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Last active August 8, 2018 09:41
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Track email click from GF notification
The link in the GF notification would use form entry values as query vars like:
<a href="{entry_id}"> Click here to RSVP</a>
The full GF notification url the user clicks looks like:
Function to make shortcode to insert on GF
verification page. Checks for query string "rsvp=1",
and if that's set, use the entry id to know which
entry's hidden rsvp field to update.
Usage of shortcode: [gravity_verify_rsvp]
function shortcode_gf_verify_rsvp( $atts = array() ) {
* Check if verification param is in the url
if( isset( $_GET[ 'rsvp' ] ) && $_GET[ 'rsvp' ] == 1 ) {
$entry_id = $_GET[ 'eid' ];
$input_id = 3; // hidden field id for rsvp
$value = 'yes'; // default is no - change to yes to rsvp
// Attempt to update hidden verification field
$verified = GFAPI::update_entry_field( $entry_id, $input_id, $value );
// If successful...
if( $verified ) {
return "Thanks for your RSVP!";
add_shortcode( 'gravity_verify_rsvp', 'shortcode_gf_verify_rsvp' );
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