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Last active September 16, 2024 02:29
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x64 NASM Cheat Sheet

x64 NASM cheat sheet


64 bit 32 bit 16 bit 8 bit
A (accumulator) RAX EAX AX AL
B (base, addressing) RBX EBX BX BL
C (counter, iterations) RCX ECX CX CL
D (data) RDX EDX DX DL
Numbered (n=8..15) Rn RnD RnW RnB
Stack pointer RSP ESP SP SPL
Frame pointer RBP EBP BP BPL

As well as XMM0 .. XMM15 for 128 bit floating point numbers.

Calling C

Put function arguments (first to last) in the following registers (64 bit representations): RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9, then push to stack (in reverse, has to be cleaned up by the caller!) XMM0 - XMM7 for floats

Return values are stored in RAX (int) or XMM0 (float)

RBP, RBX, R12, R13, R14, R15 will not be changed by the called function, all others may be

Align stack pointer (RSP) to 16 byte, calling pushes 8 bytes!

Keep in mind that strings (in C) are 0-terminated

Like in a normal C program, the label that is (de facto) called first is main, with the args argc (argcount) in RDI, and the char** argv in RSI (the commandline arguments as in C's main function).


Definition size Definition instruction
8 bit db
16 bit dw
32 bit dd
64 bit ddq/do
float dd
double dq
extended precision dt


cmp op1, op2 -> mimics sub op1, op2 but only changes the zero and carry flag for comparing.


  • j~ x -> jump to x if ~
  • cmov~ x, y -> conditional mov x, y if ~
  • setc~ x -> set x to 1 if ~, x is 8 bit reg

Many suffixes, including:

  • a (above, >)
  • ae (above or equal, >=)
  • b (below, <)
  • be (below or equal, <=)
  • e (equal, =)
  • ne (not equal, !=)

Program structure

  • global <entry> -> exposes entry point
  • extern <function> -> declares a function in another linked .o file (e.g. C function, other asm file)
  • section <sectiontype> -> sets section, usually:
    • .text -> program code
    • .data -> data

The program entry point of a standalone program is the label _start. When compiled with gcc, C provides _start, which inits and then jumps to main, which should then be implemented by the program.


  • put syscall number in EAX (e.g. on Linux: 60 for exit, 1 for write to stdout)
  • put arguments in the registers (see above) like when calling a C function
  • execute the syscall instruction


  • Assemble: nasm -felf64 -o <object> <filename>
  • Link with ld: ld -o <output> <object>
  • Link with gcc: gcc -o <output> <object>


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The 8-bit Registers Are Like:

Register Purpose 16 bit 8 bit
A (accumulator) AX AL (lower) AH (higher)
B (base, addressing) BX BL (lower) DH (higher)
C (counter, iterations) CX CL (lower) CH (higher)
D (data) DX DL (lower) DH (higher)

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