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Created July 1, 2015 16:21
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#lang racket/base
(require "remote.rkt")
; Everything up to this mark will be stripped and replaced
; for the embedded version.
; Data that will be pre-cached before the first frame is rendered.
; The uri macro defines the name and adds a cache command to the init command list.
; link-button
; Primary navigation tool.
(define (link-button title height target)
(define bounds-trans (mat4-compose (mat4-translate -0.5 -0.3 -0.5)
(mat4-scale/xyz 1.0 0.15 0.15)
(mat4-translate 0.0 height -2.0)
(define gaze-now (gaze-on-bounds bounds3-unit bounds-trans))
; Position the text
(cmd-text! title
(mat4-scale 2.0)
(mat4-translate 0.0 height -2.0))
(if gaze-now
(opt-parm 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0)
(opt-parm 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0)))
; if an input click just happened and we are gazing on it, change rooms
(if (and (pressed-action) gaze-now)
(display (format "Going to ~a\n" target))
(cmd-fade! -5.0) ; to black in 1.0/5.0 seconds
(cmd-sound! WAV-ACTIVATE)
(cmd-link! target))
; tic function
(define (tic)
(cmd-pano! "")
(link-button "Office Tour" 0.5 "nethmd://")
(link-button "Shader Test" 0.25 "nethmd://")
(link-button "Rotating Head" 0.0 "nethmd://")
(link-button "Text Test" -0.25 "nethmd://")
(link-button "Reversi Game" -0.5 "nethmd://")
(cmd-text! (format "phone ip: ~a" (init-parm "ip"))
(mat4-scale 2.0)
(mat4-translate 0.0 -0.75 -2.0)))
; This connects to the HMD over TCP when run from DrRacket, and is ignored when embedded.
; Replace the IP address with the value shown on the phone when NetHmd is run.
; The init function is optional, use #f if not defined.
(remote "" #f tic)
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