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Created January 28, 2023 01:49
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Trait to match suffix of types that impl AsRef<str>
mod util {
impl<T> MatchSuffix for T where T: AsRef<str> {}
/// Trait for checking if self matches a specific suffix,
pub trait MatchSuffix
Self: AsRef<str>,
/// Returns true if `pat` is a suffix of self.as_ref::<str>() (.as_ref() implies this type in the rest of this doc),
/// Caveat: If the length of `pat` is less than .as_ref() this method returns false.
/// # Wildcard Syntax
/// The syntax for `pat` allows for wildcards, i.e. `.value.*`. A wildcard matches any non-whitespace character.
/// For example, if self.as_ref() returned "debug.value.test_value", and pat was `.value.*`, this would be considered a match.
/// Alternatively, if pat was `de*value.*` this would be considered a match.
/// Finally, if pat was `prod.value.*`, then it would not be considered a match.
/// A leading `*` is not required as this function is checking for a suffix match, howvever it is still supported.
/// To check for `*` in a pat, use `\*` to escape the wildcard symbol.
/// You can also check for length with wildcards. For example if pat is `*****`, and self.as_ref() is `abc` this would not be considered a match.
/// If self.as_ref() was instead `abcde` this would be considered a match. Be careful if using a leading * in this scenario because, in the context of this function a leading * implies that content is expected.
fn match_suffix(&self, pat: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
let content = self.as_ref();
if content.len() < pat.as_ref().len() {
return false;
let mut previous = 0;
let mut is_match = false;
let pat = pat.as_ref().replace(r#"\*"#, r#"()"#);
let content = content.replace("*", "()");
for part in pat.split("*") {
if let Some(pos) = content.find(part) {
if part.is_empty() {
is_match = content[previous..].len() + previous == content.len();
} else {
is_match = pos > previous;
previous = pos;
} else {
return false;
if !is_match {
return false;
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