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Last active March 5, 2019 00:20
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Save jwf-zz/3086977 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sentiment analysis on an IMDB dataset using Vowpal Wabbit
# Requires vw (,
# the IMDB dataset (,
# and the perf utility from
cat aclImdb/train/labeledBow.feat | \
sed -n 's/^\([7-9]\|10\)\s/&/p' | \
sed -e "s/^\([7-9]\|10\)\s//" | \
awk '{ print "1 '"'"'pos_" (NR-1) " |features " $0}' > train.vw
cat aclImdb/train/labeledBow.feat | \
sed -n 's/^[1-4]\s/&/p' | \
sed -e "s/^[1-4]\s//" | \
awk '{ print "0 '"'"'neg_" (NR-1) " |features " $0}' >> train.vw
cat aclImdb/test/labeledBow.feat | \
sed -n 's/^\([7-9]\|10\)\s/&/p' | \
sed -e "s/^\([7-9]\|10\)\s//" | \
awk '{ print "1 '"'"'pos_" (NR-1) " |features " $0}' > test.vw
cat aclImdb/test/labeledBow.feat | \
sed -n 's/^[1-4]\s/&/p' | \
sed -e "s/^[1-4]\s//" | \
awk '{ print "0 '"'"'neg_" (NR-1) " |features " $0}' >> test.vw
ruby -e '"audit.vw","w") do |f| f.puts "|features #{(0..89525).to_a.collect {|x| "#{x}:1"}.join(" ")}" end'
rm .cache
shuf train.vw | vw --adaptive --power_t 0.2 -c -f model.dat --passes 200 --l1 5e-8 --l2 5e-8 --sort_features
cat test.vw | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > labels
cat test.vw | vw -t -i model.dat -p pred_out.tmp --quiet
cat audit.vw | vw -t -i model.dat -a --quiet > audit.log
cat pred_out.tmp | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > pred_out
rm pred_out.tmp
perf -files labels pred_out -easy
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