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Last active August 22, 2024 17:47
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
class CustomLayout extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget {
Key key,
List<Widget> children = const <Widget>[],
}) : super(key: key, children: children);
RenderCustomLayoutBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderCustomLayoutBox();
class RenderCustomLayoutBox extends RenderBox
with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, CustomLayoutParentData>,
RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<RenderBox, CustomLayoutParentData> {
List<RenderBox> children,
}) {
void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
if (child.parentData is! CustomLayoutParentData) {
child.parentData = CustomLayoutParentData();
double _getIntrinsicHeight(double childSize(RenderBox child)) {
double inflexibleSpace = 0.0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
if (child == lastChild)
inflexibleSpace += childSize(child);
final FlexParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
child = childParentData.nextSibling;
return inflexibleSpace;
double _getIntrinsicWidth(double childSize(RenderBox child)) {
double maxSpace = 0.0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
if (child == lastChild)
maxSpace = math.max(maxSpace, childSize(child));
final FlexParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
child = childParentData.nextSibling;
return maxSpace;
double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
return _getIntrinsicWidth((RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height));
double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
return _getIntrinsicWidth((RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height));
double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
return _getIntrinsicHeight((RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width));
double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
return _getIntrinsicHeight((RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width));
void performLayout() {
if (childCount == 0) {
size = constraints.biggest;
double width = constraints.maxWidth;
double height = 0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
if (child == lastChild)
final CustomLayoutParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
child.layout(BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width), parentUsesSize: true);
childParentData.offset = Offset(0, height);
final Size childSize = child.size;
width = math.max(width, childSize.width);
height += childSize.height;
child = childParentData.nextSibling;
size = Size(width, height);
lastChild.layout(BoxConstraints(maxWidth: width, maxHeight: height), parentUsesSize: true);
final CustomLayoutParentData childParentData = lastChild.parentData;
final double margin = 20;
final double x = size.width - lastChild.size.width - margin;
final double y = height - childParentData.previousSibling.size.height - lastChild.size.height / 2;
childParentData.offset = Offset(x, y);
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
defaultPaint(context, offset);
bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, { Offset position }) {
return defaultHitTestChildren(result, position: position);
class CustomLayoutParentData extends ContainerBoxParentData<RenderBox> {
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jxw1102 commented Jan 7, 2019

This custom layout will put all children in a column, except the last one. The last child's vertical center will be aligned to the top of its previous sibling.

screen shot 2019-01-08 at 00 54 33

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That's what I was looking for a long time! Thanks a lot for the example. I build a dynamic multi-column layout based on your example and it works just fine!

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oravecz commented Sep 14, 2020

Thanks for this pattern. Any advice for someone who would like to enforce the meaning of the children rather than depend on position and such? Think of your example, but I would like to pass the children in using properties like top, bottom, overlay. If I do this, is it important to call addAll([top, bottom, overlay]) or maintain a children list? I wouldn't necessarily use firstChild to return a RenderBox, but I don't know how to layout if I have a reference to the Widget, and not the RenderBox.

Or would you recommend, I pass in the widgets as children, and then interrogate the RenderBox during performLayout to determine which widget it represents?

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gmaggio commented Jan 13, 2024

Here's my update for a nullable version:

class CustomLayout extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const CustomLayout({
    super.children = const <Widget>[],

  RenderCustomLayoutBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
    return RenderCustomLayoutBox();

class RenderCustomLayoutBox extends RenderBox
        ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, CustomLayoutParentData>,
        RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<RenderBox, CustomLayoutParentData> {
    List<RenderBox>? children,
  }) {

  void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
    if (child.parentData is! CustomLayoutParentData) {
      child.parentData = CustomLayoutParentData();

  double _getIntrinsicHeight(double Function(RenderBox child) childSize) {
    double inflexibleSpace = 0.0;
    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    while (child != null) {
      if (child == lastChild) break;
      inflexibleSpace += childSize(child);
      final FlexParentData childParentData = child.parentData as FlexParentData;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;
    return inflexibleSpace;

  double _getIntrinsicWidth(double Function(RenderBox child) childSize) {
    double maxSpace = 0.0;
    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    while (child != null) {
      if (child == lastChild) break;
      maxSpace = math.max(maxSpace, childSize(child));
      final FlexParentData childParentData = child.parentData as FlexParentData;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;
    return maxSpace;

  double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
    return _getIntrinsicWidth(
      (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height),

  double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
    return _getIntrinsicWidth(
      (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height),

  double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
    return _getIntrinsicHeight(
      (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width),

  double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
    return _getIntrinsicHeight(
      (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width),

  void performLayout() {
    if (childCount == 0) {
      size = constraints.biggest;

    double width = constraints.maxWidth;
    double height = 0;

    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    while (child != null) {
      if (child == lastChild) break;

      final CustomLayoutParentData childParentData =
          child.parentData as CustomLayoutParentData;

      child.layout(BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width), parentUsesSize: true);
      childParentData.offset = Offset(0, height);

      final Size childSize = child.size;
      width = math.max(width, childSize.width);
      height += childSize.height;

      child = childParentData.nextSibling;

    size = Size(width, height);

      BoxConstraints(maxWidth: width, maxHeight: height),
      parentUsesSize: true,

    final CustomLayoutParentData? childParentData =
        lastChild?.parentData as CustomLayoutParentData?;

    const double margin = 20;

    final double x = size.width - (lastChild?.size.width ?? 0) - margin;
    final double y = height -
        (childParentData?.previousSibling?.size.height ?? 0) -
        (lastChild?.size.height ?? 0) / 2;
    childParentData?.offset = Offset(x, y);

  void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
    defaultPaint(context, offset);

  bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, {required Offset position}) {
    return defaultHitTestChildren(
      result as BoxHitTestResult,
      position: position,

class CustomLayoutParentData extends ContainerBoxParentData<RenderBox> {}

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