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justin2004 /
Created September 10, 2024 16:56
TDB2 parallel loader example
# first download
# then unzip it
% mkdir /tmp/db1
% ls ~/Downloads/labels.ttl
% ~/Downloads/apache-jena-5.1.0/bin/tdb2.tdbloader --loader=parallel --loc /tmp/db1 ~/Downloads/labels.ttl
11:52:38 INFO loader :: Loader = LoaderParallel
11:52:38 INFO loader :: Start: /Users/justin/Downloads/labels.ttl
11:52:38 INFO loader :: Finished: /Users/justin/Downloads/labels.ttl: 5 tuples in 0.11s (Avg: 46)
justin2004 / a.txt
Created May 26, 2024 15:59
Q vs. APL
0 1 1 0 0
justin2004 /
Created January 19, 2024 03:21
`sort -n` in APL
# `sort -n` will treat as many leading characters as digits as it can and it will do a numeric sort with whatever it was
# able to treat as a number
# e.g.
$ echo -e '123 file.txt\n65 exit.c\n465 words.rtf'
123 file.txt
65 exit.c
465 words.rtf
$ echo -e '123 file.txt\n65 exit.c\n465 words.rtf' | sort -n
justin2004 /
Last active February 1, 2024 19:55
Dyalog APL/S-64 Version 18.2.45405 -- dyalogscript reading inconsistently from /dev/stdin
# let's read from /dev/stdin
$ cat some.apl
⍝⎕←⍴⊃⎕NGET 'zeros.txt'
⎕←⍴⊃⎕NGET '/dev/stdin'
$ dd if=/dev/zero count=1 bs=100000 | dyalogscript <(cat some.apl)
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
100000 bytes (100 kB, 98 KiB) copied, 0.0149497 s, 6.7 MB/s
justin2004 / example.txt
Last active November 2, 2023 02:16
github issues as RDF
first run SPARQL Anything ( as a
service then you can invoke a SPARQL query as demonstrated below.
you can also run SPARQL Anything not as a service but 1 query at a time
e.g. `java -jar sparql-anything.jar --query some.rq`
curl --silent 'http://localhost:3000/sparql.anything' \
--header "Accept: text/csv" \
justin2004 /
Last active October 26, 2023 21:36
Using APL in shell
# I needed to find the length of the longest filename
$ ls -1 *ttl
justin2004 /
Last active September 8, 2023 17:26
Using SPARQL Anything with parquet files

this approach relies on the fx:command property to transform the parquet file into csv

justin@X~/github/sparql.anything$ bash -c "python3 -c \"import pandas as pd ; pd.read_parquet(\\\"some.parquet\\\").to_csv(\\\"/dev/stdout\\\")\""

then running the query below like this:

justin2004 / some.sparql
Created August 1, 2023 20:45
adding a duration to a time instant with SPARQL
e.g. 1 hour
bind(?start + xsd:dayTimeDuration("PT1H") as ?end)
justin2004 / a.txt
Created July 20, 2023 18:40
fuseki union graph by default
if you want to make the default graph the union graph (of all named graphs) you have to update the config file
for the jena dataset like this:
<#dataset> rdf:type tdb:DatasetTDB ;
tdb:location "DB" ;
tdb:unionDefaultGraph true ;
justin2004 / shell_session_with_apache_jena.txt
Last active April 26, 2023 16:52
Stardog -- remote jsonld context bug?
justin@parens:/tmp$ cat a.json
{ "@context":"",
"title": "the world according to garp",
"writer":"john irving",
"ical:date": "some date here",
justin@parens:/tmp$ curl ''