporation, its successors or assigns, a franchise to construct, install, own, operate and maintain for commercial purposes and in the interest of the public a natural gas pipeline for the purpose of transporting and distributing natural gas throughout the Island of Luzon.
910 Rules and Regulations to Implement Republic Act No. 9136 PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 "These Rules and Regulations provide for the implementation of the Republic Act 9136, ""Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001”. The rules and regulations include the general provisions to be followed in implementing the major structural reforms for the electric power industry and the Privatization of the state-owned NPC (National Power Corporation)."
911 Distribution Development Plan 2008-2017 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The Department of Energy (DOE) publishes annually the Distribution Development Plan (DDP) of all distribution utilities (DUs) in the country. The DDP covers the DUs1 10-year program on acquisition of sub-transmission assets, expansion and rehabilitation of distribution facilities and the costs associated to these activities, projected number of customers, and the corresponding energy and demand requirements. This is the DDP for the period 2008-2017.
912 Resolution on Electricity Tariffs GEORGIA 6 2008 2000-2010 National Other Power Power, Renewable 2 The resolution is adopted to ensure consistency of tariff determination procedures in the power sector of the Republic of Georgia. Based on the underlying principles of the national Law on Electricity and Natural Gas, the regulatory document provides the mandatory tariff list for hydropower enterprises, thermal power plants, covers the areas of power transmission and dispatch, import of electricity as well as services provided by the electricity system commercial operator.
913 Distribution Development Plan 2009-2018 PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The Department of Energy (DOE) publishes annually the Distribution Development Plan (DDP) of all distribution utilities (DUs) in the country. The DDP covers the DUs1 10-year program on acquisition of sub-transmission assets, expansion and rehabilitation of distribution facilities and the costs associated to these activities, projected number of customers, and the corresponding energy and demand requirements. This is the DDP for the period 2009-2018.
914 Distribution Development Plan 2010-2019 PHILIPPINES 19 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The Department of Energy (DOE) publishes annually the Distribution Development Plan (DDP) of all distribution utilities (DUs) in the country. The DDP covers the DUs1 10-year program on acquisition of sub-transmission assets, expansion and rehabilitation of distribution facilities and the costs associated to these activities, projected number of customers, and the corresponding energy and demand requirements. This is the DDP for the period 2010-2019.
915 Power Development Plan 2009-2030 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Power Development Plan, 2009-2030 addresses
916 2009 Transmission Development Plan PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The TDP reflects NGCP’s vision of building the strongest power grid and maintain the best power utility practice in Southeast Asia. This ten-year plan is also NGCP’s roadmap for transmission development required to meet demand growth, support incoming generation facilities and sustain its transmission business operations while ensuring compliance with technical and regulatory framework of the electric industry. NOTE
917 Law on Environmental Protection GEORGIA 6 1996 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 Present Law regulates legal relationship between the bodies of the state authority and the physical persons or legal entities in the scope of environmental protection and in the use of natural resources in the Republic of Georgia.
918 Missionary Electrification Development Plan for 2009-2013 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The 2009 Missionary Electrification Development Plan (MEDP) sets out the government’s plan to implement policies and programs to sustain the provision of adequate, reliable, and efficient supply of electricity in missionary or off-grid areas and to enable communities in those areas receive the benefit of electrification. The 2009 MEDP covers two major components, namely
919 Missionary Electrification Development Plan (2012 MEDP) PHILIPPINES 19 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 The 2012-2016 Missionary Electrification Development Plan (2012 MEDP) is an outline of the Government’s plans to improve the conditions prevailing in missionary areas (Those which cannot be served in the foreseeable future in a financially feasible way by the extension of TransCo’s transmission grid). The 2012 MEDP focuses on specific plans and projects for the next five years.--- NOTE
920 2008 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The Department of Energy (DOE) has anchored its policy and program directions to address the formidable challenge of ensuring the country’s energy security. This report addresses the following goals
921 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report 2009 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The 2009 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report reviews the following energy developments
922 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report 2010 PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Government Report Energy All 11 The 2010 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report addresses the following issues
923 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report 2011 PHILIPPINES 19 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The 2010 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report reviews the DOE's accomplishments VS. targets for the following topics
924 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report 2013 PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The Energy Sector Accomplishment Report 2013 addresses the following accomplishments by the Department of Energy
925 Implementing Rules and Regulations Directing the Institutionalization of a Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The Implementing Rules and Regulations Directing the Institutionalization of a Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) were issued in 2008. They provide for energy efficiency implementation rules and regulations. NOTE
926 "Interim Mindanao Electricity Market Rules (""IMEM Rules"") - IMEM Implementing Rules" PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The IMEM Rules establish the basic rules, requirements and procedures that govern the operation of the Interim Mindanao electricity Market (“IMEM”). In particular, the IMEM Rules seek to
927 Climate Change Act of 2009 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the Framework Strategy and Program on Climate Change, creating for this purpose the climate change commission, and for other purposes.
928 National Climate Change Action Plan 2011-2028 PHILIPPINES 19 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The national climate change framework strategy has recently been translated into a National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), which prioritizes food security, water sufficiency, ecological and environmental stability, human security, climate-smart industries and services, sustainable energy, and knowledge and capacity development as the strategic direction for 2011 to 2028. This document assesses the current situation of the country with regard to climate change risk and outlines the NCCAP’s strategic direction for 2011 to 2028 as a response to the current situation and projected impact.
929 National Framework Strategy on Climate Change 2010-2022 PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The National Framework Strategy on Climate Change is committed towards ensuring and strengthening the adaptation of our natural ecosystems and human communities to climate change. The Framework aspires to chart a cleaner development path for the Philippines, highlighting the mutually beneficial relationship between climate change mitigation and adaptation. The aim of this national process is to build a roadmap that will serve as the basis for a national program on climate change and establish an agenda upon which the Philippines would pursue a dynamic process of determining actions through the National Climate Change Action Plan process.
930 Executive Order No. 613 PHILIPPINES 19 1980 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to transfer the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission from the Ministry of Energy to the Office of the President.
931 Executive Order No. 980 PHILIPPINES 19 1984 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to provide for the reorganization of the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, and for other related purposes.
932 Executive Order No. 20 PHILIPPINES 19 1986 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to place the offices, agencies and corporations attached to the Ministry of Energy under the administrative supervision of the Office of the President.
933 Reorganization Act of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 An Executive Order to reorganize the Ministry of Natural Resources and renaming it as the Department of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources and to define its power and functions. ---NOTE
934 Executive Order No. 172 PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to create the Energy Regulatory Board.
935 Executive Order No. 338 PHILIPPINES 19 1988 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order for the creation of the Energy Coordinating Council.
936 Executive Order No. 412 PHILIPPINES 19 1990 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to institutionalize the Energy Conservation Inter-agency Committee.
937 Executive Order No. 418 PHILIPPINES 19 1990 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order directing the immediate implementation of an Energy Conservation Program.
938 Executive Order No. 433 PHILIPPINES 19 1990 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order directing the immediate implementation of additional energy conservation measures.
939 Executive Order No. 462 Enabling Private Sector Participation in the Exploration, Development, Utilization and Commercialization of Ocean, Solar and Wind Energy Resources for Power Generation and Other Energy Uses PHILIPPINES 19 1997 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order enabling the private sector participation in the exploration, development, utilization and commercialization of ocean, solar and wind energy resources for power generation and other energy uses.
940 National Solidarity Programme Phase Three (NSP III) Operation Manual Version Six (“OM VI”) AFGHANISTAN 100 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Other All 11 The stated development objective of the The National Solidarity Programme (NSP) is to build, strengthen, and maintain Community Development Councils (CDCs) as effective institutions for local governance and social-economic development. The NSP is executed by Afghanistan’s Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) with funding from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group, the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), the Japanese Social Development Fund (JSDF) and other bilateral donors. The NSP Operational Manual (OM) describes the programme objectives and provides regulations/ guidelines/ norms/ forms for all processes and procedures involving the communities it targets. Its purpose is to promote consistency, transparency, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness in the Programme implementation. The Manual is written primarily to guide NSP communities, Community Development Councils (CDCs), NSP Facilitating Partners (FPs), and the core NSP management units on field implementation. It is part of the Development Grant Agreement with IDA and is therefore a legally binding document.
942 Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the CASA Community Support Project (CASA CSP) AFGHANISTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 The Central Asia-South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade Project (CASA-1000) aims to facilitate electricity trade between hydropower surplus countries in Central Asia and electricity deficient countries in South Asia by putting in place the commercial and institutional arrangements and the transmission infrastructure required for this trade. The four countries participating in the project – Afghanistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan and Tajikistan – will therefore implement individual Community Support Programs (CSPs) in each country. The Purpose of the Environmental and Social Management Framework provides for early identification of potential adverse impacts, without the requirement of rigorous analysis through quantification, and also provides broad guidance for their effective mitigation. The aim of these programs would be to increase the shared prosperity associated with the project for communities along the CASA-1000 corridor. The project consists of four components namely
943 National Area-Based Development Programme (NABDP) AFGHANISTAN 100 2002 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector Power 10 The long-term vision of the Afghanistan agriculture and rural development sector is to ensure the social and economic wellbeing of rural communities, especially the rural poor and vulnerable. With this vision in mind, the National Area-Based Development Programme (NABDP) was established in 2002. The Programme – established with the goal of contributing to a sustainable reduction of poverty and an improvement of livelihoods in rural Afghanistan – is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)...The area-based implementation approach aims to reduce the geographic and demographic disparities through investments in social organization, infrastructure, local economic development and sub-national governance initiatives...Being based upon the third pillar of the ANDS (Social and Economic Development), NABDP addresses two thematic areas
944 Energy for Rural Development Afghanistan (ERDA) AFGHANISTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Hydropower 8 Energy for Rural Development Agfhanistan (ERDA) supports piloting of rural energy systems, capacity development, and policy review.
945 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan National Development Strategy 1387 – 1391 (2008 – 2013) AFGHANISTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The ANDS reflects the government’s vision, principles and goals for Afghanistan which builds on its commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2020 and the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact benchmarks...The ANDS establishes the Government’s strategy and defines the policies, programs and projects that will be implemented over the five years and the means for effectively implementing, monitoring and evaluating these actions.
946 The Hydrocarbons Law AFGHANISTAN 100 2009 2000-2010 National Law Energy Oil, Gas 3 This Law has been enacted pursuant to Article 9 of the Constitution of Afghanistan to regulate the affairs related to determining State ownership and control over Hydrocarbons, the preservation, utilization, and granting of concession rights, the execution of Contracts, exploration activities, and the development and production of oil and gas.
947 National Area-Based Development Programme 2014 Annual Project Progress Report AFGHANISTAN 100 0 nan National Government Report Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 This is a report on implementation In 2014 of the Nation Area-Based Development Programme (NABDP), which directly supported the sustainable reduction of poverty and improvement of livelihoods in rural Afghanistan through the execution of three mandated efforts which are i) the support to District Development Assemblies (DDAs) to independently prioritize local development efforts; ii) improve access to public services for the rural poor; and iii) support stabilization efforts in less secure regions and districts.
948 Executive Order No. 232 PHILIPPINES 19 2000 nan National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order amending executive order no. 462, series of 1997, enabling private sector participation in the exploration, development, utilization and commercialization of ocean, solar and wind energy resources for power generation and other energy uses.
949 Executive Order No. 66 PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 An Executive Order to designate the Department of Energy as the lead Agency in developing the Philippine Natural Gas Industry.
950 Executive Order No. 100 PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Act to provide for the achievement of parity between royalties on the exploitation of indigenous energy sources and duties on imported energy fuels pursuant to Section 35 of Republic Act no. 9136 otherwise known as the “Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001″.
951 Executive Order No. 169 PHILIPPINES 19 2003 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to assign the power sector assets and liabilities management corporation as an attached agency of the department of energy.
952 Executive Order No. 474 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order for the creation of the Philippine Strategic Oil, Gas, Energy Resources and Power Infrastructure Office (PSOGERPIO), and defining the functions thereof.
953 Executive Order No. 728 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Order to ensure top level attention and priority action on food and energy needs of the Nation. It establishes the National Food and Energy Council (NFEC or Council).
954 Executive Order No. 731 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 An Executive Act activating and reorganizing the Energy Operations Board into the Energy Contingency Task Force under the National Food and Energy Council.
955 Presidential Decree No. 910 PHILIPPINES 19 1976 before_2000 National Decree Energy All 11 A Presidential Decree creating an Energy Development Board, defining its powers and functions, providing funds, therefor, and for other purposes.
956 Presidential Decree No. 1206 PHILIPPINES 19 1977 before_2000 National Decree Energy All 11 A Presidential Decree creating the Department of Energy.
957 Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Department of Energy - Department Circular No. 2002-07-004 PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 This Department Circular provides for Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Department of Energy.
958 Republic Act No. 6395 PHILIPPINES 19 1971 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to revise the Charter of the National Power Corporation
959 Charter of the Philippine National Oil Company - Presidential Decree No. 334 PHILIPPINES 19 1973 before_2000 National Decree Energy Oil 9 A Decree to create the National Oil Company, defining its powers and functions, providing funds therefor, and for other purposes.
960 Executive Order No. 171 PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil 9 An Executive Order to amend certain provisions of Presidential Decree 334.
962 The Oil Exploration and Development Act of 1972 PHILIPPINES 19 1983 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to promote the discovery and production of indigenous petroleum and appropriate funds therefor.
963 Presidential Decree No. 1857 PHILIPPINES 19 1983 before_2000 National Decree Energy Oil 9 "A Decree amending ""The Oil Exploration and Development Act of 1972""."
964 OEA CIRCULAR NO. 87-12-003 PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Circular for the Restoration of the Filipino Participation Incentive Allowance.
965 OEA Circular No. 92-10-05 PHILIPPINES 19 1992 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil 9 A OEA Circular to grant of maximum seven and one-half percent (7-1/2%) Filipino Partcipation Incentive Allowance (FPIA) to petroleum service contractors in deepwater contracts.
966 Department Circular No. 95-10-008 PHILIPPINES 19 1995 before_2000 National Guideline Energy Oil 9 A Department Circular directing all operators of oil rigs or platforms, power plants, oil tankers and barges carrying, producing and/or utilizing crude oil-based products to report all oil spills or environmental incidents to the Department of Energy.
967 Executive Order No. 473 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 An Executive Order tasking the Department of Energy (DOE) to pursue the immediate exploration, development and production of crude oil from the Camago-Malampaya reservoir.
968 Executive Order No. 556 PHILIPPINES 19 2006 2000-2010 Subnational Other Energy Oil 9 An Executive Order amending Executive Order no. 473 and requiring the exploration, development and production of crude oil from the Camago-Malampaya Reservoir to be undertaken through bidding.
969 The Coal Development Act of 1976 PHILIPPINES 19 1976 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil 9 An act to promote an accelerated exploration, development, exploitation, production and utilization of coal.
970 "Rules and Regulations implementing Presidential Decree No. 972, otherwise known as the ""Coal Development Act of 1976""" PHILIPPINES 19 1976 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 "The following rules and regulations provides for the implementation of the intent and provisions of the ""Coal Development Act of 1976""."
971 Department Circular No. 2005-04-004 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy Coal, Geothermal 100 A Department Circular for investment promotion and contracting rounds for geothermal and coal prospective areas.
972 BED Circular No. 87-03-001 PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Other Energy Coal 1 A BED Circular providing for guidelines and procedure to implement a program that will allow small-scale coal mining .
973 Rules and Regulations governing tax-exempt importations under Presidential Decree No. 1442 - BED Circular 81-05-05 PHILIPPINES 19 1981 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Geothermal 100 This Circular provides for Rules and Regulations governing tax-exempt importations under Presidential Decree No. 1442.
974 Presidential Decree No. 1442 PHILIPPINES 19 1978 before_2000 National Decree Energy Geothermal 100 An Act to promote the exploration and development of geothermal resources.
975 OEA Circular No. 98-01 PHILIPPINES 19 1998 before_2000 National Guideline Energy All 11 Guidelines and procedures on the utilization of the share of national wealth taxes, fees, royalties and charges derived from energy resources.
976 Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 9513 - Department Circular No. 2009-05-0008 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules and Regulations were issued and adopted in 2009 by the Department of Energy, in consultation with the Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Energy, relevant government agencies, and all Renewable Energy (RE) stakeholders.---Note
977 Afghanistan National Rural Renewable Energy Strategy RR-ES AFGHANISTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The Afghanistan National Rural Renewable Energy Strategy ANRR- ES implements the Rural Renewable Energy Policy RR-EP. It focuses on economic development in rural areas through the provision of high quality electricity based on renewable energy technologies. This strategy is meant as a “hands-on approach” to address the most urgent needs for the future development of the rural energy sector. It outlines Afghanistan’s rural renewable energy action plans until 2020 and development objectives until 2032. The foucs is on the development of renewable energy sources for economic development of rural areas through increasing energy access. Emphasis is on sustainable electricity schemes. However, nonelectrical energy needs are also covered.
978 Guidelines for the Accreditation of Manufacturers, Fabricators and Suppliers of Locally-Produced Renewable Energy Equipment and Components. PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 This Circular provides for Guidelines for the Accreditation of Manufacturers, Fabricators and Suppliers of Locally-Produced Renewable Energy Equipment and Components. It shall govern the registration of renewable energy (RE) manufacturers, fabricators and suppliers of locally-produced RE equipment and components and the issuance of Certificate of Accreditation for the availment of incentives under the Act.
979 Guidelines Governing a Transparent and Competitive System of Awarding Renewable Energy Service/Operating Contracts and Providing for the Registration Process of Renewable Energy Developers PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 This Circular provides for the guidelines on the award of Renewable Energy Service/Operating Contracts (RE Contracts).
980 Mini-hydroelectric Power Incentive Act (RA 7156) PHILIPPINES 19 1991 before_2000 National Act Power Hydropower 8 An Act granting incentives to mini-hydroelectric power developers and for other purposes.
981 Rules and Regulations Governing the Construction and Operation of Mini-Hydroelectric (Mini-Hydro) Power Plants PHILIPPINES 19 1992 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Hydropower 8 This document provides for Rules and Regulations governing the filing processing of applications for authority to construct and operate mini-hydroelectric power plants and providing for the terms and conditions of the operating contracts concluded pursuant thereto.
983 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9367 PHILIPPINES 19 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Bioenergy 100 The Department of Energy, in consultation with National Biofuels Board, appropriate government agencies, and other stakeholders, hereby issues, adopts and promulgates implementing rules and regulations for the Republic Act No. 9367.
984 Batas Pambansa Bilang 33 PHILIPPINES 19 1979 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act defining and penalizing certain prohibited acts inimical to the public interest and national security involving petroleum and/or petroleum products, prescribing penalties therefor and for other purposes.
985 Presidential Decree No. 1865 PHILIPPINES 19 1983 before_2000 National Decree Energy Oil 9 A Presidential Decree amending Batas Pambansa Bilang 33, entitled, by including shortselling and adulteration of petroleum and petroleum products and other acts in the definition of prohibited acts, increasing the penalties therein, and for other purposes.
986 Rules and Regulations on the Implementation of Batas Pambansa blg. 33, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1865, issued on may 25, 1983 PHILIPPINES 19 1983 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 Rules and Regulations on the Implementation of Batas Pambansa blg. 33, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1865, issued on may 25, 1983.
987 Revised Schedule of Penalties in the LPG Industry of 2000 PHILIPPINES 19 2000 nan National Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Revised Schedule of Penalties in the LPG Industry of 2000 is a new set of penalties for the various offenses relative to the LPG industry as outlined in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Batas Pambansa Bilang 33, as amended by the Presidential Decree No. 1865. These penalties shall complement said IRR.
988 Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998 PHILIPPINES 19 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act deregulating the downstream oil industry and for other purposes. NOTE
989 “Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998 PHILIPPINES 19 1998 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 The Rules and Regulations provide for the implementation of the Republic Act 8479, “Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998”.
990 Omnibus Investments Code PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 The Omnibus Investments Code is a cohesive and consolidated investments incentives law, in order to facilitate investment in the Philippines.
991 Department Circular No. 98-06-009 PHILIPPINES 19 1998 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 Supplementing Rules and Regulations implementing Republic Act 8479, “Downstream Oil Industry deregulation Act of 1998,” particularly section 15 thereof.
992 The Rules and Regulations Governing the Business of Retailing Liquid Petroleum Products PHILIPPINES 19 2003 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil 9 This Department Circular provides for the Rules and Regulations governing the business of retailing liquid petroleum products.
993 Department Circular No. DC2007-05-0005 PHILIPPINES 19 2007 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Department Circular implementing the Philippine National Standard Specification for Bunker Fuel Oils.
994 Department Order No. 2003-10-014 PHILIPPINES 19 2003 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Department Order creating a DOE Gasoline Station Loan Review Committee and defining the functions thereof and those of the DOE Bureaus/Units involved.
995 Auto-LPG Rules PHILIPPINES 19 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Transport Oil 9 This Department Circular provides for the Rules and Regulations governing the business of supplying, hauling, storage, handling, marketing and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for automotive use.
996 Department Circular No. 2006-11-0012 PHILIPPINES 19 2006 2000-2010 National Other Transport Bioenergy 100 A Department Ciruclar implementing the Philippine National Standard Specification for Anhydrous Bioethanol Fuel.
997 Executive Order No. 134 PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 An Executive Order requiring oil companies and bulk suppliers to maintain a sufficient minimum inventory of petroleum, for purposes of ensuring continuity, adequacy and stability of crude and fuel supply.
998 Implementing Guidelines for the Minimum Inventory Requirements of Petroleum of Oil Companies and Bulk Suppliers PHILIPPINES 19 2003 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Oil 9 "The ""Implementing Guidelines for the Minimum Inventory Requirements of Petroleum of Oil Companies and Bulk Suppliers"" refer to the Executive Order 134 and shall apply to all Oil Companies and Bulk Suppliers engaged in any activity of the Downstream Oil Industry in the Philippines."
999 Department Circular No. DC 2008-06-0002 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector Bioenergy 100 These guidelines are hereby adopted to effectively implement the Philippine National Standard for Coconut Methyl Ester (B100).
1000 Hydrocarbons Regulations AFGHANISTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Hydrocarbons Regulations regulate Hydrocarbons Operations Contract bids; the execution of Hydrocarbons Operations Contracts and the issuance of Licenses and authorizations; the identification of Hydrocarbons blocks and Contract Areas; the supervision of Hydrocarbons Operations; and the imposition of penalties and the provision of compensation where the Hydrocarbons Law has been violated and where fees have not been paid under the Hydrocarbons law.
1001 Mining Regulations AFGHANISTAN 100 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1 Outlines the regulations governing conservation, management, development and proper use of mineral resources.
1002 Minerals Law AFGHANISTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Law Other Coal 1 Outlines laws regulating the development of the mineral resources.
1003 Afghanistan Rural Renewable Energy Policy RR-EP AFGHANISTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Standard Energy Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 The strategic objective of the Renewable Rural Energy Policy (RREP) is to create better social, economic and environmental conditions for the citizens of Afghanistan in rural locations. The policy outlines the governance structures, policy implementation plans, and monitoring frameworks. A strategy for implementation of the RREP, namely the National Rural Renewable Energy Strategy RR-ES was developed to translate the objectives and deliverables of the Policy into a practical implementation plan.
1004 National Mineral Policy 1995 PAKISTAN 10 1995 before_2000 National Overarching Policy Industry Coal, Oil, Other 100 The Government of Pakistan is cognizant of the role of mineral industry in the overall economic and social development of the country and its importance in industrial and export promotion. It is also conscious of the unique characteristics of the mining industry like highly risk prone, capital intensive and subject to global competition with high volatility of prices. To harness the fairly adequate mineral potential with national and international investment, the Government of Pakistan has formulated National Mineral Policy offering appropriate institutional arrangements at federal and provincial levels; time bound investment friendly regulatory regime and internationally competitive fiscal incentives.
1005 The Pakistan Onshore Petroleum (exploration and production) Rules, 2009 PAKISTAN 10 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Other Oil 9 These rules shall be applicable to the onshore areas of Pakistan and shall regulate all petroleum rights except those relating to Coal Bed Methane.
1006 Tight Gas (Exploration & Production) Policy 2011 PAKISTAN 10 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Tight Gas Exploration & Production Policy 2011 (Policy) is to establish the policies, procedures, tax and pricing regime in respect of exploration and production of tight gas in Pakistan.
1007 Liquified Petroleum Gas (Production & Distribution) Policy, 2011 PAKISTAN 10 2011 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy Oil, Gas 3 This policy aims at increasing LPG supplies, through indigenously produced and imported product streamlining its distribution at competitive prices, especially to LPG starved areas of the country and promoting healthy competition for growth of LPG market while ensuring minimum safety standards across the LPG supply chain. To achieve this goal, issues regarding LPG production, LPG licensing, safety standards, pricing, distribution in under developed areas and import of LPG have been addressed in this document.
1008 Low BTU Gas Pricing Policy, 2012 PAKISTAN 10 2012 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Power Gas 0 The Low BTU Gas Pricing Policy, 2012 is aimed at achieving the following principal objectives
1009 Department Circular No. DC 2009-02-0002 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Bioenergy 100 A Department Circular mandating a minimum of 2% blend of biodiesel in all diesel and 5% bioethanol in annual total volume of gasoline.
1010 Petroleum Exploration & Production Policy 2012 PAKISTAN 10 2012 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy Oil 9 The principal objectives of this Policy are
1011 Memorandum Circular No. 55 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Other Energy Bioenergy 100 A Memorandum Circular directing all Departments, Bureaus, Offices and Instrumentalities of the Government, including Government-owned and controlled, Corporations to incorporate the use of one percent (1%) by volume coconut methyl ester (CME) in their diesel requirements.
1012 Department Circular No. 2005-04-003 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Guideline Transport Bioenergy 100 A Department Circular to promote the use of coco-biodiesel as an alternative clean fuel.
1013 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Production & Distribution) Policy Guidelines, 2013 PAKISTAN 10 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Gas 0 In order to incentivize the LPG Industry for enhancing local LPG production as well as import of LPG and its utilization in the automotive sector & in LPG Air Mix plants for provision of gas to consumers, the Government is introducing these policy Guidelines. The main objectives of these policy Guidelines is to address the various issues that could not be covered in the previous LPG policies, to encourage growth of LPG industry for its sustainable and enhanced availability of LPG products. To achieve these objective, issues regarding LPG production, LPG licensing, safety standards, pricing, use of LPG in Automotive sector, provision of LPG Air Mix to reduce pressure on existing gas system, import & export have been addressed in these policy Guidelines.
1014 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Production & Distribution) Policy, 2012 PAKISTAN 10 0 nan National Overarching Policy Energy Gas 0 In order to incentivize the LPG Industry for enhancing local LPG production as well as import of LPG and its utilization in the automotive sector, the Government is introducing this policy. The main objective of this policy is to address the various issues that could not be covered in the previous LPG policies, to encourage growth of LPG industry for its sustainable and enhanced availability of LPG (Production & Distribution) Policy, 2012 -3- LPG products. To achieve this objective, issues regarding LPG production, LPG licensing, safety standards, pricing, use of LPG in Automotive sector, import & export have been addressed in this policy.
1015 Executive Order No. 446 PHILIPPINES 19 1997 before_2000 National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Executive Order mandating the phase-out of leaded gasoline as one of the means of solving air pollution.
1016 Implementing Rules and Regulations Mandating the Phase-out of Leaded Gasoline As One of the Means of Solving Air Pollution (1998) PHILIPPINES 19 1998 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil 9 These Rules and Regulations shall govern the implementation and enforcement of Executive Order No. 446.
1017 Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 PHILIPPINES 19 1999 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Clean Air Act of 1999 provides for a comprehensive air pollution control policy and for other purposes. ---DOTC Department of Transportation and Communications; DTI Department of Trade and Industry; LGUs Local Government Units.
1018 Policy Guidelines on the Overall Development and Utilization of Natural Gas in the Philippines PHILIPPINES 19 1995 before_2000 National Guideline Multi-Sector Gas 0 This Department Circular provides for policy guidelines on natural gas development and utilization.
1019 Interim Rules and Regulations Governing the Transmission, Distribution and Supply of Natural Gas PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Gas 0 These rules and regulations comprise the general provisions to be followed in respect of the Transmission, Distribution and Supply of Natural Gas.
1020 Executive Order No. 290 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector Gas 0 An Executive Order to implement the Natural Gas Vehicle Program for Public Transport. ---NOTE
1021 Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines PHILIPPINES 19 1997 before_2000 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 An Act prescribing the intellectual property code and establishing the intellectual property office, providing for its powers and functions, and for other purposes.
1022 Presidential Decree No. 40 PHILIPPINES 19 1972 before_2000 National Decree Power Power 10 A Presidential Decree establishing basic policies for the electric power industry. NPC
1023 Executive Order No. 215 PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Other Power Power 10 An Executive Order amending the Presidential Decree No. 40 and allowing the private sector to generate electricity.
1024 Energy Regulations No. 1-95 PHILIPPINES 19 1995 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Rules and Regulations implementing Executive Order no. 215 on private sector participation in power generation. The Rules have to be followed by all types of generating facilities owned by the private sector participating in power generation.
1025 Department Circular No. 97-01-001 PHILIPPINES 19 1997 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 A Department Circular which adopts and promulgates amendments to certain provisions of E.R. No. 1-95.
1026 Department Circular No. 2000-03-004 PHILIPPINES 19 2000 nan National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This Department Circular adopts and promulgates amendments to Energy Regulations No. 1-95 as amended by Department Circular No. 97-01-001.
1027 Wholesale Electricity Spot Market Rules PHILIPPINES 19 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 A Department Circular regarding Wholesale Electricity Spot Market Rules and the Joint-Endorsement of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market Rules. The Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules establishes the basic rules, requirements and procedures that govern the operation of the Philippine electricity market. The WESM Rules is organized into eleven (11) Chapters. These are
1028 Department Circular No. 2005-06-005 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 A Department Circular directing all Distribution Utilities to file petition with the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) for approval of revised lifeline rate structure.
1029 Energy Regulations No. 1-94 (As Amended) PHILIPPINES 19 1994 before_2000 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 "Rules and Regulations implementing Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7638, otherwise known as the ""Department of Energy Act of 1992""."
1030 Restructuring Program for Electric Cooperatives PHILIPPINES 19 1987 before_2000 National Programme Power Power 10 "A Restructuring Program for the electric cooperatives (ECs) as part of the implementation of the ""Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA)."
1032 Manual for Photovoltaic Grid-connection Application MALDIVES 100 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Solar 100 This manual has been developed to guide application procedure for the customers who introduce Grid-connected PV system in the Maldives. Also it describes validation flow and approval method by related organizations. The technical requirements which will be verified during the application procedure are described in “Guidelines on Technical Requirements for Photovoltaic Grid-connection”.
1033 Department Circular No. 2004-06-007 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 A Department Circular promoting investment management contracts as one measure in effecting greater private sector participation in the management and operation of rural electric cooperatives. ---NOTE
1034 Standard Power Purchasing Agreement MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 Draft version of a proposed Power Purchasing Agreement.
1035 Electric Power Crisis Act of 1993 PHILIPPINES 19 1993 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act prescribing urgent related measures necessary and proper to effectively address the electric power crisis and for other purposes.
1036 Oil Industry Commission Act PHILIPPINES 19 1971 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act declaring a National Policy on the petroleum industry, regulating the activities and relations of persons and entities engaged therein, establishing an Oil Industry Commission to effectuate the same, and defining its functions, powers and objectives, and for other purposes.
1038 Guidelines on Technical Requirements for Photovoltaic Grid-connection MALDIVES 100 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Solar 100 Outline of the Technical Requirements for; grid-connection, metering methods, power factor, voltage fluctuations, protection relays, islanding operation detection, automatic recovering function, automatic load limiting and power generation suppression.
1039 Service Providers Code MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Code Energy Other 6 The purpose of this Service Providers Code is to set the basic requirements and standards that will have to be met by Service Providers in the Republic of Maldives.
1040 Department Circular No. DC2003-12-011 PHILIPPINES 19 2003 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular to direct all Distribution Utilities to supply adequate, affordable, quality and reliable electricity.
1041 Department Circular No. 2004-05-005 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Other Power Power, Renewable, Solar 100 A Department Circular streamlining and rationalizing the grant of subsidies in the electrification of missionary areas using solar photovoltaic systems.
1042 Commonwealth Act No. 120 PHILIPPINES 19 1936 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 "An Act creating the ""National Power Corporation"", prescribing its powers and activities and appropriating the necessary funds therefor."
1043 Regulations on License for Electricity Operators MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power 10 Overview of the terms and conditions for licensing as an electricity operator.
1044 Electrification Administration Act (1960) PHILIPPINES 19 1960 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Republic Act 2717 provides for the establishment of the Electrification Administration and for other purposes.
1045 National Electrification Administration Act (1969) PHILIPPINES 19 1969 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act declaring a the total electrification of the Philippines on an area coverage service basis as a national objective. The Act provides for the organization of the National Electrification Administration and for the organization, promotion and development of Electric Cooperatives, prescribing terms and conditions for their operation.
1046 Power Purchase Agreement MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Other Energy Power 10 Final Draft of the Power Purchase Agreement by the Maldives Energy Authority.
1047 Metering Scheme Regulation MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Other Energy All 11 The purpose of this Metering Scheme is to define the characteristics and requirements for the metering system and metering activities in a Distribution Network of the Republic of Maldives.
1048 Installation Standards Regulations MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The purpose of these Installation Standards is to set the technical requirements and standards for the design and installation of electrical assets in the Republic of Maldives.
1049 Guideline for Approval of Standby Power Generation MALDIVES 100 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 Information required to be submitted for the approval of using standby generation.
1050 Maldives Energy Authority Approved Tariff MALDIVES 100 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 Maldives Energy Authority Approved Tariff.
1051 Guideline for Power Systems MALDIVES 100 0 nan National Guideline Power Power 10 Guideline for Power systems checklist
1052 Philippine Nuclear Energy Act of 1957 PHILIPPINES 19 1957 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act to create the Philippine Nuclear Energy Commission to administer, regulate, and control the use, application, and disposition of fissionable materials; to authorize the establishment and administration of an atomic energy reactor; to determine the manner of development, use and control of atomic energy, to provide funds therefor, and for other purposes.
1053 Anti-electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994 PHILIPPINES 19 1994 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act penalizing the pilferage of electricity and theft of electric power transmission lines/materials, rationalizing system losses by phasing out pilferage losses as a component thereof.
1054 Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Anti-Pilferage of Electricity and Theft of Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Act of 1994 PHILIPPINES 19 1995 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These Rules and Regulations provide for the implementation of the Republic Act No. 7832.
1055 Standard Rules and Regulations Governing the Operation of Electrical Power Services PHILIPPINES 19 1995 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This Resolution was issued by the Energy Regulatory Board and provides for Standard Rules and Regulations governing the operation of electric power services.
1056 Republic Act No. 9511 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act granting the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines a franchise to engage in the business of conveying or transmitting electricity through high voltage back-bone system of interconnected transmission lines, substations and related facilities, and for other purposes.
1057 Republic Act No. 10150 PHILIPPINES 19 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act extending the implementation of the lifeline rate, amending for the purpose section 73 of the “Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001″.
1058 National Assessment Report 2010 MALDIVES 100 2010 nan National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 This report highlights the concrete actions taken and specific progress made in implementation; lessons learned and good practices; effectiveness of implementation support and mechanisms, including monitoring systems; special constraints and challenges; and recent trends and emerging issues. The information focuses on actions undertaken to address vulnerabilities of SIDS particularly in relation to the means of implementation outlined in paragraph 85 of the MSI such as financing, trade, access to environmentally sound technologies, education, awareness – raising, capacity building and integration into national sustainable development strategies.
1059 Concept for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Sector, 2003-2015 TAJIKISTAN 100 2003 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Concept examines measures to enhance efficiency of Tajikistan’s energy sector pursuing a broader objective of diversifying the national energy mix and supporting economic development. The policy came into force on the 3rd of August 1992 pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan №318. The focus is made on the following
1060 Executive Order No. 691 PHILIPPINES 19 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 An Executive Order temporarily modifying the rates of import duty on crude petroleum oils and refined petroleum products under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs code of 1978 (presidential decree no. 1464), as amended.
1061 Executive Order No. 254 PHILIPPINES 19 1995 before_2000 National Other Multi-Sector Gas 0 An Executive Act creating the Philippine Gas Project Task Force.
1062 Executive Order No. 666 PHILIPPINES 19 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 An Executive Order directing all heads of Departments, Bureaus, Offices, Agencies and instrumentalities of the Government to support the power infrastructure requirements of Clark Freeport Zone and support the investment of Texas instruments in Clark Texas Instrument Special Economic Zone and Baguio City Economic Zone. ---NOTE
1063 Executive Order No. 320 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 An Executive Order designating the Department of Environment and Naturual Resources as the National Authority for Clean Development Mechanism and creating Technical Evaluation Committees, where the Department of Energy is responsible for energy-related projects.
1064 Department Circular 2015-06-0010 PHILIPPINES 19 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular providing policies to facilitate the full implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access (rcoa) in the Philippine electric power industry.
1065 Joint Resolution No. 4 PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Joint Resolution further extending the interim offer price cap in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) to harmonize with the finalization of the permanent pre-empting mitigating measure to be applied in the WESM.
1066 Joint Resolution No. 1 PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Joint Resolution extending the interim offer price cap in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market.
1067 Joint Resolution No. 2 PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Gas 0 A Joint Resolution providing for adjustments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market offer price cap.
1068 Department Circular No. 2000-10-011 PHILIPPINES 19 2000 nan National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular providing revised rules and procedures to implement electrification program funded through Energy Regulations No. 1-94.
1069 Department Circular No. 2003-04-004 PHILIPPINES 19 2003 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular creating an Expanded Rural Electrification (ER) Team to manage the implementation of Rural and Missionary Electrification Program for the purpose of achieving the country's total electrification.
1070 Department Circular No. 2004-01-001 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 A Department Circular prescribing the rules and procedures for private sector participation in existing NPC-SPUG areas pursuant to Rule 13 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001. NOTE
1071 Department Circular No. 2004-09-010 PHILIPPINES 19 2004 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Department Circular providing for oil price reporting through the DOE ENERTEXT.
1072 Memorandum Circular 2001-05-002 PHILIPPINES 19 2001 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 Request to oil companies engaged in business in the Philippines to notify the Department of Energy of the details of oil price adjustments, whether upward or downward, at least one (1) day prior to its effectivity.
1073 Department Circular No. 2005-07-006 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Transport Gas 0 A Department Circular directing the enhanced implementation of the Natural Gas Vehicle Program for Public Transport (NGVPPT) and the development of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) supply and infrastructure.
1074 Department Circular No. 2006-04-003 PHILIPPINES 19 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular amending Department Circular No. 2003-04-004 creating the Expanded Rural Electrification Program Team. Note
1075 Deparment Ciruclar No. 2009-03-003 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular creating the Conflict Resolution Team to ensure 100% barangay electrification by the end of year 2009.
1076 Deparment Ciruclar No. 2005-12-011 PHILIPPINES 19 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular prescribing Guidelines for the participation of Qualified Third Parties (QTPs) for provision of electric service in remote and unviable areas. ---Note
1077 Department Ciruclar No. 2009-09-012 PHILIPPINES 19 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 "A Department Circular to adopt a ""Blitzkrieg"" operation approach to attain 100% barangay electrification level by year-end 2009. In particular, the DOE and its attached agencies, shall adopt the ""blitzkrieg"" operation approach as the main strategy to provide guidance to all officials, groups, offices and units to act with dispatch in addressing all directional, administrative and logistical requirements for the energization of the remaining unlit barangays."
1078 Deparment Ciruclar No. 2010-02-001 PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Other Energy Renewable 4 A Department Circular creating a Steering Committee on the establishment of Renewable Energy Market.
1079 Deparment Ciruclar No. 2010-12-013 PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular creating the Special Bids and Awards Committee (SBAC) for the procurement of the new Market Management System (MMS) for the Philippine Wholesale Wlectricity Spot Market (WESM).
1080 Petroleum Act of 1949 PHILIPPINES 19 1950 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to promote the exploration, development, exploitation, and utilization of the petroleum resources of the Philippines; to encourage the conservation of such petroleum resources and to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources to create an Administration Unit and a Technical Board in the Bureau of Mines.
1081 Department Circular No. 2011-02-001 PHILIPPINES 19 2011 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector Bioenergy 100 A Department Circular mandating the use of biofuel blend.
1082 Department Circular 2011-07-007 PHILIPPINES 19 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 A Department Circular ensuring the adequacy and readiness of the national transmission system to accomodate new generating capacities from emerging renewable energy (RE) technologies.
1083 Deparment Ciruclar No. 2013-03-003 PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular creating an interagency Steering Committee for the development and formulation of a comprehensive and holistic smart grid policy framework and roadmap for the Philippine electric power industry.
1084 Department Circular No. 2012-05-0005 PHILIPPINES 19 2012 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Department Circular prescribing the general policies for the implementation of the retail competition and open access.---NOTE
1085 Department Circular No. 2013-01-0001 PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 A Department Circular directing the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation to develop and implement an Interim Mindanao Electricity Market (IMEM) as a measure to immediately address the power supply situation in Mindanao.
1086 National Electrification Administration Reform Act of 2013 PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act strengthening the National Electrification Administration, further amending for the purpose Presidential Decree no. 269, as amended, otherwise known as the “National Electrification Administration Decree”.
1087 Presidential Decree No. 269, National Electrification Administration Decree PHILIPPINES 19 1973 before_2000 National Decree Power Power 10 A Decree creating the “National Electrification Administration” (NEA) as a corporation, prescribing its powers and activities and appropriating the necessary funds therefor. It is also hereby declared a national policy objective the organization, promotion and development of electric cooperatives for the total electrification of the Philippines on an area coverage service basis.
1088 "Implementing Rules and Regulations of the ""National Electrification Administration Reform Act of 2013""" PHILIPPINES 19 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy, Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 "A Department Circular prescribing Implementing Rules and Regulations of the ""National Electrification Administration Reform Act of 2013""."
1089 Department Circular No. 2014-01-003 PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Oil, Power 100 A Department Circular designating the 650MW Malay Thermal Power Plant as a must-run unit in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM).
1090 LPG Industry Rules PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 A Department Circular providing for the Rules and Regulations governing the Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Industry.
1091 Department Circular No. 2014-07-0012 PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Power Power, Renewable, Solar 100 A Department Circular accelerating household electrification in off-grid and isolated areas through electricity supply by regulated Solar Home Systems(SHS). The policy covers themes such as
1092 Department Circular No. 2014-08-0014 PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 A Department Circular enjoining all electricity- consuming sectors to implement demand-side management program and other energy conservation measures.
1093 Department Circular No. 2014-09-0018 (Household Electrification Program) PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Power Power 10 A Department Circular prescribing the policies for the implementation of the Household Electrification Program and creating the Household Unified Strategic Electrification (House) Team for the purpose of achieving the country's total electrification goals. The Circular addresses
1094 Department Circular No. 2015-06-004 PHILIPPINES 19 2015 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 Implementing the corresponding Philippine National Standards Specificaitons (PNS) for the EURO 4IV/PH fuels complying with the EURO 4/IV Emissions Standard.
1095 Energy Sector Accomplishment Report 2014 PHILIPPINES 19 2014 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 This document provides for the major accomplishments of the Energy Sector of 2014.
1096 Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 PHILIPPINES 19 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 was formulated to “implement a continuing integrated and coordinated programs and policies for national development.” The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) coordinated the formulation of the Plan and extensive consultations were conducted throughout the country with the participation of various government agencies, the regional development councils, local government units, the business sector, nongovernment organizations, academe, and groups of well-known experts in economic and social development. The Philippine Development Plan addresses poverty and aims to create massive employment opportunities and achieve its vision of inclusive growth. It is based on five key strategies. First is to boost competitiveness in the productive sectors to generate massive employment. Second is to improve access to financing to address the evolving needs of a diverse public. Third is to invest massively in infrastructure. Fourth is to promote transparent and responsive governance, which is emphasized in all the chapters. And fifth, is to develop human resources through improved social services and protection. ---NOTE
1098 Decree No. 07/2010/ND-CP VIET NAM 8 2010 nan National Decree Energy Nuclear 7 The Decree No. 07/2010/ND-CP of January 25, 2010 details and guides the implementation of Articles 65, 80, 82 and 90 of the Law of Atomic Energy and guides a number of relevant provisions to meet requirements of management of atomic energy development and use and safety assurance.
1099 Law on Atomic Energy VIET NAM 8 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy Nuclear 7 This Law was issued in 2008 and it provides for activities in the domain of atomic energy and the assurance of safety and security in these activities.
1100 Decree No.102/2003/ND-CP on Thrifty and Efficienct Use of Energy VIET NAM 8 2003 2000-2010 National Decree Energy All 11 This Decree was issued in 2003 and prescribes the thrifty and efficient use of energy in industrial production, in buildings, for energy-consuming equipment and means and in daily-life of people.
1101 Decision 1855/QD-TTg VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power, Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This Decision was made in 2007 and approves Vietnam's national energy development Strategy up to 2020, with 2050 vision.
1102 Circular No. 08/2006/TT-BCN VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 Circular directing for the implementation of procedures for registering, assessing, certificate-issuing energy-saving labelling for energy consumption products.
1103 Decision No. 957/QD-TTg VIET NAM 8 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Nuclear 7 A Decision to approve the Master Plan on Peaceful Development and Utilization of Atomic Energy Through 2020 (below referred to as the Master Plan).
1104 Resolution No. 41/2009/QH12 approving the investment in Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project VIET NAM 8 2009 2000-2010 National Other Power Power, Nuclear 100 A Resolution to approve investment in Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project, including two plants each having two engine groups, to supply electricity for the national power grid, contributing to the socio-economic development of the country and Ninh Thuan province.
1105 Concept for the Development of Small Hydropower in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan until 2017 KYRGYZSTAN 100 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable, Hydropower 100 The Concept is developed by the Ministry of Energy and Industry based on the key elements and underlying principles of the Program of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan on Transition towards Sustainable Development for 2013-2017, in accordance with the National Strategy for Sustainable Development for 2013-2017. The policy sets forth a long-term vision for the development of national hydropower sector simultaneously addressing existing environmental challenges and seeking to ensure balance between stability and efficiency of the national power sector.
1106 Decision no.79/2006/QD-TTg approving the national strategic program on Envergy Saving and Effective Use VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy, Programme Energy All 11 A Decision to approve the national target program on economical and efficient use of energy in the 2006-2015 period.
1107 Energy Efficiency Building Code VIET NAM 8 2013 after_2010 National Code Energy All 11 This National Technical Building Energy Efficiency Building Code provides mandatory technical standards to achieve energy efficiency in the design, new construction or retrofit of civil buildings (office buildings, hotels, hospitals, schools, commercial buildings,, services buildings, apartments buildings, among others), with a gross floor area of 2,500 m2 or larger.
1108 Law on Investment VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law on Investments regulates investment activities for business purposes; the rights and obligations of investors; the guarantee of lawful rights and interests of investors; encouragement of investment and investment incentives; State administration of investment activities in Vietnam and offshore investment from Vietnam.
1109 Circular No. VIET NAM 8 2013 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector Power 10 This Circular guides regulation on management, use and depreciation of fixed assets. Electrical systems are part of the Type 3 of enterprises's Fixed Assets.
1110 Decision No. 18/2008/QD-BCT VIET NAM 8 2009 2000-2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 This Decision provides for the Promulgation of Regulation on Avoided Cost Tariff and Standardized Power Purchase Agreement for Small Renewable Energy Power Plants.
1111 Circular No. 32 /2012/TT-BCT Regulations on implementation of wind power projects development and Standardized Power Purchase agreement for wind power projects VIET NAM 8 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Wind 100 A Circular providing for regulations on implementation of wind power projects development and Standardized Power Purchase Agreement ( SPPA) for wind power projects in Vietnam.
1112 Circular No. 23/2014/TT-BCT VIET NAM 8 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Power 10 This Circular promulgates the procedure for making, assessing and approving contracts for designing & manufacturing of auxiliary equipment for thermal power plants in Vietnam between the investors and Vietnamese contractors.
1113 Decree No VIET NAM 8 1995 before_2000 National Decree Power Power 10 Decree to set up the Vietnam Electricity Corporation.
1114 Circular No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 This Circular guides the implementation of selling prices of electricity and of wholesale prices of electricity applicable to rural areas, dormitories and residential quarters.
1115 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Decision to promulgate the wholesale prices of electricity for rural areas, dormitories and population quarters nationwide.
1116 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 A Decision on selling prices of electricity, approving the roadmap for adjustment of electricity prices in the 2007-2010 period. In particular, the policy addresses these topics
1117 Decision No VIET NAM 8 1999 before_2000 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision to ratify the project on rural electricity till the year 2000.
1118 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2001 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power, Hydropower, Solar, Wind 100 A Decision to ratify the planning on Vietnam electricity development in the 2001-2010 period, with the prospect toward 2020 taken into account (called Electricity Planning V).
1119 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2001 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 This Decree prescribes electricity activities and use and is applicable to all domestic and foreign organizations and individuals in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, except for cases where the international treaties which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has signed or acceded to otherwise provide for.
1120 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2001 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision to promulgate the Regulation on contents of, order and procedures for, electricity development planning. These shall apply to the elaboration, approval and management of the implementation of national electricity development planning, plannings on electricity development in the provinces and centrally-run cities and plannings on electricity development in urban and rural districts, provincial towns and cities.
1121 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 This Decision provides for the promulgation of the Regulation on conditions, order and procedures for licensing electricity activities.
1122 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision to promulgate the selling prices of electricity in service of production, business, daily life consumption and operation of administrative and non-business agencies. Such prices are applicable to electricity purchase/sale contracts signed directly with the electricity industry as prescribed in the Appendix.
1123 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This Decision promulgates the Regulation on Examination of Electricity Supply and Use and the Handling of Violations of Electricity Trading Contracts.
1124 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2003 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision adjusting a number of contents of the planning on Vietnam's Electricity Development in the 2001-2010 period, with prospect till 2020 taken into account.
1125 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2003 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 Decree stipulating the sanctioning of administrative violations in the electricity domain.
1126 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2004 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power, Industry Power 10 A Decision to approve the strategy on development of Vietnam electricity industry in the 2004-2010 period, with orientations towards 2020.
1127 Electricity Law (No. 28/2004/QH11) VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 The Electricity Law was issued in 2004. It prescribes the electricity development planning and investment; electricity saving; electricity markets; rights and obligations of organizations and individuals conducting electricity activities and using electricity; protection of electric equipment and facilities, electricity works and electric safety.
1128 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision to promulgate electricity-selling prices for production, business, daily-life consumption as well as administrative and non-business agencies, under contracts on direct electricity purchase and sale with electricity-retailing units as in the Appendix to this Decision.
1129 Circular No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 This Circular guides the application of electricity-selling prices under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 215/QD-TTg of December 29, 2004.
1130 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 This Decree details and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the Electricity Law
1131 Law on Value-Added Tax VIET NAM 8 2009 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Power 10 This Law provides for objects subject and not subject to value-added tax, taxpayers, tax bases, tax calculation methods, and tax credit and refund.
1132 Law No VIET NAM 8 2004 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Power 10 This Law amends and supplements a number of articles of the Value Added Tax Law of May 10, 1997.
1133 Circular No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Hydropower 8 A Circular which guides the calculation and declaration for payment of natural resource tax on natural water used for hydroelectricity generation.
1134 Decree No VIET NAM 8 1998 before_2000 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 A Decree that affirms that all organizations and individuals of all economic sectors, that exploit natural resources in all forms shall have to pay natural resource tax.
1135 Decree No VIET NAM 8 1996 before_2000 National Decree Energy Oil, Gas 3 This Decree provides details for the implementation of the Petroleum Law of 1993 and it applies to activities of prospecting and exploring oil and gas; developing oil and gas fields; exploiting oil and gas, including processing, gathering, storing and transporting oil and gas from the exploitation area to the place of oil and gas delivery and disposal.
1136 Decision no. 80/2006/QD-TTg approving the 2006-2010 Electricity-Saving Program VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision of the Prime Minister of Government approving the 2006-2010 electricity-saving program.
1137 Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan Energy Reform Agenda PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 With the achievement in 2009 of 100% electrification of barangays within the coverage areas of the electric cooperatives (ECs), the focus of the Rural Electrification Program shifted to 1) Sitio Electrification Program (SEP), 2) Barangay Line Enhancement Program (BLEP), and 3) Consumer connections.
1138 NEA Roadmap PHILIPPINES 19 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 General overview of the National Electrification Administration Roadmap to implement the Rural Electrification Programme and achieve total electrification of the countryside by 2020.
1139 Presidential Decree No. 1645 PHILIPPINES 19 1975 before_2000 National Decree Power Power 10 Amendment to Presidential Decree No. 269, increasing the capitalization and broadens the lending and regulatory powers of the National Electrification Administration.
1141 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 A Decision to approve the roadmap and conditions for formation and development of different levels of the electricity market in Vietnam.
1142 Technical Regulations for Rural Electrification/Electric Network VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Technical Regulations on Rural Electrification were issued for uniform application nationwide and were sponsored by the Government of Sweden. The Regulations aim at the following
1143 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision approving the Planning on national electricity development in the 2006-2015 period, with a vision to 2025 taken into consideration.
1144 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision promulgating the Regulation on contents of, and the order and procedures for formulating, appraising and approving the Planning on locations for construction of electricity Centers (referred to as the EC Planning for short).
1145 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision to promulgate the electricity wholesale price bracket applicable to industrial parks.
1146 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 This Decree was made in 2005 and it details and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the Electricity Law on protection of safety of high-voltage power grid works.
1147 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 A Decree to amend and supplement a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 106/2005/ND-CP of August 17, 2005, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Electricity Law and regarding the safe protection of high-voltage power grid works.
1148 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector Bioenergy 100 A Decision of the Prime Minister of Government to approve the scheme on development of biofuels up to 2015, with a vision to 2025 (below referred to as the scheme for short) .
1149 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 A Decree up to define enterprise income tax to be paid by organizations and individuals engaged in goods production and trading or service provision (hereinafter referred collectively to as business establishments) with incomes.
1150 Circular No VIET NAM 8 1998 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 A Circular to provide a guidance on the import tax exemption for organizations and individuals conducting oil and gas activities under oil and gas contracts in accordance with the Law on Petroleum.
1151 Petroleum Law VIET NAM 8 1993 before_2000 National Law Energy Oil 9 This Law governs Petroleum exploration and production activities carried out within the territory, the exclusive economic zones and the continental shelf of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It also entails amendments as of year 2000.
1152 Law on Import Tax and Export Tax VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law provides for import tax and export tax applicable to goods imported or exported through Vietnam's border-gates or borders; goods sold, purchased or exchanged by border residents and other sold, purchased or exchanged goods, which are considered import or export goods.
1153 Decision No VIET NAM 8 1998 before_2000 National Other Energy Oil 9 This Regulation details the implementation of provisions relating to oil and gas exploitation in Decree No. 84-CP of December 17, 1996 of the Government.
1154 Decision No VIET NAM 8 1998 before_2000 National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decision to encourage investment in petroleum activities in deep-sea, offshore areas and areas with particularly difficult geographical, geological, economic and technical conditions.
1155 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2000 nan National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decision on petroleum business management (maximum retail prices, charges, trade etc.).
1156 Law No VIET NAM 8 2000 nan National Law Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Law to amend and supplement a number of articles of the Petroleum Law.
1157 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2000 nan National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decision on petroleum business management with details on retail prices.
1158 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2000 nan National Decree Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 This Decree details the implementation of the Petroleum Law passed on July 6, 1993 by the IXth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Petroleum Law passed on June 9, 2000 by the Xth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (the Petroleum Law).
1159 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2000 nan National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decision on petroleum business management, providing for maximum retail prices and taxes.
1160 Decree No VIET NAM 8 1999 before_2000 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 A Decree creating conditions for Vietnamese enterprises to invest abroad and helping to broaden and increase the efficiency of economic, technical and trade cooperation with foreign countries.
1161 Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam VIET NAM 8 2000 nan National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law on Foreign Investments in Vietnam makes provisions for foreign direct investment in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Law was issued to expand economic co-operation with foreign countries and to support the cause of modernization, industrialization and development of the national economy on the basis of the efficient exploitation and utilization of national resources.
1162 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2001 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decision to apply preferences and incentives to Vietnamese enterprises which invest abroad in form of their 100% investment capital or capital contribution according to the proportion of their participation in the field of petroleum activities. These shall include oil and gas prospection, exploration and exploitation as well as field development, as well as activities in direct service of petroleum activities, hereafter called petroleum projects for short.
1163 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2002 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Decision to approve the planning on development of the national system of major petroleum reception depots and entrepots till 2010.
1164 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2003 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Decision to promulgate the Regulation on investment in building petroleum depots nationwide. The Regulation establishes the State management principles, criteria and requirements which investors must comply with when they prepare for investment in building petroleum depots in the Vietnamese territory.
1165 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decree providing for administrative violations, forms, levels and competence of, and procedures for the sanctioning of administrative violations in the petroleum domain.
1166 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Oil 9 This Decree provides for offshore direct investment in petroleum activities by investors based in Vietnam.
1167 Law No VIET NAM 8 2008 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Coal, Oil, Gas 100 A Law to amend and supplement a number of articles of the Petroleum Law.
1168 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decree to amend and supplement a number of articles of Decree No. 121/2007/ND-CP of July 25, 2007, providing for offshore direct investment in petroleum activities.
1169 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2010 nan National Decree Energy Oil 9 This Decree provides for the collection of a surcharge on the volume of oil divided as profits to petroleum contractors (below referred to as contractors) when the price of crude oil increases.
1170 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2010 nan National Decree Energy Oil, Gas 3 This Decree provides for activities of trading in liquefied petroleum gas and conditions on liquefied petroleum gas trading on the market.
1171 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector Oil 9 This Decree amends and supplements a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 48/2000/ND-CP of September 12, 2000, detailing the Petroleum Law (below referred to as Decree No. 48/2000/ND-CP), and the Regulation on bidding for petroleum survey, exploration and exploitation promulgated together with Decree No. 34/2001/ND-CP (below referred to as the bidding regulation).
1172 Circular No VIET NAM 8 1999 before_2000 National Other Power Power 10 This Circular provides detailed guidance on the objects and scope of application of the selling prices of electricity; structure and method of calculation of prices of electricity sold to rural households; the management of electricity sale; and the responsibility for management of electricity in rural areas.- (Summary)
1173 Decision No VIET NAM 8 1999 before_2000 National Other Power Power 10 This Decision stipulates in detail the selling prices of electricity used for daily life by family households that have separate voltage meters and sign contracts directly with the electricity supply service; the wholesale prices of electricity for daily life in rural areas according to the head voltage meters at the transformer stations of communes, cooperatives, villages or hamlets; the electricity selling prices applicable to hospitals, schools and non-business administrative agencies; and the selling prices of electricity for production activities.
1174 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2003 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector Power 10 A Decisio transferring traffic roads, electricity systems, irrigation works, schools and dispensaries of State-run agricultural and forestry farms to localities.
1175 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2004 2000-2010 National Decree Power Power 10 This Decree provides for electricity safety in the production, transmission, distribution and use of electricity, aiming to ensure the safety for human beings as well as electric equipment, facilities and works.
1176 Joint Circular No VIET NAM 8 2004 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Joint Circular guiding the management and use of fines for breaches of electricity sale and purchase contracts.
1177 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision providing for the establishment of the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam under the Ministry of Industry as well as its functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure.
1178 Circular No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Circular guiding the calculation, declaration and payment of value added tax in the electricity service.
1179 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision approving the scheme on the pilot formation of the Vietnam Electricity Group.
1180 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision establishing the parent company - Vietnam Electricity (EVN).
1181 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision promulgating the Regulation on inspection of electricity activities, electricity use and settlement of disputes related to electricity sale and purchase contracts.
1182 Circular No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Circular guiding the implementation of a number of provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 106/2005/ND-CP of August 17, 2005, detailing the guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Electricity Law regarding the protection of safety of high-voltage power grids.
1183 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision promulgating the rural-electricity technical regulation coded QDKT.DNT-2006.
1184 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulation on inspection of electricity activities and electricity use, and settlement of disputes over electricity purchase and sale contracts.
1185 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Decision establishing the State Steering Committee for Electricity Planning VI.
1186 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2004 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil 9 A Decision therewith, as from 2004 Vietnam Petroleum Corporation shall have to remit into the State budget the after-tax profits distributed from Vietsovpetro Petroleum Joint-Venture and the proceeds from product-sharing contracts in strict accordance with the State’s regulations.
1187 Program on Transition towards Sustainable Development, 2013-2017 KYRGYZSTAN 100 2013 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 Strategic policy document based on an in-depth analysis of recent economic and social trends. The policy reviews mechanisms for the sustainable management of natural resources and improving energy efficiency.
1188 Decree No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Oil 9 This Decree promulgates the model contract on sharing of petroleum products.
1189 Circular No VIET NAM 8 2004 2000-2010 National Other Industry All 11 A Circular guiding the thrifty and efficient use of energy by production establishments.
1190 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2007 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Nuclear 7 A Decision approving the master plan for implementation of the Strategy on peaceful utilization of atomic energy up to 2020.
1191 Medium-term and Long-term Strategy for the Development of Mining Industry KYRGYZSTAN 100 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Coal, Oil, Gas 100 Present document calls for implementation of a comprehensive program on improving efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of Kyrgyzstan’s mining sector.
1192 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 A Decision promulgating codes of national target programs on the economical and efficient utilization of energy.
1193 Decision No VIET NAM 8 2005 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 A Decision promulgating Vietnamese construction standard
1194 Land Code KYRGYZSTAN 100 1999 before_2000 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 Principle regulatory document for the management of land resources in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
1195 Water Act KYRGYZSTAN 100 1994 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Power, Renewable, Hydropower 100 Enforced in 1994, the Water Act sets legal frameworks for the management and use of water resources in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
1196 National Energy Program for 2008-2010 and Strategy for Development of the Fuel and Energy Sector until 2025 KYRGYZSTAN 100 2008 2000-2010 National Programme Energy All 11 The National Energy Program of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan has been developed pursuant to the resolutions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 15, 2006 N 71-р and June 10, 2006 N 310-р with an aim to ensure stable and reliable supply of power to consumers, to facilitate the introduction of innovative technologies and to increase efficiency of the national energy sector. Goals, objectives and main directions of the mid-term and long-term energy policy are stipulated, relevant mechanisms to support the implementation are designed.
1197 State Program on the Management of Water Resources, 2014-2040 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector Power, Hydropower 100 Within the span of projected period (2014-2020) considerable progress will be achieved on the way to improved sustainability of Kazakhstan’s water sector. An overview of recent developments and tendencies provides responses to the most crucial issues in water management. Proposing measures to optimize the use of water resources in the Republic, the Program elaborates on policy options to promote environmental protection and enhancement in the sector, as existing weaknesses remain being at the root of economy-wide uncertainties. Kazakhstan’s small hydropower potential is estimated at 20 GW making the country the third largest producer of hydraulic power in the Commonwealth of Independent States (the Russian Federation – 101 GW, the Republic of Tajikistan – 27 GW). An overview of current situation proves the fact that significant hydropower potential in the Republic remains untapped.
1198 National Plan on Setting Quotas for GHG Emissions, 2014-2015 KAZAKHSTAN 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 Present Plan places a special focus on addressing the issue of climate change, promotes activities that build on the following strategic pillars
1200 Water Code KAZAKHSTAN 100 2003 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector Renewable, Hydropower 100 The focus is made on regulatory measures shaping water governance in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Examining measures for protection of the environment, the Code determines policy response to the multiple and interconnected issues around the energy-water nexus.
1201 Law on Environmental Impact Permits GEORGIA 6 2008 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law defines activities that are subject to mandatory ecological examination in the territory of Georgia, and legal grounds for awareness raising and participation of the public in the processes of issuing environmental impact permits, conducting an ecological examination when issuing permits, and assessing environmental impacts.
1202 Law on Environmental Assessment GEORGIA 6 2007 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The policy sets out a holistic framework for the provision of technical environmental expertise in the Republic of Georgia.
1203 Social-economic Development Strategy - Georgia 2020 GEORGIA 6 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 “Georgia 2020” reflects priority issues that need to be tackled to achieve long-term, sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Aiming to reorient national development landscape, the Strategy focuses on potential solutions to change the ways the country pursues economic development and to foster economic growth and social progress. The policy acknowledges the importance of ensuring uniformity of development policies at the national and regional levels. The policy underlines the importance of the involvement of the private sector in investments and in creating a conducive investment environment also taking consideration of environmental concerns.
1204 Electricity Supply Act 1990 MALAYSIA 11 1990 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act to provide for the regulation of the electricity supply industry, the supply of electricity at reasonable prices, the licensing of any electrical installation, the control of any electrical installation, plant and equipment with respect to matters relating to the safety of persons and the efficient use of electricity and for purposes connected therewith.
1205 Electricity (Amendment) Regulations 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 As prescribed by the Electricity Supply Act 1990 [Act 447], the Minister made the Electricity (Amendment) Regulations 2013.
1206 Customs Act 1967 MALAYSIA 11 1967 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act relating to customs. Provisions are there for petroleum.
1207 Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 MALAYSIA 11 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 "The Electricity Energy Regulations were issued in 2008 as provided by the Electricity Supply Act 1990. After a preliminary part, they deal with ""Electrical Energy Management"", ""Registered Electrical Energy Management"" and with a general part."
1208 P.U. (B) 307 MALAYSIA 11 2012 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Notification of Exemption under Section 54 of the Electricity Supply Act 1990.
1209 P.U. (B) 342 MALAYSIA 11 2008 2000-2010 National Other Power Renewable 4 A Notification of Exemption under Section 54 of the Electricity Supply Act 1990.
1210 P.U. (B) 324 MALAYSIA 11 2002 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 A Notification of Exemption under Section 54 of the Electricity Supply Act 1990.
1211 Electricity Regulations 1994 MALAYSIA 11 1994 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These Regulations refer to the installation, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment.
1212 Electricity Supply (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2001 MALAYSIA 11 2001 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Electricity Supply (Compounding of Offences) Regulations were issued in 2001. They address
1213 Renewable Energy Act 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 The Renewable Energy Act was enforced in 2011 to accelerate contribution from green energy such as solar photovoltaic (PV), biomass, biogas and mini hydro in Malaysia’s electricity generation mix. The Act provides for the establishment and implementation of FiT special tariff system to catalyse the generation of renewable energy.---Authority means the Sustainable Energy Development Authority.
1214 Petroleum Development Act 1974 MALAYSIA 11 1974 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to provide for exploration and exploitation of petroleum whether onshore or offshore by a Corporation in which will be vested the entire ownership in and the exclusive rights, powers, liberties and privileges in respect of the said petroleum, and to control the carrying on of downstream activities and development relating to petroleum and its products; to provide for the establishment of a Corporation under the Companies Act 1965 [Act 125] or under the law relating to the incorporation of companies and for the powers of that Corporation; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
1215 Petroleum Mining Act 1966 (Revised 1972) MALAYSIA 11 1966 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision with regard to mining for petroleum and for matters connected therewith.
1216 Electricity Tariff Schedule For Sabah & F.T. Labuan MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 Subnational Other Power Power 10 The Electricity Tariff Schedule for Sabah & F.T. Labuan. Effective 1st January 2014.
1217 Electricity Tariff Schedule for Peninsular Malaysia MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 Subnational Other Power Power 10 Electricity Tariff Schedule for Peninsular Malaysia effective form 1st January 2014.
1218 National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan MALAYSIA 11 2009 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power Power, Renewable 2 The National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan identifies the need and rationale for a convergence of energy, industrial growth, environmental and information dissemination policies and proposes a new and forward-looking Renewable Energy (RE) Policy. After an Introduction it analyses
1219 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2013.
1220 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2013.
1221 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2014 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2014.
1222 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2014 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2014
1223 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2015 MALAYSIA 11 2015 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2015.
1224 P.U. (B) 219 MALAYSIA 11 2015 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 Notification of Symbol and Reperesentation for the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia and Feed-In Tariff System.
1225 Guidelines and Determinations of the Sustainable Development Authority Malaysia (26 May 2014) MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 These Guidelines were issued in 2014. They explore the Guidelines pursuant to Feed-In Rules 2011 and the Guidelines pursuant to the T&O Rules 2011.
1226 Guidelines and Determinations of the Sustainable Development Authority Malaysia (30 April 2014) MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 These Guidelines and Determinations of the Sustainable Development Authority Malaysia were drafted on 30th April 2014. They explore the Guidelines pursuant to the Feed-In Rules 2011and the Guidelines pursuant to the T&O Rules 2011.
1227 Tax Code GEORGIA 6 2010 nan National Code Multi-Sector All 11 Present Code sets forth the general principles of formation and operation of the tax system of Georgia, governs the legal relations involved in the movement of passengers, goods and vehicles across the customs border of Georgia, determines the legal status of persons, tax payers and competent authorities involved in legal relations, determines the types of tax offences, the liability for violation of the tax legislation of Georgia, the terms and conditions for appealing wrongful acts of competent authorities and of their officials, lays down procedures for settling tax disputes.
1228 Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the establishment of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia and to provide for its functions and powers and for related matters.
1229 Guidelines and Determinations of the Sustainable Development Authority Malaysia (20 February 2013) MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 Guidelines and Determinations of the Sustainable Development Authority Malaysia issued on 20th, February 2013.
1230 TNB Technical Guidebook on Grid-interconnection of Photovoltaic Power Generation System to LV and MV Networks MALAYSIA 11 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Solar 100 The main objective of this PV Guideline is to provide guidance on the requirements of PV interconnection with TNB Distribution system. This document is focused on providing recommended practice for utility interconnection of PV systems in a manner that will allow the PV systems to perform as expected and be installed at a reasonable cost while not compromising safety or operational issues. It addresses technical issues associated with the connection of PV plant to the distribution network. Also highlighted are processes involved in implementing the projects.
1231 Procedure on Biogas Power Plant Acceptance Test and Performance Assessment for Feed-In-Tariff (FiT) Projects in Malaysia. MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Bioenergy 100 The Procedure on Biomass Power Plant Acceptance Test and Performance Assessment for FiT is prepared to provide assistance to the Feed-in Approval Holders (FiAHs) under the biogas category. The scope of this Procedure is relevant to biogas resources which refer to the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), sewage treatment plant, energy crops, landfills and Palm Oil Mill Effluents (POME).
1232 Procedure on Biomass Power Plant Acceptance Test and Performance Assessment for Feed-In-Tariff (FiT) Projects in Malaysia. MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Bioenergy 100 The Procedure on Biomass Power Plant Acceptance Test and Performance Assessment for Feed-In Tariff is prepared to provide assistance to the Feed-in Approval Holders (FiAHs) under the biomass category. This Procedure is useful when preparing the plant performance assessment and for continuous performance assurance reporting by the biomass project developers in preparing test report for FiT commencement date (FiTCD).
1233 Guideline for the Registration of Energy Service Company (ESCO) MALAYSIA 11 0 nan National Guideline Energy All 11 These Guidelines were issued in order to
1234 Renewable Energy (Feed-In Approval and Feed-In Tariff Rate) Rules 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 The Sustainable Energy Development Authority made these Rules in 2011. They include
1235 Renewable Energy (Feed-In Approval and Feed-In Tariff Rate) (Amendment) Rules 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 Rules to amend the Renewable Energy (Feed-In Approval and Feed-In Tariff Rate) Rules and provide for new Rules.
1236 Renewable Energy (Feed-In Approval and Feed-In Tariff Rate) (Amendment) (No.2) Rules 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules amend the Renewable Energy (Feed-In Approval and Feed-In Tariff Rate) Rules 2011.
1237 Renewable Energy (Technical and Operational Requirements) Rules 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 After a preliminary Part, the Rules deal with planning, connection to electricity distribution network, responsibilities and costs, commencement of operation, operation of renewable energy installation, metering and payment.
1238 Renewable Energy (Technical and Operational Requirements) (Amendment) Rules 2014 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules amend the Renewable Energy (Technical and Operational Requirements) Rules 2011.
1239 Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement) Rules 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 This document addresses the Renewable Energy Purchase Agreements Rules, the period to enter a PPA, their form etc.
1240 Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Wrapping up progress under the Energy Strategy until 2030, present draft policy document supports continuous endeavors towards sustainable development of the energy sector in the Russian Federation. In the context of economic uncertainty, the Strategy provides responses to existing energy challenges, along with that seeks to integrate environmental sustainability in Russia’s development pattern. Pursuing sustainable development of the energy sector means considerable transformations in a number of areas
1241 Priorities of State Policy on Improving Power Sector Efficiency through the Introduction of Renewable Sources of Energy (until 2020) RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 Present document explores policy components essential for the integration of renewable energy into the national power system, reviews the concepts of environmental sustainability. The policy adopted in 2009 lays the ground for potential future efforts on the development of renewable sources of energy in the Russian Federation.
1242 Rules for Subsidization of Programs (of Federal Subjects) on Energy Conservation and Improving Energy Efficiency RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 0 nan National Decree Energy All 11 The draft was issued by the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation in 2014 to amend a number of legislative acts concerning financing of national projects on energy efficiency. ----------- As energy efficiency tops the sustainable development agenda in the Russian Federation, the document places an emphasis on financing mechanisms to unveil this agenda. The document surveys methodological issues related to the provision of subsidized financing for energy efficiency and energy conservation projects in the federal subjects.
1243 Renewable Energy (Criteria for Renewable Resources) Regulations 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules address the criteria a particular resource or technology shall satisfy, in order to be regarded as the renewable resource as defined in the first column of the Schedule provided.
1244 Renewable Energy (Criteria For Renewable Resources) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules amend the Schedule for the Renewable Energy (Criteria for Renewable Sources).
1245 Renewable Energy (Allocation from Electricity Tariffs) Order 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 This Order deals with
1246 Renewable Energy (Allocation from Electricity Tariffs) Order 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 This Order addresses
1247 Renewable Energy (Recovery of Money by Distribution Licensee) Rules 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules address
1248 Renewable Energy (Recovery of Money by Distribution Licensee) (Amendment) Rules 2014 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Rules amend the Renewable Energy (Recovery of Money by Distribution Licensee) Rules 2011.
1249 Renewable Energy (Administrative Fees) Order 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 These Rules address
1250 P.U. (B) 589 Appointment of Date of Coming into Operation MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 Hereby the Minister appoints
1251 Incentives for End-Users MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 The Incentives for End-Users refer to the possibility for Companies generating energy from renewable sources to apply for incentives.
1252 Incentives for Third Party Distributors MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 The Budget 2011 has extended incentives to grant exemptions of import duty and/or sales tax as appropriate, to Registered Third Party Distributors (TPDs) as well as manufacturers of the relevant products.
1253 SEDA Annual Report 2011 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The Sustainable Energy Development Authority of Malaysia Report for the year 2011.
1254 SEDA Annual Report 2012 MALAYSIA 11 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Renewable 4 A Sustainable Energy Development Authority Annual Report for the year 2012.
1255 SEDA Annual Report 2013 MALAYSIA 11 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Renewable 4 A Sustainable Energy Development Authority Annual Report for the year 2013.
1256 General Scheme for the Development of Gas Industry until 2030 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Gas 0 General Scheme for the Development of Gas Industry in the Russian Federation is a strategic policy document identifying tools and mechanisms for nurturing sustainability and improving competitiveness of the national energy sector. Focusing on gas market fragilities and existing sectoral weaknesses, the policy elaborates on options to promote innovative development, seeks to ensure that sufficient resources will be made available to support the reformation of national gas sector. Stressing the need for the development of regional connectivity solutions, the document aims to ensure that Russia’s obligations arising from international agreements on gas supply are met. It is stressed that in order to best-fit to the rapidly changing energy market conditions, national regulatory frameworks will be continuously adjusted to the evolving external environment.
1257 General Scheme for the Development of Oil Industry until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Oil 9 Present document sets out priorities for the development of oil industry in the Russian Federation renewing focus on environmental sustainability of the national energy sector. In the context of new challenges and energy market uncertainties, the policy concentrates on factors restraining the development of Russian oil industry. An excessive emphasis is placed on infrastructure development needs. ----------- The Scheme was adopted pursuant to the Order of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation N 212 dated 6 June 2011.
1258 Energy Commission Act 2001 MALAYSIA 11 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the establishment of the Energy Commission with powers to regulate the energy supply activities in Malaysia, and to enforce the energy supply laws, and for matters connected therewith.
1259 Energy Commission (Amendment) Act 2010 MALAYSIA 11 2010 nan National Act Energy All 11 An Act to amend the Energy Commission Act 2001.
1260 Gas Supply Act 1993 MALAYSIA 11 1993 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 An Act to provide for the licensing of the supply of gas to consumers through pipelines and related matters, the supply of gas at reasonable prices, the control of gas supply pipelines, installations and appliances with respect to matters relating to safety of persons and for purposes connected therewith.
1261 Electricity (Amendment) Regulations 2014 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Regulations to amend the Electricity Regulations 2013.
1262 Electricity (Amendment) (N.2) Regulations 2014 MALAYSIA 11 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Regulations to amend the Electricity Regulations 2013.
1263 Licensee Supply Regulations, 1990 MALAYSIA 11 1990 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Regulations addressing the following provisions
1264 Gas Supply (Compoundable Offences) Order 2006 MALAYSIA 11 2006 2000-2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 The Gas Supply (Compoundable Offences) Order 2006 addresses the compoundable offences under the Gas Supply Act 1993 and subsidiary legislations.
1265 Gas Supply (Compounding Of Offences) Regulations 2006 MALAYSIA 11 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 A Regulation addressing compounding of offences.
1266 Performance Standards of Electricity Supply Services of TNB MALAYSIA 11 2012 after_2010 National Standard Power Power 10 This document provides for the setting out of performance levels expected of TNB in relation to its licence obligations to supply electricity to consumers in Peninsular Malaysia.
1267 Gas Supply Act Regulations and Guidelines MALAYSIA 11 1997 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 These detailed regulations contain technical and administrative procedures to ensure that consumers and public interests in the gas industry are protected. For this purpose, the Minister has legislated the Gas Supply Regulations.
1268 Code of Practice on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy for Non-Residential Buildings (First Revision) MALAYSIA 11 2007 2000-2010 National Standard Energy Renewable 4 This Malaysian Standard provides for direction for the effective use of energy, including the renewable energy in new and existing non-residential buildings.
1269 National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) MALAYSIA 11 0 nan National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Malaysia Energy Efficiency Action Plan is focused to tackle issues pertaining to energy supply by managing demand efficiently. The Plan prescribes a path towards improving energy efficiency by pursuing the implementation of measures that are considered as “harvesting the low hanging fruits”, as they are viable for the nation as well as the end users. The plan is built upon the experiences and knowledge from past programmes and projects and provides for the instruments for a successful implementation of energy efficiency strategies in the country for a period of 10 years.
1270 Tenth Malaysia Plan 2011-2015 MALAYSIA 11 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Tenth Malaysian Plan sets goals in order to make Malaysia a high-income nation, as envisioned in Vision 2020. It charts the development of the nation for the next five years, anchored on delivering the desired outcomes for all Malaysians. The Plan is divided in the following Chapters
1271 Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) - A Roadmap for Malaysia MALAYSIA 11 2010 nan National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), along with the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) serves as a means to achieve economic development towards 2020. The ETP builds upon the policy directions, strategies and programmes of the 10th Malaysia Plan and aims to achieve 12 National Key Development Areas and 6 Strategic Reforms Initiatives. In doing so, it will increase the national revenues and help achieve the Government Transformation Programme (GTP). The 12 NKEAs selected are
1272 First Malaysia Plan 1966-1970 MALAYSIA 11 1966 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The First Malaysia Plan aims to tackle the country's main problem addressing economic and social issues in a 5-year period. Its objectives include
1273 Second Malaysia Plan 1971-1975 MALAYSIA 11 1971 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Second Malaysia Plan focues on a New Development Strategy setting the national unity as the over-riding objective of the country. It aims at eradicating poverty among all Malaysians and restructuring the Malaysian social structure in a context of economic expansion and well-being of the country.
1274 Third Malaysia Plan 1976-1980 MALAYSIA 11 1976 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Hydropower 100 The Third Malaysia Plan is a continuation of the efforts of the previous development plans to achieve national unity along with the eradication of poverty, social and economic development. Indeed, although Malaysia has achieved much progress in this direction, there is more to be done.
1275 Fourth Malaysia Plan (FMP) 1981-1985 MALAYSIA 11 1981 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Fourth Malaysia Plan (FMP), 1981-85 further elaborates and refines policy measures and programmes embodied in the Second and Third Malaysia Plan (SMP and TMP) to ensure that the socio- economic objectives of eradicating poverty irrespective of race and of restructuring society to eliminate the identification of race with economic functions, are achieved. The Plan starts with a review of the progress made in the past years and outlines future development goals for the 1981-1985 period.
1276 Fifth Malaysia Plan (FMP) 1986-1990 MALAYSIA 11 1986 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar 100 The Fifth Malaysia Plan (FMP) sets out a programme for economic and social development of the country. It plans to overcome the slowdown in economic growth and increase in the external and domestic debt revealing structural economic weaknesses. Although objectives remain unchanged new policies are introduce to adapt to the 1986-1990 period.
1277 Sixth Malaysia Plan (SMP) 1991-1995 MALAYSIA 11 1991 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Sixth Malaysia Plan aims at sustaining the rapid economic growth of the country after the recession in 1985-1986. After a review of the development performance, the Plan explores the Development Framework for 1991-1995 and strategies.
1278 Decree № 91/22.04.1998 on Customs Duty Rates for Export-Import Operations AZERBAIJAN 100 1998 before_2000 National Decree Multi-Sector Renewable 4 The Decree sets tax rates for imported and exported goods in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1279 Decree №11/31.01.2005 on the List of Imported Goods Exempt from Value Added Tax AZERBAIJAN 100 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector Renewable 4 The present Decree provides for tax relief conditions (VAT) for specific categories of imported goods.
1280 Seventh Malaysia Plan 1996-2000 MALAYSIA 11 1996 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Seventh Malaysia Plan continues to emphasise the concept of sustained economic growth and social equity shared among all ethnic groups, as well as between rural and urban areas. The Plan explores; Chapter 01 - Policy Objectives and Framework; Chapter 02 - Macroeconomic Performance And Prospects; Chapter 03 - Poverty Redressal, Restructuring of Society and Income Distribution; Chapter 04 - Population, Employment And Manpower Development; Chapter 05 - Regional Development; Chapter 06 - Public Sector Programme And Its Financing; Chapter 07 - Privatization; Chapter 08 - Agricultural Development; Chapter 09 - Industrial Development; Chapter 10 - Education and Training; Chapter 11 - Infrastructure and Utilities; Chapter 12 - Energy; Chapter 13 - Science and Technology; Chapter 14 - Information Technology; Chapter 15 - Finance; Chapter 16 - Tourism and Distributive Trade; Chapter 17 - Health; Chapter 18 - Housing And Other Social Services; Chapter 19 - Environment And Sustainable Resource Management; Chapter 20 - Women And Development; Chapter 21 - Youth In Development; Chapter 22 - Development Through International Cooperation; Chapter 23 - Administrative Improvements For Development.
1281 Eighth Malaysia Plan 2001-2005 MALAYSIA 11 2001 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Eighth Malaysia Plan charts the next steps that Malaysia, as a nation, has to take towards becoming a united and fully developed nation in our own mould by the year 2020. Economic growth and social equity are the constant objectives of the Plan, which addresses also future challenges. The Plan explores
1282 Ninth Malaysia Plan 2006-2010 MALAYSIA 11 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Ninth Plan sets out to achieve a stronger and more value-added economy, while giving substantial focus to socio-economic issues and uplifting the quality of life for all. The Ninth Plan will seek to achieve growth with equity in distribution. After having explored the national mission, the Plan delivers an overview of the ninth Malaysia Plan and provides for 5 Thrusts
1283 The National Biofuel Policy MALAYSIA 11 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power, Transport Bioenergy 100 The National Biofuel Policy encourages the use of biofuels, it spells out a comprehensive framework with concrete initiatives in line with the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to which Malaysia is a party. In particular, the Policy sets the platform for attainment of the following objectives
1284 New Economic Model for Malaysia - Part I MALAYSIA 11 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 This report is the first of two documents by the National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) on the New Economic Model (NEM). It presents an overall framework of the NEM for transforming Malaysia from a middle income to an advanced nation by 2020. The objective of this report is to serve as the basis for formulating the policy measures and the implementation plan in the final document that follows.
1285 Related Standards and Codes of the Gas Piping System MALAYSIA 11 1974 before_2000 National Standard Power Gas 0 Related Standards and Codes of the Gas Piping System.
1286 Gas Supply Regulations 1997 MALAYSIA 11 1998 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 The Gas Supply Regulations were issued in 1997 by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. They provide for rules on License, Gas Installation and Operation,Ccertificate of Competency and Registration and Mantainance.
1287 National Green Technology Policy MALAYSIA 11 2009 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Energy, Power, Transport All, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 "The National Green Technology Policy was issued in 2009. It recognizes the importance of green technologies to achieve progress. ""Green Technology shall be a driver to accelerate the national economy and promote sustainable development"". The policy addresses the following issues"
1288 The National Mission MALAYSIA 11 2006 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Multi-Sector All 11 The National Mission is a Policy and Implementation Framework that outlines the Country's priorities for 15 years, along with the ninth Malaysia Plan. Its objective is to make Malaysia a strong, developed and united nation. The policy addresses the following topics
1289 Third Outline Perspective Plan, (OPP3), 2001-2010 MALAYSIA 11 2001 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Third Outilne Perspective Plan (OPP3) focuses on some key strategic thrusts to achieve sustainable growth. The Plan aims at building a resilient and competitive nation. The Plan states that during this period, covering 2001-2010, efforts should be made to raise the quality of development and generate high sustainable growth, bringing prosperity for all.
1290 Second Outline Perspective Plan (OPP2), 1991-2000 MALAYSIA 11 1991 before_2000 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Second Outline Perspective Plan is a ten-year policy. Along with other policies, it aims to reducing poverty and economic imbalances of the country covering the period 1991-2000. OPP2 has been formulated based on the New Development Policy (NDP). The NDP builds upon the achievements during the OPPI to accelerate the process of eradicating poverty and restructuring society so as to correct social and economic imbalances. The overall target is to make Malaysia a fully developed Nation by the year 2020.
1291 Fourth Strategic Energy Plan JAPAN 15 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Fourth Strategic Energy Plan indicates Japan's new direction of energy policy after events such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO)’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants (hereinafter referred to as the “TEPCO’s Fukushima nuclear accident”). The plan summarizes Japan’s challenges of policies to be tackled, and its lines of long-term, comprehensive and systematic energy policy.
1292 Interim Report JAPAN 15 2006 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 This report provides a general overview over energy security measures in Japan. To cope with the lack of energy resources, careful attention must be given to how the implementation of such policies and measures would affect the nation’s overall foreign strategy.
1293 Basic Act on Energy Policy(Act No. 71 of June 14 of 2002) JAPAN 15 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 This Act provides for a basic energy policy on energy for Japan. It clarifies the responsibilities of the State and local public entities with respect to measures on energy supply and demand and by prescribes matters that form the basis of measures on energy supply and demand. Based on this Act, the first Strategic Energy Plan was created in 2002.
1294 Act Concerning the Rational Use of Energy - Energy Conservation Act (Act No. 49 of June 22, 1979) Revised in August 2005 JAPAN 15 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The Act concerning the Rational Use of Energy addresses the following topics
1295 National Energy Strategy JAPAN 15 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Transport All, Oil 100 This Strategy was formulated in light of the domestic and international changes of the energy market environment with the aim to focus on the energy security. The three objectives the Strategy mentions are
1296 Guidelines for Preparing Medium- and Long-Term Plans by the Type 1 Specified Business Operator thatInstall Factories for theirOperations in the Manufacturing Industry JAPAN 15 1999 before_2000 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 When the enterprises, that install factories for operations belonging to the industry classified as general manufacturing in the Type 1 Specified Business Operator, formulate their Medium- and Long-term plans, the following items shall be referred to for accuracy.
1297 Guidelines for Preparing Medium- and Long-Term Plans by the Type 1 Designated Business Operator (except theWater Supply Industry, Sewer Industry, andWaste Processing Industry) JAPAN 15 1999 before_2000 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 When the enterprises in the Type 1 Designated Business Operator (except water supply industry and sewer industry), formulate their Medium- and Long-term plans, the following items shall be referred to for accuracy
1298 Guidelines for Preparing Medium- and Long-Term Plans by the Type 1 Designated Business Operator (except theWater Supply Industry, Sewer Industry, andWaste Processing Industry) JAPAN 15 2004 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 When the enterprises in the Type 1 Designated Business Operator (except water supply industry and sewer industry), formulate their Medium- and Long-term plans, the following items shall be referred to for accuracy.
1299 Guidelines for Preparing Medium- and Long-Term Plans by the Type 1 Designated Business Operator (the Water Supply Industry, Sewer Industry, and Waste Processing Industry) JAPAN 15 2004 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 When the enterprises, that install factories or workplaces for operations belonging to the industry classified as water supply industry, sewer industry, and waste processing industry in the Type 1 Designated Business Operator, formulate their Medium- and Long-term plans, the following items shall be referred to for accuracy.
1300 Release of Thermal Insulation Performance Value of Building Materials JAPAN 15 1999 before_2000 National Other Energy All 11 Standard thermal insulation performance values of building materials are released to improve the thermal insulation quality of building materials, based on the provision of Article 16 of the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy (Law No. 49, 1979).
1301 Standards of Judgment for Construction Clients and Owners of Specified Buildings on the Rational Use of Energy for Buildings JAPAN 15 2009 2000-2010 National Standard Energy All 11 "A Document providing for the ""Standards of Judgment for Construction Clients and Owners of Specified Buildings on the Rational Use of Energy for Buildings""."
1303 Gas Business Act JAPAN 15 1954 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect the interests of gas users and achieve the sound development of Gas Businesses by coordinating the operation of Gas Businesses, to ensure public safety and prevent pollution by regulating the construction, maintenance and operation of Gas Facilities as well as the manufacture and sale of Gas Equipment.
1304 Strategy for Hydrometeorology and Related Areas (until 2030) RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The Strategy looks at future developments in the field of environmental protection from the perspective of hydrometeorology. Focusing on existing fragilities of environmental monitoring system, the policy overviews multiple and interconnected issues related to climate change, provides a thorough assessment of existing risks and proposes steps to strengthen Russia’s system of hydrometeorological monitoring. Implementation of the policy involves a number of sectors, including agriculture, transport, energy and water.
1305 Federal Special Purpose Program on Nuclear Disaster Recovery (until 2015) RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Programme Energy Nuclear, Renewable 100 The document summarizes specific evidence for irreversible effects of nuclear disasters, focusing primarily on the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe (26 April 1986). Exacerbating the fragilities of Russia’s environmental system, the policy provides a thorough assessment of nuclear disaster effects and risks, reveals persistent weaknesses of the national energy system, proposes steps to minimize atomic catastrophe impacts in a sustainable way. As provided by the policy document, there remain health and protection concerns for people in areas exposed to radiation. It is considered indispensable to increase awareness on the consequences of nuclear disasters.
1306 Federal Law on Ratification of Agreement between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on Supply of Natural Gas via the Eastern Route RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2015 after_2010 National Law Energy Gas 0 As a number of factors are holding back the demand for natural resources in the Russian Federation – suffering from predicaments of economic downturn – the agreement was signed to reduce the risks of market uncertainty the country is facing. Parties make efforts towards strengthening cooperation for diversifying natural gas supply routes, specifically, increasing the supply via the Eastern Route. The Agreement was ratified by the present Federal Law on 2 May 2015.
1307 Top Runner Program JAPAN 15 2015 after_2010 National Programme Energy All 11 "The Top Runner Program was prescribed under the ""Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy"" (Energy Conservation Law) - Section 6 ""Measures Related to Machinery, Equipment, and Other Items."" Although the first one was issued in 1998, the Top Runner standards are in continuous evolution, covering more and more items. In particular, the Program of 2015 aims to provide an effective measure in order to achieve energy conservation in the residential and commercial sector and the transportation sector, improvements in the energy consumption efficiency of machinery and appliances."
1308 Settlement of FY 2015 Purchase Prices and FY 2015 Surcharge Rates under the Feed in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy JAPAN 15 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Renewable 4 The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) determined FY2015 purchase prices for newcomers and FY2015 surcharge rates under the Feedin Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy.
1309 Innovative Strategy for Energy and the Environment JAPAN 15 2012 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power, Multi-Sector All, Power, Nuclear, Renewable 100 "The need for an ""Innovative Strategy for Energy and the Environment"" emerges as a consequence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) occurred on March 11, 2011. In particular, the accident called for fundamental reform formulated by the nation as a whole and provides for a path towards a new future. The Innovative Strategy’s basic policy is to strive to reduce the dependence on nuclear energy as well as on fossil fuels, by maximizing green energy such as energy efficiency and renewable energy. In doing so, it bases on three pillars"
1310 Act on the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization JAPAN 15 2003 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to provide for the matters concerning the name, purpose, and the scope of functions, etc. of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Incorporated Administrative Agency.
1311 Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources JAPAN 15 1991 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 This Act aims to to ensure the effective utilization of resources and to take necessary measures to reduce the generation of Used Products, etc. and By Products. It promotes the utilization of Recyclable Resources and Reusable Parts in order to contribute to waste reduction and environmental preservation, thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy.
1312 Act on Regulation, Etc. of Emissions From Nonroad Special Motor Vehicles JAPAN 15 2005 2000-2010 National Act Transport All 11 This Act aims to reduce emissions from non-road special motor vehicles and thereby to protect the health of the people from air pollution and preserve their living environment. In provides for technical standards for specified engines as well as non-road special motor vehicles and imposes necessary regulations on the use of non-road special motor vehicles, among other measures.
1313 High Pressure Gas Safety Act JAPAN 15 1951 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Gas 0 An Act to regulate the production, storage, sale, transportation and other matters related to the handling of high pressure gases, their consumption as well as the manufacture and handling of their containers. The Act also aims to encourage voluntary activities by private businesses and the High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan for the safety of high pressure gases with the aim of securing public safety by preventing accidents and disasters caused by high pressure gases.
1314 Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act JAPAN 15 1961 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to regulate the manufacture, sale, etc. of Electrical Appliances and Materials and to foster voluntary activities by private businesses to ensure the safety of Electrical Appliances and Materials, so as to prevent hazards and damages resulting therefrom.
1315 Act on the Promotion of New Energy Usage JAPAN 15 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 This Act promotes national efforts with regard to new energy utilization and measures necessary to facilitate the utilization of new energy. It aims to contribute to the sound development of the national economy and stabilization of lives of the citizenry.
1316 Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities JAPAN 15 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act to promote the use of renewable energy sources with regard to the procurement of electricity from renewable energy sources by electricity utilities. The Act acknowledges the importance of taking into consideration the use of renewable energy sources to secure a stable and appropriate supply of energy, in accordance with the economic and social environment in Japan and abroad and in reducing the environmental load arising from energy supply.
1317 Mining Act JAPAN 15 1950 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Coal, Oil, Gas 100 "The purpose of this Act is to provide for the basic system of mining to contribute improvement of public welfare by developing mineral resources in a reasonable manner. The term ""mineral"" as used in the following Articles of this Act includes oil, coal and natural gas."
1318 Oil Stockpiling Act JAPAN 15 1975 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to ensure a stable supply of oil by taking measures to stockpile and appropriately distribute such oil in the situation of a shortage in Japan and thereby contribute to the stability of lives of the citizenry and the smooth operation of the national economy.
1319 Electricity Business Act JAPAN 15 1964 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to protect the interests of electricity users and achieve the sound development of Electricity Businesses by realizing appropriate and reasonable management of Electricity Businesses, and to assure public safety and promote environmental preservation by regulating the construction, maintenance and operation of Electric Facilities.
1320 Cool Earth-Innovative Energy Technology Program JAPAN 15 2008 2000-2010 National Programme Energy All 11 Through the“Cool Earth-Innovative Energy Technology Program” Japan examined how specific measures can be taken to develop innovative technologies in the field of energy with the prospects for 2050. The first topic discussed is about which kind of technologies Japan should focus on developing to achieve substantial reductions by 2050. Secondly, it is discussed how international cooperation should be used in technology development, since the substantial reduction is considered impossible without international cooperation. Thirdly, the report focuses on how international cooperation should be structured with the roadmaps as the centerpiece of international cooperation. ---NOTE
1322 Japan Revitalization Strategy JAPAN 15 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable 100 "The Japan Revitalization Strategy aims to sustain Japan's growth. In doing so, it addresses multiple facets of the Japanese society to restore the country's ""earning power"". It addresses"
1323 Energy Law ARMENIA 100 2001 2000-2010 National Law Energy All, Power, Gas 100 The policy establishes an all-encompassing framework for the regulation of energy sector in the Republic of Armenia. PThe objective of this Law is the establishment of the government policies in the energy sector and the mechanisms for their implementation.
1324 Land Code ARMENIA 100 2001 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 Present Code establishes a comprehensive legal framework for the regulation of land use in the Republic of Armenia. With a view to maintain, recover and increase productivity of land resources, the policy focuses on measures to promote environmentally- and economically-sound management of land resources. It aims to minimize human-induced effects on the environment, calls for a strong policy action towards conservation of soil and water resources and promotion of integrated ecosystem management.
1325 Law on Energy Saving and Renewable Energy ARMENIA 100 2004 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 Taking into full account national development priorities and internationally agreed development goals, the policy aims to support the implementation of programs on energy efficiency and introduction of renewable sources of energy in the Republic of Armenia. It is underscored that sustainable energy sector is an important driver of sustainable economic growth.
1326 Water Code ARMENIA 100 2002 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector Hydropower 8 The Water Code adopted by the National Assembly on the 4 July 2002 determines policy actions and establishes measures for improving water management in the Republic of Armenia. In line with efforts taken at the national level to integrate environmental sustainability in Armenia’s current development pattern, the policy aims to strengthen the system of water resources management.
1327 Decree Approving the Plan of Action on Implementation of Obligations Emanating from a Number of International Environmental Conventions ARMENIA 100 2012 after_2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The objective of the policy document is to build effective policy synergies and advance national capacities for strengthening the existing system of environmental protection in the Republic of Armenia. Enabling conditions for pursuing sustainable development, the Decree aims to reaffirm Armenia’s international commitments to protecting the environment.
1328 Decision on Implementation of Projects within the Framework of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ARMENIA 100 2006 2000-2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Agreement reaffirms Armenia’s climate change commitments considering the Clean Development Mechanism – defined in art. 12 - the principle underlying mechanism for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Broader involvement of relevant stakeholders in climate and environmental change initiatives at the national level shall be ensured. The Kyoto Protocol was ratified pursuant to the Decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia № 323-2 of 26 December 2002.
1329 Strategy for Innovative Development until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 Elucidating the interlinkages between energy, environment and innovative growth, the Strategy seeks to advance efforts on the way to cleaner, more efficient and robust energy system in the Russian Federation. It is of utmost importance to give due consideration to the development of alternative and renewable sources of energy, enhance energy efficiency, and, in a broader sense, increase competitiveness of the national energy sector. ----------- Present Strategy was adopted pursuant to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 2227-r of 8 December 2011.
1330 Energy Use Rationalization Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts.
1331 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy All 11 The Integrated Energy Supply Act Act aims to actively cope with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to contribute to energy conservation. In doing so, it promotes the expansion of the integrated energy supply, by operating the integrated energy supply reasonably and by prescribing the matters concerning the construction, operation and safety of integrated energy facilities. Integrated energy supply means means heat or heat and electricity supplied to a large number of users. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1332 National Energy Policy and Strategies SRI LANKA 5 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This document declares the National Energy Policy of Sri Lanka, and spells out the implementing strategies, specific targets and milestones through which the Government of Sri Lanka and its people would endeavour to develop and manage the energy sector in the coming yeas in order to facilitate achieving its millennium development goals. Specific new initiatives are included in this policy to expand the delivery of affordable energy services to a larger share of the population, to improve energy sector planning, management and regulation, and to revitalise biomass as a significant resource of commercial energy.
1333 Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 This Act aims to contribute to the preservation of the environment, the sound and sustainable development of the national Korean economy, and the promotion of national welfare. It promotes the diversification of energy sources through the promotion of technological development, use and distribution of new energy and renewable energy, the activation of the new energy industry and the renewable energy industry. Up to this it aims at promoting the stable supply of energy, environment-friendly conversion of the energy structure, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1334 Energy Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The Energy Act aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the national economy and enhancement of the welfare of citizens by providing for basic matters concerning the formulation and implementation of energy policies and energy-related plans to realize a stable, efficient and environment-friendly energy demand and supply structure.
1335 Atomic Energy Act 2008 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 The Nuclear Energy Act aims to contribute to the improvement of the people’s livelihood and enhancement of social welfare and to ensure the prevention of disasters resulting from radiation and safety of the general public by prescribing the matters concerning research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been partially amended by subsequent Acts.
1336 Enforcement Decree of the Atomic Energy Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Nuclear 7 This Decree provides for the enforcement of matters delegated by the Atomic Energy Act.
1337 Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 The Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act promotes for the development of fusion energy. Thereby it promotes research and development for peaceful use and production of fusion energy.
1338 Enforcement Decree of the Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "This Enforcement Decree prescribes for the implementation of certain matters provided for by the ""Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act""."
1339 Act on the Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 This Act provides for the establishment of a recycling system for resources used in electrical, electronic equipments, and vehicles in order to contribute to environmental conservation and national economic growth.
1340 Clean Air Conservation Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to prevent air pollution and to manage and preserve the atmospheric environment in a proper and sustainable manner, in order to enable all people to live in the healthy and comfortable environment.
1341 Program on the Development of the System of Natural Gas Exploration, Transportation and Supply in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation (for Potential Export to the Markets of China and Asia-Pacific Region) RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2007 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Gas 0 The policy provides an in-depth analysis of recent trends and a perspective on energy, specifically, gas sector development in the Russian Federation. Taking into full account existing regional integration challenges, the Program aims to promote greater transboundary collaboration on the sustainable exploration and supply of natural resources.
1342 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1343 Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector All 11 This Act aims to promote low carbon, green growth by utilizing green technology and green industries as new engines for growth. In doing so, it pursues the harmonized development of the economy and environment and aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of every citizen and to the development of the national economy. NOTE
1344 Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 This Enforcement Decree provides for matters delegated by the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth.
1345 Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth 2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of the national economy by laying down the foundation necessary for low carbon, green growth and by utilizing green technology and green industries as new engines for growth. Through this provisions, the Act aims to pursue the harmonized development of the economy and environment and to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of every citizen and the take-off to a mature, top-class, advanced country that shall fulfill its responsibility in international society through the achievement of a low-carbon society.
1346 Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth 2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2012 after_2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 A Decree to enforce the provisions delegated by the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth 2012.
1347 Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of the national economy and the promotion of the welfare of the people by facilitating research and development of fusion energy, establishing infrastructure necessary for the generation and peaceful use of fusion energy, and promoting relevant technologies and industries.
1348 Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of the national economy and the promotion of the welfare of the people by facilitating research and development of fusion energy, establishing infrastructure necessary for the generation and peaceful use of fusion energy, and promoting relevant technologies and industries.
1349 Enforcement Decree of the Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Decree Energy Nuclear 7 This Decree prescribes provisions delegated by the Fusion Energy Development Promotion Act 2013.
1350 Traffic, Energy and Environment Tax Act 2006 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2007 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to secure financial resources required for the business to expand traffic facilities, such as roads and city railroads, and to foster public traffic, the business related to energy and resources, and the business for preservation and improvement of environment.
1351 Traffic, Energy and Environment Tax Act 2007 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to secure financial resources required for the business to expand traffic facilities, such as roads and city railroads, and to foster public traffic, the business related to energy and resources, and the business for preservation and improvement of environment.
1352 Traffic, Energy and Environment Tax Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to secure financial resources required for the business to expand traffic facilities, such as roads and city railroads, and to foster public traffic infrastructure, the business related to energy and resources, and the business for preservation and improvement of environment.
1353 Traffic, Energy and Environment Tax Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to secure financial resources required for the business to expand traffic facilities, such as roads and city railroads, and to foster public traffic infrastructure, the business related to energy and resources, and the business for preservation and improvement of environment.
1354 Traffic, Energy and Environment Tax Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to secure financial resources required for the business to expand traffic facilities, such as roads and city railroads, and to foster public traffic infrastructure, the business related to energy and resources, and the business for preservation and improvement of environment.
1355 Traffic, Energy and Environment Tax Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to secure financial resources required for the business to expand traffic facilities, such as roads and city railroads, and to foster public traffic infrastructure, the business related to energy and resources, and the business for preservation and improvement of environment.
1356 Korea's Energy Standards & Labelling - Market Transformation REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 This Document provides an overview over the programs for energy efficiency promoted in the Republic of Korea and a comparison with other countries. The Chapters address the following issues
1357 Feed-in Tariffs for New and Renewable Energy REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Programme Power Renewable, Solar, Wind 100 Through this Programme, the government compensates the difference between the base price of electricity notified by the Ministry of Industry, trade and Energy and traded power prices in order to encourage investment in the new and renewable energy sector. The program ended as of December 31, 2011 (no new participations from 2012) .
1358 Korea Energy Master Plan REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Energy Master Plan is an overarching plan that covers all energy sectors and coordinates energy related plans from a macro perspective. The Plan aims to provide a mid- to long-term vision of energy policy and sets targets to be addressed. It was introduced by Article 41 of the Basic Law on Low Carbon Green Growth and Clause 1 of Article 10 of the Energy Law. The First Master Plan was introduced in 2008. This is the Second Master Plan, which is supposed to last 5 years before being reviewed. The Plan addresses the following topics
1359 Financial Support with Subsidy (Energy Conservation Measures) FY 2008 JAPAN 15 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11 This Document provides for projects concerning the rational use of energy. In particular it describes the following projects
1360 Standards of Judgment for Factories etc. on Rational Use of Energy JAPAN 15 2009 2000-2010 National Standard Energy All 11 This document provides for a table containing the Standards of Judgment for Factories etc. on Rational Use of Energy. They address
1361 The Policy on Electricity System Reform JAPAN 15 2013 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Power Power 10 This Cabinet Decision is about the Electricity System Reform. The Reform will concentrate on three areas
1362 Clean Air Conservation Act 1995 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1996 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act has been amended by subsequent acts.
1363 Clean Air Conservation Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1364 Clean Air Conservation Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1365 Clean Air Conservation Act 2000 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2000 nan National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1366 Clean Air Conservation Act 2002-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1367 Clean Air Conservation Act 2002-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1368 Clean Air Conservation Act 2003 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1369 Clean Air Conservation Act 2004-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1370 Clean Air Conservation Act 2004-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1371 Clean Air Conservation Act 2005-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1372 Clean Air Conservation Act 2005-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1373 Clean Air Conservation Act 2008-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1374 Clean Air Conservation Act 2008-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1375 Clean Air Conservation Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of this Act is to enable all citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment through the prevention of danger and damage to the national health and environment due to air pollution, and managing and preserving properly the atmospheric environment. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1376 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1996 before_2000 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1377 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1378 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 1998 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1379 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2000 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2000 nan National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1380 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1381 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2003-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1382 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2003-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1383 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2005-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1384 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2005-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1385 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2005-3 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1386 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2006 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees
1387 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2008 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1388 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2009-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1389 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2009-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1390 Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act 2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2012 after_2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 The Purpose of this Decree is to determine matters mandated by Clean Air Conservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and matters necessary for the execution of those matters. This Decree replaces previous Decrees and has been amended by subsequent Decrees.
1391 Energy Use Rationalization Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts.
1392 Energy Use Rationalization Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1393 Energy Use Rationalization Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1394 Energy Use Rationalization Act 2001 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1395 Energy Use Rationalization Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1396 Energy Use Rationalization Act 2003 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1397 Energy Use Rationalization Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1398 Energy Use Rationalization Act 2006 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy of the Republic of South Korea. The Act aims to promote national welfare and international efforts to minimize global warming by realizing stability in the supply and demand of energy, it also promotes the rational and efficient use of energy, and to reduce environmental damage caused by the consumption of energy. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1399 Petroleum and Substitute Fuel Business Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to develop the national economy and improve the people's lives by stabilizing the supply and demand as well as the prices of petroleum and ensuring the proper quality of petroleum products and petroleum substitute fuel. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1400 Petroleum Business Act 1995 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of national economy and the improvement of national life, by realizing the stability of the demand and supply of petroleum and of its prices, and maintaining the reasonable quality of petroleum products. This has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1401 Petroleum Business Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of national economy and the improvement of national life, by realizing the stability of the demand and supply of petroleum and of its prices, and maintaining the reasonable quality of petroleum products. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1402 Petroleum Business Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of national economy and the improvement of national life, by realizing the stability of the demand and supply of petroleum and of its prices, and maintaining the reasonable quality of petroleum products. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1403 Petroleum Business Act 2000 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2000 nan National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of national economy and the improvement of national life, by realizing the stability of the demand and supply of petroleum and of its prices, and maintaining the reasonable quality of petroleum products. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1404 Petroleum Business Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of national economy and the improvement of national life, by realizing the stability of the demand and supply of petroleum and of its prices, and maintaining the reasonable quality of petroleum products. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1405 Petroleum and Substitute Fuel Business Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to develop the national economy and improve the people's lives by stabilizing the supply and demand as well as the prices of petroleum and ensuring the proper quality of petroleum products and petroleum substitute fuel. This Act has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1406 Petroleum and Substitute Fuel Business Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to develop the national economy and improve the people's lives by stabilizing the supply and demand as well as the prices of petroleum and ensuring the proper quality of petroleum products and petroleum substitute fuel. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1407 Petroleum and Substitute Fuel Business Act 2007 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to develop the national economy and improve the people's lives by stabilizing the supply and demand as well as the prices of petroleum and ensuring the proper quality of petroleum products and petroleum substitute fuel. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1408 Petroleum and Substitute Fuel Business Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy Oil 9 The purpose of this Act is to develop the national economy and improve the people's lives by stabilizing the supply and demand as well as the prices of petroleum and ensuring the proper quality of petroleum products and petroleum substitute fuel. This Act replaces previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1412 Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy 2010-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy Renewable 4 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the preservation of the environment, the sound and sustainable development of the national economy, and the promotion of national welfare by diversifying energy resources through the promotion of technological development, use, and diffusion of new energy and renewable energy, and the activation of new energy and renewable energy industries, and by promoting the stable supply of energy, environmentally friendly conversion of the energy structure, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This Act partially amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1413 Mining Industry Act 2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1414 Mining Industry Act 1994 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1995 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1415 Mining Industry Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1416 Mining Industry Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1417 Mining Industry Act 2002-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1418 Mining Industry Act 2002-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1419 Mining Industry Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to prescribe a basic framework for the mining industry to promote the development of national industries through the rational exploitation of mineral resources. Note
1420 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 2010-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1421 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 1994 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1995 before_2000 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1422 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1423 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 1998 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1424 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1425 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 2002-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1426 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 2002-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1427 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1428 Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act 2010-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Decree Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters mandated by the Mining Industry Act and the matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Note
1429 Mining Safety Act 1993 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1993 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to seek rational ways in exploiting underground resources by preventing hazards to miners, as well as mining damage. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1430 Mining Safety Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to seek rational ways in exploiting underground resources by preventing hazards to miners, as well as mining damage. This Act amends previous Acts.
1431 Mining Safety Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to seek rational ways in exploiting underground resources by preventing hazards to miners, as well as mining damage. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1432 Mining Safety Act 2007 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to seek rational ways in exploiting underground resources by preventing hazards to miners, as well as mining damage. This Act partially amends previous Acts and has been partially amended by subsequent Acts.
1433 Mining Safety Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The purpose of this Act is to seek rational ways in exploiting underground resources by preventing hazards to miners, as well as mining damage. This Act partially amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1434 Biotechnology Support Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to con- tribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act partially amends previous Acts.
1435 Biotechnology Support Act 1995 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1996 before_2000 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently and to facilitate the industrialization of the technology for the sound progress of the national economy by laying the foundation of biotechnology research. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1436 Biotechnology Support Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently and to facilitate the industrialization of the technology for the sound progress of the national economy by laying the foundation of biotechnology research. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1437 Biotechnology Support Act 2001 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to contribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1438 Biotechnology Support Act 2003 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to contribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1439 Biotechnology Support Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to con- tribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1440 Biotechnology Support Act 2008 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to con- tribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1441 Biotechnology Support Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to con- tribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act amends previous Acts and has been partially amended by subsequent Acts.
1442 Biotechnology Support Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The purpose of this Act is to develop and support biotechnology more efficiently by laying the foundation of biotechnology research and to con- tribute to the sound progress of the national economy by facilitating the industrialization of the technology. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1443 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 The Integrated Energy Supply Act Act aims to actively cope with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to contribute to energy conservation. In doing so, it promotes the expansion of the integrated energy supply, by operating the integrated energy supply reasonably and by prescribing the matters concerning the construction, operation and safety of integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts.
1444 Integrated Energy Supply Act 1994 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1994 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1445 Integrated Energy Supply Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1446 Integrated Energy Supply Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to cope actively with the United Nations Basic Agreement on Climate Change and to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1447 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2000 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to cope actively with the United Nations Basic Agreement on Climate Change and to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1448 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2002-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to cope actively with the United Nations Basic Agreement on Climate Change and to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1449 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2002-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to cope actively with the United Nations Basic Agreement on Climate Change and to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1450 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to cope actively with the United Nations Basic Agreement on Climate Change and to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1451 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2006 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to cope actively with the United Nations Basic Agreement on Climate Change and to contribute to saving energy and enhancing the convenience of life of the people by expanding the integrated energy supply, reasonably operating the integrated energy projects, and providing for matters concerning the establishment, operation and, safety of the integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1452 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2007 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The Integrated Energy Supply Act Act aims to actively cope with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to contribute to energy conservation. In doing so, it promotes the expansion of the integrated energy supply, by operating the integrated energy supply reasonably and by prescribing the matters concerning the construction, operation and safety of integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1453 Integrated Energy Supply Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 The Integrated Energy Supply Act Act aims to actively cope with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to contribute to energy conservation. In doing so, it promotes the expansion of the integrated energy supply, by operating the integrated energy supply reasonably and by prescribing the matters concerning the construction, operation and safety of integrated energy facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1454 Atomic Energy Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens' living standards and the promotion of social welfare, to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation, and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning the research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""nuclear energy utilization"") and the safety control thereof, and promoting the advancement of science and the development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1455 Atomic Energy Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to provide for matters concerning the research, development, production and use of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""use of nuclear energy"") to contribute to the enhancement of publiclifestyles and welfare by facilitating the advancement of academic research and industrial development. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1456 Atomic Energy Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens' living standards and the promotion of social welfare, to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation, and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning the research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""nuclear energy utilization"") and the safety control thereof, and promoting the advancement of science and the development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1457 Atomic Energy Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens' living standards and the promotion of social welfare, to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation, and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning the research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""nuclear energy utilization"") and the safety control thereof, and promoting the advancement of science and the development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1458 Atomic Energy Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens’ living standards and the promotion of social welfare and to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as “nuclear energy utilization”) and the safety control thereof and promoting the advancement of science and development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1459 Atomic Energy Act 2001 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens' living standards and the promotion of social welfare, to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation, and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning the research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""nuclear energy utilization"") and the safety control thereof, and promoting the advancement of science and the development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1460 Atomic Energy Act 2003 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens' living standards and the promotion of social welfare, to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation, and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning the research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""nuclear energy utilization"") and the safety control thereof, and promoting the advancement of science and the development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1461 Atomic Energy Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of citizens' living standards and the promotion of social welfare, to strive for the prevention of disaster resulting from radiation, and to ensure the safety of the general public by prescribing matters concerning the research, development, production and utilization of nuclear energy (hereinafter referred to as ""nuclear energy utilization"") and the safety control thereof, and promoting the advancement of science and the development of the industry. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts."
1462 Electric Utility Act 2007 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2007 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1463 Electric Utility Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1464 Electric Utility Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1465 Electric Utility Act 1999-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1466 Electric Utility Act 1999-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2000 nan National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1467 Electric Utility Act 2000 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1468 Electric Utility Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1469 Electric Utility Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1470 Electric Utility Act 2005-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1471 Electric Utility Act 2005-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development of the electric utility and protect the interest of the consumers of electricity by establishing the basic system, and by promoting the competitiveness, of the electric utility and thereby to contribute to the progress of the national economy. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts
1472 Electrical Construction Business Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to seek the sound development of electrical construction business and secure the safe and appropriate execution of electrical construction by prescribing basic matters concerning electrical construction business and the execution, technical management of and contracting for electrical construction. This Act amends previous Acts.
1473 Electrical Construction Business Act 1995 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1996 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to prevent danger and injury by having electrical construction carried out safely and adequately and to strive for the sound development of electric work business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1474 Electrical Construction Business Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to prevent danger and injury by having electrical construction carried out safely and adequately and to strive for the sound development of electric work business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1475 Electrical Construction Business Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to prevent danger and injury by having electrical construction carried out safely and adequately and to strive for the sound development of electric work business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1476 Electrical Construction Business Act 2001 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to prevent danger and injury by having electrical construction carried out safely and adequately and to strive for the sound development of electric work business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1477 Electrical Construction Business Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to prevent danger and injury by having electrical construction carried out safely and adequately and to strive for the sound development of electric work business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1478 Electrical Construction Business Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to prevent danger and injury by having electrical construction carried out safely and adequately and to strive for the sound development of electric work business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1479 Urban Gas Business Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts.
1480 General Scheme for the Allocation of Power Objects until 2020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10 A general strategy for the development of power industry in the Russian Federation. The document precedes the second General Scheme for the Allocation of Power Objects (until 2030) and reaffirms the objectives of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. The policy examines measures to ensure stable supply of thermal heat and power, foster the sustainable development of electricity sector using the potential of technology, and mitigate negative impacts on the environment.
1481 Urban Gas Business Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect the users’ interests through rational adjustment and fostering of the urban gas business, and to ensure public benefit and safety through sound development of the urban gas business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been partially amended by subsequent Acts.
1482 Urban Gas Business Act 1998 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect the users’ interests through rational adjustment and fostering of the urban gas business, and to ensure public benefit and safety through sound development of the urban gas business. This Act partially amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1483 Urban Gas Business Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1484 Urban Gas Business Act 2001 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1485 Urban Gas Business Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1486 Urban Gas Business Act 2003-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended b
1487 Urban Gas Business Act 2003-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1488 Urban Gas Business Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1489 Urban Gas Business Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1490 Urban Gas Business Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to protect users' interests by rationally adjusting and fostering urban gas business and to secure public safety by devising the sound development of urban gas business and prescribing matters on the installation, maintenance and safety management of gas supply facilities and gas using facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1491 Smart Grid Construction and Utilization Promotion Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to create smart grids and facilitate the use thereof to develop related industries, cope proactively with global climate changes, lay foundations for future industries oriented to low carbon and green growth, and ultimately contribute to the innovation of the environment for the use of energy and the growth of the national economy.
1492 Armenia Development Strategy (ADS) for 2014-2025 ARMENIA 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 This document sets out national development objectives for 2014-2025. It is the country’s main socioeconomic development strategy and the basis for medium‐term, sectoral and other program documents. Priorities include
1494 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2014 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide for matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gas as well as the manufacture, inspection, etc. of containers, refrigerators and specific equipment for high-pressure gas, etc., and basic matters regarding gas safety in order to prevent hazards caused by high-pressure gas, etc. and to secure public safety. This Act amends previous Acts.
1495 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1496 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 1998 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1497 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1498 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2001 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1499 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1500 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1501 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1502 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2007 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1503 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1504 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1505 High Pressure Gas Safety Control Act 2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters pertaining to the production, storage, sale, transportation and use of high-pressure gases as well as the manufacture and inspection of containers, refrigerators and specified equipment for high-pressure gases in order to prevent hazards due to high pressure gas and to secure the public safety. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1506 Act on the Promotion of Electrification in Agricultural and Fishing Villages REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to improve the productivity of agriculture and fisheries and improve the livelihood of farmers and fishermen by promoting the supply of electricity to agricultural and fishing villages where electricity is unavailable.
1507 Concept of the Federal Special Purpose Program on Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and for the Period until 2015 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2008 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Nuclear, Renewable 100 The Concept contains the objective of increasing the contribution of atomic energy to sustainability of the national energy sector. Despite the fact that the Russian Federation meets its commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a variety of ways adhering to the treaties on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, considerable efforts have to be taken at the national level to achieve the highest standards of nuclear and radiation safety.
1508 Korea Gas Corporation Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 The purpose of this Act is to enable the Korea Gas Corporation to contribute to promoting convenience in the lives of citizens and improving public welfare by incorporating the Korea Gas Corporation and by laying the groundwork for the stable long-term supply of gas.
1509 Enforcement Decree of Korea Gas Corporation Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2013 after_2010 National Decree Energy Gas 0 "The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe matters delegated by the Korea Gas Corporation Act (hereinafter referred to as the ""Act"") and matters necessary for the implementation thereof."
1510 Electric Power Source Development Promotion Act REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to secure the stability of electricity supply and demand and to contribute to the development of the national economy by effectively propelling the electric source development business
1511 Concept of the Common Power Market of the Eurasian Economic Community ARMENIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Programme Power Power 10 Present Concept is developed pursuant to art. 81.2 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Community dated 29 May 2014 with an aim to strengthen regional dialogue and cooperation on the establishment of a common power market. Bridging the gap between power market development needs is considered crucial for fostering regional integration and spurring economic growth. --------- The policy came into force subsequent to approval of the four members of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation) on 8 May 2015.
1512 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2010 nan National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to ensure the proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas by prescribing matters on the filling, storage, sale and use thereof and the safety control of gas appliances and by rationally regulating the liquefied petroleum gas business. This Act amends previous Acts.
1513 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 1996 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1514 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 1998 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act amends previous Acts and has been partially amended by subsequent Acts.
1515 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1516 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1517 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 2003 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2004 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act partially amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1518 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 2004 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1519 Safety Control and Business of Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to provide matters with respect to safety control in the filling of containers with, the storage, sale and use of, liquefied petroleum gas, and the use of gas appliances, and to rationally regulate the liquefied petroleum gas business in order to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1520 Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-Neighboring Areas 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2012 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of electric power resources, strive for the harmonious operation of electric power plants and contribute to regional development by efficiently carrying out assistance programs to the neighboring areas of electric power plants and raising public awareness of electric power business. This Act amends previous Acts.
1521 Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-Neighboring Areas 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1997 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of electric sources, strive for the harmonious operation of electric power plants and radioactive wastes control facilities, and contribute to regional development by efficiently carrying out the assistance business to the neighboring areas of electric power plants and radioactive wastes control facilities and increasing people’s understanding of electric power business. This Act has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1522 Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-Neighboring Areas 2000 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2001 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of electric sources, strive for the harmonious operation of electric power plants and radioactive wastes control facilities, and contribute to regional development by efficiently carrying out the assistance business to the neighboring areas of electric power plants and radioactive wastes control facilities and increasing people’s understanding of electric power business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1523 Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-Neighboring Areas 2005-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2005 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of electric power resources, strive for the harmonious operation of electric power plants and contribute to regional development by efficiently carrying out assistance programs to the neighboring areas of electric power plants and raising public awareness of electric power business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1524 Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-Neighboring Areas 2005-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of electric power resources, strive for the harmonious operation of electric power plants and contribute to regional development by efficiently carrying out assistance programs to the neighboring areas of electric power plants and raising public awareness of electric power business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1525 Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-Neighboring Areas 2008 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to promote the development of electric power resources, strive for the harmonious operation of electric power plants and contribute to regional development by efficiently carrying out assistance programs to the neighboring areas of electric power plants and raising public awareness of electric power business. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1526 Electric Technology Management Act 2009 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2009 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute the development of the national economy and secure the safety of the public by promoting the research and development of electric technology and efficiently utilizing and managing it, so as to improve the level of electric technology and to ensure the appropriate installation of electric facilities. This Act amends previous Acts.
1527 Electric Technology Management Act 1995 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1996 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute the development of the national economy and secure the safety of the public by promoting the research and development of electric technology and efficiently utilizing and managing it, so as to improve the level of electric technology and to ensure the appropriate installation of electric facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1528 Electric Technology Management Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute the development of the national economy and secure the safety of the public by promoting the research and development of electric technology and efficiently utilizing and managing it, so as to improve the level of electric technology and to ensure the appropriate installation of electric facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1529 Electric Technology Management Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute the development of the national economy and secure the safety of the public by promoting the research and development of electric technology and efficiently utilizing and managing it, so as to improve the level of electric technology and to ensure the appropriate installation of electric facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1530 Electric Technology Management Act 2002 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute the development of the national economy and secure the safety of the public by promoting the research and development of electric technology and efficiently utilizing and managing it, so as to improve the level of electric technology and to ensure the appropriate installation of electric facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1531 Electric Technology Management Act 2005 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2006 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute the development of the national economy and secure the safety of the public by promoting the research and development of electric technology and efficiently utilizing and managing it, so as to improve the level of electric technology and to ensure the appropriate installation of electric facilities. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1532 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to rationally exploit the sea areas adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its affiliated islands, that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or the continental shelves over which the Republic of Korea may extend all of her sovereignty, which are blessed with submarine minerals, hence contributing to the industrial development. This Act amends previous Acts.
1533 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 1993 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1994 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the industrial development by rationally exploiting petroleum and natural gas, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “submarine minerals”) from among the natural resources existing under the waters adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or in the continental shelf over which the Republic of Korea may exercise all her rights. This Act has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1534 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 1997 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1998 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the industrial development by rationally exploiting petroleum and natural gas, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “submarine minerals”) from among the natural resources existing under the waters adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or in the continental shelf over which the Republic of Korea may exercise all her rights. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1535 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 1999 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 1999 before_2000 National Act Energy Power 10 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the industrial development by rationally exploiting petroleum and natural gas, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “submarine minerals”) from among the natural resources existing under the waters adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or in the continental shelf over which the Republic of Korea may exercise all her rights. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1536 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 2002-1 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2002 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the industrial development by rationally exploiting petroleum and natural gas, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “submarine minerals”) from among the natural resources existing under the waters adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or in the continental shelf over which the Republic of Korea may exercise all her rights. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1537 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 2002-2 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the industrial development by rationally exploiting petroleum and natural gas, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “submarine minerals”) from among the natural resources existing under the waters adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or in the continental shelf over which the Republic of Korea may exercise all her rights. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1538 Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act 2008 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil, Gas 3 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the industrial development by rationally exploiting submarine minerals which are blessed with the sea areas adjacent to the coasts of the Korean Peninsula and its affiliated islands, that are the territory of the Republic of Korea, or in the continental shelves over which the Republic of Korea may extend all of her exercisable rights. This Act amends previous Acts and has been amended by subsequent Acts.
1539 Act on the Special Account for Energy and Resources-Related Projects REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 The purpose of this Act is to establish special accounts for projects related to energy and resources and provide for matters regarding the operation of the accounts in order to stabilize the supply and demand of energy and energy prices and to effectively implement projects related to energy and resources.
1540 Customs Code of the Customs Union ARMENIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 100 2009 2000-2010 Multilateral Code Multi-Sector All 11 Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Community was promulgated by the Supreme Council in 2009 to give effect to the principles of trade regulation mutually agreed by the member states. In a broader sense, the policy aims at strengthening national and regional capacities to develop a more efficient and effective trade system within the Customs Union. Concerted actions shall be taken to remove regulatory and procedural barriers to trade, to introduce standardized customs procedures and improve customs administration. The Eurasian Economic Community shall work on the interface of trade and economic development, through the instruments of trade regulation and customs policies shall enhance market access for goods and services within the Union.
1541 Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Community ARMENIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 100 2014 after_2010 Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector All 11 The policy outlines mutually agreed principles pursued by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Community to transform the existing pattern of growth towards a more balanced and resilient economic system placing an emphasis on trade implications and addressing the crucial issues of energy security. Highlighting main drivers and challenges to speeding up economic and social development, the policy elaborates on options to obtain considerable progress on the way to steering EEC members towards a sustainable energy future. Present Agreement builds on the underlying principles of the Declaration on the Eurasian Economic Integration of 18 November 2011 ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, and the Russian Federation. ----------- Pursuant to ratification of the Agreement, the Eurasian Economic Commission started its operation in 2015.
1542 Electricity Law 1984 MYANMAR 100 1984 before_2000 National Law Power Power 10 The Electricity Law was issued in 1984 and replaces the former Electricity Act of 1910 (India). The law addresses the exploration, production, transmission, distribution and usage of electricity and it involves inspection matter for the safety use of electricity.
1543 The Law Amending the Electricity Law MYANMAR 100 1990 before_2000 National Law Power Power 10 This Law amends the Electricity Law of 1984.
1544 The Atomic Energy Law MYANMAR 100 1998 before_2000 National Law Energy Nuclear 7 The Atomic Energy Law was issued in 1998. Its objectives include
1545 The Board of Yangon City Electric Power Supply Law MYANMAR 100 2005 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 This Law provides for the formation of the Yangon City Electric Power Supply Board. It addresses its functions, duties and financial issues.
1546 Electricity Law (Draft) MYANMAR 100 2014 after_2010 National Law Power Power 10 The Electricity Law of 2014 replaces the Electricity Law of 1984. The Law deals with the provision of access to electricity for the economic and social development of the country. Provisions are also made for pricing, licenses, penalties and the establishment of an electricity regulatory commission, its functions and duties.
1547 The Foreign Investment Law MYANMAR 100 2012 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law regulates foreign investments and it shall apply to business stipulated by the Myanmar Investment Commission.
1548 the Law Amending the Petroleum Act, 1934 MYANMAR 100 2010 nan National Law Energy Oil 9 This Law amends the Petroleum Act, 1934.
1549 The Law Amending the Oilfields Act, 1918 MYANMAR 100 2010 nan National Law Energy Oil 9 This Law amends the Oilfields Act of 1918.
1550 Myanmar Mines Law MYANMAR 100 1994 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector Coal 1 The Mines Law was issued in 1994. It addresses different types of minerals including industrial minerals, which means i.a. coal.
1551 The Tax of the Union Law 2014 MYANMAR 100 2014 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Tax of the Union Law 2014 addresses the collection of taxes (Commercial Tax and Income Tax) by the Union Government, the duties and powers of the relevant Ministries and the exemptions.
1552 Petroleum Act IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) 100 1987 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Act addresses the property of petroleum resources and the exertions of rights and powers entrusted to the Ministry of Oil. It also makes provisions for i.a. capital investments and the conclusion of contracts.
1553 Direct Taxation Act IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) 100 2002 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Direct Taxation Act addresses
1554 Ministry of Power Notification S.O. 290(E) [Part II-- Sec.3(ii)] INDIA 23 2014 after_2010 National Act Transport Gas 0 ---- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) and (b) of section 14 and section 18 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (52 of 2001), the Central Government in consultation with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, hereby specifies energy consumption standard for the motor vehicle of petrol or diesel or liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas, used for the carriage of passengers and their luggage and comprising not more than nine seats including driver’s seat, and of Gross Vehicle Weight not exceeding 3,500 kilogram tested on chassis dynamometer (hereinafter referred to as the said motor vehicle) for the purpose of manufacturing or importing for sale of the said category of motor vehicles.
1555 Energy White Paper 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Energy All 11 This Energy White Paper aims to provide a consistent and integrated national energy policy framework. The objectives it focuses on are
1556 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 - C2013C00195 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to promote the development and adoption of products that use less energy and produce fewer greenhouse gases, and for related purposes. This is achieved by applying greenhouse and energy minimum standards (GEMS) in association with the supply and commercial use of products that use energy, or affect the energy used by another product. These standards are provided for by requirements in Ministerial determinations (GEMS determinations).
1557 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Registration Fees) Act 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to impose, as taxes, fees for registering models of GEMS products under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012, and for related purposes.
1558 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Regulation 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Regulation 2012 is related to the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012. In particular, it addresses GEMS Determinations and Registering models of GEMS Products.
1559 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Registration Fees) Instrument 2013 (No.1) AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The object of this instrument is to specify the fees payable in relation to applications under section 41 of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 to register models of GEMS products.
1560 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Registration Fees) Instrument 2013 (No. 2) AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The object of this instrument is to specify the fees payable in relation to applications under section 41 of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 to register models of GEMS products.
1561 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Registration Fees) Instrument 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The object of this instrument is to specify the fees payable in relation to applications under section 41 of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 to register models of GEMS products.
1562 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Authorisation Requirements for Testing GEMS Products) Instrument 2013 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The object of this instrument is to specify the requirements that must be satisfied for persons to be authorised to test GEMS products under section 125 of the Act.
1563 Minerals (Acquisition) Act AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy Coal, Oil 100 An Act to provide for the acquisition by the Crown of certain minerals, and for other purposes.
1564 Mineral Titles Act AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 Subnational Act Multi-Sector Coal 1 An Act about exploration for, and extraction and processing of, minerals and extractive minerals in the Territory, and for related purposes.
1565 Mining Management Act AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 Subnational Act Multi-Sector Coal 1 An Act to provide for the authorisation of mining activities, the management of mining sites, the protection of the environment on mining sites, the provision of economic and social benefits to communities affected by mining activities, and for related purposes.
1566 Mining Management Regulations AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Coal 1 The Mining Management Regulations address
1567 Petroleum Act AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to regulate the exploration for, and the production of, petroleum. The objective of this Act is to provide a legal framework within which persons are encouraged to undertake effective exploration for petroleum and to develop petroleum production so that the optimum value of the resource is returned to the Territory.
1568 Petroleum Regulations AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 This document provides for Regulations under the Petroleum Act.
1569 Schedule of Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Requirements 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 Subnational Other Energy Oil 9 This Schedule provides for Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Requirements.
1570 Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Act AUSTRALIA 4 1980 before_2000 Subnational Act Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Act is an Ordinance to regulate prospecting and mining for petroleum. After a preliminary party, the Act addresses the following Parts
1571 Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Amendment Act (No. 1) 1981 AUSTRALIA 4 1981 before_2000 Subnational Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to amend the Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Act.
1572 Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1981 AUSTRALIA 4 1981 before_2000 Subnational Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to amend the Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Act.
1573 Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Regulations 1981 AUSTRALIA 4 1981 before_2000 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 These Regulations address provisions on Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Regulations in force from 1981.
1574 Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Regulations 1983 AUSTRALIA 4 1983 before_2000 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 These Regulations provides for amendments to the Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Regulations 1981.
1575 Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Regulations 2001 AUSTRALIA 4 2001 2000-2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 Regulations under the Petroleum (Prospecting and Mining) Act as continued in force by section 119 of the Petroleum Act.
1576 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision with respect to the exploration for and the exploitation of the petroleum resources, and certain other resources, of certain submerged lands adjacent to the coasts of the Northern Territory and for other purposes
1577 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Regulations AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 Petroleum Regulations under the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act.
1578 Energy Pipelines Act AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy All 11 An Act to make provision for the construction, operation, maintenance and cessation of use or abandonment of pipelines for the conveyance of energy-producing hydro-carbons, and for related purposes.
1579 Energy Pipelines Regulations AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Regulations under the Energy Pipelines Act.
1580 Environmental Offences and Penalties Act AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 Subnational Act Multi-Sector All 11 An act to establish penalties for certain offences under prescribed Acts, and for related purposes.
1581 National Gas (Northern Territory) Act AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy Gas 0 An Act to establish a framework to enable third parties to gain access to certain natural gas pipelines services, to repeal the Gas Pipelines Access (Northern Territory) Act 1998, and for related purposes.
1582 Strategy for the Development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2025 CHINA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, TAJIKISTAN, UZBEKISTAN 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The present document is the outcome of the Ufa Summit held by the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states in July 2015. The Strategy builds on the underlying principles of the Declaration of the SCO high-level meeting in Dushanbe (12 September 2014) and the Medium-term Priorities for the Development of the SCO Strategy set by the members in 2012. Focusing on governance factors that shape economic environment and mechanisms deepening regional integration, the policy seeks to provide responses to existing regional energy and environmental concerns.
1583 National Gas (South Australia) Regulations AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 National Gas (South Australian) Regulations as provided for under Part 3 of the National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008.
1584 Atomic Energy Act 1953 AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act relating to atomic energy. The Act is divided into the following parts
1585 Atomic Energy Act 1953-1973 AUSTRALIA 4 1973 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act relating to Atomic Energy. The Act is divided into the following parts
1586 Atomic Energy Act 1953-1987 AUSTRALIA 4 1987 before_2000 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act relating to Atomic Energy. The Act is divided into the following parts
1587 Atomic Energy Act 1953-2000 AUSTRALIA 4 2000 nan National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act relating to Atomic Energy. The Act is divided into the following parts
1588 Atomic Energy Act 1953-2001 AUSTRALIA 4 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act relating to Atomic Energy. The Act is divided into the following parts
1589 Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Determination 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 This determination ensures that the funding agreements for the Advanced Biofuels Investment Readiness (ABIR) Program and the Foundation Grant to James Cook University for the High Energy Fuels Project are transferred to ARENA from 1 July 2012 and also ensures that the head funding agreement between the Commonwealth and the Australian Solar Institute will be transferred to ARENA from 1 July 2012.
1590 Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011 - C2012C00629 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to establish the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, and for related purposes
1591 Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011 - C2014C00480 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 "An Act to establish the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, and for related purposes. This Act amends the previous ""Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011""."
1592 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Act 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act to amend the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 and the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001, and for related purposes.
1593 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - C2015C00313 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1594 Clean Energy (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to deal with consequential matters arising from the enactment of the Clean Energy Act 2011, and for other purposes.
1595 Clean Energy (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to deal with consequential matters arising from the enactment of the Clean Energy Act 2011, and for other purposes. This Act has been superseded by another Act.
1596 Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to repeal the Clean Energy Act 2011, and for other purposes.
1597 Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000 - C2007C00656 AUSTRALIA 4 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to provide for grants for the recycling of waste oils and to ensure the environmentally sustainable management, re‑refining and reuse of waste oil.
1598 Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to establish the Clean Energy Regulator, and for other purposes.
1599 Carbon Farming Initiative Amendment Act 2014 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy Bioenergy 100 An Act to amend the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, and for other purposes.
1600 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Bioenergy 100 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1601 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2015C00658 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Bioenergy 100 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1602 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Bioenergy 100 Rules as made under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1603 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2006C00490) AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1604 National Policy and Strategy for Cleaner Production SRI LANKA 5 2005 2000-2010 National Overarching Policy Other All 11 Outlines policy goals, objectives and statements for clean production of energy and other products.
1605 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2009C00143) AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1606 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2009C00278) AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1607 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2010C00036) AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1608 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2010C00292) AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1609 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2010C00469) AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Act Power Renewable 4 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1610 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2011C00012) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1611 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2011C00550) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1612 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2011C00651) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1613 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2011C00923) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1614 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2012C00292) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Power Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1615 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2012C00389) AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1616 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2012C00858) AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1617 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2013C00237) AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1618 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2014C00229) AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes.
1619 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 - (C2015C00199) AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act for the establishment and administration of a scheme to encourage additional electricity generation from renewable energy sources, and for related purposes. In particular, the Act addresses
1620 Achievements of Renewable Energy Targets in Sri Lanka 2011 SRI LANKA 5 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Renewable 4 This report contains summary of information and performance statistics of the grid connected renewable generation units in Sri Lanka for the year 2011. And it moreover presents the Sri Lankan case in renewable energy for power generation in Sri Lankan.
1621 Ministry of Environment & Renewable Energy SRI LANKA 5 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Renewable 4 This report provides progress of implementation of programmes and activities achieved by the Ministry during the year 2012 under each mission/thematic area of (Haritha Lanka Programme) National Environmental Action Plan spanning for the period 2009- 2016 which was developed by the Ministry through a participatory process involving all key stakeholders in the environment & natural resources sector.
1622 Sector Vulnerability Profile SRI LANKA 5 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 Overview of the impacts of climate change on development of urban areas and human settlements, including the impacts and roles of the energy sector.
1623 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2004C00880 AUSTRALIA 4 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable 2 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1624 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2005C00112 AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1625 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2005C00256 AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1626 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2005C00724 AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1627 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2005C00758 AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1628 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2005C00886 AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1629 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2006C00336 AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1630 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2006C00336 AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1631 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2006C00605 AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1632 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2006C00822 AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1633 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2007C00569 AUSTRALIA 4 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1634 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2007C00728 AUSTRALIA 4 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1635 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2007C00756 AUSTRALIA 4 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1636 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2007C00832 AUSTRALIA 4 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1637 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2008C00700 AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1638 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2009C00556 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1639 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2009C00780 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1640 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2009C01284 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1641 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00221 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1642 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00259 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1643 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00434 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1644 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00555 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1645 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00676 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1646 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00711 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1647 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00748 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1648 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2010C00874 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1649 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2011C00012 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1650 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2011C00136 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1651 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2011C00407 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1652 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2011C00810 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1653 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2011C00899 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1654 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2011C00969 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1655 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00117 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1656 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00196 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1657 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00376 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1658 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00453 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower 100 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1659 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00538 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1660 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00728 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1661 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2012C00905 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1662 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00020 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1663 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00154 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1664 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00176 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1665 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00221 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1666 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00225 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1667 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00495 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1668 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00729 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1669 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00746 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1670 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2013C00939 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1671 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2014C00241 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1672 Sri Lanka Electricity (Amendment) Act, No. 31 of 2013 SRI LANKA 5 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Power 10 An act to amend the Sri Lanka Electricity Act, No. 20 of 2009.
1673 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2014C01245 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1674 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2014C01337 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1675 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2015C00200 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1676 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - F2015C00690 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 This document provides for Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 made under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
1677 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2006C00418 AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1678 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2008C00177 AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1679 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2009C00024 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1680 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2009C00290 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1681 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2009C00573 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1682 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2010C00256 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1683 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2011C00615 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1684 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2012C00208 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1685 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2012C00454 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1686 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2012C00551 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar 5 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1687 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2013C00036 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1688 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2013C00517 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1689 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2013C00594 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1690 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2014C00459 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1691 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2014C00705 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1692 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2014C00821 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1693 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2015C00289 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1694 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2015C00321 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1695 Fuel Tax Act 2006 - C2015C00421 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act about fuel tax and fuel tax credits, and for related purposes. NOTE
1696 Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Act, No. 40 of 2014 SRI LANKA 5 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 Act to provide for the establishment of the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board; for the promotion and encouragement of the use of nuclear science and technology for national development purposes; for the establishment of the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council; for the regulation of practices involving ionizing radiation and the safety and security of sources; for the prohibition of nuclear weapons and ensuring safeguards; and to repeal the atomic energy authority act, no. 19 of 1969 and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
1697 Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000 - C2008C00078 AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to provide for grants for the recycling of waste oils and to ensure the environmentally sustainable management, re‑refining and reuse of waste oil.
1698 Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000 - C2010C00840 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to provide for grants for the recycling of waste oils and to ensure the environmentally sustainable management, re‑refining and reuse of waste oil.
1699 Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000 - C2015C00299 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to provide for grants for the recycling of waste oils and to ensure the environmentally sustainable management, re‑refining and reuse of waste oil.
1700 Protection of the Sea (Imposition of Contributions to Oil Pollution Compensation Funds—Customs) Act 1993 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to impose contributions payable under the Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) Act 1993, so far as those contributions are duties of customs.
1701 Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Act 1993 - C2008C00538 AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act relating to oil pollution damage. ---NOTE
1702 Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) Act 1993 - C2010C00167 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act relating to oil pollution damage. ---NOTE
1703 Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) Act 1993 - C2012C00805 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil 9 An Act relating to oil pollution damage. ---NOTE
1704 Clean Energy (Charges—Customs) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to impose charges associated with the Clean Energy Act 2011, so far as those charges are duties of customs.
1705 Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to establish the Clean Energy Finance Corporation in order to facilitate increased flows of finance into the clean energy sector.
1706 Clean Energy (Household Assistance Amendments) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to amend the law relating to social security, family assistance, veterans' entitlements, military rehabilitation and compensation, farm household support and aged care, and for related purposes.
1707 Energy Grants and Other Legislation Amendment (Ethanol and Biodiesel) Act 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 An Act to amend the law relating to energy grants, customs and excise, and for other purposes.
1708 Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003 - C2005C00272 AUSTRALIA 4 2003 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to amend or repeal certain Acts as a consequence of the enactment of the Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme Act 2003, and for related purposes.
1709 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 - F2006C00017 AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 The Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 are rules made under the Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Act 2004.
1710 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 - F2007C00010 AUSTRALIA 4 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 The Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 are rules made under the Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Act 2004.
1711 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 - F2007C00782 AUSTRALIA 4 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 The Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 are rules made under the Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Act 2004.
1712 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 - F2011C00854 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 The Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 are rules made under the Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Act 2004.
1713 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 - F2014C01371 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 The Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Regulations 2004 are rules made under the Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Act 2004.
1714 Decision on Priorities for Industrial Development of the EEC Member States ARMENIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 The document developed in accordance with paragraph 6 art. 92 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Community (29 May 2014) seeks to create an enabling environment for industrial development in the EEC member states. Pertinent issues impacting national energy sectors are addressed specifically.
1715 Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010 - C2013C00204 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to promote the disclosure of information about the energy efficiency of buildings, and for related purposes.
1716 Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010 - C2014C00274 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to promote the disclosure of information about the energy efficiency of buildings, and for related purposes.
1717 Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010 - C2015C00369 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to promote the disclosure of information about the energy efficiency of buildings, and for related purposes.
1718 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2011C00941 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1719 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2012C00417 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1720 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2012C00599 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1721 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2012C00608 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1722 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2012C00749 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1723 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2013C00483 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1724 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2013C00497 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1725 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2014C00294 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1726 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2015C00012 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1727 Sri Lanka Energy Sector Development Plan for a Knowledge-based Economy 2015-2025 SRI LANKA 5 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Overview of the Energy Sector Development Plan including comprehensive steps towards energy self-sufficiency.
1728 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2015C00223 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1729 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 - C2015C00260 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act about projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes.
1730 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2012C00194 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1731 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2012C00466 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1732 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2013C00340 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1733 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2013C00366 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1734 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2013C00791 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1735 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2014C00818 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1736 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2014C01351 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1737 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2015C00175 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1738 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2015C00585 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1739 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 - F2015C00658 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 Carbon Credits Regulations as provided for by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
1740 Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Act, No. 35 of 2007 SRI LANKA 5 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 This Act provides for the establishment of the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority. The objects of the Authority include
1741 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2008C00500 AUSTRALIA 4 2008 2000-2010 Subnational Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1742 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2009C00122 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1743 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2009C00463 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1744 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2009C00478 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1745 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2011C00920 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1746 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2011C00939 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1747 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2012C00091 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1748 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2012C00373 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1749 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2012C00535 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1750 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2013C00037 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1751 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2013C00273 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1752 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2013C00521 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1753 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2014C00237 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1754 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2014C00456 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1755 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - C2014C00813 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy production and energy consumption, and for other purposes.
1756 Clean Energy Act 2011 - C2012C00579 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to encourage the use of clean energy, and for other purposes.
1757 Clean Energy Act 2011 - C2013C00058 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to encourage the use of clean energy, and for other purposes.
1758 Clean Energy Act 2011 - C2013C00335 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to encourage the use of clean energy, and for other purposes.
1759 Clean Energy Act 2011 - C2013C00372 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy All 11 An Act to encourage the use of clean energy, and for other purposes.
1760 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Oil and Gas Fugitives) Methodology Determination 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 This determination provides for facilities to reduce their emissions through re-routing fugitive emissions to a flare instead of allowing them to be vented to the atmosphere. Abatement from a re-route to flare project under this determination is credited based on the quantity of emission reduced from combusting the re-routed gas.
1761 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - STC Calculation Methodology for Solar Water Heaters and Air Source Heat Pump Water Heaters - Determination March 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar 100 This Determination is used to provide for the number of certificates a solar water heater or air-sourced heat pump is entitled to under Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001.
1762 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 - STC Calculation Methodology for Solar Water Heaters and Air Source Heat Pump Water Heaters - Determination March 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy, Power, Building Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar 100 This determination is used to provide for the number of small-scale technology certificates a solar water heater or air-sourced heat pump is entitled to under Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001.
1763 Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to deal with consequential and transitional matters in connection with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011, and for related purposes.
1764 Australian Renewable Energy Agency Determination No. 1 of 2013 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 This determination has been developed by the Board and approved by the Minister for Resources and Energy and is determined to be the general funding strategy of ARENA.
1765 Australian Renewable Energy Agency Determination No. 1 of 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Power, Renewable 2 This determination sets out the General Funding Strategy for 2015/16 - 2017/18 pursuant to subsection 20(2) of the Act.
1766 Renewable Energy (Electricity) (Charge) Act 2000 - C2004C01143 AUSTRALIA 4 2001 2000-2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act to impose renewable energy certificate charge, and for related purposes.
1767 Renewable Energy (Electricity) (Charge) Act 2000 - C2010C00447 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act to impose renewable energy certificate charge, and for related purposes.
1768 Renewable Energy (Electricity) (Large-scale Generation Shortfall Charge) Act 2000 - C2011C00088 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act to impose large-scale generation shortfall charge, and for related purposes.
1769 Renewable Energy (Electricity) (Small-scale Technology Shortfall Charge) Act 2010 AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Act Energy Power, Renewable 2 An Act to impose small-scale technology shortfall charge, and for related purposes.
1770 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2009 AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations prescribe matters that deal with transition of state legislated renewable energy target into the national Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme.
1771 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2010 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations prescribe matters that deal with transition of state legislated renewable energy target into the national Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme.
1772 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Act 2010 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to amend the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000, and for related purposes.
1773 Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) Industry Program - Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 The purpose of the I–RAR Program Guidelines (the Guidelines) is to provide a framework for the operation of the I–RAR program. The Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the I–RAR Program Information Manual (the Manual). The Program is an ARENA's new strategic initiative. The RAR Initiative aims to support the deployment of commercially prospective renewable energy technologies, both generation and enabling, in off-grid and fringe-of-grid situations.
1774 National Energy Security Assessment 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The Australian Government has updated the National Energy Security Assessment (NESA) to consider the key strategic energy security risks facing Australia currently and over the short, medium and long terms. The NESA is an important input into the development of government policy through the Energy White Paper process.
1775 Research and Development Programme AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Programme Energy Renewable 4 The Research and Development (R&D) Programme supports renewable energy technologies that will increase the commercial deployment of renewable energy technology in Australia.
1776 Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund - Programme Administrative Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 The object of these Guidelines is to provide a high-level framework for the operation of the Renewable Energy Venture Capital (REVC) Fund (Program). In 2011, the Australian Government allocated $100 million to establish the REVC Fund (Program). It is a program of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) designed to support the development of renewable energy and enabling technologies in Australia. In 2015, ARENA restructured the Program and reduced the allocation of funding to the Program from $100 million to up to $60 million (Restructure). The objective of the Program is to provide venture capital and active investment management to encourage the development of Australian companies that are commercialising Renewable Energy Technologies.
1777 Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) Initiative AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Programme Energy Renewable 4 The Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) initiative supports trials of renewable energy solutions, including hybrid systems, in regional and remote locations with the aim of increasing the use of these technologies for power generation once they become affordable. The initiative has two parts
1778 Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) Community and Regional Renewable Energy (CARRE) Program Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 The purpose of the CARRE Program Guidelines (the Guidelines) is to provide a framework for the operation of the CARRE program. The Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the CARRE Program Information Manual (the Manual). The Program is an ARENA's new strategic initiative. The RAR Initiative aims to support the deployment of commercially prospective renewable energy technologies, both generation and enabling, in off-grid and fringe-of-grid situations.
1779 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00230 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1780 Emerging Renewables Programme (ERP) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Programme Energy Renewable 4 The Emerging Renewables Programme (ERP) supports a broad range of development, demonstration and early stage deployment projects that have the potential to lower the cost and increase the use of renewable energy technologies in Australia.
1781 Emerging Renewables Programme [ERP] - Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable 4 The purpose of Emerging Renewable Program Guidelines (the Guidelines) is to provide a framework for the operation of the program. The Guidelines are not an exclusive statement of ARENA’s requirements for the program. Other resources available for applicants to assist in understanding the program include the Manual, the program’s Funding Agreement and the program’s webpage.
1782 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00193 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Power, Renewable 2 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1783 The Accelerated Step Change Initiative (ASCI) Program Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 The purpose of the ASCI Guidelines (the Guidelines) is to provide a framework for the operation of ASCI. The Guidelines are not an exclusive statement of ARENA’s requirements for ASCI and should be read in conjunction with the ASCI Manual (the Manual). ASCI supports exceptional, breakthrough projects that are not otherwise eligible under existing ARENA programmes. These projects have the potential to lower the cost or increase the use of renewable energy technologies in Australia in a way that is not currently being developed locally.
1784 The Accelerated Step Change Initiative (ASCI) AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Programme Energy Renewable 4 The Accelerated Step Change Initiative (ASCI) supports exceptional, breakthrough projects that are not otherwise eligible under existing ARENA programmes.
1785 Clean and Renewable Energy Legislation Amendment (Various Measures) Regulation 2013 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 This regulation amends the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 and the Clean Energy Regulations 2011 to provide for the gradual phasing out (from 2017) of the upfront certificate allocations for eligible small-scale renewable energy systems, removes the requirement to provide out-of-pocket cost data in relation to eligible small-scale generation systems, and reduces documentation requirements for small-scale generation returns. It also makes minor technical changes to the Partial Exemption Certificate application and calculation processes. The regulation also prescribes a new emissions-intensive trade-exposed activity - dried distillers grains with solubles.
1786 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00368 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1787 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00417 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1788 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00536 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1789 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00723 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1790 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2012C00881 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1791 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00173 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1792 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00198 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 Subnational Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1793 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00223 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1794 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00315 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1795 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00468 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1796 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00730 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1797 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2013C00938 AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1798 Clean Energy Regulations 2011 - F2014C01341 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Renewable 4 These Regulations relate to landfill facilities and to assistance for coal-fired electricity generators.
1799 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2011C00948 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1800 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2012C00418 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1801 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2012C00610 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1802 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2012C00628 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes
1803 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2013C00048 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1804 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2014C00205 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1805 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2014C00462 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1806 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2014C00814 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1807 Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 - C2015C00208 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act about the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, and for other purposes.
1808 Generator Efficiency Standards - Program Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2000 nan National Guideline Energy Coal, Oil 100 A program to encourage businesses using fossil fuels for power generation to achieve best practice in generating power and reduce greenhouse emissions.
1809 Generator Efficiency Standards - Technical Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2006 2000-2010 National Guideline Energy Coal, Oil, Power 100 This guide covers the application of Generator Efficiency Standards, measured in terms of greenhouse intensity, to Australian fossil fuel based electricity and steam producers. It also provides background theory and principles on power plant and cogeneration plant thermal efficiency, and indicative options for reducing greenhouse intensity.
1810 Environmental Act TURKMENISTAN 100 1991 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 Being an integral part of national policies on protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources, present Act builds a big picture breaking it up into small pieces. The policy aims to open up opportunities for the sustainable use of resources in the energy, agriculture, industrial, transport, and other sectors of national economy.
1811 Water Code TURKMENISTAN 100 2004 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector Renewable, Hydropower 100 Regulatory and institutional frameworks are devised to better respond to existing water security issues, enhance sustainability of the sector and promote more efficient use of water resources.
1812 Land Code TURKMENISTAN 100 2004 2000-2010 National Code Multi-Sector All 11 The policy concentrates on sustainable development benefits associated with improvements in land management practices, conservation and protection of natural resources, creation of an enabling business environment in the sector.
1813 Customs Act 1901 AUSTRALIA 4 2004 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act relating to the Customs.
1883 Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy Renewable 4 ARENA’s Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund Programme was created to provide venture capital and active investment management to encourage the development of Australian companies that are commercialising renewable energy technologies.
1884 Conciliation and Arbitration (Electricity Industry) Act 1985 AUSTRALIA 4 1985 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act relating to the prevention and settlement of disputes in the electricity industry.
1885 Local Government Energy Efficiency Program AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Programme Energy Renewable, Solar 100 The Local Government Energy Efficiency Program (LGEEP) provided financial assistance to local governments for the installation of solar and heat pump hot water systems in community buildings and facilities, particularly where those authorities were situated in low socio economic or otherwise disadvantaged areas.
1886 Local Government Energy Efficiency Program - Program Guidelines AUSTRALIA 4 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy Renewable, Solar 100 The Program Guidelines provide an overview of the policy and intention of the Australian Government’s Local Government Energy Efficiency Program. These Guidelines include
1887 Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP) AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Programme Energy All 11 The Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP) was part of a suite of measures announced in July 2011 as part of the governments' climate change strategy. CEEP is a competitive merit-based grant programme that provides co-funding to local governing bodies and non-profit community organisations to implement projects that deliver a range of energy efficiency measures in council and community owned buildings, facilities and sites; particularly where this would benefit low socio-economic and other disadvantaged communities or support energy efficiency in regional and rural councils.
1888 Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP) - Guidelines February 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 The Community Energy Efficiency Program Guidelines provide information relevant to potential grant applicants regarding the preparation of project proposals. These guidelines are divided into four sections
1889 Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP) - Round Two Guidelines October 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 The Community Energy Efficiency Program Guidelines provide information relevant to potential grant applicants regarding the preparation of project proposals. These Guidelines are divided into five sections
1890 Clean Energy (Unit Shortfall Charge—General) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Renewable 4 An Act to impose a charge on unit shortfalls under the Clean Energy Act 2011, so far as that charge is neither a duty of customs nor a duty of excise.
1891 Clean Energy (International Unit Surrender Charge) Act 2011 AUSTRALIA 4 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to impose a charge on the surrender of eligible international emissions units under the Clean Energy Act 2011.
1892 Clean Energy Amendment (International Emissions Trading and Other Measures) Act 2012 AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to amend legislation relating to clean energy, and for other purposes.
1893 National Partnership Agreement on Energy Efficiency AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Agreement Energy All 11 This agreement sets out specific action to be taken by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments to maximise cost‐effective energy efficiency gains across the economy.
1894 Renewable Energy Target (RET) AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Other Energy Power, Renewable 2 The Renewable Energy Target is designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the electricity sector, encourage the additional generation of renewable energy through financial incentives, and ensure that at least 20 per cent of Australia's electricity supply will come from renewable sources by 2020.
1895 Solar Flagships Program AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Power, Solar 100 The Solar Flagships Program was established in December 2009 to support the construction and demonstration of large-scale, grid-connected solar power stations in Australia.
1896 Second Generation Biofuels Research and Development (Gen 2) Program AUSTRALIA 4 2009 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector Bioenergy 100 The Gen 2 Program was a competitive grants program which supported the research, development and demonstration of new biofuel technologies and feedstocks that address the sustainable development of a biofuels industry in Australia. Applications for the Gen 2 Program closed on 30 January 2009.
1897 Advanced Biofuels Investment Readiness (ABIR) Program AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Programme Energy Bioenergy 100 The ABIR program was launched in response to an Advanced Biofuels Study conducted in 2011. The program is supporting pre-commercial projects in Australia that will produce high energy renewable fuels that can be ‘dropped-in’ to existing infrastructure. The ABIR program is closed and no further assessments under this program will be undertaken.
1898 GreenPower Program AUSTRALIA 4 1997 before_2000 National Programme Multi-Sector Renewable 4 The GreenPower Program (the Program) is a government managed scheme that enables Australian households and businesses to displace their electricity usage with certified renewable energy, which is added to the grid on their behalf. By purchasing GreenPower, households and businesses commit their GreenPower Providers to purchasing the equivalent amount of electricity from accredited renewable energy generators, which generate electricity from sources like wind, solar, water and bioenergy.
1899 Clean Technology Investment Program AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Clean Technology Investment Program is a merit-based grants program that supports Australian manufacturers to invest in energy efficient capital equipment and low emission technologies, processes and products.
1900 Clean Technology Innovation Program AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Clean Technology Innovation Program is a competitive, merit-based grants program that will support applied research and development, proof of concept and early stage commercialisation activities that lead to the development of new clean technologies and associated services including low emission and energy efficient solutions, that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The program will provide grants between $50,000 and $5 million on a co-investment basis of one dollar of government funding for each one dollar of the applicant's investment.
1901 Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program AUSTRALIA 4 2012 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program is a merit-based grants program to support Australian manufacturers to maintain competitiveness in a carbon constrained economy. This program provides grants for investments in energy efficient capital equipment and low emission technologies, processes and products.
1902 Commercial Building Disclosure Program (CBD) AUSTRALIA 4 2010 nan National Programme Building All 11 The CBD Program mandates the disclosure of energy efficiency information for commercial office spaces of 2000 square metres or more. Disclosure of this information before sale or lease assists prospective buyers and tenants to make informed decisions. The CBD Program is an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and is delivered by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.
1903 Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Regulations 2010 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Building All 11 Regulations as amended, taking into account amendments up to Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Amendment (Unsolicited Offers and Other Measures) Regulation 2015.
1904 Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Amendment (Unsolicited Offers and Other Measures) Regulation 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Building All 11 This regulation amends the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Regulations 2010 to improve the operation of the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Programme by introducing new exemption categories, allowing for a range of training providers to be appointed for the training of CBD assessors, and implementing minor technical amendments flowing from the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Amendment Act 2015.
1905 Emissions Reduction Fund AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The Emissions Reduction Fund will operate alongside existing programmes that are already working to reduce Australia's emissions growth such as the Renewable Energy Target and energy efficiency standards on appliances, equipment and buildings. The Emissions Reduction Fund will provide incentives for emissions reduction activities across the Australian economy. It is considered the centrepiece of the Government’s plan to achieve Australia’s five per cent emissions reduction target by 2020. The Fund builds on the Carbon Farming Initiative to create incentives for businesses and communities across the economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
1906 Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND 100 1992 before_2000 National, Bilateral Programme Energy All 11 The Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) program is a cross jurisdictional program through which the Australian Government, states and territories and the New Zealand Government collaborate to deliver a single, integrated program on energy efficiency standards and energy labelling for equipment and appliances.
1907 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Act 2012 - C2014C00303 AUSTRALIA 4 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to promote the development and adoption of products that use less energy and produce fewer greenhouse gases, and for related purposes.
1908 Global Methane Initiative (GMI) AUSTRALIA, CHINA, GEORGIA, INDIA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, KAZAKHSTAN, MONGOLIA, PAKISTAN, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SRI LANKA, TURKEY, VIET NAM 100 2004 2000-2010 Multilateral Programme Multi-Sector All 11 Launched in 2004, GMI is the only international effort to specifically target methane abatement, recovery, and use by focusing on the five main methane emission sources
1909 Commission Order - Power Purchase Agreements - June 2015 - Case U-0003-14 VANUATU 3 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 An Order in the matter of developing regulatory guidelines for Power Purchase Agreements for generation and supply of electricity. The guidelines and regulatory processes described in this document are designed to improve reliability, promote competition, and clarify the relationship and procedures for utilities and IPPs to transact electric power for the benefit of the Vanuatu consumers. These regulatory guidelines are provided to interested persons in the matter of PPA for the generation and supply of electricity. They explain how IPP and PPA will be regulated in the existing electricity networks in Efate, Luganville, Tanna and Malakula.
1910 National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan on Energy Efficiency in Cambodia CAMBODIA 0 0 nan National Overarching Policy Energy, Power All 11 An overview of newly implemented energy efficiency policies, as well as short, medium and long term efficiency development plans and policies within the energy sector.
1911 Final Decision and Commission Order - in the matter of VUI's electricity Tariffs - June 2015 VANUATU 3 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Final Decision and Order in the matter of the request from Vanuatu Utilities and Infrastructure Limited (VUI) for a tariff adjustment for electricity services in Luganville (case U-0001-15).
1912 Preliminary Decision and Notice of Request for Comments and Public Consultation - Case U-0001-14 - January 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Preliminary Decision and Notice of Request for Comments and Public Consultation in the matter of the Application from VUI Ltd. for a tariff decrease for electricity services in Luganville.
1913 Final Decision and Order - Case U-0001-14 - March 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Final Decision and Order in the matter of the Application from VUI Ltd for a tariff decrease for electricity services in Luganville.
1914 Final Decision and Commission Order - Case S-0001-14 - December 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 National Standard Power Power 10 Electricity Safety Standards and Rules regulating works and safety of persons in the vicinity of electricity grids.
1915 Final Decision and Commission Order - Case U-0002-14 - July 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 Subnational Plan/Strategy Power Power, Renewable 2 Final Decision and Commission Order in the matter of investigating and implementing feed-in tariffs and net-metering program for renewable energy in Port Vila.
1916 Grid-Connected PV Systems (No Battery Storage) System Design Guidelines VANUATU 3 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Power Power, Solar 100 This document provides an overview of the formulas and processes undertaken when designing (or sizing) a grid connected PV system. It is based on the guidelines originally developed in Australia for the Solar Energy Industries Association (Now Clean Energy Council).
1917 Grid-Connected PV Systems (No Battery Storage) System Installation Guidelines VANUATU 3 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Power Power, Renewable 2 Installation Guidelines for Grid-Connected PV Systems (No Battery Storage).
1918 Preliminary Decision and Notice of Request for Comments and Public Consultation - Case U-0013-14 - July 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Preliminary Decision and accompanying Staff Report in the matter of investigating and implementing a Business Development Incentive electricity tariff for UNELCO in Port Vila.
1919 Final Decision and Commission Order - Case U-0013-14 - December 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 In July 2014 the URA issued a Preliminary Decision describing a new Business Development Incentive (BDI) tariff intended to stimulate electricity demand growth by offering a significant discount for incremental network load. This Document is the Final Decision and Commission Order in the matter of investigating and implementing the Business Development Incentive electricity tariff for UNELCO in Efate.
1920 Preliminary Guidelines - Case U-0003-14 - June 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 These Preliminary Guidelines are being provided to all interested persons in the matter of developing regulatory guidelines for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). This document provides an initial proposal on how IPPs and PPAs will be regulated by the URA.
1921 Commission Order Port Vila Street Lighting - Case U-0010-14 - April 2014 VANUATU 3 2014 after_2010 Subnational Other Power Power 10 Commission Order in the matter of UNELCO requesting Commission approval to transfer operations and maintenance of Street Lighting service in Port Vila from the Municipality to Unelco.
1922 Electricity Tariff Review Framework VANUATU 3 2009 2000-2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 This paper sets out the URA‘s proposed approach to the tariff review.
1923 Electricity Tariff Review - Tariff Application Report VANUATU 3 2010 nan National Government Report Power Power 10 This paper sets out the approach and methodology for calculating and setting the electricity price for the four UNELCO electricity concessions. This paper describes UNELCO‟s assumptions set out in its tariff application, including any supporting evidence as provided by UNELCO.
1924 Electricity Tariff Review - Position Paper VANUATU 3 2010 nan National Government Report Power Power 10 The purpose of this paper is to seek stakeholder comment on the URA‟s position on the appropriate tariff level and structure for electricity services across Port Vila, Luganville, Malekula and Tanna Island. The Paper seeks comment on the following key issues in particular
1925 Electricity Tariff Review - Final Decision VANUATU 3 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 In this paper the URA sets out its Final Decision and reasons on the targeted levels for service reliability, quality of supply and customer service measures, demand forecasts, generation forecast, cost forecast, regulated asset base, and reasonable return that underpin the Final Decision on the revenue requirements for UNELCO. This paper sets out the final tariff level and provides detail on how the new recommended tariff will affect customer bills. Further, the URA has set out in this paper, recommendations for future policy considerations, regulatory reporting standards and requirements, and provides relevant tariff advice for electricity customers. This tariff review process conducted by the URA provides guidance for
1926 Electricity Safety Standards VANUATU 3 2011 after_2010 National Standard Power Power 10 Safety Standards in relation to the safety of a regulated service. The document summarises the total set of issues that shall be considered by regulated utilities when developing site and activity Health and Safety management plans.
1927 Pre-payment Meter Technology Trial Review VANUATU 3 2007 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 The paper seeks comment on the following key issues
1928 Draft Decision VANUATU 3 0 nan National Other Power Power 10 This paper sets out the Utilities Regulatory Authority’s Draft Decision on implementing a prepayment meter system in Port Vila, based on issues it has identified during its review. The Authority considers the issues to be significant and is of the view that they must be addressed in order to enable it to reach its final decision.
1929 Revised Draft Decision VANUATU 3 0 nan National Other Power Power 10 The aim of this paper is to present the Utility Regulatory Authority’s (the Authority) decision regarding UNELCO’s request to install pre-payment meters in the Port Vila area. This document outlines key aspects of the revised proposal from UNELCO, describes the Authority’s revised decision and the reasons for its decision.
1930 Final Decision VANUATU 3 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 This paper describes the Authority’s Final Decision regarding UNELCO’s proposed pre-payment meter system for the Port Vila area.
1931 Consultation Stage 4 Report VANUATU 3 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 This report describes the process and results of the fourth consultation phase of the review of proposed prepayment meters for Port Vila.
1932 Extension of Electricity Grid in Tanna and Malekula Concessions VANUATU 3 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 Outlines an independent review and assessment of project proposals for the Government Of Vanuatu to provide advice on
1933 Government Contracts and Tenders Act 1998 VANUATU 3 1998 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector Power 10 An Act to establish the rules and procedures that must be followed with Government Contracts and Tenders.
1934 Tenders Regulations VANUATU 3 1999 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Power 10 Provides for the rules, procedures and methods to be followed in
1935 Public Finance and Economic Management Act VANUATU 3 1998 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 Outlines Public Finance and Economic Management obligations of the Government and applies to a) public resources and public money; (b) ministers, ministerial offices and ministries.
1936 Electricity Supply Act VANUATU 3 1972 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 The Electricity Supply Act provides for matters connected with the generation and supply of electricty at Port Vila and Luganville, and to other areas.
1937 Geothermal Energy Act VANUATU 3 1987 before_2000 National Act Energy Geothermal 100 An Act to regulate and control the exploitation of geothermal energy and to provide for incidental matters.
1938 Import Duties (Consolidation) Act VANUATU 3 1976 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 Consolidates the provisions relating to customs import duties.
1939 Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act VANUATU 3 1997 before_2000 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision with respect to searching for and producing petroleum and for matters connected therewith.
1940 Port Vila Electrical Supply Act VANUATU 3 1941 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 To control the use and installation of electric light and power at Port Vila.
1941 Import Duties (Consolidation) Act 2014 VANUATU 3 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11
1942 Petroleum Regulations VANUATU 3 1997 before_2000 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 Regulations to prescribe matters required under the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act [Cap. 227].
1943 Convention Relating to the Concession for the Generation and Public Supply of Electric Power in Port Vila VANUATU 3 1986 before_2000 Subnational Other Power Power 10 The document outlines the Concession for UNELCO to generate and supply electrical energy within the City of Port Vila.
1944 Agreement Varying Concession between the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu and Union Electrique du Vanuatu Limited VANUATU 3 1997 before_2000 National Agreement Power Power 10 Agreement Varying Concession between the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu and Union Electrique du Vanuatu Limited for the distribution of electricity to the City of Port Vila.
1945 Concession Contract for the Generation and Public Supply of Electric Power in Malekula Island VANUATU 3 2000 nan Subnational Agreement Power Power 10 An Agreement where the Grantor concedes to the Concessionaire the right to generate and supply electrical energy to the public for all purposes on the island of Malekula.
1946 Concession Contract for the Generation and Public Supply of Electric Power in Tanna Island VANUATU 3 2000 nan Subnational Agreement Power Power 10 An Agreement where Grantor concedes to the Concessionaire the right to generate and supply electrical energy to the public for all purposes on the island of Tanna.
1947 Addendum Varying the Tariffs of the Contract for the Generation and Public Supply of Electric Power in the Concession of Port Vila, Luganville, Malekula and Tanna VANUATU 3 2008 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 An Agreement to provide for the variation of the Concession terms in the City of Port Vila, the island of Malekula and the island of Tanna.
1948 Vanuatu National Energy Roadmap (2013-2020) VANUATU 3 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This is Vanuatu's first National Energy Roadmap to provide the country with an energized and brighter future. This National Energy Road Map (“Road Map”) presents the Government of Vanuatu’s comprehensive action plan for developing the energy sector in a systematic, rational, and strategic and sustainable manner over the medium term, for the benefit of all its citizens nationwide. Its objective is to energise Vanuatu’s growth and development through the provision of secure, affordable, widely accessible, high quality, clean energy services for an Educated, Healthy, and Wealthy nation.---NOTE
1949 Trade Policy Framework 2012 VANUATU 3 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 Outlines Vanuatu's objective to mainstream trade into the country's national development strategy, to enhance development through increased exports of goods and services to guide and inform the workings of Vanuatu’s National Trade and Development Committee, to inform trade negotiations and to facilitate increased inflows of Aid for Trade (AfT). The document reviews current and prospected trade related policies and barriers to those policies.
1953 India's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution INDIA 23 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 India’s contribution to the UNFCCC process takes into account its commitment to conservation of nature as well as the imperatives of meeting the competing demand of resources for addressing the challenges of poverty eradication, food security and nutrition, universal access to education and health, gender equality and women empowerment, water and sanitation, energy, employment, sustainable urbanisation and new human settlements and the means of implementation for enhanced action for achieving among others, the sustainable development goals for its 1.2 billion people.
1955 Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Act 1989 - Reprint as at 23 December 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy All, Oil, Power, Gas 100 The Act is divided into the following parts
1957 Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Act 1989 - Reprint as at 1 November 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Energy All, Oil, Power, Gas 100 The Act is divided into the following parts
1958 Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Act 1989 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy All, Oil, Power, Gas 100 The Act is divided into the following parts
1981 Gas Act 1992 NEW ZEALAND 13 1992 before_2000 National Act Energy Gas 0 An Act to make better provision for the regulation, supply, and use of gas and the gas industry in New Zealand.
1982 Energy Companies Act 1992 NEW ZEALAND 13 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1983 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 3 December 2007 NEW ZEALAND 13 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1984 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 April 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1985 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 November 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Energy All, Power, Gas 100 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1986 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 July 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Gas 0 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1987 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All, Coal, Power 100 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1988 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 5 December 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 Subnational Act Energy All, Power, Gas 100 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1989 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 April 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All, Power, Gas 100 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1990 Energy Companies Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 December 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Energy All, Power, Gas 100 An Act to provide for the formation of energy companies, the vesting in such companies of the undertakings of Electric Power Boards and the electricity and gas undertakings of local authorities, and for the dissolution of Electric Power Boards; This Act repeals the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, the Auckland Electric Power Board Act 1978, and the Waikato Electricity Authority Act 1988.
1991 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - as at 03 September 2007 NEW ZEALAND 13 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1992 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 1 October 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1993 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 1 May 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1994 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 10 May 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1995 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 1 October 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1996 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1997 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 5 August 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1998 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 4 October 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
1999 Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981 - Reprint as at 16 December 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Oil 9 An Act to make provision for the imposition of measures restraining the demand for petroleum products or ensuring the equitable distribution in New Zealand of petroleum products that are, or are likely to be, in short supply in New Zealand.
2000 Atomic Energy Act 1945 COOK ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND 100 2007 2000-2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act to make provision for the control in New Zealand of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the control of the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements, which may be used for the production of atomic energy, and to provide for the vesting of such substances in the Crown. This Act shall extend to and be in force in the Cook Islands
2001 Atomic Energy Act 1945 - Reprint as at 1 February 2011 COOK ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND 100 2011 after_2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act to make provision for the control in New Zealand of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the control of the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements, which may be used for the production of atomic energy, and to provide for the vesting of such substances in the Crown. This Act shall extend to and be in force in the Cook Islands.
2002 Atomic Energy Act 1945 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 COOK ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND 100 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy Nuclear 7 An Act to make provision for the control in New Zealand of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the control of the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements, which may be used for the production of atomic energy, and to provide for the vesting of such substances in the Crown. This Act shall extend to and be in force in the Cook Islands.
2004 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 NEW ZEALAND 13 2005 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 This Act aims to promote, in New Zealand, energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the use of renewable sources of energy.
2005 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 This Act aims to promote, in New Zealand, energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the use of renewable sources of energy.
2006 Crown Minerals Act 1991 NEW ZEALAND 13 1991 before_2000 National Act Energy Coal, Oil 100 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the management of Crown owned minerals.
2007 Crown Minerals Act 1991 - Reprint as at 6 November 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Coal, Oil 100 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the management of Crown owned minerals.
2010 Crown Minerals Act 1991 - Reprint as at 6 October 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Coal, Oil 100 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the management of Crown owned minerals.
2011 Crown Minerals Act 1991 - Reprint as at 6 April 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Coal, Oil 100 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the management of Crown owned minerals.
2014 Crown Minerals Act 1991 Reprint as at 5 August 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Coal, Oil 100 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the management of Crown owned minerals.
2018 Crown Minerals Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 April 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector Coal, Oil 100 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the management of Crown owned minerals.
2028 Energy Resources Levy Act 1976 NEW ZEALAND 13 1976 before_2000 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to make provision for the imposition, assessment, and collection of a levy on certain energy resources produced in New Zealand.
2029 Energy Resources Levy Act 1976 - Reprint as at 1 April 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to make provision for the imposition, assessment, and collection of a levy on certain energy resources produced in New Zealand.
2030 Energy Resources Levy Act 1976 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to make provision for the imposition, assessment, and collection of a levy on certain energy resources produced in New Zealand.
2031 Energy Resources Levy Act 1976 - Reprint as at 5 August 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All 11 An Act to make provision for the imposition, assessment, and collection of a levy on certain energy resources produced in New Zealand.
2032 International Energy Agreement Act 1976 NEW ZEALAND 13 1976 before_2000 National Act Energy All, Oil 100 An Act to vest powers in the Governor-General in Council and the Minister of Energy Resources to enable New Zealand to carry out its obligations under the International Energy Agreement
2033 International Energy Agreement Act 1976 - Reprint as at 1 October 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Energy All, Oil 100 An Act to vest powers in the Governor-General in Council and the Minister of Energy Resources to enable New Zealand to carry out its obligations under the International Energy Agreement
2034 International Energy Agreement Act 1976 - Reprint as at 1 October 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Energy All, Oil 100 An Act to vest powers in the Governor-General in Council and the Minister of Energy Resources to enable New Zealand to carry out its obligations under the International Energy Agreement
2035 International Energy Agreement Act 1976 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Energy All, Oil 100 An Act to vest powers in the Governor-General in Council and the Minister of Energy Resources to enable New Zealand to carry out its obligations under the International Energy Agreement
2036 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 20 September 2007 NEW ZEALAND 13 1992 before_2000 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2038 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 29 July 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2039 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 August 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2042 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 23 December 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2043 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 April 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2044 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 6 August 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2047 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 30 June 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2048 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 October 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2049 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2050 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 5 August 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2051 Electricity Act 1992 - Reprint as at 16 December 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 An Act (a)To make better provision for the regulation of the supply of electricity and the electricity industry in New Zealand; and (b)To consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation and control of electrical workers; and (c)To provide for matters incidental thereto; and (d)To repeal the Electric Linemen Act 1959, the Electricity Act 1968, and the Electrical Registration Act 1979.
2053 Electricity Industry (Enforcement) Regulations 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Rule/Regulation Power Bioenergy 100 The Regulations present the following parts
2054 Electricity Industry (Enforcement) Regulations 2010 - Reprint as at 1 June 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Regulations present the following parts
2055 Electricity Industry (Enforcement) Regulations 2010 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Regulations present the following parts
2056 Electricity Industry (Enforcement) Regulations 2010 - Reprint as at 1 August 2015 NEW ZEALAND 13 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The Regulations present the following parts
2057 Commerce (Levy on Suppliers of Regulated Goods and Services) Regulations 2009 NEW ZEALAND 13 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These Regulations provide for General levy provisions (second and subsequent financial years) and Transitional provisions for first financial year.
2058 Commerce (Levy on Suppliers of Regulated Goods and Services) Regulations 2009 -Reprint as at 13 January 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These Regulations provide for General levy provisions (second and subsequent financial years) and Transitional provisions for first financial year.
2059 Commerce (Levy on Suppliers of Regulated Goods and Services) Regulations 2009 - Reprint as at 1 July 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These Regulations provide for General levy provisions (second and subsequent financial years) and Transitional provisions for first financial year.
2062 Electricity Industry (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2010 - Reprint as at 1 July 2015 NEW ZEALAND 13 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations, which come into force on 20 December 2010, provide for the levy payable by industry participants under the Electricity Industry Act 2010. These regulations replace the corresponding Electricity (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2005, which were made under the Electricity Act 1992. This is a reprint of the Electricity Industry (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2010 that incorporates all the amendments to those regulations as at the date of the last amendment to them.
2063 Electricity (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2005 NEW ZEALAND 13 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations, which come into force on the 28th day after the date of their notification in the Gazette, impose levies on electricity generators, wholesale purchasers, and electricity distributors (which includes Transpower) for the costs of performing the Electricity Commission's functions, powers, and duties under the Electricity Act 1992 and of collecting the levy money.
2064 Electricity (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2005 - Reprint as at 1 May 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations, which come into force on the 28th day after the date of their notification in the Gazette, impose levies on electricity generators, wholesale purchasers, and electricity distributors (which includes Transpower) for the costs of performing the Electricity Commission's functions, powers, and duties under the Electricity Act 1992 and of collecting the levy money.
2071 Electricity Industry Reform Act 1998 - Reprint as at 18 December 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Power Power 10 (1)The purpose of this Act is to better ensure
2072 Electricity Industry Reform Act 1998 - Reprint as at 1 November 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Power Power 10 An Act to reform the electricity industry. Repealed, on 1 November 2010, by section 165 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 (2010 No 116).
2073 Electricity (Low Fixed Charge Tariff Option for Domestic Consumers) Regulations 2004 NEW ZEALAND 13 2004 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations, which come into force on 1 October 2004, require electricity retailers to offer a low fixed charge tariff option to domestic consumers of no more than 30 cents per day.
2074 Electricity (Low Fixed Charge Tariff Option for Domestic Consumers) Regulations 2004 - Reprint as at 1 April 2009 NEW ZEALAND 13 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations, which come into force on 1 October 2004, require electricity retailers to offer a low fixed charge tariff option to domestic consumers of no more than 30 cents per day.
2075 Electricity (Low Fixed Charge Tariff Option for Domestic Consumers) Regulations 2004 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations, which come into force on 1 October 2004, require electricity retailers to offer a low fixed charge tariff option to domestic consumers of no more than 30 cents per day.
2076 Warm Up New Zealand NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Programme Building All 11 Warm Up New Zealand
2077 Lower carbon meat and dairy programme NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Programme Energy All 11 Fossil fuels like coal and natural gas represent over 75% of the energy used by meat and dairy plants. This Program aims at switching to lower carbon fuels like wood and biogas and using energy more efficiently so to save money, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and reduce air pollution.
2078 National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) AUSTRALIA 4 2005 2000-2010 National Programme Building All 11 The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) is a Government initiative to measure and compare the environmental performance of a building against its market.
2079 NABERSNZ NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Other Building All 11 New Zealand adapted the NABERS model from Australia, as part of the EECA Business mandate to help New Zealand businesses improve energy use and reduce carbon emissions.
2080 ENERGY STAR® NEW ZEALAND 13 2005 2000-2010 National Programme Energy All 11 EECA awards the ENERGY STAR® mark to products and appliances with superior energy efficiency within their category. It‘s a voluntary programme where industry partners identify and promote superior energy efficient products. If you’re an ENERGY STAR partner or interested in becoming one, here’s where you’ll find out about EECA’s programme.
2081 ENERGYWISE™ approved tyres NEW ZEALAND 13 0 nan National Programme Transport All 11 ENERGYWISE™ approved tyres is an approval mark for tyres that meet minimum criteria for both fuel efficiency and safety (braking in the wet).
2082 Duties, taxes and direct levies on motor fuels NEW ZEALAND 13 2015 after_2010 National Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 The table presents duties, taxes and direct levies on motor fuels in New Zealand as of July 2015.
2083 Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2011 - Reprint as at 4 October 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 These regulations prescribe different specifications for certain types of engine fuel that is supplied, or available or intended for supply, according to— (a) the type of engine fuel; and (b) whether the supply is, or is intended to be, by way of retail sale or not. They also contain general provisions relating to matters such as labelling, sampling, and offences. This is a reprint of the Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2011 that incorporates all the amendments to those regulations as at the date of the last amendment to them.
2084 Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Bioenergy 100 These regulations prescribe different specifications for certain types of engine fuel that is supplied, or available or intended for supply, according to— (a) the type of engine fuel; and (b) whether the supply is, or is intended to be, by way of retail sale or not. They also contain general provisions relating to matters such as labelling, sampling, and offences.
2085 National Civil Defence Emergency Management Fuel Plan - Supporting Plan NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 Subnational Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This document has been issued pursuant to the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Act 2002. It is a support plan to the functional arrangements set out in the National CDEM Plan and The Guide to the National CDEM Plan. The Plan provides for a planning framework for the fuel sector and civil defence emergency management. It includes agreed roles and responsibilities for agencies and documents agreed operational communications and coordination for use by the National Crisis Management Centre, CDEM Group Emergency Coordination Centres and oil companies.
2086 Oil Emergency Response Strategy NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Oil 9 This document outlines a range of measures designed to respond to varying types and degrees of supply disruptions. Only in the most severe and prolonged situations would measures such as allocation rationing be considered.
2087 Guide to the National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan NEW ZEALAND 13 2009 2000-2010 National Guideline Multi-Sector All 11 The Guide sets out the arrangements and roles and responsibilities of agencies for the national management, or support to local management, of civil defence emergencies
2088 Electricity Governance (Security of Supply) Regulations 2008 - Reprint as at 9 April 2009 NEW ZEALAND 13 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations provide for the management and co-ordination of outages for security of electricity supply purpose. This is a reprint of the Electricity Governance (Security of Supply) Regulations 2008.
2089 Electricity Governance (Security of Supply) Regulations 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations provide for the management and co-ordination of outages for security of electricity supply purpose.
2090 Electricity Governance (Security of Supply) Regulations 2008 - Reprint as at 1 November 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan Subnational Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 These regulations provide for the management and co-ordination of outages for security of electricity supply purpose. This is a reprint of the Electricity Governance (Security of Supply) Regulations 2008.
2091 Memorandum of Understanding between the Electricity Authority and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a framework to work together generally, but especially in the following areas where there is the potential for overlap in the respective roles of the Authority and the MBIE
2092 The NZ Emissions Trading Scheme NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The NZ Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is New Zealand's primary response to global climate change. It puts a price on greenhouse gases to provide an incentive to reduce emissions, invest in energy efficiency, and plant trees.
2093 Climate Change NEW ZEALAND 13 2003 2000-2010 National Agreement Energy All 11 NGAs are a key component of New Zealand's climate change policy package. They are conceived for firms or industries that, as a result of an emissions charge, face significant risk to their competitiveness relative to producers in countries with less stringent climate change policies. Under an NGA firms would receive a full or partial exemption from the emissions charge in exchange for moving towards world’s best practice in emissions management. This document provides for
2094 New Zealand Energy Strategy 2011–2021 - Developing Our Energy Potential NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Transport All, Oil, Renewable, Bioenergy 100 The New Zealand Energy Strategy sets the strategic direction for the energy sector and the role energy will play in the New Zealand economy. The strategy focuses on four priorities to achieve that
2095 New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2011–2016 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power, Transport All, Renewable 100 The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) contributes to the delivery of the Government’s energy priorities set out in the New Zealand Energy Strategy.
2096 Climate Change NEW ZEALAND 13 2009 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 A document to define the Government's position on New Zealand’s 2020 greenhouse gas emission reduction target.
2097 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Overarching Policy Other Hydropower 8 This national policy statement sets out objectives and policies that direct local government to manage water in an integrated and sustainable way, while providing for economic growth with set water quantity and quality limits. The national policy statement is a first step to improve freshwater management at a national level. Under the National values and uses for fresh water, Hydro-electric power generation is here recognized conducive to economic or commercial development.
2098 New Zealand’s Energy Outlook 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Government Report Energy All 11 The 2010 edition of New Zealand’s Energy Outlook presents updated projections of New Zealand’s future energy supply, demand, prices and greenhouse gas emissions. These projections are principally aimed at informing the energy debate. This article is supported by detailed data tables available on the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) website.
2099 New Zealand’s Energy Outlook 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 The 2010 edition of New Zealand’s Energy Outlook presents updated projections of New Zealand’s future energy supply, demand, prices and greenhouse gas emissions. These projections are principally aimed at informing the energy debate. This article is supported by detailed data tables available on the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) website.
2100 New Zealand's Energy Outlook - Electricity Insight NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Power 10 This Energy Outlook article explores the long-term future for electricity in New Zealand using scenario analysis. Based on this analysis, we present key insights for investors, grid planners, policy makers and consumers. It presents modelling results to 2040, and is the first part of a series of Energy Outlook Insight publications, which will focus on different parts of the energy system.
2101 Sales-based Electricity Costs - June 2015 NEW ZEALAND 13 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 This document provides for Sales-based Electricity Costs data. The Ministry monitors national residential electricity costs using information about national electricity sales (essentially total electricity sales divided by the quantity of electricity supplied in kWh).
2102 Resource Management Act 1991 NEW ZEALAND 13 1991 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2103 Resource Management Act 1991 NEW ZEALAND 13 1991 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2105 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 January 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2106 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 August 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2108 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 0 nan National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Russia's contributions (intended nationally determined contribution) to the UNFCCC COP21 negotiations, including; their proposed GHG reduction targets.
2111 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 October 2008 NEW ZEALAND 13 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2114 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 October 2009 NEW ZEALAND 13 2009 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2116 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 November 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2117 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 16 December 2010 NEW ZEALAND 13 2010 nan National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2118 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 April 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2119 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 20 June 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2120 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 July 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2121 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 October 2011 NEW ZEALAND 13 2011 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2124 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 August 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2125 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 October 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2126 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 20 November 2012 NEW ZEALAND 13 2012 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2127 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 February 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2131 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 July 2013 NEW ZEALAND 13 2013 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2135 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 1 January 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2136 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 20 March 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2137 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 17 April 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2139 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 20 May 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2141 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 12 September 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2142 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 16 December 2014 NEW ZEALAND 13 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2144 Resource Management Act 1991 - Reprint as at 15 September 2015 NEW ZEALAND 13 2015 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 An Act to restate and reform the law relating to the use of land, air, and water. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
2145 Law No. 13/2005 on Petroleum Activities TIMOR-LESTE 18 2005 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Oil 9 The objective of this Law on Petroleum activities (the Law) is to provide as many benefits to Timor-Leste and its people as possible by establishing a regulatory regime that will allow petroleum companies to develop such petroleum resources. Another objective of the Law is to ensure stability and transparency in regulating the development of Petroleum resources.
2146 Decree-Law No. 2/2008 - National Petroleum Authority TIMOR-LESTE 18 2008 2000-2010 National Decree Multi-Sector Oil 9 A Decree to create the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) in order to establish and supervise compliance with the enacted rules and regulations covering the exploration, development, production, transportation and distribution of petroleum and natural gas resources.
2147 Decree-Law No. /2005 - Public Tendering in Respect of Petroleum Contract Awards TIMOR-LESTE 18 2005 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Oil 9 This decree-law establishes the general procedures for conducting public tenders in respect of the award of contract areas and entering into petroleum contracts referred to in article 10 of Law No. 13/2005, of 2 September (Law on Petroleum Activities).
2148 Decree-Law on the Downstream Sector Decree-Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February 2012 TIMOR-LESTE 18 2012 after_2010 National Decree Energy Oil 9 This Decree-Law on the Downstream Sector is aimed at setting forth the rules applicable to the performance of Downstream Activities in the Territory of Timor-Leste, the powers of the ANP in this respect, the duties of Licensees, and the rules and procedures applicable to the sanctioning of Offences to the rules contained herein and in ancillary regulations.
2149 Regulation No. 1/2012, of 3rd September 2012 TIMOR-LESTE 18 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 This Regulation builds on Decree-Law No. 1/2012 of 1 February 2012, on Downstream Activities in Timor-Leste and sets forth the technical rules, procedures and deadlines for the granting of Downstream Activities’ Licenses by the ANP, that are required for the practical implementation of the above-mentioned Decree-Law.
2150 Regulation No. 2/2014, of 24 October 2014 First Amendment to Regulation No.1/2012, of 24 October 2012 TIMOR-LESTE 18 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 This Regulation amends the Regulation No. 1/2012, of 24 October 2012, on administrative procedures, requirements and fees for the granting, renewal and modification of downstream activities’ licenses. It takes into account the experience gathered by the ANP in its implementation, as well as the recent developments in the downstream market in Timor-Leste.
2151 Regulation No. 2 /2012, of 3 of September 2012 on Downstream Activities’ Inspection Division TIMOR-LESTE 18 2012 after_2010 National Law Energy Oil 9 This Regulation sets forth the legal framework applicable to the ANP´s inspection activities and auditing and supervision powers in respect of the downstream sector, and creates the Downstream Activities’ Inspection Division.
2152 Regulations No.1/2013, of 18 September 2013 on Installation and Operation of Fuel Filling Stations TIMOR-LESTE 18 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 This Regulation builds on the basic rules and general provisions of Decree-Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February 2012, on Downstream Activities in Timor-Leste and sets forth the principles and conditions to be met in the installation and operation of Fuel Filling Stations.
2153 First Amendment to Regulation No. 1.2013 on Installation and Operation of Fuel Filling Station TIMOR-LESTE 18 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Oil 9 This Amendment is a result, on the one hand, of practical issues and reasonable concerns raised by operators of existing Fuel Filling Stations and, on the other hand, of a better knowledge of the existing market and facilities that has been achieved through the increased interaction with the operators.
2154 Regulations No. 1/2014, of 15 January 2014 on Fuel Lubricant and Biofuel Quality Standards and Specifications TIMOR-LESTE 18 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas, Bioenergy 100 This Regulation sets forth the specifications for Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricants to be used in Timor-Leste and the rules applicable to their determination and amendment.
2155 First Amendment to Regulation No. 1 2014 on Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Quality Standards and Specifications TIMOR-LESTE 18 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas, Bioenergy 100 This Amendment takes into account the experience gathered by ANP in the implementation of the Regulation No. 1 2014 on Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Quality Standards and Specifications and provides for slight improvements.
2156 Taxes and Duties Act Decree Law No. TIMOR-LESTE 18 2008 2000-2010 National Act Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 The present Act seeks to relieve the fiscal burden that has been considered to be disproportionate and excessive in view of the reality of the country.
2157 Decree Law No. 5/2011 Dated February 9 - Environmental Licensing TIMOR-LESTE 18 2011 after_2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 This statute establishes the Environmental Licensing System conceived as an additional system for responding to the need to prevent the negative environmental impacts resulting from complex projects and meets the social and economic reality of East Timor. Furthermore, the system envisages the granting of environmental licenses and monitoring thereof as a logical consequence of the process for the environmental assessment of projects, thus creating an integrated process and a simplified procedure for preventing negative environmental impacts and controlling pollution from the projects.
2158 Law No. 8/2005 of 3 August - Petroleum Taxation Law AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2005 2000-2010 National, Bilateral Law Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Taxation Law sets out a specific taxation regime for petroleum activities. It applies to petroleum activities authorized and regulated under Timor-Leste’s Law on Petroleum Activities. It also applies to 90 percent of the petroleum activities authorised and regulated under the Timor Sea Treaty, with the exception of those activities to which Annex F to the Timor Sea Treaty refers.
2159 Law No. 9/2005 of 3 August - Petroleum Fund Law TIMOR-LESTE 18 2005 2000-2010 National Law Energy Oil 9 This Law shall provide for the establishment and management of the Petroleum Fund, and the procedural rules relating thereto. In doing this it seeks to meet with the constitutional requirement laid down in Article 139 in the Constitution of the Republic.
2160 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 30 September 2013 No. 752 About emission reduction of greenhouse gases RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 Overview of targets for the Russian Federation on GHG emission reduction; including an action plan on GHG emission reduction.
2161 Maritime Boundaries of the Territory of RDTL (Law No.7/2002) TIMOR-LESTE 18 2002 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 A law to establish and define the extent and the limit of the territorial waters, the exclusive economic zone and the rights of Timor-Leste in the contiguous zone and continental shelf.
2162 Law No. 3/2003 of 1 July - Taxation of Bayu-Undan Contractors Act TIMOR-LESTE 18 2003 2000-2010 National, Subnational Law Energy Oil, Gas 3 The present Law establishes the tax regime for the development of the Bayu-Undan field. The objective of this act is to encourage the Bayu-Undan Contractors to carry on the gas phase of the project, in addition to its liquid phase. The development of the project in its gas phase shall enable Timor-Leste to increase its overall revenues deriving from the BayuUndan field.
2163 Regulation No. 2000/18 on a Taxation System for East Timor TIMOR-LESTE 18 2000 nan National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 A Regulation aimed to establish a taxation regime for East Timor.
2164 Regulation No. 2000/35 to amend Regulation No. 2000/18 on a Revenue System for East Timor (as amended by UNTAET Regulation 2000/32) TIMOR-LESTE 18 2000 nan National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 A Regulation aimed to establish a taxation regime for East Timor.
2165 Regulation No. 2000/32 To amend Regulation Nos 2000/12 AND 2000/18 TIMOR-LESTE 18 2000 nan National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 A Regulation aimed to establish a taxation regime for East Timor.
2166 Regulation No. 2000/12 on a Provisional Tax and Customs Regime for East Timor TIMOR-LESTE 18 2000 nan National Rule/Regulation Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 A Regulation aimed to establish a taxation regime for East Timor.
2167 Law No. 4/2003 of 1 July on the Petroleum Development of Timor Sea (Tax Stability) TIMOR-LESTE 18 2003 2000-2010 National Law Energy Oil 9 The present law authorises the Government to enter into agreements with investors in the Joint Petroleum Development Area (as established by the Timor Sea Treaty), with the aim to stabilise the tax regime on long-term petroleum projects.
2168 Strategic Development Plan 2011 - 2030 TIMOR-LESTE 18 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan is a twenty year vision that reflects the aspirations of the Timorese people to create a prosperous and strong nation. The strategies and actions set out in the Strategic Development Plan aim to transition Timor-Leste from a low income to upper middle income country, with a healthy, well educated and safe population by 2030. In this regard, access to energy is considered a basic right and the foundation for economic growth. Targets are set to introduce a program for solar lighting, which will provide approximately 100,000 families with access to electric light by 2020. Furthermore all households in Timor-Leste will have access to electricity either by the conventional expansion of the electricity system or through the use of renewable energy by 2030.
2169 Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Finance 2011 - 2030 TIMOR-LESTE 18 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The policy describes the overall context of Public Finance Management PFM in Timor-Leste, identifies the implications that the Government’s Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 (SDP) has for the performance of the Ministry of Finance. It then defines the vision, the institutional mandate, strategic goals, major operational goals, and how individual units within the Ministry of Finance will work towards achieving the goals. In particular, it introduces provisions related to petroleum pricing, including the improvement of governance, transparency and digitalization. This Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Finance is organised as follows
2170 Act of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2 April 2014 No. 504-p RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2014 after_2010 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 "The Act was issued pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 30 September 2013 No. 752 ""About emission reduction of greenhouse gases"" in order to adopt an action plan on GHG emission reduction to the level of no more than 75% of the 1990 levels for 2020; the action plan contains three groups of measures which should be assumed"
2171 National Development Plan TIMOR-LESTE 18 2002 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The first National Development Plan (the Plan) for East Timor builds on a participative process, involving constituents in every sector of the economy to identify the problems they face and to suggest solutions to those problems. The two over-riding development goals the Plan strives to achieve are
2172 Decree-Law No. 11/2008 Organisational Structure of the Office of the Secretary of State for Energy Policy TIMOR-LESTE 18 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 This statute aims to approve the Organisational Structure of the Office of the Secretary of State for Energy Policy whereby the respective structure, and competences and responsibilities of each of its services and bodies are set forth with a view to enforcing Decree-Law No. 7/2007, of 5 September, approving the Structure of the IV Constitutional Government of the Republic of Timor-Leste.
2173 Decree-Law No. 13/2003 Of 22 July Establishing the Bases for the National Electricity System TIMOR-LESTE 18 2003 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 The present Decree-Law establishes the bases for organising the National Electricity System (NES) and the principles that will govern the exercise of the activities related to the production, transmission and distribution of electricity. Note
2174 Decree-Law 22/2006 of Regulation of the Electricity Supply Tariff TIMOR-LESTE 18 2006 2000-2010 National Law Power Power 10 The present Decree-Law approves the Tariff Regulations provided for and created by Article 10 of Decree-Law 13/2003, of 24 September, which lays down the bases for the National Electricity System, considering the provisions of Article 45 of the same Decree-Law, as provided below, as follows.
2175 Decree-Law No. 31/2011 of 27th of July Timor Gap – Timor Gás & Petróleo, E.P. TIMOR-LESTE 18 2011 after_2010 National, Other Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Government hereby creates TIMOR GAP - Timor Gás & Petróleo, Empresa Publica (TIMOR GAP, E.P.) for the purposes of holding and managing, under a corporate structure and in accordance with business principles, the assets owned by the State of Timor-Leste in the oil sector assigned by law.
2176 Program of the IV Constitutional Government TIMOR-LESTE 18 2007 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Programme of the IV Constitutional Government reflects the Government's commitment with Timor-Leste. The programme is, first and foremost, a fundamental tool to fulfill the pact of stability, loyalty, honesty, solidarity, steadfastness and mutual respect that the political parties making up the Alliance for a Parliamentary Majority (APM) have celebrated with the Timorese nation at the general election. The programme is also a tool to guarantee national stability and promote development and prosperity in Timor-Leste, a pledge we made on 8 August 2007 when this Government was sworn-in.
2177 Program of the V Constitutional Government TIMOR-LESTE 18 2012 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Government Program is based on the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 , which is built upon the foundations we have been laying since 2002, and which took into account a broad public consultation conducted through the 65 sub-districts, including villages and sucos throughout the nation. All strategies and actions considered in this Plan, which was approved by Parliament in July 2011, seek to transform Timor-Leste from a low income country to a medium-high income country by 2030, with a healthy, educated and safe population that is prosperous and self-sufficient.
2178 Program of the Sixth Constitutional Government TIMOR-LESTE 18 2015 after_2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The implementation of the Government's political agenda is based on the structure and vision of the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, and in particular
2179 "Government Resolution № 861 of December 27, 2004 (amended 30.09.2015) ""On approval of rules for non-discriminatory access to power transmission services and rendering of these services, rules for non-discriminatory access to dispatching services...""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The present document approved four rules
2180 "Government Resolution № 861 of December 27, 2004 ""On approval of rules for non-discriminatory access to power transmission services and rendering of these services, rules for non-discriminatory access to dispatching services in the electric power indust" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2005 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The present document approved four rules
2181 Concrete Plan for Environmental Tax (basic outline) JAPAN 15 2005 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Coal, Oil, Gas, Solar, Wind 100 A plan to require all taxpayers, including businesses and households, to be involved in a fair contribution to climate change measures according to their volume of emissions. It aims to promote large emitting businesses to take measures by enlightening tax rate on those which make efforts to reduce emissions.
2182 Utilization of Economic Instruments in Environmental Policies - Taxes and Charges JAPAN 15 1996 before_2000 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 First Report of the Research Panel on Economic Instruments such as Taxation and Charges in Environmental Policies
2183 Report on Auto-Related Environmental Taxes JAPAN 15 1999 before_2000 National Government Report Transport Oil, Gas 3 This Report addresses the utilization of Auto-Related Taxes in Environmental Policy.
2184 Option For The Environmental Taxes With Considering Global Warming JAPAN 15 1995 before_2000 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 "Last Report of ""Research Panel on Economic Instruments such as Taxation and Charges in Environmental Policies""."
2185 Interim Compilation of Preceding Discussions on the Promotion of Greening the Whole Tax System JAPAN 15 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The Report addresses the importance of environmental-friendliness in the tax system. In particular sections outline
2186 Environment-Related Tax System in Japan JAPAN 15 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11 The document provides a table with details on energy and vehicle taxations. It outlines details on items subject to tax, their tax rate, tax revenue for FY 2012 and how Tax Revenue is to be spent.
2187 Details on the Carbon Tax (Tax for Climate Change Mitigation) JAPAN 15 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy All, Coal, Oil, Gas 100 A tax to establish wide and fair burdens for the use of all the fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal, depending on environmental load (CO2 emissions). The policy addresses the following topics
2188 Timor Sea Treaty AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2002 2000-2010 Bilateral Other Energy Oil 9 The Treaty establishes the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA). The Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia jointly control, manage and facilitate the exploration, development and exploitation of the petroleum resources of the JPDA for the benefit of their peoples.
2189 (Interim) Petroleum Mining Code for the Joint Petroleum Development Area AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 Bilateral Code Energy Oil 9 The Code is divided into the following parts
2190 Petroleum Mining Code for the Joint Petroleum Development Area AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 National Code Energy Oil 9 The Petroleum Mining Code is adopted to govern the exploration, development and exploitation of Petroleum within the JPDA, as well as the export of Petroleum from the JPDA.
2191 Interim Regulations issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 Bilateral Rule/Regulation Energy Oil, Gas 3 "These regulations outline ""Specific Requirements as to Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation in the Joint Petroleum Development Area"". They are issued for the purpose of elaborating various parts of the Timor Sea Treaty (Treaty) and its Annexes and the Interim Petroleum Mining Code."
2192 Interim Directions issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 Subnational Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 "These Directions are issued for the purpose of elaborating various parts of the Treaty and its Annexes, and the Interim Petroleum Mining Code. They set out ""Specific Requirements as to Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation in the Joint Petroleum Development Area""."
2193 Interim Administrative Guidelines for the Joint Petroleum Development Area AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 Bilateral Guideline Energy Oil, Gas 3 These guidelines are issued for the purpose of assisting companies by elaborating various parts of the Treaty and its Annexes, and the Interim Petroleum Mining Code.
2194 Treaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 National Other Energy Oil, Gas 3 A Treaty to address issues related to maritime boundaries and other arrangements in the Timor Sea.
2195 Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Exploitation of the Sunrise and Troubadour Petroleum Fields in the Timor Sea AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 Bilateral Agreement Energy Oil 9 This MOU was signed in Dili and it is an Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of Australia relating to the Unitisation of the Sunrise and Troubadour Fields (the Agreement).
2196 Agreement Relating to the Unitisation of the Sunrise and Troubadour Fields AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2003 2000-2010 Subnational Agreement Energy Oil 9 An Agreement in order to make provisions for the integrated exploitation of Greater Sunrise petroleum deposits. The Greater Sunrise are those deposits being known as the Sunrise and Troubadour deposits (collectively known as Greater Sunrise), which extend across the eastern boundary of the Joint Petroleum Development Area.
2197 Production Sharing Contract for the Joint Petroleum Development Area - JPDA 06-101(A) AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2006 2000-2010 Other Other Energy Oil 9 This Agreement is a Production Sharing Contract and is subject to the Treaty and the Petroleum Mining Code between the Timor Sea Designated Authority established under the Treaty and Minza Oil & Gas Limited.
2198 Production Sharing Contract for the Joint Petroleum Development Area - JPDA 06-103 AUSTRALIA, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2006 2000-2010 Other Other Energy Oil 9 A Production Sharing Contract between the Timor Sea Designated Authority and Oilex (JPDA 06-103) Ltd, Global Energy Inc, Bharat PetroResources JPDA Limited, and GSPC (JPDA) Limited.
2199 Production Sharing Contract for the Joint Petroleum Development Area - JPDA 06-105 AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2006 2000-2010 Multilateral, Other Other Energy Oil 9 This Production Sharing Contract is between the Tim or Sea Designated Authority established under the Treaty and Woodside Petroleum (Timor Sea 1) Pty Ltd, INPEX TIMOR SEA LTD, and Talisman Resources.
2200 Production Sharing Contract for the Joint Petroleum Development Area - JPDA 11-106 JAPAN, TIMOR-LESTE 100 2013 after_2010 Other Other Energy Oil 9 This is an Agreement between the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo of Timor-Leste and Eni JPDA 11-106 B.V., INPEX Offshore Timor-Leste, LTD. and TIMOR GAS PSC 11-106 Unipessoal Limitada.
2201 "Information from Rospotrebnadzor 06/11/2015 ""On the kinds of goods that should contain information about their energy efficiency class""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2015 after_2010 National Guideline Power Power 10 The goods produced in the Russian Federation and imported into the Russian Federation should have information on their energy efficiency class in the technical documentation attached to these products and on their labels The Order N 769 on labeling should be brought it in line with the Resolution N 1222 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 1243) should be applied without any contradiction.
2202 "Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation from 07.09.2010 N 769 ""The categories of goods, which should contain information about the class of energy efficiency in the technical documentation attached to these products...""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2010 nan National Decree Power Power 10 The Document contains the information on the list of categories of products (including their characteristics), the energy class of which should indicated in the technical documentation to the product, and on its label (Annex N 1 of the Order) and also the list of exceptions when the energy efficiency class may not be indicated in the documentation and on the label (Appendix of N 2 of the Order).
2203 "Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation from 07.09.2010 N 769 ""The categories of goods, which should contain information about the class of energy efficiency in the technical documentation attached to these products...""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Decree Power Power 10 The Document contains the information on the list of categories of products (including their characteristics), the energy class of which should indicated in the technical documentation to the product, and on its label (Annex N 1 of the Order) and also the list of exceptions when the energy efficiency class may not be indicated in the documentation and on the label (Appendix of N 2 of the Order).
2204 "Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation from 30.06.2014 N 400 ""On approval of requirements for the energy survey and its results and rules for providing copies of energy passports based on the results of mandatory energy audit""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2015 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11 "The document approves the requirements for the energy audit and its results prescribed by the Law ""On Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency"" (Appendix N 1) and the rules for providing copies of the Energy Passport, due to the results of mandatory energy audit (Appendix N 2)."
2205 Rural Development Strategy for Mongolia MONGOLIA 100 2002 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Power, Renewable 2 This document outlines a strategy for rural development in Mongolia. It is based on a participative process and recognizes that in order to achieve a sustained growth of income the promotion of economic growth is a precondition. The agreed Rural Development Goals are
2206 Economic Growth Support and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EGPRS) MONGOLIA 100 2003 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Renewable 100 The Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EGPRS) is a strategy paper, which presents main policy directions of the government for the medium term with a focus on economic growth acceleration and poverty reduction efforts. The document underlines the importance of restructuring, as well as the contribution of both the social and political sphere, as an essential resource for ensuring economic growth. The prevalence of the private sector in the economy is another major source for ensuring enhanced economic growth. Finally, it is highlighted that the development of energy, road, communication and information is of vital significance for creating a favorable environment for businesses.
2207 Mongolia Sustainable Energy Sector Development Strategy Plan 2002-2010 MONGOLIA 100 2002 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 Determines actions to be implemented in the energy sector in the short- and medium terms and will be used by the Government of Mongolia as the guidelines for activities to be implemented in the energy sector. The main objective of the Plan is to create a financially sustainable energy sector that will provide cost-effective energy access, thereby enabling poverty reduction and greater private sector and civil society participation. The document affirms that Mongolia’s energy sector should be developed within a regional energy context, while at the same time taking advantage of new technologies and sources of energy that might further promote economic efficiency and environmental sustainability.
2208 Law of Mongolia on Energy MONGOLIA 100 2001 2000-2010 National Law Energy All, Power 100 The purpose of this law is to regulate matters relating to energy generation, transmission, distribution, dispatching and supply activities, construction of energy facilities and energy consumption that involve utilisation of energy resources.
2209 Law on Amendment to the Energy Law MONGOLIA 100 2012 after_2010 National Law Energy All, Power 100 Provides for additional paragraphs and sub-paragraphs to be added to the Energy Law.
2210 Law of Mongolia on Renewable Energy MONGOLIA 100 2007 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable, Bioenergy 100 This Law aims to regulate relations concerning generation and use of energy utilizing renewable energy sources. It applies to legal entities, which buy and/or sell electricity and/or heat generated by using renewable energy sources within the territory of Mongolia. Unless otherwise stated, this law shall not apply to renewable energy power sources, which are designed for consumer′s own use only.
2211 Law on Value Added Tax MONGOLIA 100 2007 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law regulates the relations with respect to the imposition of a value-added tax, the payment of value-added tax to the budget and the back-payment of the value-added tax from the budget. It shall apply when imposing value-added tax on imported and exported goods by citizens and legal entities, as well as goods sold or manufactured, works performed and services rendered in the territory of Mongolia.
2212 Law on General Taxation MONGOLIA 100 2008 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law establishes legal grounds for introduction, establishment, imposition, reporting, payment, control and collection of taxes in Mongolia. It defines rights, duties and liabilities of taxpayers and tax authorities and regulates relations arising between them.
2213 Law of Mongolia on Concessions MONGOLIA 100 2010 nan National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This law is regulates relations concerning the organization of tenders for granting to investors the rights of possession, operation, creation and renovation of state and local own properties under concession agreements. It also addresses conclusion, modification and termination of concession agreements and settlement of disputes.
2214 Foreign Investment Law of Mongolia MONGOLIA 100 2002 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law aims to encourage foreign investment, to protect the rights and property of foreign investors in Mongolia, and to regulate matters relating to the foreign investment. The first version of the Law was issued in 1993, this version incorporates the amendments up to 2002.
2215 "Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 31.12.2009 N 1222 ""On the types and characteristics of the products, information on energy efficiency class to be contained in the technical documentation attached to these products and on labels""." RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2010 nan National Decree Energy Power 10 The policy provides that the information on the energy efficiency class for the specific appliances (e.g. refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, dish-washing machines, light bulbs, ovens, elevators) should be revealed in the technical documentation attached to the appliances and on their labels. The policy also contains a list of principles to be used by manufacturers, importers in determining of the energy efficiency class in documentation and on labels.
2216 "Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2011 N 161 ""On approval of rules for determining the class of energy efficiency of apartment building and the requirements for its indicating on the facade.""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Building Power 10 The policy adopted the rules for determining the classes of energy efficiency of apartment buildings, (Annex N 1) and the requirements for the energy efficiency class of the apartment building to be indicated on the facade (Annex N 2).
2217 "Government Resolution of 25.01.2011 N 18 ""On approval of rules establishing the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, facilities and requirements to the rules on determining of the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Decree Building Power 10 The policy adopted the regulations on the establishment of the energy efficiency requirements for buildings and structures and the requirements to the rules determining the class of energy efficiency of the apartment buildings.
2218 National Renewable Energy Program MONGOLIA 100 2005 2000-2010 National Programme Energy Renewable 4 The National Renewable Energy Program (2005-2020) aims to promote and extend renewable energy development in Mongolia. In particular, the objective is to create conditions for ensuring ecological balance, to reduce unemployment and poverty, and to promote social and economic sustainable development. Enabling measures consist of increasing percentage of renewable energy share in the total energy supply of Mongolia, improving the structure of energy supply, and diffusing the use of renewable energy in rural areas power supply. The Plan shall be implemented in two stages
2219 Minerals Law MONGOLIA 100 2006 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Coal 1 The Minerals Law regulates relations within the territory of Mongolia with respect to reconnaissance, exploration and mining of minerals. In particular, it regulates relations with respect to exploration and mining of all types of mineral resources including coal, but does not address petroleum and natural gas. This is a revised and updated edition.
2220 Law of Mongolia on Petroleum MONGOLIA 100 2014 after_2010 National Law Energy Oil 9 This law addresses matters pertaining to petroleum and unconventional petroleum prospecting, exploration, and exploitation within the territory of Mongolia.
2221 Law of Mongolia on Customs MONGOLIA 100 1996 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law shall regulate relations related to the determining the organisational structure and legal basis of customs, defining the procedures for customs control over and examination of goods and means of transport crossing the state frontiers of Mongolia as well as customs clearance procedures, and abidance of the customs legislation by business entities, organisations and individuals. Note
2222 Law of Mongolia on Excise Tax MONGOLIA 100 2007 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Gas 3 This law aims to regulate relations concerning imposition of excise tax on certain domestic and imported goods, special purpose technical devices and equipments used for quizzes and gambling activities, and individuals and legal entities that conduct these activities and transference thereof to the budget. Gasoline and diesel fuel are subject to this Tax. This version of the Law entails reviews up to year 2010.
2224 "Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2006 N 141 ""On approval of recommendations for energy audit""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2006 2000-2010 National Decree Energy All 11 The policy approved the recommendations for the energy audit under the law on energy efficiency in order to monitor the average consumption of the fuel and energy resources
2227 The Constitution of the Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1993 before_2000 National Act Multi-Sector All 11 The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides general provision of the governance, in particular in the sphere of energy, describes the fundamentals of the constitutional system, the federal structure and reveals the relationship between various policies.
2228 "Federal Law N 160-FZ of July 9, 1999 ""On Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1999 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law provides the basic guarantees of the rights of foreign investors to investment as well as the earnings and profit gained on them, the terms and conditions of entrepreneurial activities of foreign investors on the territory of the Russian Federation.
2229 Federal Law N 57-FZ of April 29, 2008 On the Procedure for Making Foreign Investments in Companies which are of Strategic Importance for Ensuring the Country's Defense and State Security RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2008 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Gas, Nuclear 100 The law is ensuring the country's defence and state security establishing withdrawals of a restrictive nature for foreign investors and for a group of persons that includes a foreign investor when they participate in the authorised capitals of business associations of strategic importance and/or when the foreign investor is purchasing a property of the company of strategic importance in the ammount of 25 or more per cent of the balance-sheet value of the assets of the company of strategic importance and/or conclude other transactions, commit other actions resulting in the establishment of control of the foreign investors over such companies.
2230 Clarification of the Ministry of Energy of Russian Federation On Some Issues of Application of Legislation of the Russian Federation Regarding Energy Audits RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2012 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 The clarification provides the view of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Minenergo) on certain views regarding the application of legislation on mandatory energy audit, obtained on the basis of analysis of the energy performance certificates, filed by the self-regulatory organizations in the field of energy audit and the requests to to clarify certain provisions of the legislation in the field of energy audits.
2231 Clarification on the rules for granting subventions from the federal budget to the regional budgets on the implementation of regional programs in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency in 2013 and subsequent years RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2013 after_2010 National Guideline Energy All 11 The clarification reveals the mechanism how can the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation apply for the subventions from the federal budget for the implementation of the regional program in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency and specifies the documents, which should be attached to the application for the subvention
2232 "Federal Law N 225-FZ of December 30, 1995 ""On Production Sharing Agreements""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1996 before_2000 National Law Energy Coal, Oil, Gas 100 The law establishes the legal basis for relationships arising with respect to Russian and foreign investment in exploration, development and production of mineral raw materials within the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on the continental shelf and/or within the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation under the terms and conditions of production sharing agreements.
2233 "Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation N 168 of March 21, 2007 ""On Amending Some Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on Electrical Energy Issues""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The policy endorses the Amendments to Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on electrical energy issues, especially to the Rules for Non-Discriminatory Access to the Services of Electricity transmission and for the Provision of Such Services, Rules for Non-Discriminatory Access to Operative Dispatch Services in the Electrical Energy Industry and for the Provision of Such Services, Rules for Non-Discriminatory Access to the Services of an Administrator of a Wholesale Market Trading System and for the Provision of Such Services and Procedures for performing of operations of the energy service companies.
2234 "Federal Law N 284-FZ of 25.12.2008 ""On the transfer of rights to uniform technology""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2009 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law regulates the relations of the use of rights for technologies which belong to the Russian Federation and/or to a subject of the Russian Federation and other persons and the transfer of rights for technologies on the basis of tenders or auctions and without tenders or auctions.
2235 Action Plan to implement the Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation in the Russian Federation for the period 2006-2008 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2006 2000-2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Action plan cointains information on certain actions of the development of the technologies and the innovative activity in the Russian Federation
2236 "The Federal law of August 23,1996 N 127-FZ ""On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 1996 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The Law regulates the relations between institutions providing scientific and technical activities and state authorities as consumers of researches and technical products, and also reveals the provision of state support for innovations.
2237 The main dimensions of the policy of the Russian Federation in the development of innovative systems for the period until 2010 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2005 2000-2010 National Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The policy determines the purpose, objectives, public policies, mechanisms, and key measures for implementation. The goal of the policy in the field of development of the innovation system is to create the economic conditions for production of competitive innovation products in order to implement strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation
2238 "Presidential Decree of July 7, 2011 N 899 ""On approval of the priority directions of development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Decree Multi-Sector All 11 A Decree approved the List of priority areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation and the List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation. Energy efficient technologies were listed as of high priority.
2239 Renewable Energy for Rural Access Project MONGOLIA 100 2006 2000-2010 Bilateral Programme Energy Renewable 4 The development objective of the Renewable Energy and Rural Electricity Access Project is to increase access to electricity and improve reliability of electricity service among the herder population and in off-grid soum centers. This restructuring paper is in response to a request from the Government of Mongolia (GoM) made through a letters dated August 17, 2011 and September 6, 2011 from the Ministry of Finance. The Renewable Energy and Rural Electricity Access Project (REAP) helped the Government of Mongolia (GoM) successfully complete its ambitious, National 100,000 Solar Ger Electrification Program.
2240 Law of Mongolia on Securities Market MONGOLIA 100 2011 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law aims to regulate the creation of a fair, transparent, efficient and regulated securities market which protects the investor’s interests, mitigates market risk through regulation and review of the securities market. The Law deals with Issuing of Securities; Regulated Activities of the Securities Market; Securities Market Information; Securities Market Regulation; Prohibited Activities at Securities Market; Control, Inspection and Enforcement of Securities Market and Miscellaneous provisions.
2241 Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) ARMENIA 100 2014 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy Renewable 4 This document contains the Investment Plan (IP) for the Republic of Armenia. The IP is the result of extensive analysis led by the Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund (R2E2) and a wide-reaching internal and public consultation process, led by government, to identify priorities in the development of renewable energy technologies for electricity and heating. The consultations included a wide range of government agencies, as well as representatives from the private sector, civil society, and academia. The IP serves as an update and further elaboration of the Renewable Energy Roadmap developed for Armenia in 2011. The Plan describes
2243 Regulation on Service Quality in Electricity Distribution and Retail Sale TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Law Power Power 10 This by-law contains rules to be applied by distribution companies, retail sale companies and users regarding service quality in electricity distribution, continuity of supply of electricity, commercial and technical quality, the effect of indicators on Distribution Revenue Cap and Compensation of User Losses and other principles.---NOTE
2244 Electricity Market Report 2010 TURKEY 24 2010 nan National Government Report Power Power 10 The “Electricity Market Report – 2010”, drawn up for establishment of competition in the market and contribution to its development, aims at informing of the development of the market model specified in the Electricity Market Law (“Law”) No. 4628. The Law requires the establishment of a market, which will operate in the a competitive context in accordance with the provisions of private law in order to provide electricity to the use of the consumers in a quality, continuous, cost‐effective and environment‐friendly way. The report contains comprehensive evaluations made under the following headings
2245 Strategic Energy Plan 2015-2019 TURKEY 24 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The 2015-2019 Strategic Plan is a strategic road map. It first takes into consideration the developments in the field of energy and natural resources in the world, then it gives an overview on the sources owned by Turkey and its specific needs, determining the targets for meeting such needs. The Strategic Plan is structured as follows
2246 Climate Change Action Plan 2011-2023 TURKEY 24 2011 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Climate Change Action Plan, provides for a road map that covers all sectors and identifies our short, medium and long-term targets for combating climate change. The aim is to integrate Turkey’s future development and environmental plans and to proceed seamlessly, and without losing pace. After an overview on the Plan, the document covers these specific themes, their purposes and objectives
2247 The Energy Sector TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy All 11 This report provides insights into the Turkish energy sector and aims to provide prospective investors with a view of the sector with high-level analyses of sub-sectors. In particular, the document covers the following topics
2248 Law of Georgia on Licenses and Permits GEORGIA 6 2005 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector Oil, Power, Gas 100 This Law regulates the organized activity or action concerning indefinite circle of persons, characterized by increased danger for human life or health, covering especially important state or public interests or related to use of state resources. In the case prescribed by the Law, this law may also apply to an unorganized activity or action. In addition this Law regulates the area regulated by license and permit, define comprehensive list of the types of licenses and permits, stipulate the rules of issuance of license and permit, their amendment and cancellation. Among licenses there are
2249 Decree #107 State Program “Renewable Energy 2008” about Approval of the Rule to Enable the Construction of Renewable Energy Sources in Georgia GEORGIA 6 2008 2000-2010 National Decree Energy Renewable 4 According to the Law of Georgia on “Electricity and Natural Gas”, in the event that the agreement is reached between the Government of Georgian, the Electricity System Commercial Operator and appropriate person (investor) as well as in case of signing the power purchase agreement , ESCO carries out compulsory purchase of the electricity (capacity), generated by the newly built power plant (generation licensee and/or small capacity power plant), in compliance with the legislation in force. The Decree #107 of Georgian Government - “State Program “Renewable Energy 2008”, about the Approval of the Rule to Enable Construction of Renewable Energy Sources in Georgia”, dated April 19, 2008, regulates the mentioned issue. This degree provides for details in particular on the conditions for building, operating and owning the Power Plants. - As of 21.09.2013.
2250 Decree No. 214 about the Approval of the Rule of Expressing Interest in Technical and Economical Study of the Construction, Ownership and Operation of the Power Plants in Georgia GEORGIA 6 2013 after_2010 Other Decree Energy Power 10 The rule herein establishes the regulations and conditions of the Ministry of Energy (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) conducting research of expressed interest to conduct the technical and economical study of the construction of power plants in Georgia; their construction, ownership and operation; also, the application submitted by the interested parties; finding the winner and signing the memorandum of understanding on technical and economical study of the construction, construction, ownership and operation of the power plants.
2251 Memorandums as for Decree #107 GEORGIA 6 2007 2000-2010 Bilateral, Other Other Energy All 11 List of Memoranda between the Government of Georgia, ESCO and Investors.
2252 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2010 GEORGIA 6 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2010.
2253 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2014 GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2014.
2254 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2011 GEORGIA 6 2011 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2011.
2255 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2012 GEORGIA 6 2012 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2012.
2256 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2013 GEORGIA 6 2013 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2013.
2257 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2015 GEORGIA 6 2015 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Amount and Billing of Balancing Electricity Sold/Purchased by ESCO, 2015.
2259 Balance Electricity Price GEORGIA 6 2011 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Balance Electricity Price
2260 Balancing Electricity Price of the Deregulated Power Plants GEORGIA 6 2011 after_2010 National Other Power Power 10 Price of Balancing Electricity, Purchased by ESCO from Deregulated Power Plants, 2011-2015.
2261 Standard Conditions of Direct Contract On Purchase of Balancing Electricity (About the Commercial Operator Selling the Balancing Electricity) GEORGIA 6 2006 2000-2010 National, Other Other Power Power 10 Standard Conditions herein represent the contract terms and intended for multiple use, composed by one party – Ltd “Electricity System Commercial Operator” for the Qualified Enterprise, authorized to take part in the wholesale trade of electricity (based on the Law of Georgia on “Electricity and Natural Gas” and The Market Rules), which buys the Balance Electricity from the Commercial Operator, without the Direct Contract signed in advance. Standard Conditions regulates the terms and rules of purchase of Balance Electricity by the Enterprise from the Commercial Operator as well as other issues connected with this legal relations. ---For the purpose of Standard Conditions, Balance Electricity is the electricity purchased by the Enterprise (as a result of excessive consumption) from the Commercial Operator to meet actual needs.----Includes amendments until 2009.
2262 Standard Conditions of Direct Contract On Purchase of Balance Electricity (About the Commercial Operator Buying the Balance Electricity) GEORGIA 6 2006 2000-2010 National Other Power Power 10 Standard Conditions herein represent the contract terms worded in advance and intended for multiple use, composed by one party – Ltd “Electricity System Commercial Operator” for the Qualified Enterprise, authorized to take part in the wholesale trade of electricity, which buys the Balance Electricity from the Commercial Operator, without the Direct Contract signed in advance. Standard Conditions regulates the terms and rules of selling the Balance Electricity from the Enterprise to the Commercial Operator as well as other issues connected with this legal relations. ---Balance Electricity is the electricity sold from the Enterprise (as a result of excessive consumption) to the Commercial Operator to meet actual needs. ---Entails amendments up to 2009.
2263 Standard Conditions of Direct Contract On Selling the Balance Electricity GEORGIA 6 2010 nan National Other Power Power 10 Standard Conditions regulate the terms and rules of Balance Electricity purchase by the Enterprise from the Commercial Operator as well as other issues connected with these legal relations. Standard Conditions are completing the regulations established by the legislation in force (including the Market Rules).
2264 Standard Conditions of Direct Contract On Buying the Balancing Electricity GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National, Other Other Power Power 10 Standard Conditions regulate the terms and rules of Balancing Electricity purchase by the Electricity Market Operator from the Enterprise as well as other issues connected with these legal relations. Standard Conditions are completing the regulations established by the legislation in force (including the Market Rules). The active legislation regulates the issues not considered by Standard Conditions
2265 Standard Conditions of Direct Contract On Selling the Balancing Electricity GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 Other Other Power Power 10 Standard Conditions regulate the terms and rules of Balancing Electricity purchase by the Enterprise from the Electricity Market Operator as well as other issues connected with these legal relations. Standard Conditions are completing the regulations established by active legislation (including the Market Rules).
2266 Report of the Metering Control Department of JSC Electricity System Commercial Operator (Market Operator) for the I Quarter of the Year 2015 GEORGIA 6 2015 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 During the I Quarter of the Year 2015, aimed at the monitoring of electricity settlement metering points and based on the inspection schedule, approved for the Year 2015, the Auditors of Metering Control Department (in cooperation with the parties concerned), inspected 432 electricity settlement metering nodes.
2267 Report of the Metering Control Department of JSC Electricity System Commercial Operator (Market Operator) for the Year 2014 GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 During the Year 2014, aimed at the monitoring of electricity settlement metering points and based on the inspection schedule, approved for the Year 2015, the Auditors of Metering Control Department (in cooperation with the parties concerned), inspected 1100 electricity settlement metering nodes
2268 Report of the Metering Control Department of JSC Electricity System Commercial Operator (Market Operator) for the Year 2013 GEORGIA 6 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 For the purpose of monitoring the electricity metering system and commensurate to the schedule planned for 2013, the auditors of Metering Control Department of the JSC Electricity System Commercial Operator (along with the persons concerned) inspected 1034 settlement metering nodes, twice in 2013.
2269 2012 Annula Report of Metering Control Department of the Electricity System Commercial Operator, JSC GEORGIA 6 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 2012 Annula Report of Metering Control Department of the Electricity System Commercial Operator, JSC.
2270 About the Activities of Metering Control Department of JSC “Electricity System Commercial Operator” in 2011 GEORGIA 6 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Power Power 10 Aimed at the monitoring of electricity settlement metering points and based on the inspection schedule of wholesale metering points, approved by “ESCO” for the Year 2011, the auditors of Metering Control Department (in cooperation with the parties concerned), have inspected 1715 electricity settlement metering junctions.
2271 About the Activities of Metering Control Department of the “Electricity System Commercial Operator”, Ltd. in 2010 About the Activities of Metering Control Department of the “Electricity System Commercial Operator”, Ltd. in 2010 GEORGIA 6 2010 nan National Government Report Power Power 10 Aiming at monitoring of power metering points, according to the plan-schedule of inspection of metering points of wholesale metering approved by State Electric System of Georgia, Limited and Electric System Commercial Operator, Limited for 2010, Electric System Commercial Operator, Limited together with the interested parties (SES, qualified enterprises), in 12 months of 2010 carried out inspection of 2151 metering points.
2272 Resolution N.33 On approving Natural Gas Tariff Setting Methodology GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 This Resolution establishes the following
2273 Resolution N.14 On approving Electricity Tariff Calculation Methodologies GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National Other Energy Gas 0 Based on the Law on Electricity and Natural Gas, this Resolution establishes the following
2274 Rule of Calculation of the Electricity Normative Losses GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 Rule of Calculation Electricity Normative Losses sets principles and rule of calculation of electricity energy normative losses in electrical networks for transmission and distribution licensees. Electricity normative losses consists of technical losses, own consumption of electricity by substation and commercial losses (set standard- no more than 5%).
2275 Resolution N. 10 On approving Network Code GEORGIA 6 2014 after_2010 National Code Power Power 10 Based on Law of Georgia on Electricity and Natural Gas, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission has approved the Annexed Network Code. The Network Code sets procedures, terms, principles and standards for development, management, availability and secure utilization of transmission network by electricity system participants and applicants.
2276 Law of Georgia on Independent National Regulatory Authorities GEORGIA 6 2006 2000-2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 This Law is aimed to create a reliable legal framework and perfect institutional environment for stable functioning of the independent national regulatory Authorities operating in Georgia, with a view to ensuring in various fields of economy the equilibrium of interests of license holders and consumers, efficient price formation and supply in respect to the goods and services. It establishes
2277 Law on Securities Market GEORGIA 6 1998 before_2000 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The purpose of the present Law is to develop securities market in Georgia, to protect the investors' interests on securities market, to ensure the transparency of issuers’ information during the securities offering and public trading in securities as well as to establish fair and transparent public trading in securities and free competition. The present Law regulates transactions connected with the securities' public offering and circulation, defines the rules of activities and responsibilities of Stock Exchanges, Central Depository, other Self-Regulated Organizations, Securities Registrars, Brokerage Companies, brokers on the securities market, as well as additional requirements regarding rules of activities and responsibilities of those enterprises, whose securities are publicly offered and sold. It establishes the rules for formation of the National Securities Commission and its responsibilities.
2278 Renewable Energy Roadmap for Georgia GEORGIA 6 2013 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Power, Renewable, Hydropower 100 This document was compiled by a USAID-funded advisory project, Hydropower Investment Promotion Project. The HIPP project supports the Government of Georgia to attract investment from the private sector in modern, efficient hydropower plants. Since March, 2010, HIPP has supported market-based initiatives to promote and secure international investments into Georgia’s small and medium-sized hydroelectric power market. This document concerns the issue of renewable energy planning and implementation, in the context of Georgia implementing a competitive power market model (“Georgian Electricity Market Model,” or GEMM). Renewable Energy (“RE”) in this discussion means generation of electricity from large and small hydroelectricity, wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal.The primary focus of this document concerns grid-connected renewable power projects.
2279 "The federal law of December 3, 2011 N 382-FZ ""On the state information system of the fuel and energy complex""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2012 after_2010 National Law Energy All 11 The law specifies the establishment of the information system which shall contain the information on different energy sectors
2280 "The federal law of July 21, 2011 N 256-FZ ""On the safety of the objects of the fuel and energy complex""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2011 after_2010 National Law Energy All 11 The law establishes the legal requirements for safety and security on the the objects of fuel and energy complex, except for the nuclear power plants. The law in order to prevent acts of trespass of unauthorized personnel and defines the powers of the federal authorities and state authorities in the energy governance, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the owners of the objects of the fuel and energy complex.
2281 Renewable Energy & Environmental Technologies TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Renewable 4 This report provides comprehensive information on Turkey’s renewable energy market, environmental technologies and its growing energy efficiency policies. As impressive as these achievements have been in Turkey, tremendous potential still remains in the development of alternative energy and energy efficiency projects.
2282 "Federal Law N 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 ""On procurement of goods, works and services of certain kinds of legal entities""" RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 2012 after_2010 National Law Multi-Sector All 11 The law establishes the general principles for the procurement of goods and services and the basic requirements for the procurement of goods and services by public corporations, state-owned companies, natural monopolies, legal entities engaged in activities in the field of electricity, gas, heating, water supply, sewerage, waste-water treatment, recycling, disposal of solid waste, state enterprises and municipal enterprises, autonomous institutions and business entities with the state participation in the share capital in the amount of more than 50 per cent of shares, and and their subsidiaries.
2283 Regulation Concerning Electricity Demand Forecast TURKEY 24 2003 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 This Regulation covers the principles and procedures to be followed in performing, assessing, updating and approving of demand forecasts in accordance with the demand forecast method, which is determined by distribution companies
2284 Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulation TURKEY 24 2009 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Power Power 10 The objective of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures regarding balancing of the active electricity demand and supply and settlement. It covers duties, powers and responsibilities of the parties involved in balancing mechanism and settlement, and the principles and procedures applicable to the balancing of active electricity supply and demand as well as the financial settlement of the receivables and payables of licence holder legal entities arising from participation in balancing mechanism and settlement. ----Includes amendments up to year 2011.
2285 Law on Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and the Sale of Energy Generated from those Plants TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Law Energy Nuclear 7 "This Law aims to provide, in accordance with the energy plan and policy, the procedures and principles for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants and the sale of energy generated from those plants. It covers ""Procedures and principles regarding the construction of nuclear power plants and the energy production and its trade"" and ""Other Provisions"".---Note"
2286 Energy Efficiency Law TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11 This Law aims to increase efficiency in using energy sources and energy in order to use energy effectively, avoid waste, ease the burden of energy costs on the economy and protect environment. It covers those principles and processes applicable to increasing and promoting energy efficiency in energy generation, transmission, distribution and consumption phases at industrial establishments, buildings, power generation plants, transmission and distribution networks and transport, raising energy awareness in the general public, and utilizing renewable energy sources.
2287 Law on Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Purpose of Generating Electrical Energy TURKEY 24 2005 2000-2010 National Law Energy Power, Gas, Renewable 100 This law aims to expand the utilization of renewable energy sources for generating electric energy, to benefit from these resources in a secure, economic and qualified manner, to increase the diversification of energy resources, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to assess waste products, to protect the environment and to develop the related manufacturing industries for realizing these objectives. It encompasses the procedures and principles of the conservation of renewable energy resource areas, certification of the energy generated from these sources and utilization of these sources.
2288 Natural Gas Market Internal Installation Regulation TURKEY 24 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 The objective of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures pertaining to installation and control, in conformity with national and/or international standards, of all kinds of natural gas related equipment and relevant installations to be placed in. This Regulation covers principles and procedures pertaining to design, construction, control, commissioning and operation of internal installations, placing of all kinds of natural gas equipment and precautions to be taken against gas leakages and accidents. ---Note
2289 Electricity Market Law (No. 4628) TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Law Power Power 10 The purpose of the electricity market law is to ensure the establishment of a financially sound, stable and transparent electricity market operating in a competitive environment under, and subject to, private law provisions as well as to ensure the independent regulation and supervision of this market for purposes of providing sufficient, good quality, uninterrupted, low cost and environment-friendly electricity to consumers.
2290 National Gas Market Transmission Network Operation Regulation TURKEY 24 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 This Regulation sets forth the principles and procedures to be covered in the network operation rules to be determined by the transmission companies. It covers the network operation related principles and procedures to be included in the network operation rules to be determined by transmission companies engaged in the activity of transmission through natural gas pipeline network; such principles and procedures concerning issues such as system access, notification of transportation amount and scheduling of the transportation service, determination of transportation amount, service interruptions, dispatch, system balancing, communication system, capacity allocation, natural gas delivery and metering.
2291 National Revenue Report 2002 - 2003 BHUTAN 20 2002 2000-2010 National Government Report Multi-Sector Power 10 The National Revenue Report presents performance of revenue by type of collection and agencies involved in collection both at National, Regional and Dzongkhag level. The report also looks at the achievements made by major revenue generating agencies in the country and any notable contributions made during the year to the treasury. In contrast to past years, revenue performance for the fiscal year is below their expectations says the Director. They have registered a shortfall of 6.18 percent against their target. While target was set at Nu.5,100.215 million, collection was Nu.4785.260 million, showing shortfall of Nu.314.955 million. We have shortfall under both tax and non-tax revenue of 12 and 8 percent respectively. Looking at things in retrospect, the decline has taken place due to varied reasons both domestic and external, e.g., the sluggish performance of the global economy post September 11, SARS, RGOB’s decisions to devolve rural tax, abolish export tax, corporatisation of Department of Power, tax incentives, etc. The impacts of the above policy changes were not fully incorporated in the revenue projection submitted to the National Assembly, thus resulting in the under achievement of the target. Regarding to energy sector, the report shows the electricity revenue in detail for the corresponding period.
2292 Natural Gas Market Facilities Regulation TURKEY 24 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 The objective of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures related to performance of activities, concerning natural gas facilities, in conformity with national and/or international standards. It covers principles and procedures related to design, construction, control, commissioning, operation, maintenance and repair activities concerning natural gas transmission, distribution, storage facilities and liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas facilities, and the safety rules to be followed.
2293 Natural Gas Market Law TURKEY 24 2001 2000-2010 National Law Energy Gas 0 This Law concerns with liberalization of the natural gas market and thus formation of a financially sound, stable and transparent markets along with institution of an independent supervision and control mechanism over the same, so as to ensure supply of good-quality natural gas at competitive prices to consumers in a regular and environmentally sound manner under competitive conditions. It covers the import, transmission, distribution, storage, marketing, trade and export of natural gas and the rights and obligations of all real and legal persons relating to these activities.
2294 "Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of August 16, 2011 N 768 ""On the adoption of technical regulations of the Customs Union ""On safety of low-voltage equipment""" KAZAKHSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 100 2011 after_2010 Multilateral Standard Power Power 10 This technical regulation of the Customs Union applies to low-voltage equipment on the territory of the Customs Union. Low-voltage equipment is the equipment, covered by the technical regulations of the Customs Union, with nominal voltage from 50 to 1000 (inclusive) AC and 75 to 1500 (inclusive) DC. The technical regulation of the Customs Union shall not apply to the equipment intended for use in potentially explosion hazardous area, medical products, electrical equipment of lifts and hoists (other than electrical machines), electrical equipment for defense purposes, control devices for pasture fences, electrical equipment intended for use on air, water, land and underground transport, electrical equipment for reactor safety systems of nuclear power plants.
2295 Natural Gas Market Tariffs Regulation TURKEY 24 2002 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Gas 0 The objective of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures regarding preparation, review, evaluation, determination, approval, issuance and revision of tariffs pertaining to natural gas market activities. Types of tariffs addressed in this Regulation are as follows
2296 Natural Gas Market Sector Report 2011 TURKEY 24 2011 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Gas 0 The Report overviews
2297 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan up to 2030 BANGLADESH 14 2015 after_2010 National Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan (EECMP) is a supreme plan of Bangladesh’s initiative on energy efficiency and conservation, of which preparation requirement is stipulated in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules (2014). Under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan, three EE&C programs will be promoted, namely, Energy Management Program, EE Labeling Program and EE Buildings Program, which will be targeted at large energy consuming entities and equipment in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors.---Note
2298 Petroleum Market Law TURKEY 24 2003 2000-2010 National Law Energy Oil 9 The objective of this Law is to regulate the guidance, surveillance and supervision activities in order to ensure the transparent, non-discriminatory and stable performance of market activities pertaining to the delivery of petroleum supplied from domestic and foreign resources to consumers, directly or after processing, in a reliable, cost-effective manner within a competitive environment. It covers the regulation, guidance, surveillance and supervision procedures to ensure and improve the sound and regular operation of the markets pertaining to petroleum.
2299 Petroleum Market Sector Report 2010 TURKEY 24 2010 nan National Government Report Energy Oil 9 This report is issued as the result of the analysis of the market data obtained through the reporting made to the Authority for year 2010 pursuant to the Oil Market Law and the Oil Market Information System Regulation as well as the information and documentation received during applications for licenses, information acquired as the result of market inspections together with the data obtained from all national and international institutions, organizations and establishments on oil market operations. The following topics are addressed
2300 Petroleum Market Sector Report 2011 TURKEY 24 2012 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Oil 9 The Report provides for a general view of the Petroleum Market. In particular, the following contents are addressed
2301 Petroleum Market Sector Report 2012 TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Oil 9 This Report aims to provide detailed information on all petroleum activities in the market, analyze national and international developments influencing the sector, enable comparisons wit previous years and help shaping future projections of petroleum industry.The Report deals with the contents as follows
2302 Turkish Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Market Report 2007 TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Oil, Gas 3 The information used in this report is obtained from the obligatory notifications of the distribution license holders and pulls together the data of LPG Market for whole year of 2007, which has been gathered, controlled and analyzed. This report encloses additional analysis and assessments with respect to the Report of 2006. It also includes sales’ numbers for 81 provinces and mentions training activities made by trade associations.
2303 Turkish Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Market Report 2006 TURKEY 24 2006 2000-2010 National Government Report Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Reports offers an overview over LPG and LPG Market in Turkey. In particular, it addresses LPG Market in Turkey in 2006, Market Prices, Evaluation of Market Performance, World LPG Market.
2304 The Legislation Numbered 3154 on the Organisation and Duties of the Ministry for Energy and Natural Resources TURKEY 24 1985 before_2000 National Law Energy All 11
2305 The MENR Statistics Services Data Regulations TURKEY 24 2015 after_2010 National Law Energy All 11
2306 The MENR Audit Services Directorate Regulations TURKEY 24 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11
2307 The Regulations on Energy and Natural Resources Expertise TURKEY 24 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy All 11
2308 Electricity Market Law (No. 6446) TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Law Power Power 10 This Law aims to ensure the establishment of a financially sound, stable and transparent electricity market operating in a competitive environment under, and subject to, private law provisions. It also aims to ensure the independent regulation and supervision of the private market for purposes of providing sufficient, good quality, uninterrupted, low cost and environment-friendly electricity to consumers. It applies to electricity generation, transmission, distribution, wholesale and retail sale, import and export, market operation as well as to the rights and obligations of all real and legal persons engaged in such activities. ---Note
2309 Law on Geothermal Resources and Natural Mineral Waters (No. 5686) TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Law Energy Renewable, Geothermal 100
2310 Law on the Establishment and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, and Their Sales of Energy (No. 5710) TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Law Energy Nuclear 7
2311 The Mining Legislation (No. 3213) TURKEY 24 1985 before_2000 National Law Energy Coal 1
2312 Regulations on the Amendment of the Implementation Regulations concerning I (a) Group Quarries, of the Mining Legislation (as amended in 2007) TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1
2313 The Regulations concerning the Amendment of the Implementation Regulations of the Mining Legislation (as amended in 2007) TURKEY 24 2007 2000-2010 National Rule/Regulation Energy Coal 1
2314 The Russia – Akkuyu Nuclear Plant Agreement RUSSIAN FEDERATION, TURKEY 100 2010 nan Bilateral Agreement Energy Nuclear 7
2315 MENR Standard File Plan TURKEY 24 2010 nan National Plan/Strategy Power Power 10
2316 The Energy Productivity Legislation (No. 5627) TURKEY 24 2008 2000-2010 National Law Energy All 11
2317 Circular on Energy Productivity 2008/1 TURKEY 24 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11
2318 Energy Productivity Annual Circular 2008/2 TURKEY 24 2008 2000-2010 National Other Energy All 11
2320 The Circular on the Changing of Incandescent Lamps in Public Organisations TURKEY 24 2008 2000-2010 National Act Building Power 10
2321 Resolution on State Assistance in Investments TURKEY 24 2012 after_2010 National Other Energy All 11
2322 The MENR Discipline Superintendents Regulations TURKEY 24 2012 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power All 11
2323 The MENR Audit Services Directorate Regulations TURKEY 24 2013 after_2010 National Rule/Regulation Power All 11
2324 Turkish Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Market Report 2014 TURKEY 24 2015 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Oil, Gas 3 The Report addresses the Turkish LPG Market and in particular it covers the following topics
2325 Natural Gas Market 2014 Sector Report TURKEY 24 2015 after_2010 National Government Report Energy Gas 0 The Natural Gas Market Report 2014 was released in year 2015 and addresses the following topics
2326 Cebu Declaration AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Other Energy, Power All, Power 100 This Ministerials Declaration was issued by the Energy Ministers of Member Economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), who convened in Cebu, Philippines on October 13, 2015, in support of the theme “Towards an Energy Resilient APEC Community.” The Declaration states that there is a priority for APEC Member Countries to achieve a sustainable development of energy resources in the Region, through a.o. phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies, promotion of interconnectivity among the Region, Public Private Partnerships, development of clean technologies including the promotion of cooperation among countries to reach the different objectives. ---Note
2327 "First Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers ""Energy" AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1996 before_2000 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 This Declaration offers an overview on the Ministers' discussion regarding the major energy challenges confronting the region, including the effect of rapid population and economic growth on food, energy and the environment. The Asia Pacific region will be the main driver of global economic growth into the next century and Ministers agreed that meeting APEC’s rapidly increasing demand for energy in an environmentally responsible way will be essential if the region’s economic growth potential is to be fully realised. The following objectives were identified
2328 "Second Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers ""Energy" AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1997 before_2000 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The second meeting of APEC Energy Ministers was held on August 26-27, 1997 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. During the meeting, Ministers reaffirmed their general commitment to work together to ensure that the Asia Pacific region’s future energy needs are met consistently with environmental and social objectives. Ministers’ discussions focused on the pursuit of the simultaneous objectives of meeting the region’s aspirations for economic growth and social development; enhancing energy security; and mitigating the impact of energy on the environment. Ministers agreed that
2329 "Third Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers ""Energy" AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1998 before_2000 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The third meeting of APEC Energy Ministers was held on October 9-10, 1998 in Ginowan, Okinawa in Japan. Ministers discussed the serious economic situation of several APEC economies, the implications for the energy sector of the economic situation and the future energy supply and demand outlook. They considered several ways in which the energy sector can contribute to the recovery of economic growth in the region. The following aspects were taken into consideration during the discussions
2330 "Fourth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers ""Turning Vision into Reality""" AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2000 nan Multilateral Other Energy All 11 "APEC Energy Ministers met for the fourth time in San Diego, California, May 12, 2000 under the theme of ""Turning Vision into Reality"". Ministers committed to the implementation of energy initiatives on a voluntary basis, taking into consideration the different stages of development of APEC member economies, endorsed a new implementation strategy, and agreed to an unanimous message to APEC Economic Leaders. The themes discussed included were as follows"
2331 Fifth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2002 2000-2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Energy, Power Power, Renewable, Solar, Wind 100 The APEC Energy Ministers, met for the fifth time in Mexico City on 23rd July 2002 to discuss energy issues in the region, the progress made by APEC economies in implementing actions to achieve APEC goals and to chart the course for future activities of the APEC Energy Working Group. The Declaration underlines the essential contribution of energy to maintaining the Asia Pacific region’s economic growth, the importance of new investments and reforms over the coming years to meet the APEC region’s future energy needs. Ministers affirm their commitment towards research, development and deployment of a broad range of energy technology options to help meet longer-term energy security objectives.
2332 Sixth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2004 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The Energy Ministers of the APEC economies, gathered for the 6th time in Manila, the Philippines, on 10 June 2004 under the theme “Energy Security in APEC
2333 Seventh Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2005 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The Energy Ministers of the APEC economies, gathered for the 7th time in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, on 19 October 2005 under the theme “Securing APEC’s Energy Future
2334 Eighth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2007 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The Energy Ministers of the APEC economies, gathered for the eighth time in Darwin, Australia, on 29 May 2007 under the theme “Achieving Energy Security and Sustainable Development through Efficiency, Conservation and Diversity”. They agreed that energy security is fundamentally linked to economic, social and environmental well-being. The following themes were addressed
2335 Ninth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2010 nan Multilateral Other Power Coal, Oil, Power, Gas 100 The Energy Ministers of the APEC economies, gathered in Fukui, Japan on 19 June 2010, to discuss Low Carbon Paths to Energy Security
2336 Mauritius Strategy for the further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, FRENCH POLYNESIA, GUAM, KIRIBATI, MARSHALL ISLANDS, MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF), NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, PALAU, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TIMOR-LESTE, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 2005 2000-2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Power, Multi-Sector Power, Renewable 2 The MSI sets forth actions and strategies in 19 priority areas, which build on the original 14 thematic areas of BPOA. New additional thematic areas in the MSI include graduation from least developed country status, trade, sustainable production and consumption (as called for by the JPOI), health, knowledge management, and culture – all of which are intended to support SIDS in achieving internationally agreed targets and goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
2337 Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA) AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, GUAM, KIRIBATI, MALDIVES, NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TIMOR-LESTE, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 1994 before_2000 Multilateral Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The States participating in the global conference on sustainable development for SIDS, agreed that small island developing States should endeavour to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The Programme of Action presents a basis for action in 14 agreed priority areas and defines a number of actions and policies related to environmental and development planning that should be undertaken by small island developing States with the cooperation and assistance of the international community. I Included in the objectives of the Programme are
2338 Pacific Islands Energy Policy and Plan AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, FRENCH POLYNESIA, GUAM, KIRIBATI, MARSHALL ISLANDS, MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF), NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, PALAU, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 2002 2000-2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This document represents a regional consensus, affirmed at the 2002 Regional Energy Meeting in Cook Islands via the Rarotonga Declaration. It recalls the challenges faced by Pacific Islands countries and territories with respect to energy for sustainable development. In response to these challenges and their concerns, the Pacific Energy Policy and Plan (PEPP) has been developed as a means of coordinating the energy programmes in the regional organisations and development partners, in areas where international co-operation is required. It is also intended to offer guidelines for adaptation to the circumstances of Pacific island countries and territories in areas for domestic implementation. It also includes the Rarotonga Declaration on Energy for Sustainable Development on the Pacific Islands.
2340 Tenth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2012 after_2010 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The Energy Ministers of member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, met in St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation, on 24-25 June 2012 to discuss the energy security challenges and strategic choices they face. They affirmed the importance of sustainability, efficiency, predictability, and transparency of traditional energy markets in order to increase their energy security. Also, they addressed the transition to a lower carbon economy, improved energy efficiency, the safe use of nuclear energy and the objective of phasing out fossil fuel subsidies.
2341 Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Viet Nam VIET NAM 8 2016 after_2010 National Other Other All 11 Viet Nam’s INDC includes a mitigation and an adaptation component. The mitigation component includes both unconditional and conditional contributions. The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources, while the conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if new and additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. The adaptation component describes the climate change adaptation actions that are currently being implemented. It also identifies adaptation gaps in terms of institutional and policy arrangements, financing, human resource capacity and technology and prioritized adaptation measures for the 2021-2030 period. It is estimated that the national budget will be able to meet approximately one third of the financial needs to implement adaptation measures in this period, and will seek international support and private sector investment for the remainder. Viet Nam’s INDC has been developed with the participation and contributions from different line ministries, non-governmental organisations, research institutions, business sector representatives as well as international development partners. Through this INDC, Viet Nam reaffirms its willingness to respond to climate change and contribute to the objective of the UNFCCC. Viet Nam believes its contribution is fair and ambitious, feasible and achievable. It is committed to continuing to address climate change based on domestic resources and international support.
2342 Eleventh Meeting of Apec Energy Ministers AUSTRALIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CHINA, HONG KONG, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, PHILIPPINES, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2014 after_2010 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 The Energy Ministers of member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, met in Beijing, People’s Republic of China on 2 September 2014, under the theme of “Joining Hands Toward Sustainable Energy Development in the Asia-Pacific Region. The Meeting dealt with, a.o., energy security, sustainable development, low-carbon energy and clean energy, exploration of cooperation on conventional and non conventional energy sources, energy efficiency.
2343 Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) VANUATU 3 2016 after_2010 National Other Other All 11 Vanuatu anticipates many impacts from climate change on its society, economy, environment and human health and Vanuatu through the Ministry of Climate Change is actively cooperating with United Nations agencies and international partners to assess these effects and develop appropriate plans through climate change adaptation and mitigation. Vanuatu’s adaptation plans and programmes intends to support progress towards the country’s national development priorities and the goal of environmental sustainability, by ensuring that a focus on reducing vulnerabilities and risks is incorporated into planning and activities across all sectors of the economy and society. Vanuatu is also keen to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels for the energy needs. The National Energy Road Map, which sets out a clear strategy and action plan for the development and use of alternative and sustainable energy sources, has an ambitious goal of reducing the country’s high reliance on imported fossil fuel by meeting 65% of its electricity needs from renewable energy sources.
2344 MoU for the Development of the CASA 1000 Transmission Project and the Further Development of a CASAREM (Bishkek MoU) AFGHANISTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, PAKISTAN, TAJIKISTAN 100 2011 after_2010 Multilateral Other Power Power 10 Through this Memorandum of Understanding, the Parties agreed that the CASA 1000 Project should be developed on the basis that it must be economically viable and sustainable for all Parties. The Project includes exports of electricity from the Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan to Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
2345 CASA 1000 Project AFGHANISTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, PAKISTAN, TAJIKISTAN 100 2011 after_2010 Multilateral Other Power Power 10 This project demonstrates landmark cooperation among the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The modern and efficient CASA-1000 electricity transmission system will help transform the region and signify an important step toward realizing the planned Central Asia-South Asia Regional Electricity Market (CASAREM).
2346 ESIA and ESMP of the Central Asia South Asia Electricity Transmission Project (CASA 1000) AFGHANISTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, PAKISTAN, TAJIKISTAN 100 2011 after_2010 Multilateral Other Power Power 10 The Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan are pursuing the development of electricity trading arrangements and the establishment of a Central Asia - South Asia Regional Electricity Market (CASAREM). A key aim of the CASAREM initiative is the proposed development of a cross-border electrical interconnection linking all four countries to facilitate the transfer of surplus power from the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, southwards to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The first phase of CASAREM is to establish the necessary transmission and trading infrastructure and systems to enable a trade of 1000 to 1300 MW of electricity between Central Asia and South Asia, and referred to as “CASA-1000”. The purpose of this ESIA/ESMP is to use existing relevant environmental and social information for the CASA 1000 project and assess project impacts and proposed mitigation and management measures. A key part of the ESIA/ESMP is the purchase of new 6 m resolution satellite imagery for the entire CASA 1000 route to augment existing baseline information. No new field investigations were conducted at this feasibility stage due to a variety of reasons including timing, logistics, feasibility and security. Specific objectives of this ESIA/ESMP are to
2347 Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Centre for Energy BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1999 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 "An Agreement to establish an ASEAN Centre for Energy (hereinafter referred to as the ""Centre"") beginning on 1 January 1999."
2348 Protocol to amend the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Centre for Energy BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2013 after_2010 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 This Protocol aims to enhance the ASEAN Centre for Energy to ensure that it serves as a high-performing institution which builds a coherent, coordinated, focused and robust energy policy agenda and strategy for ASEAN and to fulfill three critical roles
2349 Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND 100 1986 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 In this Agreement, the ASEAN Member Countries agree to cooperate in the efficient development and use of all forms of energy, whether commercial, non-commercial, renewable or non-renewable. The range of cooperation will include planning, development, manpower training, information exchange, efficiency and conservation, supply and disposal.
2350 Declaration of ASEAN Concord INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND 100 1976 before_2000 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 Through this Declaration the ASEAN Members States agreed to concert their efforts in order to promote peace, progress, prosperity and the welfare of the peoples of member states. The objective is to consolidate the achievements of ASEAN and expand ASEAN cooperation in the economic (including cooperation on energy), social, cultural and political fields.
2351 Protocol Amending the Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation, Bangkok BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1995 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 "This document is an Amendment to the Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation hereinafter referred to as the ""Agreement"", which was sighed by the contracting parties in order to achieve improved energy cooperation in ASEAN."
2352 Protocol Amending the Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation, Kuala Lampur (1997) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1995 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 This Protocol amends the Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation in order to reflect the developments in ASEAN, i.e., the access of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
2353 Memorandum of Understanding of the ASEAN Power Grid BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2007 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Energy All 11 This MoU aims to strengthen and promote a broad framework for the ASEAN Member Countries to cooperate towards the development of a common ASEAN policy on power interconnection and trade, and ultimately towards the realisation of the ASEAN Power Grid to help ensure greater regional energy security and sustainability on the basis of mutual benefit.
2354 ASEAN Memorandum of Understanding on the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Project BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2002 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Energy Gas 0 The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding is to provide a broad framework for ASEAN Member Countries to cooperate towards the realisation of the TAGP Project to help ensure greater regional energy security. It addresses
2355 Instrument of Extension of the ASEAN Memorandum of Understanding on the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Project BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2013 after_2010 Multilateral Other Energy Gas 0 Through this Extension, the Governments of the ASEAN Member States expressed their consent to extend the MOU concerning the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Project until 20 May 2024.
2356 ASEAN Petroleum Security Agremment (APSA) 1986 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND 100 1986 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy Oil 9 This Agreement establishes the ASEAN Emergency petroleum Sharing Scheme for crude oil and /or petroleum products in times/circumstances of both shortage and over supply. The aim is to contribute to the strengthening of the economic resilience of each Member Countriy as well as to the economic resiIience and solidarity of ASEAN.
2357 ASEAN Petroleum Security Agremment (APSA) 2009 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2009 2000-2010 Multilateral Agreement Energy Oil 9 The objective of this Agreement is to enhance petroleum security, either individually or collectively, and minimize exposure to an emergency situation, through the implementation of short, medium and long term measures.
2358 Protocol to amend ASEAN Agreements BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1997 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector All 11 Amends different ASEAN Agreements, including the ASEAN Petroleum Security Agreement signed in Manila on 24 June 1986, in order to make provision for accession of new Members to those Agreements.
2359 Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN – EC Energy Management Training and Research Centre INDONESIA 100 1988 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 Establishes the ASEAN – EC Energy Management Training and Research Centre, which shall have its seat in Jakarta, Indonesia. The purpose of the Centre is to strengthen cooperation among the ASEAN countries and between ASEAN and the European Community (EC) in the field of energy through proper energy management to secure energy supply for economic and social development.
2360 Protocol Amending the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN-EC Energy Management Training and Research Centre (AEEMTRC) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1995 before_2000 Multilateral Agreement Energy All 11 Amends the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN-EC Energy Management Training and Research Centre in order to enable the Centre to continue to operate and implement its Phase II Programme of Work.
2361 ASEAN Medium-Term Programme of Action on Energy Cooperation (1995 – 1999) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1995 before_2000 Multilateral Programme Energy All 11 The new programme of action addresses the need to have a more focused energy cooperation in ASEAN to sustain the robust economic growth in the region. It covers also the issues of energy efficiency, diversification of energy resources, energy conservation, and energy and environment.---Note
2362 ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 1999-2004 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1999 before_2000 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 This document serves as a blueprint for ASEAN cooperation in the field of energy for the period 1999 to 2004. It covers the energy component of the Hanoi Plan of Action which directs the ASEAN towards the following objectives for 1999-2004
2363 ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2004-2009 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2004 2000-2010 Multilateral Law Energy All 11 This Plan of action for energy cooperation ensures continuity in key ongoing energy cooperation projects and responds to the challenge thrown to the Region to address the issue on sustainable development. This second phase of the APAEC considers the existing energy situation in the region and anticipates probable scenarios over the medium term. The programme areas of APAEC 1999-2004 shall essentially be maintained.
2364 ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2010 nan Multilateral Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The objective of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015 is to enhance energy security and sustainability for the ASEAN region including health, safety and environment through accelerated implementation of action plans, including, but not limited to
2365 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions AFGHANISTAN 100 2017 after_2010 National Other Other Other 6 The Paris Agreement welcomes the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions that have been communicated by Parties in accordance with decision 1/CP.19, paragraph 2(b) in this context, Afghanistan submitted its INDC to the UNFCCC COP21 negotiations, including; their proposed GHG reduction targets.
2366 Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of the Republic of Armenia under the UN Climate Change Framework Convention ARMENIA 100 0 nan National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Armenia states its commitment towards limiting climate change under the UNFCCC. In relation to low carbon development, Armenia describes the term ‘fairness’ by applying the UNFCCC definition of ‘common, but differentiated responsibility’ to the increase of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, leading to climate change. The climate change mitigation actions should not reverse the social and economic trends, but contribute to the socioeconomic development of the Republic of Armenia. These actions must be based on an ‘ecosystem approach’, to create synergies between mitigation and adaptation actions in most sectors of the economy, facilitating fair regional cooperation and contributing to solidarity
2367 ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025 - Phase I BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2016 after_2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Energy All 11 The APAEC 2016-2025 will be implemented in two phases. Phase I will cover the period 2016-2020 for the implementation of short to medium-term measures to enhance energy security cooperation and to take further steps towards connectivity and integration. In 2018, there will be a follow-up of the progress of Phase I, which will guide ASEAN in charting the pathways and directives for Phase II (2021-2025). The APAEC 2016-2025, was developed based on the progressive achievements of the previous plans.The theme is “Enhancing Energy Connectivity and Market Integration in ASEAN to Achieve Energy Security, Accessibility, Affordability and Sustainability for All”. The plan will implement the outcome-based strategies and action plans through the seven Programme Areas. The Programme Areas will be
2368 Australia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to a new Climate Change Agreement, August 2015 AUSTRALIA 4 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Australia hereby states the importance to deliver a strong and effective new global climate change agreement, applicable to all UNFCCC Parties. The document underlines Australia's past, present and future commitments to tackle climate change. In particular, the following sections are provided
2369 Information to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN 100 0 nan National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Republic of Azerbaijan supports the adoption of a new Global Agreement on climate change to be applied to all Parties in the 21st Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC to be held in Paris late 2015. By 2030 the Republic of Azerbaijan targets 35% reduction in the level of greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990/base year as its contribution to the global climate change efforts. The document outlines approaches and principles to achieve the target.
2370 Hanoi Plan of Action (HPA) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 1999 before_2000 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The Hanoi Plan of Action is part of action plans that are being drawn up to realise the ASEAN Vision 2020. The Vision sets out a broad vision for ASEAN in the year 2020
2371 Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2004 2000-2010 Multilateral Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) is the successor to the HPA, to be implemented for the period 2004-2010, as an instrument to unify and cross-link the strategies and goals of the three pillars of the ASEAN Community and as an integral part of the action plans and programmes building up to the realisation of the goals of ASEAN Vision 2020. The Plan focuses on two dimensions, the first being the broader integration of the ten Member Countries into one cohesive ASEAN Community, and the second being the identification of new strategies for narrowing the development gap to quicken the pace of integration, and working closely among ourselves, with our Dialogue Partners and others, to mobilise political will and generate the required resources for the effective implementation of the VAP. Energy forms part of the Strategic Thrusts and is linked to the ASEAN Investment Area.
2372 ASEAN Vision 2020 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, SINGAPORE, THAILAND 100 1997 before_2000 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Vision 2020 is focused on the promotion of regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership and thereby towards peace, progress and prosperity in the region. It was issued thirty years after the birth of ASEAN, based on current realities and prospects in the decades leading to the Year 2020. The Vision in 2020, is to have a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality, as envisaged in the Kuala Lumpur Declaration of 1971.
2373 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) BANGLADESH 14 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The document provides for a general overview on the country's national context after which it defines the stated INDCs, mitigation actions and adaptation measures. Also, it offers an overview on expectations for future - near term plans and action, barriers and needs. Finally, it deals with INDC development and implementation.
2374 ASEAN Investment Report 2015 Infrastructure Investment and Connectivity BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The ASEAN Investment Report 2015 was prepared under a technical cooperation arrangement between the ASEAN Secretariat and the UNCTAD Division on Investment and Enterprise (DIAE). It focuses on infrastructure investment and connectivity and highlights the important role of the private sector in helping governments to bridge the infrastructure gap in ASEAN and the linkages of various players across the infrastructure value chain, this Annual Report continues to provide useful updates on the latest developments in the ASEAN investment landscape.
2375 ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 The AEC Blueprint 2025 will build on the AEC Blueprint 2015 consisting of five interrelated and mutually reinforcing characteristics, namely
2376 Kingdom of Bhutan Intended Nationally Determined Contribution BHUTAN 20 0 nan National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Kingdom of Bhutan stresses its commitment to remain carbon neutral. It calls the global community to support its efforts to fulfil its commitment towards the achievement of the INDCs by undertaking appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures.
2377 Brunei Darussalam’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 100 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 Affirms INDC's alignment with national development priorities and includes both adaptation and mitigation actions based on national circumstances. Brunei Darussalam's INDC is composed of six sections
2378 The 4th ASEAN Energy Outlook BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Government Report Energy All 11 The Fourth ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO4) presents two scenarios of energy demand and supply for the region into 2035
2379 Cambodia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution CAMBODIA 0 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The INDC for Cambodia includes both adaptation and mitigation actions based on national circumstances. Cambodia’s INDC is composed of five sections
2380 The ASEAN Charter BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2008 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 The Head of States or Government of the Member States of ASEAN assembled in Singapore for the 40th Anniversary of the foundation of ASEAN and agreed to this Charter. Through this Charter they established the legal and institutional framework for ASEAN.
2381 Declaration of ASEAN Concord II (Bali II) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2003 2000-2010 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 Through this Declaration, the ASEAN Member States agreed to further consolidate and enhance the achievements of ASEAN as a dynamic, resilient, and cohesive regional association as well as the need to further strengthen the Association’s guidelines in achieving a more coherent and clearer path for cooperation between and among them. The ASEAN Community comprises three pillars, i.e., The ASEAN Security Community; The ASEAN Economic Community and The ASEAN Socio-cultural Community.
2382 Roadmap for an ASEAN Community 2009-2015 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2009 2000-2010 Multilateral Programme Multi-Sector All 11 The documents entails the following Blueprints and Declarations
2383 Masterplan on ASEAN Connectivity BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2010 nan Multilateral Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 ASEAN is committed to build a Community by 2015. To realise this goal, a community of enhanced connectivity is essential, because it will contribute towards a more competitive and resilient ASEAN, as it will bring peoples, goods, services and capital closer together. The ASEAN Community is composed of the ASEAN Political-Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. Connectivity in ASEAN refers to the physical, institutional and people-to-people linkages. The key elements of ASEAN Connectivity include
2384 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions CHINA 21 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 In accordance with relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, China presents its enhanced actions and measures on climate change as its nationally determined contributions towards achieving the objective set out in Article 2 of the Convention, which represent its utmost efforts in addressing climate change, and contributes its views on the 2015 agreement negotiations with a view to making the Paris Conference a great success. The country gives importance to addressing climate change since long, making it a significant national strategy for its social and economic development and promoting green and low-carbon development as important component of the ecological civilization process.
2385 ASEAN Services Integration Report BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 This Report provides an in-depth assessment of the role of services trade in ASEAN’s economic integration, analyzing the framework of ASEAN’s services policies and the impact of services integration in the region. Aside from identifying prevailing challenges and potential opportunities, the Report provides a useful reference on ASEAN’s progress and puts forward key recommendations to enhance regional trade in services. The Chapters the Report addresses are as follows
2386 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions Cook Islands COOK ISLANDS 100 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 The document defines Cook Island's commitment to measures against climate change. The Cook Island's Government defines its targets, adapation (including both unconditional and conditional measures) and mitigation measures. Cook Islands intended nationally determined contribution is defined as
2387 Five-year review of the Mauritius Strategy AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, FRENCH POLYNESIA, GUAM, MARSHALL ISLANDS, MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF), NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, PALAU, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAMOA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, TIMOR-LESTE, TONGA, TUVALU, VANUATU 100 2010 nan Multilateral Government Report Multi-Sector All 11 The objective of the present report is to provide a global synthesis of the national and regional review reports for the consideration of the General Assembly. The report takes into account material that has become available, in particular the final outcomes of the preparatory meetings, and national assessment reports, United Nations documents and newer data. The different sections address the following aspects
2388 ASEAN Community Vision 2025 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2015 after_2010 Multilateral Other Multi-Sector All 11 The ASEAN Community Vision 2025 was charted during the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when the Head of States and Government of the ASEAN Member States also established formally the ASEAN Community 2015. They reaffirmed their will to consolidate the ASEAN Community, building upon and deepening the integration process to realise a rules-based, people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community. Also, they underlined the complementarity of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with ASEAN community building efforts to uplift the standards of living of ASEAN peoples.
2389 ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2009 2000-2010 Multilateral Agreement Multi-Sector All 11 The objective of this Agreement is to create a free and open investment regime in ASEAN, so to achieve the end goal of economic integration under the AEC in accordance with the AEC Blueprint. This can be achieved through the following measures
2390 Fiji’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution FIJI 22 2016 after_2010 National Other Multi-Sector All 11 "After addressing the national circumstances, it provides for Fiji's INDCs, that are stated to be focussed on the energy sector. Finally, it describes ""Key challenges and Proposed Way Forward, Action and Time bound Indicators to achieve Fiji’s Emission Reduction Target"", Mitigation and Adaptation."
2391 ASEAN Plan of Action on Science Technology BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2007 2000-2010 Multilateral Plan/Strategy Multi-Sector All 11 ASEAN cooperation in Science and Technology (S&T) aims to achieve the following objectives
2393 ASEAN Energy Indicators (2002-2011) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, CAMBODIA, INDONESIA, LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, VIET NAM 100 2014 after_2010 Multilateral Government Report Energy All 11 This ASEAN Energy Indicators describes the past trends of total primary energy supply & final energy consumption and its associated energy intensity for the period of 2002-2011, which can be used for further in assessing energy efficiency trends and policies including future potential for energy savings. The Report covers the following topics
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