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Result<T> class implementation
* The result of some method call provides the caller with a requested [value] if the call is successful or an [exception] if failed.
* Replaces the usual approach to throw an exception or return the null in case of an execution failure.
* Note: [Result.exception] of the successful [Result] is always `null`.
class Result<T> {
private var result: Any? = null
private var success = true
/** Creates a successful [Result] with [value]. Note: to create a [Result] with the [value] of [Throwable] the [Result.Success] fun can be used. */
constructor (value: T) {
result = value
/** Creates a failed [Result] with [exception]. */
constructor (exception: Throwable) {
result = exception
success = false
/** Indicates the successful result. */
val isSuccess: Boolean get() = success
/** Indicates the failed result. */
val isFailure: Boolean get() = !success
/** A value of a successful call or null otherwise.
* Note: if the type [T] is nullable a successful value can still be null. */
val value: T? get() = if (success) result as T else null
/** Returns [value] in case of a success, otherwise throws [exception].*/
val valueOrThrow: T get() = if (success) result as T else throw result as Throwable
/** Returns [value] in case of a success, otherwise throws [ClassCastException]. Can be used only if [isSuccess] is true. */
val unsafeValue: T get() = result as T
/** exception of a failed call or null otherwise. */
val exception: Throwable? get() = if (success) null else result as Throwable
/** Returns [exception] in case of a failure, otherwise throws [ClassCastException]. Can be used only if [isFailure] is true. */
val unsafeException: Throwable get() = result as Throwable
/** Returns [value] in case of a success, otherwise [altValue].*/
fun valueOr(altValue: T): T = if (success) result as T else altValue
/** Returns [value]. Serves destructuring purpose. */
operator fun component1(): T? = if (success) result as T else null
/** Returns [exception]. Serves destructuring purpose. */
operator fun component2(): Throwable? = if (success) null else result as Throwable
override fun toString(): String = "Result($result)"
override fun hashCode(): Int = result?.hashCode() ?: 0
override fun equals(other: Any?) = this === other || (other is Result<*> && other.result == result)
/** Companion object provides [Result] utilities.*/
companion object {
private var unit: Result<Unit>? = null
/** Constant shorthand for Result(Unit) object. */
val ofUnit: Result<Unit> get() = unit ?: Result(Unit).apply { unit = this }
/** Handles errors occurred during a [Result] { ... } function execution. For debugging purposes.*/
var errorHandler: ((Throwable) -> Unit)? = null
/** Creates a successful [Result] with [value]. Same as calling the constructor with non-[Throwable]. */
fun <T: Any> Success(value: T): Result<T> = Result(value)
/** Creates a failed [Result] with [exception]. Same as calling the constructor with [Throwable]. */
fun <T> Failure(exception: Throwable): Result<T> = Result(exception)
/* Extensions */
/** Returns [value] in case of a success, otherwise a result of the [code] call.*/
inline fun <T> Result<T>.valueOr(code: (Throwable) -> T): T = if (isSuccess) unsafeValue else code(unsafeException)
/** Executes [code] in case of a success with [value] as the argument. Returns this. */
inline fun <T> Result<T>.onSuccess(code: (T) -> Unit): Result<T> {
if (isSuccess) code(unsafeValue)
return this
/** If this is a success, returns the successful [Result] of the [code] execution. Returns this otherwise. */
inline fun <T, R> Result<T>.mapSuccess(code: (T) -> R): Result<R> {
return if (isSuccess) try {
} catch (x: Throwable) {
else this as Result<R>
/** In case of success, returns result of [code] execution. Returns this otherwise. */
inline fun <T, R> Result<T>.flatMapSuccess(code: (T) -> Result<R>): Result<R> {
return if (isSuccess) code(unsafeValue) else this as Result<R>
/** Executes [code] in case of a failure with [exception] as the argument. Returns this. */
inline fun <T> Result<T>.onFailure(code: (Throwable) -> Unit): Result<T> {
if (isFailure) code(unsafeException)
return this
/** Executes [code] in case of a failure if [Exception] is [F]. Returns this. */
inline fun <T, reified F: Throwable> Result<T>.onFailureOf(code: (F) -> Unit): Result<T> {
if (isFailure) unsafeException.let { if (it is F) code(it) }
return this
/** Executes [code] in case of a failure if [Exception] is not [F]. Returns this. */
inline fun <T, reified F: Throwable> Result<T>.onFailureOfNot(code: (Throwable) -> Unit): Result<T> {
if (isFailure) unsafeException.let { if (it !is F) code(it as Throwable) }
return this
/** Wraps [exception] into the [Throwable] returned by [code] as its cause. */
inline fun <T> Result<T>.wrapFailure(code: (Throwable) -> Throwable): Result<T> {
return if (isSuccess) this else (unsafeException).let { x ->
Result<T>(code(x).also { if (it.cause == null) it.initCause(x) })
/** If this is a failure, returns the successful [Result] of the [code] execution. Returns this otherwise. */
inline fun <T> Result<T>.mapFailure(code: (Throwable) -> T): Result<T> {
return if (isSuccess) this else try {
} catch (x: Throwable) {
/** If this is a failure, returns the successful [Result] of the [code] execution. Returns this otherwise. */
inline fun <T, reified F: Throwable> Result<T>.mapFailureOf(code: (F) -> T): Result<T> {
return if (isSuccess) this else unsafeException.let {
if (it is F) Result(code(it)) else this
/** If this is a failure, returns the successful [Result] of the [code] execution. Returns this otherwise. */
inline fun <T, reified F: Throwable> Result<T>.mapFailureOfNot(code: (Throwable) -> T): Result<T> {
return if (isSuccess) this else unsafeException.let {
if (it !is F) Result(code(it as Throwable)) else this
/** In case of failure, returns result of [code] execution. Returns this otherwise. */
inline fun <T> Result<T>.flatMapFailure(code: (Throwable) -> Result<T>): Result<T> {
if (isFailure) return code(unsafeException)
return this
/** Executes [code] in a try/catch block and returns a failed [Result] if an [Result.exception] was thrown, otherwise returns successful [Result] with [Result.value] assigned. An error can be handled with [errorHandler]. */
inline fun <T> Result(code: () -> T): Result<T> = try {
} catch (x: Throwable) {
/** Flattens nested [Result]. */
fun <T> Result<Result<T>>.flatten(): Result<T> = value ?: this as Result<T>
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elect86 commented Aug 10, 2018

Name .kt, it shall highlight it

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