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Created December 15, 2016 11:21
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CVReturn as Swift.Error
// CVError.swift
// Created by Jun Tanaka on 2016/12/13.
// Copyright © 2016 Jun Tanaka. All rights reserved.
import CoreVideo
public enum CVError: Int32, Error {
// Common
case error = -6660
case invalidArgument = -6661
case allocationFailed = -6662
case unsupported = -6663
// CVDisplayLink
case invalidDisplay = -6670
case displayLinkAlreadyRunning = -6671
case displayLinkNotRunning = -6672
case displayLinkCallbacksNotSet = -6673
// CVPixelBuffer
case invalidPixelFormat = -6680
case invalidSize = -6681
case invalidPixelBufferAttributes = -6682
case pixelBufferNotOpenGLCompatible = -6683
case pixelBufferNotMetalCompatible = -6684
// CVPixelBufferPool
case wouldExceedAllocationThreshold = -6689
case poolAllocationFailed = -6690
case invalidPoolAttributes = -6691
case retry = -6692
extension CVError {
public init(code: CVReturn) {
if let error = CVError(rawValue: code) {
self = error
} else if code == kCVReturnSuccess {
fatalError("Passed kCVReturnSuccess to CVError(code:).")
} else {
fatalError("Passed unknown CVReturn value to CVError(code:).")
public var code: CVReturn {
return rawValue
extension CVError: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .error:
return "An otherwise undefined error occurred."
case .invalidArgument:
return "Invalid function parameter. For example, out of range or the wrong type."
case .allocationFailed:
return "Memory allocation for a buffer or buffer pool failed."
case .unsupported:
return "Unsupported."
case .invalidDisplay:
return "The display specified when creating a display link is invalid."
case .displayLinkAlreadyRunning:
return "The specified display link is already running."
case .displayLinkNotRunning:
return "The specified display link is not running."
case .displayLinkCallbacksNotSet:
return "No callback registered for the specified display link. You must set either the output callback or both the render and display callbacks."
case .invalidPixelFormat:
return "The buffer does not support the specified pixel format."
case .invalidSize:
return "The buffer cannot support the requested buffer size (usually too big)."
case .invalidPixelBufferAttributes:
return "A buffer cannot be created with the specified attributes."
case .pixelBufferNotOpenGLCompatible:
return "The pixel buffer is not compatible with OpenGL due to an unsupported buffer size, pixel format, or attribute."
case .pixelBufferNotMetalCompatible:
return "The pixel buffer is not compatible with Metal due to an unsupported buffer size, pixel format, or attribute."
case .wouldExceedAllocationThreshold:
return "Allocation for a pixel buffer failed because the threshold value set for the `kCVPixelBufferPoolAllocationThresholdKey` key in the `CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBufferWithAuxAttributes` function would be surpassed."
case .poolAllocationFailed:
return "Allocation for a buffer pool failed, most likely due to a lack of resources. Check to make sure your parameters are in range."
case .invalidPoolAttributes:
return "A buffer pool cannot be created with the specified attributes."
case .retry:
return "A scan hasn't completely traversed the CVBufferPool due to a concurrent operation."
extension CVError: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return "CVError(code: \(code), description: \"\(description)\")"
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